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08-19 投稿


excising 发音

英:[?k?sa?z??]  美:[?k?sa?z??]

英:  美:

excising 中文意思翻译



excising 常用词组

excise tax ─── 消费税;特许权税

excise office ─── 税务署

excising 短语词组

1、excising cysts ─── 囊肿切除术

2、excising boils ─── 去疖

3、excising define ─── 切除定义

4、excising to music ─── 为音乐而激动

5、excising means ─── 切除方式

6、excising def ─── 切除def

7、excising the blighted root ─── 切除枯萎的根

8、excising is important ─── 切除很重要

9、excising skin ─── 切除皮肤

10、excising more ─── 切除更多

11、excising forceps ─── [医] 切断钳

excising 词性/词形变化,excising变形

动词现在分词: excising |名词: excision |动词第三人称单数: excises |动词过去式: excised |动词过去分词: excised |

excising 相似词语短语

1、exciding ─── vt.切开;切除

2、-scising ─── 剪

3、exorcising ─── vt.驱邪;除怪

4、excisions ─── n.删除,切除;切除之物

5、excusing ─── v.原谅;辩解;免除……的责任(或义务)(excuse的现在分词)

6、exciting ─── adj.令人兴奋的;使人激动的;v.激动;刺激(excite的ing形式);唤起

7、excursing ─── v.远足;离题(excurse的现在分词)

8、exercising ─── n.行使;锻炼;运动健身;v.运动;运用(exercise的ing形式);练习

9、-cising ─── cising

excising 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、No mention is made of actually excising these muscles (scalenectomy). ─── 到现在还没有切除这些肌肉的陈述(斜角肌切除术)。

2、Keywords Nursing intervention Excising operation of lumbar intervertebral disc Urine retention; ─── 护理干预;腰椎间盘摘除术;尿潴留;

3、Analysis of 162 Cases of Esophagus-stomach Transition for Anastomosis through the Left Neck in Excising Esophageal Carcinoma ─── 食管癌切除胃代食管左颈部吻合162例临床分析

4、OBJECTIVE To investigate the clinical effect of excising the laryngeal contact granuloma with CO2 laser. ─── 目的研究应用CO2激光切除喉接触性肉芽肿的治疗效果。

5、A new simple technique of excising interference through envelope filtering is put forward. ─── 提出了一种通过包络滤波的宽带干扰抑制新方法。

6、The Comparison of the Effect of Two Methods of Offering Lomoxicam to Relieve Pain Used in Intervertebral Disc Marrow Nuclear Excising Operation ─── 氯诺昔康两种给药方法用于骨科椎间盘髓核摘除手术后镇痛的比较研究

7、excising lead former ─── 链式带芯片切割/引线成形机

8、Conclusion No serious complication occurred in donor limbs of most children after excising a part of fibula. ─── 结论儿童部分腓骨被切除以后,多数供侧肢体无严重并发症。

9、Conclusion: It was less injury. fast healing and little cost by excising with electric coagulation for respir... ─── 结论:对呼吸道肿物行电凝切除治疗有损伤小、愈合快、费用低的特点。

10、But excising all that code from Samba is a fairly major job. ─── 但从samba除去所有这些代码是十分主要的工作。

11、excising forceps ─── 切断钳牙切断钳

12、Reconstruction of defects in the scalp remains a challenge to plastic surgeons, especially when excising an extensive malignancy. ─── 摘要头皮缺损之重建对于整型外科医师而言是一项挑战,尤其是当恶性肿瘤切除后之广大范围缺损。

13、There were a higher rate of complete excision, less blood loss, lower rate of excising adjacent organs an... ─── 结论手术完整切除是腹膜后肿瘤治疗首选的方法,术前准备非常重要,对复发的肿瘤应该争取再次手术。

14、Objective To study on the basis of entire excising tumor,a better technique of reconstruction of laryngeal function of the subtotal laryngectomy in the treatment for T2&T3 glottis carcinom. ─── 目的探讨在完整切除肿瘤基础上,对T2、T3声门癌喉次全切除以重建喉功能的较好手术方法。

15、The Therapeutic Analysis of Excising Pediatric Adenoid Hypertrophy ─── 儿童腺样体肥大手术切除的疗效分析

16、Suitable hormone and cytokin concentration as well as time for excising ovary were crucial for increasing the number of hybrid embryos and the pecentage of hybrid embryos. ─── 在培养中,适宜的生长素和细胞分裂素浓度以及恰当的子房离体前的发育时间能提高成胚数和成胚率。

17、The radiofrequency ablation technique is safer and easier to use than the traditional excising technique and can also achieve the same satisfied clinical results. ─── 以射频消融代替切割冷冻施行迷宫术治疗房颤安全简便有效。

18、binding tensing and excising forceps ─── 捆线拉紧切断钳

19、The lymphocele is internally drained into the peritoneal cavity by excising a segment of peritoneum. ─── 通过切割一部分后腹膜将淋巴管瘤内引流至腹膜腔。

20、Today i eat very well, because i go excising . ─── 今天我吃的东西非常营养,因为我今天去锻炼了!

