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08-19 投稿


condoning 发音

英:[k?n?d??n??]  美:[k?n?do?n??]

英:  美:

condoning 中文意思翻译



condoning 短语词组

1、condoning definition ─── 宽恕定义

2、condoning means ─── 宽恕手段

3、condoning it ─── 纵容它

4、condoning evil ─── 纵容邪恶

5、condoning define ─── 宽恕定义

6、condoning sin ─── 宽恕罪

7、condoning defined ─── 宽恕定义

8、condoning bad behavior at work ─── 纵容工作中的不良行为

condoning 词性/词形变化,condoning变形

动词第三人称单数: condones |动词现在分词: condoning |名词: condoner |动词过去分词: condoned |动词过去式: condoned |

condoning 相似词语短语

1、conjoining ─── v.结合,连接,联合(conjoin的现在分词)

2、canyoning ─── n.溪降运动;峡谷漂流

3、condemning ─── n.谴责;处刑;v.谴责(condemn的现在分词)

4、cantoning ─── n.(瑞士等国的)行政区,州;(纹章)矛面右上角方形部位;v.把……划分成州(或行政区);为(军人)分配营房

5、cannoning ─── n.大炮;加农炮;榴弹炮;机关炮;vi.炮轰;开炮;vt.炮轰;n.(Cannon)人名;(英、葡)坎农

6、condoling ─── v.表示同情,吊唁(condole的现在分词)

7、cordoning ─── n.警戒线;绶带;束带层;vt.用警戒线围住;包围隔离;n.(Cordon)人名;(英、西)科登;(法、葡)科尔东

8、condensing ─── n.冷凝;v.冷凝;压缩(condense的ing形式)

9、cocooning ─── n.茧式生活(闲暇时闭门不出的生活方式);茧式涂封;v.作茧;过茧式生活;将…密封起来(cocoon的ing形式)

condoning 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Most parents put their heads in the sand and assume that their lovely teen is not drinking (dream on!) and ignore talking about it, lest it be interpreted that you are condoning their drinking. ─── 更糟的是,那些年龄不符的饮酒青年差不多都偷偷地躲着喝或在他们获得学校录取以后过度地喝。

2、Mr Condon said many factors were contributing to the fall, such as too many companies coming to market and concerns that slowing US growth would eventually affect China's rapid economic growth. ─── 康顿表示,导致股市下跌的因素是多方面的,比如说上市新股太多,投资者担心美国经济增长放缓最终将影响到中国经济的快速增长等。

3、Some local leaders also take them to grass-roots and an attitude of condoning and even incite arbitrarily seize and occupy the grassroots cadres and transferring collective land. ─── 一些地方领导还对基层违法占地行为采取姑息态度,纵容甚至是授意基层干部随意圈占并出让集体土地。

4、Reports abound of sweatshops, workers' protests and this year even of officials condoning the luring of children into slavery. ─── 不良报导大量涌现,包括血汗工厂、工人抗议到今年甚至连官方都容忍诱使儿童做奴隶劳工。

5、A Convenient Method for Condon Adjustment by Using High-fidelity DNA Polymerase Amplification Property ─── 利用高保真酶扩增特性调整基因读码框的方法

6、Forgiveness does not necessarily mean reconciliation with the person that hurt you, or condoning of their actions. ─── 宽恕不一定意味着与伤害过你的人达成和解,或者宽恕他们的行为。


8、franck condon diagram ─── 富兰克康登曲线图

9、Moreover, if President Bush participates in the Olympics without registering his displeasure over abuses that are a direct result of the Games, isn't he implicitly condoning them? ─── 另外,如果布什总统参加了奥运开幕式而没有表达他对奥运直接导致的伤害不满,不等于暗示他原谅他们了吗?

10、You can learn to let go of the past and the pain, and release your conflicted emotions.That doesn't mean returning to a destructive relationship or condoning bad behavior. ─── 你可以忘掉过去和伤痛,释放你矛盾的心情,这并不是让你返回到那种消极的关系活宽恕错误的行为。

11、Inclusion does not mean condoning. ─── 包容不等于纵容。

12、Eg: Not punishing them amounts to condoning their crime. ─── 不惩罚他们就等於纵容他们的罪行。

13、Forgiveness is choosing another way to look at the world, but it's often thought to be about changing someone or condoning wrong behavior. ─── 宽恕是选择另一种看待世界的方式,但它通常被认为是改变某人或原谅某些错误的行为。

14、Base mutation at sites 1 044 and 1 062 also led to produce a stop condon. ─── 另外,在1 044与1 062的碱基突变也导致终止密码子的产生。

15、Organized Religions claim they preach peace...... meanwhile condoning attacks on each other. ─── 宗教组织声称他们宣扬和平......同时纵容互相攻击。

