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anthraquinone 发音

英:[??nθr?kw??no?n; ??nthr??kw?n?o?n]  美:[??nθr?kw??n??n]

英:  美:

anthraquinone 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 蒽醌


anthraquinone 短语词组

1、anthraquinone disulfonic acid ─── 蒽醌二磺酸

2、anthraquinone glycoside ─── [医] 蒽醌甙

3、anthraquinone dyes ─── [化] 蒽醌染料

4、anthraquinone acridine ─── [化] 蒽醌吖啶

5、anthraquinone dye ─── [化] 蒽醌染料

6、anthraquinone plgments ─── [机] 色素

7、anthraquinone-beta-sulfonic acid ─── [化] 蒽醌-β-磺酸

8、anthraquinone blue ─── 蒽醌蓝

9、soda anthraquinone process (pulping) ─── [化] 烧碱蒽醌法制浆

10、anthraquinone aldehyde ─── [化] 蒽醌甲醛

anthraquinone 词性/词形变化,anthraquinone变形


anthraquinone 相似词语短语

1、anthracene ─── n.蒽(一种碳氢化合物)

2、anthracnose ─── n.[植保]炭疽病

3、phenanthraquinone ─── n.菲醌,菲醌类

4、phenanthrenequinone ─── n.[有化]菲醌

5、anthraquinone dyes ─── 蒽醌染料

6、anthracite ─── n.[矿物]无烟煤

7、hydroquinone ─── n.[有化]对苯二酚;[有化]氢醌

8、anthranilate ─── n.邻氨基苯甲酸盐

9、anthraquinone dye ─── 蒽醌染料

anthraquinone 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、METHODS The colorimetry using magnesium acetate as color-developing reagent was applied.The content of free and total anthraquinone were determined. ─── 方法采用直接和酸水解后醋酸镁比色法,分别测定何首乌药材中游离蒽醌和总蒽醌的含量。

2、Keywords Rheum;total anthraquinone in rheum;cathartic colon;Zeng Ye Decoction; ─── 关键词大黄;大黄总蒽醌;泻剂结肠;增液汤;

3、Light fastness of anthraquinone dyes was affected by many factors and it was mainly determined by dye structures,such as the kinds and position of substituent groups,dipole moment of the molecule. ─── 影响蒽醌染料日晒牢度的因素有很多,主要取决于染料的分子结构,与分子中取代基的种类和位置、分子的偶极距等有关。

4、Anthraquinone from Rheum Palmatum L. (ARP) ─── 大黄结合蒽醌

5、Study on antiviral activity of rhubarb anthraquinone analogues to influenza virus ─── 大黄蒽醌类化合物体外抗流感病毒作用的研究

6、Methods Contents of aconitine and free anthraquinone in WPD were determined by HPCE. ─── 方法采用HPCE法测定了温脾汤中乌头碱及大黄游离蒽醌的含量。

7、Keywords HBV;Anti-virus effect;Radix et Rhizoma Rhei;Anthraquinone derivant; ─── 关键词乙型肝炎病毒;抗病毒作用;大黄;蒽醌类衍生物;

8、Keywords rhubarb;anthraquinone derivate;rhein substance;stability; ─── 大黄;蒽醌衍生物;大黄酸类物质;稳定性;

9、In the scale-up test, the anthraquinone pigment was also successfully obtained with an absorbance (493 nm) of 0.471 at the end of fermentation by 15 L mechanical type fermenter tank. ─── 在摇瓶发酵的基础上,利用15 L机械式搅拌发酵罐放大试验,也成功得到蒽醌类色素,发酵液在493 nm的吸光度值为0.471,总蒽醌类化合物含量为0.93 mg/L。

10、Rhubarb anthraquinone analogues ─── 大黄蒽醌

11、A comparion of free anthraquinone's content of polygonum multiflorm extract by different dissolvent produced ─── 不同溶剂所制何首乌浸膏中所含游离蒽醌的含量比较