21、Objective To study the method and analyse the aesthetics of excising gingiva with high frequency electro surgical unit in fixing prosthesis of anterior teeth. ─── 目的:研究电刀切龈术在前牙固定修复患者中的使用方法并分析其美学效果。

22、Is excising wrapping a small operation. ? Want how many money commonly. ? ─── 切除包皮是个小手术吗.?一般要多少钱呢.?

23、Besides, I don't have to go to gym for excising. ─── 而且,我还不用去健身房锻炼身体了。

24、But excising all that code from Samba is a fairly major job. ─── 但从Samba除去所有这些代码是十分主要的工作。

25、Excited executioner exercising his excising powers excessively by examining the goods carelessly. ─── 兴奋的执行者滥用职权,草率检查商品。

26、Objective To study the influence of function and appearance of the donor limb after excising a part of fibula in children. ─── 目的探讨部分腓骨切除后对儿童供侧肢体功能及形态的影响。

27、Objective. To report on the efficacy of Iso-C 3-dimensional intraoperative spinal navigation in excising osteoid osteomas. ─── 目的:研究切除脊柱骨样骨瘤术中C臂三维导航的作用。

28、The success criteria of the surgery were complete or part retinal reattachment, and failure of retinal reattachment, eye-ball atrophy or excis ion of the affected eye were the failure criteria. ─── 以视网膜完全或部分复位视为手术成功;2次以上手术后视网膜未复位或眼球萎缩、甚至眼球摘除视为手术失败。

29、The censor insisted on excising the passage from the film. ─── 电影审查员坚持剪去影片的这一段。

30、Excising operation of lumbar intervertebral disc ─── 腰椎间盘摘除术

31、This course is developed for Mom's psychological needs.Through parents and children touching and eye contact, children will find joy in excising too.This will improve immunity and sleeping. ─── 针对孩子与妈妈的生理特点安排教学内容,通过妈妈与孩子间的肌肤接触与目光交流,让孩子在运动中找到快乐,帮助孩子提高身体免疫力和协调能力,使孩子睡眠更长久。

32、By excising,we can always maintain health. ─── 例句:借着做运动,我们能够始终保持健康。

33、This contradiction embodied uncertain life value idea and excising state. ─── 在这种矛盾冲突中又体现了不确定性的人生价值观和生存处境。

34、The vegetation under nasal endoscopy make it better,distinct exposure of nasopharynx construction,minor operation surface,slight injury,a little hemorrhage,complete excising pathology,no rem... ─── 鼻内窥镜直视下腺样体切除术,鼻咽部结构暴露清晰,手术创面小,损伤小,出血少,病变切除彻底,无残留,无明显并发症。

35、Do I want to know child after excising an uterus (second cut) return classics of meeting forthcoming month? Won't coming every months be ill? ─── 我想知道子切除子宫后(次切)还会来月经吗?每月都来不会是病吧?

36、By analyzing the fractional Fourier transform (FRFT) result of LFM signal, a method of excising LFM interference in fractal domain was put forward. ─── 通过对LFM干扰信号分数阶傅立叶变换计算结果的分析,提出在分数阶域进行LFM干扰抑制的方法;

37、Do)(more)(excising)(is) good for your health. ─── 4多锻炼对健康有好处.

38、Our company's titan clip is mainly used during endoscopes operations ,such as modern surgical operation of excising gallbladder with application of abdomen scope . ─── 本公司生产的钛夹主要用在内窥镜手术中,如腹腔镜切除胆囊等现代外科手术。

39、Cure and Nursing of spasm of the Urinary Bladder after the operation of Excising Prostate ─── 前列腺摘除术后膀胱痉挛的治疗及护理

40、Objective: Probe into the prevention of the pancreas duodenum method and complication of excising the skill. ─── 目的:探讨胰十二指肠切除术的方法及并发症的预防。

41、In 2005, the Barbican in London was accused of excising sections of its production of Tamburlaine to remove scenes attacking Muhammad. ─── 在2005年,伦敦的芭比肯中心被控告将泰姆伯莱尼作品的一部分删减,攻击了穆汉穆德。

42、Methods The first method: Excising the midline mucous membrane of the soft palate,loosing and stitching the both sides of mucous membrane and muscle. ─── 方法本组病例采用两种术式,术式一:切除软腭正中隐裂区粘膜,显露两侧肌层,松解后拉拢缝合。

43、Method:Analyse the reviewing to the case of excising the skill of 24 cases of pancreas duodenum. ─── 方法:对24例胰十二指肠切除术的病例进行回顾性分析。

44、He quickly began excising references to Tintin's Belgian roots to boost his appeal on the French and Swiss markets, referring to him in 1935 as a “young European reporter”. ─── 为了提升丁丁在法国和瑞士市场的吸引力,他很快就着手删除书中有关丁丁的比利时之根的情节,于1935年改称丁丁为“一个年轻的欧洲记者”。

45、Conclusions Nuclear hydrodissection is able to become a new way to excise lenses.It is possible to be used in excising transparency lenses of high myopia. ─── 结论核内水分离法可能成为新的摘出透明晶状体的方法,有望在高度近视透明晶状体摘出术中应用。

