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08-19 投稿


affably 发音

英:[??f?bli]  美:[??f?bli]

英:  美:

affably 中文意思翻译



affably 词性/词形变化,affably变形

名词: affability |副词: affably |

affably 相似词语短语

1、amiably ─── adv.亲切地;和蔼可亲地

2、quaffable ─── (酒)可饮用的

3、affability ─── n.亲切;和蔼;殷勤

4、ineffably ─── adv.难以言喻地;因神圣而不容称呼地

5、effable ─── adj.可表达的

6、affordably ─── 不太昂贵地;可负担地

7、amenably ─── adv.服从地;顺从地

8、affable ─── adj.和蔼可亲的;友善的

9、adorably ─── adv.美妙地;可崇敬地;可爱地

affably 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"I knew you were a druggist, " said my fellow traveller affably. ─── “我知道你是一个药剂师,”我的旅行伙伴友好地说。

2、He replied affably, "And you, my friend, how do you know I am not a fish? You are not I". ─── 他和蔼地回应道“那么,你怎么知道我不是鱼呢?你又不是我。”(庄子:子非我,安知我不知鱼之乐?)注意:此处大师的回应与庄子不同

3、Affably, with friendly condescension , Gilby told me, what I knew myself, that Roger had had a distinguished record in the last year. ─── 吉尔贝和蔼可亲地,怀着友好的宽容心情,对我说道,罗杰有过出色的纪录,其实这是我已经知道的。

4、‘There, there,’ said Toad, graciously and affably, ‘never mind; think no more about it. I have several aunts who OUGHT to be washerwomen.’ ─── “好啦。好啦,”蟾蜍温文和蔼地说,“这没关系,别去想它啦。我也有好几位姑母,本来都要做洗衣妇的。”

5、Carrie took the instructions affably. ─── 嘉莉心平气和地接受了他的教诲。

6、And may help the flesh to increase the resistivity, reduces the skin sensibility phenomenon affably, the repair and maintenance cell, causes the flesh to be healthier. ─── 并可帮助肌肤增加抵抗力,舒缓降低皮肤过敏现象,修护细胞,使肌肤更健康。

7、Prince Kang rose to greet them.'My good friends,' he said affably, 'I thought you might like to have a drink with us. ─── 康亲王站起身来,笑道:“众位朋友,大家来喝一杯!”

8、The three young men bowed to each other courteously, if not affably ─── 三位青年客客气气地(即使不是殷勤地)鞠了一躬。

9、He entertained him affably with news of the day or rather of ten days previous. ─── 他对他百般讨好,给他讲最近的新闻,或者不如说十天前的旧闻。

10、Oh, that don't matter," said the other affably. ─── 噢,那没关系的,”那人和气地回答。

11、said Toad, graciously and affably, "never mind; think no more about it." ─── 托德温文尔雅、殷勤地说,“没关系,别再想它了。”

12、Effect: Has the treatment cough with to lose sleep, to fall the blood pressure, the cosmetology affably, tense, the anti-melancholy effect. ─── 功效:具有治疗咳嗽与失眠、降血压、美容、舒缓紧张、抗忧郁的功效。

13、"Yes, sir, we've made a start on it," replied Philpot affably ─── “是,先生,我们已经开了一个头,”菲尔波很殷勤地说。

14、He smiled affably and drank the second glass at a single gulp. ─── 他憨厚地笑了,于是又把第二杯一饮而

15、The countess looked at her guest, smiling affably, but still not disguising the fact that she would not take it at all amiss now if the guest were to get up and go. ─── 伯爵夫人望着女客人,脸上露出愉快的微笑,但她并不掩饰那种心情:如果那个女客人站立起来,退席离开,她丝毫也不会感到怏怏不乐。

16、Making can hit the energy affably the security automobile body, appears very important in the promotion small vehicle security aspect. ─── 打造能舒缓撞击能量的安全车身,在提升小型车安全方面显得至关重要。

17、I take the female is beautiful, often several men very affably appeared beside us, for our luggage, for we raise our food, accommodation arrangement, meet these I feel bored. ─── 我带的都是美女歌手嘛,经常会有几位男士极其殷勤地出现在我们身边,替我们提行李,为我们张罗住宿,安排我们的饮食,遇到这些我就觉得烦。

18、However, there is a major addition to the staff, the affably vain Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, who glows in the adulation of his readers but is a coward at heart. ─── 不过,教师团里添了一名重要成员:彬彬有礼却又自负的吉德罗洛克教授。他喜欢接受读者的谄媚奉承,心底里却胆小如鼠。

19、14 May I ask you, why Confucius consulted you so affably? ─── 我问你,孔子为什麽那麽殷勤地,想请教你一些问题?