12、In this paper,a review was made on the advance in the research on physical,chemical and biological methods for the treatment of anthraquinone compounds in water. ─── 本文对物理、化学、生物法处理水中蒽醌化合物的近期研究成果进行了综述,并提出了需要进一步研究的方面。

13、major use of anthracene is to produce anthraquinone through oxidation. ─── 蒽的最主要的用途是经过氧化得到蒽醌。

14、The research aimed to master the distribution characteristics of anthraquinone compounds in the stem of Rheum tanguticum Maxim. et Balf. ─── 摘要[目的]为了系统掌握六盘山鸡爪大黄茎蒽醌类化合物的分布特征。

15、common crystal anthraquinone ─── 普通晶体蒽醌

16、Keywords Rheum palmatum;Agrobacterium rhizogenes;hairy root;anthraquinone; ─── 掌叶大黄;发根农杆菌;毛状根;蒽醌;

17、NHPI combined with assistant catalyst such as azodiisobutyronitrile, quaternary ammonium bromide, anthraquinone, alcohol etc. can also catalyze aerobic oxidations. ─── NHPI与有机助催化剂如偶氮二异丁腈、溴化季铵盐、蒽醌和醇等也能催化分子氧氧化反应。

18、The experiment against human tumor and consulting literature indicate that their basis are the compounds of anthraquinone. ─── 通过查找文献和初步抗肿瘤实验表明其主要成分是蒽醌类化合物。

19、The present papers introduces the application of secondary cooking and anthraquinone derivative to straw pulping. ─── 本文介绍了二级蒸煮和蒽醌衍生物在芒杆制浆中应用情况。

20、Abstract: Objective To compare the efficiency and mechanisms of diarrhea induced by anthraquinon and glycosides of anthraquinone from Rheum Palmatum L. in mice. ─── 文章摘要: 目的比较大黄结合蒽醌、游离蒽醌致泻作用的强度并探讨其相关机制。

21、A detailed study by means of guantum mechanics CNDO/2 on the UV spectrum of anthraquinone dyestuff has been made. ─── 应用量子化学CNDO/2方法对蒽醌染料的紫外光谱进行研究,算出了各分子轨道的能量及相应紫外光谱吸收峰的位置。

22、Contents of Anthraquinone in Processed Rhubarbs Obtained under Different Processing Conditions ─── 不同切制条件对大黄饮片中蒽醌化合物含量的影响

23、Keywords soybean oil;heat polymerization;anthraquinone;printing ink;vehicle; ─── 大豆油;热聚合反应;蒽醌;印刷油墨;连结料;

24、Keywords Rhubarb;Chrysophanol;Emodin;Rhein;Anthraquinone; ─── 大黄;大黄酚;大黄素;大黄酸;蒽醌;

25、Summary of Researches on Anthraquinone Compounds of Rheum Tanguticum Maxim. Et Bal. Var. Liupanshanense Cheng et Kao ─── 六盘山鸡爪大黄蒽醌类化合物研究综述

26、The effect of anthraquinone glycoside from Polygonum multiflorum Thunb on cellular immunological function in mice ─── 何首乌蒽醌苷对小鼠细胞免疫功能的影响

27、When the anthraquinone ring is led into different group, it changes into a different dyestuff. ─── 将蒽醌环上引入不同的基团则成为不同的染料。

28、Keywords nitrogen dioxide ozone anthraquinone I-nitroanthraquinone nitration; ─── 二氧化氮;臭氧;蒽醌;1-硝基蒽醌;硝化;

29、soda anthraquinone process (pulping) ─── [化] 烧碱蒽醌法制浆

30、NHPI combined with assistant catalyst such as : azodiisobutyronitrile, quaternary ammonium bromide, anthraquinone, alcohol et.al can also catalyze aerobic oxidations. ─── NHPI与有机助催化剂如:偶氮二异丁腈、溴化季铵盐、蒽醌、醇等也能催化分子氧氧化反应。

31、Rhubarb contains toxic Oxalates and anthraquinone glycoside. ─── 大黄含有毒草酸以及蒽醌苷。