46、excising mediastinal tumors and sympathectomy; ─── 纵隔肿瘤,胸交感神经切除;

47、In a study that compared TA with TEM, results showed that TEM was the technique of choice for excising local rectal neoplasms. ─── 在一项比较TA与TEM的研究中,结果显示TEM是切除局部直肠肿瘤的术式首选。

48、In conclusion, the use of sleeve lobectomy and angioplasty in the treatment of bronchial lung cancer not only can excis tumors but also can keep normal tissue, it also can prlong the su... ─── 初步研究结果提示,肺叶袖状切除和肺动脉成形术治疗支气管肺癌既可切除肿瘤,又能最大限度保留正常肺组织,改善患者的生存质量,远期疗效良好。

49、objective Discussing the cure and nursing of spasm of the urinary bladder after the operation of excising prostate . ─── 目的探讨前列腺摘除术后膀胱痉挛的治疗及护理。

50、Saving is a healthy lifestyle choice, which is equally important as eating well, excising and sleep well,” said Peter Aceto, CEO of ING Direct in an earlier interview with Chinese News. ─── 储蓄是一种健康的生活方式,同饮食健康、体育锻炼、充足睡眠同等重要。”

51、After nursing to carrying out ego, ulcer does not have the person that improve, give Qing Dynasty to achieve by project staff member reach after excising dead bone; ─── 对实施自我护理后 ,溃疡无好转者 ,由项目工作人员给予清创及摘除死骨 ;

52、The censor insisted on excising the passage from the film ─── 电影审查员坚持剪去影片的这一段

53、Eating well and excising will help you grow. ─── 吃好且多锻炼会帮助你健康成长。

54、Methods: The mandibular defects of 12 goats were made by excising unilateral or bilateral mandible bodies.Titanium plates combined with HA-coating implants were implanted into mandibular defects. ─── 方法:12只山羊下颌骨单侧和双侧体部切除后,将特制的装有HA涂层种植体的钛板植入骨缺损区,并在种植体周围植松质骨。

55、Application of Dealing with Bases of Pulmonary Veins within Pericardium or Excising the Partial Left Atrium in the Surgical Treatment of Advanced Lung Cancer ─── 心包内处理肺静脉根部或切除部分左房在晚期肺癌手术中的应用

56、Excising all or at least most of the anterior and middle scalene muscles will offer better results. ─── 切除全部的肌肉或前中斜角肌的大部分将出现更好的结果。

57、I want to ask is a female after excising a side oviduct, how much is the odds that remnant is pregnant below a tubal circumstance? ─── 我想问就是女性在切除一侧输卵管后,只剩一个输卵管的情况下怀孕的几率是多少?

58、Excising all or at least most of the anterior and middle scalene muscles will offer better results. ─── 切除全部的肌肉或前中斜角肌的大部分将出现更好的结果。

59、Issues on Excising Rights and Racketeering ─── 权利行使与敲诈勒索的界限

60、Some Problems Excising in the Total Budget Management of Chinese Enterprises ─── 我国企业在全面预算管理中存在的问题

61、The perineal wound was opened,and no gauze was left in perineal wound after operation.[Results]Bleeding was less during excising perinum. ─── 会阴部切除术中出血甚少,术后创口愈合无明显并发症。

62、The Method of Excising Noise Frequency Modulation Interference for Pseudo-random Coded Fuze Based on Square Transformation ─── 基于平方变换原理的伪码引信中噪声调频干扰抑制方法

63、They could soon take it to the next level by excising the traditional navigation toolbar. ─── 下一步他们很快就会把手伸向现存的传统导航工具栏。

64、METHODS To enlarge the area of elbow movement by coring out and excising a ring of bone and all the osteophytes from both the olecranon and the coronoid fossae. ─── 通过整形尺骨鹰嘴窝的方法扩大肘关节的活动范围。

65、Li Hongzhi and his family members did take medicine, and he himself had a vermiform appendix excising operation as well. ─── 李洪志是十分清楚这一点的。他和他的家人得了病不仅吃药,他本人就去医院动了阑尾切除手术。

66、It is sometimes of value when excising tumors that cannot be reached by the anterolateral approach. ─── 为了切除前外侧入路不能到达的肿瘤,该入路有时是有价值的。

67、interference excising ─── 干扰抑制

68、To make imperfect by excising or altering parts. ─── 因切除或者改变某些部分而变得不完美

69、I want to ask is a female after excising a side oviduct, how much is the odds that remnant is pregnant below a tubal circumstance? ─── 我想问就是女性在切除一侧输卵管后,只剩一个输卵管的情况下怀孕的几率是多少?

70、Yellow ligament is in charge of in vertebra hind, excising yellow ligament thoroughly as far as possible just is real ground entered vertebra to be in charge of. ─── 黄韧带在椎管后部,尽量完整地切除黄韧带才是真正地进入了椎管。

71、Methods 192 eyes of glaucoma were performed trabeculectomy by making sclera flap with tunnel kinfe and excising trabecula with the sclera cutter. ─── 方法应用隧道刀制作巩膜瓣并应用小梁咬切器对192眼青光眼施行小梁咬切术。

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