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08-19 投稿


gnomonical 发音


英:  美:

gnomonical 中文意思翻译



gnomonical 相似词语短语

1、gnathonical ─── 食道的

2、gnomical ─── 灵知的

3、gnomonically ─── 灵知的

4、gnomonic ─── adj.日晷指针的;磬折形的

5、mnemonical ─── adj.记忆术的;记忆的

6、dominical ─── adj.主的;主日的;基督的

7、ammonical ─── 弹药的

8、geoponical ─── 田园的

9、demonical ─── 恶魔的

gnomonical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Gnomon Visual storytelling Cosmic Mermaid Character Design ─── 慨念艺术角色设计

2、The sun's rays through the oculus, the graduated shadows on the gnomon, this is what makes Saint-Sulpice unique. ─── 太阳的光线透过眼洞窗照射进来,逐渐倾斜的阴影落在圭表上,这些才是使圣叙尔皮斯教堂与众不同之处呀。”

3、Gnomon Matchmoving Advanced Production Techniques ─── 镜头高级技术

4、gnomon shadow template ─── 圭

5、Reinforced rib setting in the black surface of large plate of the casting and tilt pouring method are preferable to gnomon casting. ─── 采用在日晷大平面背面设置加强筋和倾斜浇注工艺,成功地铸造完成了日晷铸件。

6、A Conjectural Construction of the Giant Chinese Gnomon in Dadu of the Yuan Dynasty ─── 关于元大都高表结构的一种推测

7、(Gnomon Character Animation for Games)[ISO] ─── 对"《游戏角色动画技术全》

8、Gnomon Maya Texture Painting - Weathered Surface ─── 表面风化材质?作

9、It was a gnomon, Silas had been told, a pagan astronomical device like a sundial. ─── 有人告诉过塞拉斯,这是指时针,是异教的一种天文仪器,与日晷相似。

10、It appears as a small gnomon with lines extending in each major direction (along the X, Y, and Zaxis). ─── 它看起来象是一个小的指时针和在每个主要的轴向上(X,Y,Z轴)的线的延伸。

11、Gnomon Harald Belker Car Design and Presentation ─── 汽车设计和表现教程

12、Gnomon Human Character and Environment Design ─── 科幻人物环境设计

13、It consists of two parts. The post or stone pillar standing upright on the ground to cast a shadow is called biao (gnomon) and the marked tablet lying north-south is called gui (ruler); ─── 它由两部分组成,一是直立于平地上的测日影的标杆或石柱,叫做表; 一为正南正北方向平放的测定表影长度的刻板,叫做圭。

14、indicates the daylight hours by the shadow that the gnomon casts on a calibrated dial. ─── 通过指时针在标准刻度盘上的投影计算白天时间的仪器。

15、In the midday, when the gnomon's shadow was cast over the stone plate, they could read the length of the shadow directly from the ruler. ─── 圭表的主要功能是测定冬至日所在,并进而确定回归年长度,此外,通过观测表影的变化可确定方向和节气。

16、Welcome to The Gnomon Workshop, the industry leader in professional training for artists in the entertainment and design industries. ─── 欢迎指时钟车间,为在娱乐行业的艺术家和设计行业领先的专业培训。

17、Bronze Gnomon in Investment Casting in Plaster Mold ─── 青铜日晷石膏型熔模铸造技术

18、Gnomon Robot Design Refinement and Rendering ─── 机器人角色设计

20、A locator is a node that marks a position in world space. It appears as a small gnomon with lines extending in each major direction (along the X, Y, and Zaxis). ─── 一个定位器是一个节点在世界坐标空间的标记的一个位置。它看起来象是一个小的指时针和在每个主要的轴向上(X,Y,Z轴)的线的延伸。

21、Gnomon Creature Modeling For Production ─── 游戏产品的建模过程以及

22、Gnomon Analog Training Video Vol III Feng Zhu ─── 手绘场景空间透视

23、indicates the daylight hours by the shadow that the gnomon casts on a calibrated dial ─── 通过指时针在标准刻度盘上的投影计算白天时间的仪器

24、1. The plain on which the shadow will be marked must be exactly horizontal, to gnomon exactly vertical. ─── 标记影长的平面必须水平,以确保日晷针(就是那根杆)的垂直。

25、Gnomon Global Illumination Interior Vray Lighting Techniques ─── 室内全局照明

26、From then on, people were able to measure time and determine seasons based on the position and length of the gnomon's shadow. ─── 从此,人们便通过观测圭表上日影的长短变化来计算时间、测定季节。

27、In all cases the gnomon lies in the plane of the meridian ─── 表始终都处于子午面内。

28、polar gnomon chart ─── 极坐标日晷测时图

29、 双语使用场景

30、After my last stint teaching at Gnomon, I sat down to write something I could give my students. ─── 回复了多封电邮后我发现我一直面对着很多相同的提问,我于是只选择部分有共同疑问的信件做回答,而不是一封封的回信。

31、Gnomon Dinosaurs Anatomy and Sketching ─── 恐龙剖析草绘教程

32、Gnomon Painting the Adult Male Head: Monochromatic ─── 专业绘画教程

33、Gnomon shadow lengths ─── 晷影

34、That is obvious with the characteristics of time and movement, hears a regular recurring, registral and Gnomon is the order of a formal beauty. ─── 即澄辉带有工夫及活不静的特征,能感知有次序的屡屡不入现的不不弱不弱及是非改变,是次序性步不天丑的一栽。

35、The key issues for bronze gnomon casting with integrated and clear surface in investment casting in plaster mold involves to prevent large plate from deformation and to ensure full mold filling. ─── 日晷由锡青铜铸造,其铸造技术的关键是防止大平面的变形和保证良好的充型以获得完整、清晰的表面。

36、GNOMON Head Modeling for Games ─── 游戏角色头部建模

37、Gnomon Maya Workshop Animation Skinning ─── 动画蒙皮教程

38、Gnomon Analog: Dylan Cole Advanced Digital matte painting ─── 高级数码风景画教程

39、Gnomon Advanced Digital Painting Photoshop ─── 数字绘画视频教程

40、Later, after noticing the gnomon's shadow always pointed north at midday, the ancient people laid a ruler made of stone plate on the ground, vertical to the gnomon and pointing to the north. ─── 圭表是一种既简单又重要的测天仪器,它由垂直的表(一般高八尺)和水平的圭组成。

41、GNOMON Adobe Photoshop for Digital Production ─── 数字产品

42、A stake used for this purpose was the earliest type of sundial and was called a gnomon ─── 这种特定的标杆就是最早的一种日晷仪,人们称之为日晷仪标杆。

43、Gnomon Character Texturing for Production ─── 角色纹理贴图教程

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