32、The molecule carrier is anthraquinone, which consists of three fused benzene rings with one oxygen atom on each side. ─── 分子承运者是蒽醌,包括三个融合的苯环,每一个苯环侧面有一个氧原子。

33、Keywords Eremurus anisopterus;Ephemeroid plant;Anthraquinone;HPLC; ─── 异翅独尾草;类短命植物;蒽醌;高效液相色谱法;

34、Anthraquinone is prepared by the liquid phase oxidation of anthracene with oxygen in the presence of cobaltous salt,manganous salt and bromide. ─── 在醋酸、聚乙二醇存在下 ,蒽与硝酸铈铵和溴酸钠反应生成蒽醌 ,聚乙二醇作为相转移催化剂可以提高反应的选择性。

35、OBJECTIVE To test changes in the content of the total anthraquinone in the alcohol extractive of aloe before and after debittering. ─── 目的测定芦荟乙醇提取液在脱苦前后总蒽醌含量的变化情况。

36、Semen Cassiae anthraquinone glycoside ─── 决明子蒽醌苷

37、A new method for determining anthraquinone of Cassia obtusifolia L. ─── 提出了三氯化钛-分光光度法测定决明子中总蒽醌含量的新方法。


39、According to incomplete statistics, in the past 3 years, China exported more than 20 technologies, such as anthraquinone hydrogen peroxide solution, variable voltage absorption, etc. ─── 据不完全统计,中国三年来出口蒽醌法双氧水、变压吸附等技术二十余项。

40、Some anthraquinone(AQ) derivatives can be designed as photonucleases. They can cleave the single- or double-stranded DNA at special locations. ─── 一些蒽醌衍生物可以被设计成光核酸酶,可以和DNA作用并在特定的位置引发DNA的单链或双链裂解。

41、Methods Hydrolyze the anthraquinone glycoside first and then separate them by PH gradient extraction,and purify emodin by chromatography at last. ─── 方法先水解蒽醌苷,然后用pH梯度萃取法分离,最后柱层析法。

42、Protective Effect of Rhubarb Anthraquinone Derivant on Rats'Acute Lung Injury ─── 大黄蒽醌衍生物对大鼠急性肺损伤的保护作用

43、Using this method described in this paper, two plants producing hydrogen peroxide (HPO) by anthraquinone method are cleaned.The results show that this method can meet the demand for producing HPO. ─── 对福州一化化学品有限公司双氧水装置新、旧系统投产前的清洗实例表明,该法对蒽醌法生产过氧化氢的装置进行清洗,可满足双氧水生产的要求。

44、1-(epoxypropylamino) anthraquinone ─── 1-(环氧丙烷氨基)总醌

45、Anthraquinone from Rheum Palmatum L.(AERP) ─── 大黄游离蒽醌

46、With the different development degree of the stem, the distributions of anthraquinone compounds showed different characteristics in the epidermis, cortex, vascular bundle and pith rays. ─── [结论]蒽醌类化合物在茎中的分布是多位点的,随着茎发育程度的不同,其表皮、皮层、维管束和位射线中蒽醌类化合物的分布表现出不同的特点。

47、The Inducing Diarrhea Effects and its Mechanisms of Anthraquinon from Rheum palmatum L. ─── 大黄蒽醌致泻作用及其机理的初步研究。

48、Study on purification process of total anthraquinone in Radix et Rhizoma Rhei decoction ─── 大黄总蒽醌纯化工艺的研究

49、In the presence of acetic acid and polyethylene glycol,anthracene reacted with ammonium ceric nitrate and sodium bromate to form anthraquinone. ─── 在醋酸、聚乙二醇存在下,蒽与硝酸铈铵和溴酸钠反应生成蒽醌,聚乙二醇作为相转移催化剂可以提高反应的选择性。

50、Anthraquinone Production by Means of Step-reaction and Gas Phase Catalytic Oxidization Process ─── 分步反应的气相催化氧化法生产蒽醌

51、Comparative study on the extraction of anthraquinone from Semen Cassiae by MAE and commonly used extraction methods ─── 决明子微波萃取法与常用提取方法的比较

