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08-19 投稿


brimmed 发音

英:[br?md]  美:[br?md]

英:  美:

brimmed 中文意思翻译



brimmed 常用词组

to the brim ─── 充满,满到边缘上

brim with ─── 洋溢着;充满着

brimmed 词性/词形变化,brimmed变形

过去式:brimmed 原型:brim

brimmed 短语词组

1、brimmed hat ─── 帽檐

2、broad-brimmed hat ─── 宽边帽

3、brimmed hats ─── 帽檐 ─── 帽子

4、brimmed definition ─── 边缘定义

5、brimmed cap ─── 帽檐 ─── 帽

6、broad-brimmed ─── 宽边的

7、brimmed stocking cap ─── 帽檐袜 ─── 帽

8、broad-brimmed cap ─── 宽边帽

9、broad-brimmed soft hats ─── 宽边软帽

10、brimmed hat crochet pattern ─── 帽檐钩针图案

11、brimmed crochet hat patterns ─── 帽檐钩针 ─── 帽图案

brimmed 相似词语短语

1、rimmed ─── adj.有框的;有边缘的;v.给…镶边;沿…边缘滚动;形成边缘(rim的过去分词)

2、betrimmed ─── betrimmed公司

3、-brimmed ─── adj.满到边际的

4、-rimmed ─── adj.有框的;有边缘的;v.给…镶边;沿…边缘滚动;形成边缘(rim的过去分词)

5、brimmer ─── n.满杯;满溢的杯

6、-trimmed ─── adj.(衣服或其他布制品)有装饰的;镶边的;修整过的;v.修剪;减少;减肥;(尤指用有明显差异的材料)修饰;调整(船帆)利用风力(trim的过去式和过去分词)

7、primmed ─── adj.拘谨的;整洁的;呆板的;vt.使显得一本正经;把…打扮得整整齐齐;vi.显得一本正经;n.(Prim)人名;(法、德、匈、捷、瑞典、西、葡)普里姆

8、bedimmed ─── 模糊的

9、trimmed ─── adj.(衣服或其他布制品)有装饰的;镶边的;修整过的;v.修剪;减少;减肥;(尤指用有明显差异的材料)修饰;调整(船帆)利用风力(trim的过去式和过去分词)

brimmed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、With a dim triumph , she trims the swimming-suit rim at the swimming-pool brim. ─── 她带着暗淡的喜悦在泳池边整理泳装的边缘.

2、The desk lamp that wants compose of a brim to have ablaze a string of beads only can rise neutralize effect very well. ─── 只要一个边缘缀有闪亮串珠的台灯就能起到很好的中和作用。

3、For a brief period not long ago, Agadez's stasis was interrupted by an influx of adventure tourism, and Agadez brimmed with new jobs. ─── 不久前一个短暂的时期,阿加德兹的瘀被打断探险旅游潮,阿加德兹与新的工作岗位宽边。

4、Jesus said to the servants, 'Fill the jars with water,' and they filled them to the brim. ─── 7耶稣对用人说:把缸倒满了水。他们就倒满了,直到缸口。

5、English: Better spare at brim than at bottom. ─── 中文:宁愿缸满时节约,不愿见底时俭省。

6、At the Yule Ball of 1994, she wore dress robes of red tartan and arranged a rather ugly wreath of thistles around the brim of her hat. ─── 1994年的圣诞舞会上,她穿着红色格子呢的长袍还在帽檐上装饰了一圈很难看的蓟草花环。

7、Single flower, wood, hill, water, bridge, corridor, brim, or just a single window will bring you exquisite taste and the royal glory. ─── 一花一木,一山一水,一桥一廊,一飞檐,一明窗,处处精雕细琢,处处波光水色,处处彰显居者高雅的品味与非凡的身份。

8、The kitchen sink was full nearly to the brim with filthy greenish water which smelt worse than ever of cabbage. ─── 厨房的水池满是脏兮兮的绿水,几乎漾到了池外,那味道比白菜还难闻。

9、The wide brim of his hat shadowed his face. ─── 他的大帽檐的影子映在他的脸上。

10、With a dim triumph, she trims the swimming-suit rim at the swimming-pool brim. ─── 她带着暗淡的喜悦在泳池边整理泳装的边缘。