16、The drug-sensitive isolates whose gyrA SSCP profiles was identical to H 37Rv were AGC at condon 95,the others were ACC at condon 95.Of 45 quinolones-resistant isolates,34 (75.6%) displayed abnormal gyrA SSCP profiles. ─── 与卡介苗 gyrA基因的SSCP图谱相同的敏感株 95位密码子为ACC ,与H3 7Rv该图谱相同的敏感株 95位密码子为AGC。

17、E.G: Not punishing them amounts to condoning them crime. ─── 宽恕,容忍(过关)来源:优习网

18、Among the changes reported to be contemplated by Mark and Condon are the decisions to dispense with the ceremony's opening monologue and to keep "canned" segments to a minimum. ─── 在马克和康登已经被报道出的调整中,还有省掉开场白和尽量少用录制好的稿子。

19、Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean reconciliation with the person who upset you or condoning of his or her action. ─── 你要牢记,宽恕并不一定意味着顺从那些让你心烦意乱的人,也不意味着饶恕他或她的行为。

20、This does not mean condoning or justifying certain feelings. ─── / (三)接纳: 这并不意谓原谅或认为某些感受是正当的。

21、frnck condon principle ─── 富兰克康登原理

22、A variant within exon 7 of eNOS gene: G to T conversionat nucleotide position 894 resulting in replacement of glutainicacid aspartic acide at condon 298 effects the stability of eNOSprotein and results in decreasing of NO produce. ─── 位于eNOS基因外显子7上G894T突变导致其编码蛋白298位发生Glu/Asp的错义突变,该突变存在影响eNOS蛋白的稳定性,从而降低蛋白的催化活性。

23、1.Not punishing these holigans amounts to condoning their behavior. ─── 1.不惩处这些无赖就意味着宽恕他们的行为。

24、Officials complain that with Taiwan's latest defeat, the world is condoning a 23-million-person-strong gap in global epidemic prevention efforts. ─── 两岸角力战,再度让有二千三百万人口的台湾,在全球的卫生防疫安全网缺席,十度叩关功败垂成。

25、But the absence of official figures “makes people think the worst”, says Mr Condon. ─── Condon先生认为由于其官方数据的缺失“使人们想到最坏的情况”。

26、House Condon - An eagle's head between crossed tridents, red on white ─── 一只鹰头悬在两把交叉的三叉戟之间,白色底纹红色图案

27、"China is holding all the cards - and it knows that," said Tim Condon, head of Asia research at ING Financial Markets in Singapore. ─── 危机对中国的影响没有对西方的影响严重,分析家表示这是的中国由信心推动改革。

28、Forgiveness is not condoning another person's hurtful actions. ─── 宽恕不是姑息他人所做的伤害行为。

29、The act of condoning,especially the implied forgiveness of an offense by ignoring it. ─── 宽恕谅解的行为,尤指用不理睬的方式暗示对某过错的宽恕。

30、Condon's manometer ─── 康氏检压计, 康氏压力计

31、If you don't support their bid to gatecrash the Santa Parade, you are a puppet of the Chinese Government, and as good as condoning the torture and killing of Falun Gong members in China. ─── 但是,这些活动与圣诞游行的主旨格格不入。

32、They have also been won over by some plausible arguments supporting anti-war sentiments, and have begun to adopt a conciliatory and condoning attitude towards the evildoers. ─── 他们加上受到一些似是而非的言论影响,竟然也受到反战思想感染,开始产生息事宁人、姑息恶人的态度。

33、The sequenceresult of the amplified DNA fragments shows: Large gene fragment was 1668base pairs encoding 555 amino acid residues, it included an initiation codon(ATG)and a stop condon(TGA), the G+C content was 60.54%; The middle gene ─── 经核苷酸序列分析证实:大基因开放阅读框共1668 个核苷酸,是以ATG 起始密码子开始,TGA 终止密码子结束,共编码555 个氨基酸,G+C 含量为60.54%;

34、Some say shareholders bear a responsibility for condoning behaviour that led to the financial crisis. ─── 有些人表示,股东对导致金融危机的宽容行为负有责任。

35、The act of condoning, especially the implied forgiveness of an offense by ignoring it. ─── 宽恕谅解的行为,尤指用不理睬的方式暗示对某过错的宽恕

36、John Condon ─── 康登

37、The strategy must be flexible, condoning late payments when it is in the company's best interest. ─── 出口市场上最常见的付款方式是:预付现金、信用证、即期汇票和远期汇票、贸易往来账户。

38、the third was point mutations at condon 559 and 562which caused the substitution of valine to asparagic acid and isoleucine to methionine. ─── 1例为两处点突变,Codon560由缬氨酸突变为天冬氨酸,Codon563由异亮氨酸突变为甲机酸。