52、The Analysis of Anthraquinone Derivate Component and Its Stability in Rhubarb ─── 中药大黄中蒽醌衍生物成分分析及其稳定性

53、Xiao Chengqi-Tang had the strongest action, Dahuang was the most significant active factor.In chemical research, content of total and free anthraquinone were determined by HPLC. ─── 其拆方研究表明,影响泻下作用的最显著因素为大黄,次显著因素为枳实。

54、The electrochemical behavior of anthraquinone dyes on the surface of glassy carbon electrode has been examined. ─── 摘要采用玻碳电极研究了蒽醌类染料的电化学行为。

55、Anthraquinone dyestuff occapies an important place in the textile industry. ─── 蒽醌染料在纺织工业中占有重要的位置。

56、anthraquinone glycoside from Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. ─── 何首乌蒽醌苷

57、Under optimum conditions, yield of anthraquinone reached 82. 5%. ─── 在优化的实验条件下,获得了82.5%的收率。

58、The natural aldehyde compounds are present as phenylpropanoid,terpenoid,saponin,alkaloid,coumarin,anthraquinone and so on. ─── 带有醛基的天然化合物,具有苯丙素、萜类、皂苷类、生物碱、香豆素和蒽醌等多个存在的类型。

59、Examples are given illustrating its applications in the separation of azo,anthraquinone dyes and some dye intermediates. ─── 并举例说明其在偶氮、蒽醌等染料及某些染料中间体上的应用.

60、Experimental Study on Treatment of Anthraquinone Dye Wastewater by Hydrolytic-Anaerobic Aerobic Process ─── 厌氧水解-好氧处理蒽醌废水试验研究

61、Comparison and analysis for differences between different catalysts for HPS production by anthraquinone process, and using Pd catalyst to replace the Ni catalyst is concluded. ─── 对蒽醌法生产双氧水采用不同的触媒的差异进行比较和分析,指出以钯触媒取代镍触媒已势在必行。

62、The process of latent pigment can be used for treatment of such pigments as pyrrolo-pyrrole-dione, indigo, anthraquinone, quinacridone, diazo and thiazine-indigo. ─── 可使用隐颜料技术的颜料类型有二酮吡咯并吡咯、靛蓝、蒽醌、喹吖啶酮、偶氮以及噻嗪-靛蓝类颜料。

63、Determination of Anthraquinone by Titanium Trichloride-Spectrophotometry in Cassia obtusifolia L. ─── 三氯化钛-分光光度法测定决明子蒽醌。

64、1 - amino 2 4 - hydroxy - 2 - ( 6 - hydroxyhexoxy) anthraquinone ─── 1-氨基-4-羟基-2-(6-羟基己氧基)蒽醌

65、A new method involving extraction to decolor the waste sulfuric acid discharged from the process of anthraquinone production was described. ─── 以萃取法对蒽醌生产中的废硫酸进行脱色处理,优化选择萃取剂,并对脱色工艺进行初步的探讨。

66、The coagulation and sedimentation and catalytic oxidation processes were used to treat anthraquinone dye wastewater. ─── 介绍了采用混凝沉淀-生物接触氧化工艺处理染整废水。

67、It was found that dyed fabric has good anti-UV function and its good anti-UV function may be concerned with the anthraquinone in Rheum. ─── 实验表明大黄染色后的天然纤维织物有很好的防紫外特性,大黄的防紫外特性可能与它成分中具有蒽醌衍生物有关。

68、Keywords Rheum tanguticum Maxim;Anthraquinone derivatives;Extraction;Isolation; ─── 唐古特大黄;蒽酿衍生物;提取;分离;

69、The effects of illumination,roasting temperature and the dosage of photocatalyst on photocatalytic degradation efficiency of anthraquinone dye B-RN and KN-R under UV. ─── 以蒽醌染料B-RN和KN-R为降解对象,紫外灯为光源,研究了光照、催化剂的热处理温度、催化剂用量等因素对染料降解率的影响。