11、Info:Leather fashion hat Buffalo nickel Concho band and a wire reinforced brim that allows you to choose ...... ─── 主要材质:棉次要材质:其它适用对象:男款式:牛仔帽

12、You can wear the hat with the brim turned up or down. ─── 你能把帽缘翻上或翻下的载这顶帽子。

13、The gipsy produced three tin cups, and filled them to the brim with brandy. ─── 吉卜赛人取出三只锡杯,斟满了白兰地。

14、If be not bitten, glossal brim has lump purple, the body that shows you is put in Yu blood. ─── 假如不是咬的,舌边缘有块状紫色,表示你的身体存在瘀血。

15、Your refined heart is brimmed with many brilliant colors and pure poems as well as many sweet joys and sincere blessings. ─── 你优美的心灵充满了五彩缤纷的色彩和纯情的诗歌以及许多美好的喜悦和真诚的祝福。

16、The milliner swirled tulle lavishly above the brim of the hat. ─── 卖帽子的商人将面纱过多地卷在帽沿上。

17、She is a city brimmed with social concern;people here take pleasure in helping others. ─── 她更是一座关爱城市,助人为乐是那里的民风。

18、He brimmed all the cups with wine . ─── 他斟满了所有的酒杯。

19、"Brim" and "crown" are meronyms of "hat". ─── “brim”(帽沿)和“crown”(帽顶)是“hat”(帽子)的部分词。

20、Throughout the festival, people everywhere brimmed with hospitality and joy. ─── 在整个节日过程中,各处的人们都洋溢着热情并充满了喜悦。

21、The days between our arrival and Christmas Eve brimmed with a flurry of last-minute activities. ─── 一到目的地,一个接一个的岁末活动,纷至沓来,一直忙到圣诞节前夜。

22、He just stares at me from under his wide- brimmed hat with just a hint of a smile. ─── 他只是戴着他的宽边帽凝视着我,目光中带着一丝微笑。

23、Kelly's profile of the senator brimmed with booze, blondes and boorish fumbles on restaurant floors. ─── 凯利对于我们这位参议员的描述充斥着酒精,金发女郎以及他在餐馆里醉酒后粗鲁的胡抓乱摸。

24、He drank at the fountain's brim. ─── 他醉在喷泉边。

25、He filled the bowl to the brim with rice. ─── 他盛了满满一碗米饭。

26、He filled the cup all the way to the brim. ─── 他满满倒了一杯。

27、She brim the cup with tea and offer it to me. ─── 她倒满一杯茶给我喝。

28、Tyrion craned his head to one side, and saw a boy standing on the roof of a low wooden building, waving a wide-brimmed straw hat. ─── 提利昂把头伸向一边,看到一个站在低矮木屋顶上戴着宽边草帽的男孩。

29、Throughout the festival, people everywhere brimmed with pitality and joy. ─── 在整个节日过程中,各处的人们都洋溢着热情并充满了喜悦。

30、She had a large broad-brimmed hat on, painted with the most splendid flowers. ─── 她戴着一顶很大的宽边帽,帽子上绘着许多美丽的花朵。

31、Candy: You crack me up. You have 3 closets filled to the brim with clothes. ─── 坎蒂:你笑死我了,你已经有三个装满衣服的衣柜。

32、Ever since,people have called the pond Yasha-ga-Ike. It has always been filled with water to brim,never failing to give enough water to villagers. ─── 后来村民们就把这个池塘叫“夜叉之池”。这个池塘终年满溢着池水,一直提供给村民们足够的水来生活和耕作。

33、On the brim of prosperous Shanghai, there is an ancient town of Zhujiajiao beseting in lakes and mountains. ─── 在上海这个洋气十足的繁华都市边缘,有一个镶嵌在湖光山色之中的千年古镇朱家角。

34、She was filled to the brim with girlish glee. ─── 她充满了少女的喜悦。

35、Then he grabbed a pitcher of water and began to pour it in until the jar was filled to the brim. ─── 于是,他拿起一罐水,开始把它往瓶子里倒,直到水漫到瓶子的边缘为止。