39、Most of them do not want to look as if they are condoning what has been, at the least, a most irregular takeover. ─── 多数都不想自己被看作会原谅一起至少是极不合规范的政府更迭。

40、Artist Elisabeth Condon will speak about her work in painting and installation inspired by Chinese landscape and her recent travel to Taiwan and Beijing. ─── 寇伊丽是美国佛罗里达州的艺术家,自从她看到黄公望的山水画作品后,就爱上中国山水画的意境的描绘。因此她来到台湾印证她的经验,产生她的创作。

41、Forgiveness does not necessarily mean reconciliation with the person that hurt you, or condoning of their action. ─── 没有必要认为原谅他人就是和伤害过你的人进行和解,就是宽恕他们对你的伤害。

42、"Keep in mind that forgiveness dose not necessarily mean reconciliaton with the person who upset you or condoning of his or her action. ─── 要牢记,宽恕并不一定意味着与你伤害你的人和解或原谅他或她的行为。

43、There are 57 amino acids whose condon adaptive is lower than 0.1, and it is 34.8 percent in totle amino acids. ─── 可溶性hSCF蛋白由164个氨基酸组成,其中有57个氨基酸的密码子表达系数低于0.1,占总氨基酸数量的34.8%。

44、On the afternoon of June 15th, Ms. Peng Peiyun, President of the China Red Cross Society, visited some typical volunteer service projects in Zhuhai, condoning Zhuhai's work on these services. ─── 15日下午,中国红十字会会长彭佩云参观了我市部分红十字志愿者服务项目,对我市的志愿者特色服务工作表示肯定。

45、" While I'm not arguing that, I'm not exactly condoning a trade to the Lakers for a few reasons. ─── 我不是在争论这个,我并不纵容湖人的这个交易有这几个原因。

46、" Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean reconciliation with the person who upset you or condoning of his or her action. ─── 你要牢记,宽恕并不一定意味着顺从那些让你心烦意乱的人,也不意味着饶恕他或她的行为。

47、"Hugh Jackman is a consummate entertainer and an internationally renowned movie star," said the show's producers Bill Condon and Laurence Mark. ─── “休杰克曼是一个完善的艺人和国际知名影星说: ”节目的制片比尔肯和劳伦斯马克。

48、N.Charter.For example, treaties condoning wars of aggression, slavery or genocide are prohibited. ─── 条约不可允许侵略性的战争、奴隶与种族灭绝也应禁止。

49、we are not condoning or promoting any of them; ─── 我们不能纵容或任何推广其中;

50、” Keep in mind that forgiveness does not necessarily mean reconciliation with the person who upset you or condoning of his or her action. ─── 倘若你期盼他们的道歉,你会等待很长时间,“要记住,宽恕并不一定是与伤害你的人和好如初或原谅他{她}的行为。

51、We have no sympathy for those engaging in and condoning this evil. ─── 我们同情那些没有从事这一罪恶和宽恕。

52、Happy Life at School Bill Condon ─── 上一篇:美好的学校生活

53、Tim Condon, head of financial research at ING in Singapore, said: “It’s going to take a lot of love from the authorities to reverse this bear market. ─── 荷兰国际集团(ING)驻新加坡金融研究主管蒂姆 康顿(Tim Condon)表示:“要逆转目前的熊市,需要来自政府的大量关爱。”

54、The trade surplus may shrink a bit, but it's still large,' said Tim Condon, Asia economist for ING in Singapore. ─── 中国贸易顺差或许有所缩小,但仍然很庞大。

55、- You understand, don' Without condoning... ─── |- 你都理解的,是吧?

56、The atmospheric physicist, Dr James. E. McDonald, claimed that the contents of the report failed to support Dr. Condon 's conclusions. ─── 大气物理学家、詹姆斯.伊.麦克唐博士宣称,该报告的内容并未能支持康登博士的结论。

57、MTHFR C677T and P53 Condon 72 Pro/Arg Polymorphisms and Susceptibilities to Cardia and Non-cardia Gastric Cancer ─── MTHRF C677T多态和P53 Condon 72 Pro/Arg多态与贲门癌、非贲门部胃癌易感性的关系

58、franck condon principle ─── 富兰克 康登原理

59、Not punishing them amounts to condoning their crime. ─── 不惩罚他们就等于纵容他们的罪行.

60、If we complacently accept something, do nothing about it, is it as good as condoning it? ─── 如果我们毫不质疑的接受一些错误的看法,岂不等于纵容和助长这些观点?