70、In vitro, anthraquinone or glycosides of anthraquinone from Rheum palmatum L. had no action on the activity of pepsin. ─── 体外实验结果显示,无论是大黄游离蒽醌或是结合型蒽醌对胃蛋白酶的活性均无明显影响。

71、Keywords Rhubarb anthraquinone analogues;influenza virus;antivirus effect; ─── 大黄蒽醌;流感病毒;抗病毒作用;

72、Modification of Anthraquinone Dyes based on Nucleophilic Substitution ─── 基于亲核取代蒽醌染料的改性

73、Conclusion The method can be used to test the extraction and separation of anthraquinone compounds on a large scale. ─── 结论此法可供较大规模的提取分离蒽醌类成分参考。

74、Six-month oral toxicity study of total anthraquinone in radix et rhizoma rhei in SD rats ─── 大黄总蒽醌对SD大鼠灌胃给药的长期毒性研究

75、Abstract: Anthraquinone dyestuff occapies an important place in the textile industry. ─── 摘 要: 蒽醌染料在纺织工业中占有重要的位置。

76、When the anthraquinone ring is led into different group,it changes into a differentd yestuff. ─── 将蒽醌环上引入不同的基团则成为不同的染料。

77、Purification technology of anthraquinone aglycone from Cassia obtusifolia seeds by macroporous adsorption resin ─── 决明子中总蒽醌苷元的大孔吸附树脂纯化工艺的研究

78、Effects of cassia seeds protein and anthraquinone glycoside on blood fat of rats with hyperlipemia ─── 决明子蛋白质和蒽醌苷对高脂血症大鼠血脂的影响

79、Systematic experiments made on light fastness of mulberry dyes show that anthraquinone dyes and metal complex dyes are conducive to light fastness. ─── 对桑蚕丝织物的耐光色牢度进行了较系统的试验。

80、As far as consumption is concerned, triphenylmethane dyes are classed as the third dyes, following after azo and anthraquinone dyes. ─── 三苯甲烷类染料是继偶氮染料、蒽醌染料之后使用量第三大染料,在生产、使用过程中产生大量废水。

81、Synthesis and Photoconductive Properties of Azo Pigment from Anthraquinone ─── 含蒽醌基单偶氮染料光电导性质构效研究

82、total anthraquinone in radix et rhizome rhei ─── 大黄总蒽醌

83、The perceutages of extra ction and preservation of anthraquinone were used to select the methods of extra ction, concentration and drying of Semen Cassiae. ─── 方法:以结合蒽醌的提取率和保留率为指标,对决明子提取、浓缩和干燥的方式进行了筛选。

84、Keywords Coptis of Compound Mixture;Quality control;1;8-Hydroxy anthraquinone; ─── 关键词黄连复方合剂;质量标准;1;8-二羟基蒽醌;

85、The flocculation of easily water - soluble dyes such as reactive brilliant red, acid anthraquinone blue and reactive brilliant blue was obtained in acidic and weak acidic media by JAZ flocculants. ─── JAZ型絮凝剂与水溶性大的染料,如活性艳红,酸性蒽醌蓝、活性艳蓝的絮凝作用在酸性和弱酸性介质中出现。

86、The perceutages of extraction and preservation of anthraquinone were used to select the methods of extraction, concentration and drying of Semen Cassiae. ─── 方法:以结合蒽醌的提取率和保留率为指标,对决明子提取、浓缩和干燥的方式进行了筛选。

87、Anthraquinone dyestuff occupies an important place in the textile industry. ─── 蒽醌染料在纺织工业中占有重要的位置。

88、The catalysts,which were used for oxidating hydrogenized anthraquinone working fluid in the production course of hydrogen peroxide by anthraquinone method were introduced. ─── 介绍了蒽醌法生产过氧化氢在蒽醌氢化工作液氧化步骤中所用的催化剂。

89、Study on the Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties of Symmetric Alkylamino Anthraquinone[J]. ─── 引用该论文 高建荣,陈兴,程侣柏,郑殷东,吴剑钟.

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