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biometry 发音

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biometry 中文意思翻译



biometry 网络释义

n. 寿命测定(等于biometrics);生物统计学

biometry 词性/词形变化,biometry变形

形容词: biometric |副词: biometrically |

biometry 相似词语短语

1、isometry ─── n.等距;等容;等高

2、biometric ─── adj.生物统计的;生物特征识别的

3、geometry ─── n.几何学;几何结构

4、biometers ─── n.[生物]生物计

5、barometry ─── n.[气象]气压测定法

6、odometry ─── n.量距,测程法

7、noometry ─── 命名法

8、bolometry ─── n.辐射热测定器(bolometer的变形)

9、biometer ─── n.[生物]生物计

biometry 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords fetal weight estimation;ultrasonography;fetal biometry biological indedes;fetal; ─── 预测胎儿体质量;超声;胎儿生物指标;

2、JLB Mallet: Department of Genetics and Biometry, University College London ─── 伦敦大学遗传学系

3、Dr. Yu-hong Wang is a board-certified ophthalmologist and physician in corneal, cataract, trauma, laser surgery, ophthalmic ultrasonography and biometry. ─── 王育红,眼科副主任医师、副教授、医学硕士,擅长白内障等眼前后段手术。

4、Repeatability and Agreement Assessment of Immersion vs Contact Ultrasound Biometry ─── 水浴法及接触法超声生物测量的可重复性和一致性研究

5、Color doppler biometry of ocular structure in acute primary angle closure glaucoma ─── 原发性急性闭角型青光眼活体结构的彩色多普勒测量

6、biometry The statistical study of biological data. ─── 生物统计学生物资料的统计研究。

7、biometrics, biometry ─── 生物计量学

8、Optic coherence biometry ─── 光学相干生物测量仪

9、Biometry The application of statistics to the analysis of biological phenomena. ─── 生物统计学:应用统计学来分析生物现象的科学。

10、Keywords biometry;therapeutic equivalence;equivalence margin;target parameter;design of trials;statistical analysis;evaluation; ─── 关键词生物统计学;临床等效性;等效界值;目标参数;试验设计;统计分析;评价;

11、The Application of Excel in the Correlation and Regression Analysis For Teaching of Biometry ─── 应用Excel进行畜禽性状相关和回归分析

12、Keywords biometry;clinical trial;software; ─── 关键词临床试验;生物统计;软件;

13、biometry The statistical study of biological data. ─── 生物统计学生物资料的统计研究。

14、Keywords anterior segment;imaging;biometry;ultrasound biomicroscopy;optical coherence tomography; ─── 眼前节;成像;生物测量;超声生物显微镜;光学相干断层扫描;

15、Biometry the application of statistics to the analysis of biological phenomena. ─── 应用统计学来分析生物现象的科学。

16、Keywords Hypermetropia;Myopia;Children;Ocular refractive components;Optic coherence biometry;Cycloplegia;Accommodation; ─── 远视;近视;儿童;屈光成分;光学相干生物测量;睫状肌麻痹;调节;

17、Analysis of corneal topography and ocular biometry in myopic anisometropia eyes ─── 近视屈光参差眼的角膜地形图和生物超声测定的分析

18、Fired reinforced concrete member's biometry ─── 火灾后钢筋混凝土构件的寿命预估

19、The role of the biometry and morphology of the intertubercular sulcus of the humerus in lesions of the tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle ─── 肱骨结节间沟形态在肱二头肌长头肌腱损伤中的作用

20、Current advancement in ultrasonography of retinal detachment and biometry in silicone oil-filled eye ─── 硅油填充眼视网膜脱离超声检查及生物测量研究进展

21、The Application of Excel in the Correlation and Regression Analysis For Teaching of Biometry ─── 应用Excel进行畜禽性状相关和回归分析

22、Repeatability and Agreement Assessment of Immersion vs Contact Ultrasound Biometry ─── 水浴法及接触法超声生物测量的可重复性和一致性研究

23、Biometry of the anterior chamber diameter ─── 眼前房直径活体测量的研究进展

24、.Genetics and Biometry Lab, Dept. of Anthropology, University of Geneva. ─── 国立台湾大学动物研究所硕士论文。

25、Current advancement in ultrasonography of retinal detachment and biometry in silicone oil-filled eye ─── 硅油填充眼视网膜脱离超声检查及生物测量研究进展

26、A 28-years-old primigraida was referred at 31st week of gestation for a targeted ultrasound examination following isualization of a seere hydramnios.Fetal biometry was consistent with gestational age. ─── 一28岁初产妇,孕31周时定向超声检查发现羊水明显的增多,胎儿生物学检查符合孕周,为男性胎儿。

27、Biometry is considered here to mean the statistical approach applied to the management and analysis of biological data based on variation in nature. ─── 应用统计学的数理演算、推论,对生物性的资料加以分析处理。

28、Conclusion biometry in silicone oil-filled eye is accurate and simple, and also has good results in clinical use, so it can be widely used. ─── 结论硅油填充眼生物测量方法精确、简便,临床应用效果良好,值得推广。

29、Clinical Study on Relationship of Biometry Measuring and Intraocular Lens Power ─── 超声生物测量在白内障手术的应用研究

30、ultrasound biometry ─── 人工晶状体

31、Ultrasonic Biometry ─── 超声生物测量法

32、This is the only way to make the Biometry a useful tool for researchers doing experiment. ─── 要使生物统计学成为研究者做试验的有用工具,这是最好的方式。

33、Keywords anisometropia;myopia;biometry measurement;dominant eye;ocular motor parameters; ─── 屈光参差;近视;眼球生物学测量;主导眼;眼动参数;

34、Note:Biometry significance level P

35、Conclusion biometry in silicone oil-filled eye is accurate and simple, and also has good results in clinical use, so it can be widely used. ─── 结论 硅油填充眼生物测量方法精确、简便,临床应用效果良好,值得推广。

36、Analysis of corneal topography and ocular biometry in myopic anisometropia eyes ─── 近视屈光参差眼的角膜地形图和生物超声测定的分析

37、Launer is a senior investigator and the chief of the Neuroepidemiology Sectionat the National Institute on Aging's Laboratory of epidemiology, Demography, and Biometry. ─── Launer是资深研究员,也是国家老年流行病学、人口统计学、生物统计学实验室的神经流行病学部门的主管。

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