36、A usually soft and close - fitting head covering,either having no brim or with a visor. ─── 便帽一种通常是柔软的和紧缩的头部遮盖物,无帽檐或有帽舌

37、The nap of his hat was ruffled, a patch being quite worn away at its brim where his thumb came in taking it off. ─── 他头上那顶帽子的绒头,都篷松凌乱,帽沿上摘帽子的时候大姆指接触的那个地方,还磨掉了一块。

38、They often chose brimmed hats and shoes with rubber soles to go with them. ─── 女性采用棉布做衣服,年轻姑娘们则爱上了背带工装裤,前檐工作帽和胶底布鞋。

39、Summer brimmed over the sky, and sunshine reached out her arms everywhere to the top of her bent. ─── 那些天空里匆忙盛开的夏天,阳光有了最繁盛的拔节。

40、Just as we pour a cup of tea,the actua process is most of the time ignored,what we really pay attention to is if it overflows the brim. ─── 但它以某种评价的标准的确存在着,就像我们在向装水的容器中注水的时候一样,水倒入的多少也许已不是很在意,是否继续注入的标准取决于容器的边沿。

41、Sit in mattess brim to chat, have a thing, watch TV or talk on the phone congee, it is the habit of many people. ─── 坐在床垫边缘聊天、吃东西、看电视或煲电话粥,是不少人的习惯。

42、"A primrose by a river's brim, a yellow primrose was to him, and it was nothing more. ─── “河床边那株报春花,对他而言就是一株淡黄的报春花,不可能是其他东西。”)

43、Filled is exactly the word,certainly the Bishop's day was quite full to the brim, of good words and good deeds. ─── “充满”这两个字是恰当的,并且主教过的这种日子又一定洋溢着善良的思想、善良的言语和善良的行为,直到完善的境界。

44、Nevertheless, the brim part of design is not very ideal. ─── 不外,图案的边缘部门不是很完美。

45、You brim our cup with kindness here. ─── 你对我们真是热情到了极点。

46、Mucous membrane of its brim ministry constant tuberculous shape irregular grain. ─── 其边缘部粘膜常有结节状不整齐的颗粒。

47、A hat having the brim turned up on three sides. ─── 三角帽一种帽沿的三边都朝上翻起的帽子

48、Jesus said to them, Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them up to the brim. ─── 7耶稣对仆人说,把缸倒满了水。他们就倒满了,直到缸口。

49、He turned down the brim of his straw hat to keep the sun out if his eyes. ─── 他把草帽边翻下来,使阳光照不到眼睛。

50、He brimmed a cup with wine. ─── 他斟满一杯酒。

51、Unifoliate each other is unripe, form of upside leaf egg, form of bottom leaf spoon, the brim has thick toothed. ─── 单叶互生,上部叶卵形,下部叶匙形,边缘有粗锯齿。

52、With an effort he held back the tears that brimmed to his eyes. ─── 努力忍住了滚到眼眶边的眼泪。

53、He pulled the brim of his hat down. ─── 他把帽檐儿往下一抹。

54、His speech brimmed with confidence. ─── 他的话充满自信。

55、Her eyes brimmed with tears . ─── 她泪眼盈盈。

56、The flange cut that consequently its sub implements very easily in clean is in (namely the brim) observe. ─── 因而它的胶层很轻易在洁具的翻边切割处(即边缘)观察到。

57、Her eyes brimmed over with sympathetic tears. ─── 她的眼睛里充满了同情的泪水。

58、This article analyzed the loss mechanism of the brim seal of floating-roof tank, and introduced the structure characteristics of second sealing. ─── 分析了外浮顶罐边缘密封损耗机理,介绍了二次密封的结构特点,通过二次密封与挡雨板对比,说明二次密封的经济效益和安全效益。

59、The kitchen sink was full nearly to the brim with filthy greenish water. ─── 厨房里的水池几乎满得溢了出来,尽是发绿的脏水。

60、He habitually wore a hat with a wide brim, and a long coat of coarse cloth, buttoned to the chin. ─── 他经常戴一顶宽边帽,穿一身粗呢长礼服,一直扣到颔下。