61、and 3 in No. 6 fragment (condon 1260-1410). ─── 3例位于第6号片段(密码子1260-1410)。

62、The part on non-radiative transition begins with a critical analysis of the so-called "Condon approximation",which leads to a unified presentation of the results of the theoretical developments in recent years. ─── 关于无辐射跃迁的部份着重分析和澄清了多年来环绕所谓“康登近似”出现的矛盾,从而把近年来不同的理论发展置于统一的基础之上。

63、“My sense is that it has not been very successful,” said Mr Condon at ING. “Maybe it slows a crash a little, but it's hard to say.” ─── “我的感觉是,这种措施一直不太成功,”ING的康顿表示。“或许它能让崩盘推迟一点时间,但这很难说。”

64、See if you are implicitly condoning someone else's vileness by failing to oppose it. ─── 你有没有正含蓄、通过不反对地方式对别人的卑劣品质进行宽容。

65、Condoning the invasion of Sicily was only the beginning for the Papacy's support of Sicily. ─── 赦免入侵西西里仅仅是教皇支持西西里的开端。

66、The Condon Committee, then at the University of Colorado, sent its coordinator, Robert Low, to investigate. ─── 然后美国科罗拉多州Condon委员会派它的代表RobertLow前往调查。

67、The PTO has forged ties with universities whose professors and students are vital to changing attitudes about condoning the purchase and use of counterfeit and pirated products. ─── 美国专利商标局已经与中国的大学建立了合作关系。大学里的教授和学生对于改变人们对购买和使用假冒及盗版产品的宽容态度发挥着重要作用。

68、The trade surplus may shrink a bit, but it's still large," said Tim Condon, Asia economist for ING in Singapore. ─── 贸易盈余可能会减少一点,但仍然很大,说: ”提姆康登,为ING集团亚洲经济学家在新加坡。

69、Parents grant teachers carte blanche, some even condoning beatings, while students are trained to honor and obey teachers, never challenge them. ─── 家长们给予老师全部信任,有的家长甚至宽恕老师体罚学生,而学生们则被要求敬重和服从老师,决不允许挑战老师。

70、theory of gamow condon gurney ─── 伽莫夫 康登 古尔内理论


72、Condon says countries such as South Korea, where bank lending has been rapid, would see particular benefit from the fund. ─── 康登说,象韩国这样银行借贷非常迅速的国家,会特别体会到这个基金带来的好处。

73、The difference between the internuclear separtions in the A0 + and A0 - states has been achieved from the vibrational excitation spectrum of ZnHg excimers and Franck Condon factor calculation. ─── 由振动激发谱的强度分布和跃迁的Franck-Condon因子计算,首次获得亚稳态A0+和A0-相对平衡核间距。

74、condon usage bias ─── 密码子偏好性

75、4 fragment (condon 998-1141) ; ─── 5例突变均位于第15号外显子,其中2例位于第4号片段(密码子998-1141);

76、Condon preference analysis of three proteins of WSSV ─── WSSV3个编码蛋白的基因密码子偏爱性分析

77、Some authors even have started condoning this laid-back approach. ─── 一些作者甚至开始宽恕这种懒散的作风。

78、No mutation in K ras,H ras at condon 12 was etected in any of the cases. ─── 所有被测标本均未见H-ras、K-ras第12位点的点突变。

79、Not punishing these hooligans amounts to condoning their behaviour. ─── 不惩处这些流氓阿飞等于容忍他们的行为。

80、Many conservative groups oppose making it mandatory, citing fears that it could send a subtle message condoning promiscuous sexual activity. ─── 许多保守组织反对强制性注射,担心这是对乱性行为传递宽恕信号。

81、Not punishing these hooligans amounts to condoning their behavior. ─── 不惩处这些无赖就意味着宽恕他们的行为。

82、Krupa had worked with Eddie Condon in his native Chicago before moving to New York in 1929, joining Benny Goodman's big band in 1935. ─── 在其故乡芝加哥他与康敦一起工作,1929年移居纽约,1935年加入班尼固德曼的大乐团。

83、The venue managements are partially to blame for condoning transgressions of their house rules when they should be enforcing them strictly and without exceptions, taking a leaf from other countries. ─── 表演场所的管理者也有一份责任:对破坏规矩的行为,他们不像外国的做法那样,严厉制止、不容例外,而是姑息纵容,听之任之。

84、Some shovel-ready projects are already under way.According to Tim Condon, at ING, transport infrastructure spending in December was already 61% higher than a year earlier. ─── 来自ING(荷商安智银行亚洲区研究主管)康顿的资料,12月运输基础设施建设的支出比去年同期还高出 61%。

85、A study on the mutation style of K-ras condon 12 in pancreatic adenocarcinoma ─── 胰腺癌K-ras基因12密码子突变方式的研究

86、None of this amounts to condoning the use of torture. ─── 然而这些都不表示对于虐行的放纵和容忍。”

87、Hello, Mrs. Condon? ─── 喂,是康登太太吗?

88、Some authors even have started condoning this laid-back approach. ─── 一些作者甚至开始宽恕这种懒散的作风。

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