20、The merchant who had narrowly escaped death did not quite know how he should thank the three sheikhs.The sheikhs affably wished him the best after his brush with death was over. ─── 死里逃生的商人简直不知道该怎么感谢三个老人才好,三个老人也都非常慈祥地祝福他大难不死必有后福。

21、"Yes, sir, we've made a start on it," replied Philpot affably. ─── “是,先生,我们已经开了一个头,”菲尔波很殷勤地说。

22、“Who's winning?” Dr. Abaddon said affably as he emptied his pockets of a cell phone, some keys, and a cigarette lighter. ─── "谁要赢了?"阿巴登博士和颜悦色地说着,同时从口袋里将一部手机,几把钥匙和一个打火机全部掏出.

23、affable, affably, amiable, benevolent, benevolently, chummy, favorable, friendly, gentle, kind, kindly, lovably, sympathetic, well-disposed (en) - gracieux (fr)[Adv. ─── 亲切地,和蔼可亲地,和蔼地,愉快地,有礼貌地,有礼貌地

24、replied affably, "And you, my friend, how do you know I am not a fish?" ─── 和蔼地回答:“哦,我的朋友,你又怎么知道我不是鱼呢?”

25、The boss sees came so much guest, entertain affably. ─── 老板见来了这么多客人,便殷勤招待。

26、Nod affably to sb. ─── 向某人和蔼地点头

27、The man sits down in front of the computer and says, affably: "Computer! " ─── 一人坐在电脑前,轻呼:“电脑!”

28、He entertained him affably with news of the day or rather of ten days previous ─── 他对他百般讨好,给他讲最近的新闻,或者不如说十天前的旧闻。

29、"So long, " said the other, smiling affably and going on. ─── “再见,”另一位说,友好地笑了笑,继续赶路。

30、The desire that the female often blames to the male does not have sexual intercourse does not care a woman, when thinking sexual intercourse only, ability body is revealed mix affably friendly. ─── 女性经常抱怨男性没有性交的愿望就不关心女人,只有想性交的时候才体现出殷勤和友好。

31、"What are you talking about?" said Davidson affably, coming out to join them ─── “你们在讲什么呢?”戴维逊和气地说,也出来和他们一起聊。

32、"No, " says the wife affably, "I'm always telling Jarslov to build one but he never listens. That's some Jarslov, my husband. " ─── “没有,”面包师的老婆和气地说,“我一直跟雅斯洛夫说挖一个,可他从来听不进去。这个雅斯洛夫啊,偏偏是我丈夫。”

33、Jong-nam certainly speaks good English and chats affably with reporters. ─── 金正男无疑讲着一口漂亮的英语,与记者聊天时也和蔼可亲。

34、He knew his place, and now presided affably over the meal ─── 他知道他所处的地位,这时殷勤地招待我们进餐。

35、He only smiled affably and answered with a languid little stammer ─── 他只是和颜悦色地微笑,带点儿口吃有气无力地回答。

36、"Who's winning? " Dr. Abaddon said affably as he emptied his pockets of a cell phone, some keys, and a cigarette lighter. ─── “谁要赢了?”阿巴登博士和颜悦色地说着,同时从口袋里将一部手机,几把钥匙和一个打火机全部掏出。

37、Not a little while, the first client came in, pierre is entertained affably to him, the client is very satisfactory, checkout when conveniently gave Pierre 10 money tip. ─── 不一会儿,第一位顾客进来了,皮埃尔对他殷勤招待,顾客很满意,结帐的时候顺手给了皮埃尔10块钱小费。

38、He replied affably, "And you, my friend, how do you know I am not a fish? ─── 弟子们大笑起来,他们把这当作是大师针锋相对的反击。

39、"Oh, that don't matter, " said the other affably. ─── “噢,那没关系的,”那人和气地回答。

40、Passed a little while, the son of a feudal prince or high official that has a check comes, bonze appears in court rapidly receive, behave very affably. ─── 过了一会儿,有个将军的公子来到,和尚赶紧出庭迎接,表现得十分殷勤。

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