61、Save early and avoid want later; Better spare at Brim than at bottom. ─── 及早节省免得以后受穷。

62、Wearing sunglasses and a hat with a brim to block ultraviolet sunlight may help to delay cataract. ─── 出门时配戴太阳眼镜和有边的帽子阻挡紫外线,都能帮助延缓罹患白内障。

63、Her hat was an amazing affair with feathers and a huge brim. ─── 她的帽子嵌着羽毛,帽檐很宽,真是件奇物。

64、The tubercle of the cancer of scale form cell that differentiates with its is not smooth, and nodal brim submits translucent form. ─── 与其相鉴别的鳞形细胞癌的结节是不光滑的,且结节边缘呈半透明状。

65、He filled the glass to the brim. ─── 他将杯子斟得满满的。

66、Her eyes brimmed over with tear. ─── 她泪盈满眶。

67、And they filled them up to the brim. ─── 他们就倒满了,直到缸口。

68、We brim over with sympathy after she told us her sad story. ─── 她告诉我们她的悲苦身世后,我们对她深表同情。

69、His eyes brimmed with tears, the master from the south hides in the dark corner, waiting for the innermost redemption. ─── 来自江南的主人躲在暗角,两眼噙泪。他在等待着内心的救赎。

70、"Hat" is a holonym for "brim" and "crown". ─── “hat”(帽子)是“brim”(帽沿)和“crown”(帽顶)的整体词。

71、Brim design generally exists in its certain way and keeps changing all the time. ─── "边沿"大多是以一种变化中的状态存在的,往往它为我们所忽略;

72、Blade submits heart form, the brim has a notch or toothed. ─── 叶片呈心脏形,边缘有缺刻或锯齿。

73、Lava issuing from the brim of the crater. ─── 从火山口流出的熔岩

74、"Admiral." Forsythe touched his cap's braided brim, and moved past, into the companionway, headed for the bridge. Time to take command. ─── “上将”,福尔塞提举手碰了碰帽檐。他从瑞克身边穿过,登上了升降机,向舰桥方向走去。现在是他接管指挥位置的时候了。

75、His eyes brimmed with tears. ─── 他热泪盈眶。

76、The brim of his hat hid his eyes. ─── 他的帽沿遮住了他的眼睛。

77、He filled the cup to the brim. ─── 他倒了满满一杯。

78、He towered over them in a velvet-collared coat, his big-brimmed soft gray hat pulled low on his head and flapping in the icy wind. ─── 他的个子高出他们许多,穿了一件天鹅绒领子的大衣,头上那顶灰色的宽沿软帽拉得很低,被凛冽的寒风吹得呼扇着。

79、Your eyes widen and brim with tears. ─── 你睁大了眼睛,眼眶中充满了泪水。

80、In this way,brim design could be regarded as another distinctive evaluation criterion. ─── 以"边沿"为题,亦是对一些设计作品的另类评价。

81、Her eyes brimmed with tears. ─── 她热泪盈眶。

82、Walking, Huasun packed full to the brim on the home, there are many people standing outside, watching the judges to enforce. ─── 不一会,孙先生的家里就挤得满满当当,还有不少人站在门口,观看法官强制执行。

83、Brim over with sympathy after she told us her sad story. ─── 她告诉我们她的悲苦身世后,我们对她深表同情。

84、Her eyes brimmed with tears. ─── 她热泪盈眶。

85、She laughed unwillingly, and the laughing reflection under the green brim decided her instantly. ─── "她勉强笑笑,可是一起见镜子里那绿帽檐底下的笑影便立即下决心了。

86、He brimmed a glass of beer and offered it to me. ─── 他斟满了一杯啤酒给我喝。

87、The Corniche hits a bump and the pain seems to bump out over my eyes like the shadow from the brim of a cap. ─── 他用指尖碰了碰我的伤口。凯迪拉克把我打了一个大肿包,疼的要死。

88、A wide-brimmed hat shadowed her face. ─── 一顶宽边帽把她的脸罩在阴影中。

89、They discover this brim part is coarser than other part. ─── 他们发现该边缘部门比其他部门更毛糙。

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