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08-19 投稿


assimilable 发音

英:[??s?m?l?bl]  美:[??s?m?l?bl]

英:  美:

assimilable 中文意思翻译



assimilable 词性/词形变化,assimilable变形

名词: assimilability |

assimilable 短语词组

1、assimilable in english ─── 英语可同化

2、assimilable organic carbon ─── 生物可同化有机碳

3、assimilable en anglais ─── 可同化英语

4、assimilable groups ─── 可同化群

5、assimilable synonyms ─── 可同化同义词

6、assimilable organic ─── 可同化有机物

7、assimilable define ─── 可同化定义

8、assimilable nitrogen ─── [化] 可同化的氮

9、assimilable definition ─── 可同化定义

assimilable 相似词语短语

1、assimilate ─── vt.吸收;使同化;把…比作;使相似;vi.吸收;同化

2、assimilably ─── 可同化的

3、assailable ─── adj.易受攻击的,有隙可乘的

4、assibilate ─── vt.使齿音化;使成咝擦音

5、nonassimilable ─── 不可同化

6、assimilative ─── adj.同化的;同化力的

7、assignable ─── adj.[经]可分配的;可指定的;可让渡的

8、annihilable ─── adj.可消灭的;可毁坏的

9、unassimilable ─── 不可吸收的;不能消化的;不可同化的

assimilable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Yeast Assimilable Nitrogenous Compounds(YANC) ─── 酵母可同化氮源

2、To convert(nitrogen) into stable, biologically assimilable compounds. ─── 固氮把(氮)转变成稳定的、能被生物吸收的化合物

3、Biomechanical study and its clinical significance of tension band assimilable thread in treatment of patella fractures ─── 可吸收线张力带治疗髌骨骨折的生物力学研究及其临床意义

4、Keywords Assimilable organic carbon Regrowth of bacteria;Drinking water; ─── 可同化有机碳;细菌的再生长;饮用水;

5、Eating local pollen every day is said help alleviate allergies, and the highly assimilable protein is both healing and energizing. ─── 每天吃当地的花粉能有助于减轻过敏症状,它的高度同化蛋白是医治创伤和提高机体活力的良药。

6、Capable of being converted into assimilable condition in the alimentary canal. ─── 能够在消化道中转化成可以吸收的状态。

7、capable of being converted into assimilable condition in the alimentary canal. ─── 能够在消化道中转化成可以吸收的状态。

8、Clinical studies of the treatment of patella fracture with tension band assimilable thread ─── 可吸收线张力带治疗髌骨骨折

9、capable of being converted into assimilable condition in the alimentary canal ─── 能够在消化道中转化成可以吸收的状态

10、Experience of the treatment of comminuted patella freacture with tension band assimilable thread ─── 可吸收线治疗粉碎性髌骨骨折体会

11、Keywords Drinking water;Water quality;Biological stability;Assimilable organic carbon (AOC);Distribution system water pollution index (DSWPI); ─── 饮用水;水质;生物稳定性;可同化有机碳;管网水质污染指数;

12、Abstract Assimilable Organic Carbon (AOC) in different raw water of Yangtze Delta was studied in this paper. ─── 摘要 对长三角区域不同饮用水水源中可同化有机碳(AOC)进行了测定。

13、Study on Assimilable Organic Carbon in Raw Water of Yangtze Delta ─── 长三角区域饮用水水源中可同化有机碳的研究

14、Assimilable thread ─── 可吸收线

15、Removal of assimilable organic carbon from drinking water by nanofiltration membrane ─── 纳滤膜对饮用水中可同化有机碳的去除效果

16、Biomechanical study and its clinical significance of tension band assimilable thread in treatment of patella fractures ─── 可吸收线张力带治疗髌骨骨折的生物力学研究及其临床意义

17、Keywords Bacterial regrowth;HPC;Biological stability;Chloroform;Assimilable organic carbon; ─── 细菌再生长;细菌总数;生物稳定性;三氯甲烷;可同化有机碳;磷;

18、Usage Kelp has a long history of use as a food and as a source of assimilable iodine. ─── 海带的使用有著悠久的历史作为食物和作为源碘的同化。

19、Removal of assimilable organic carbon from drinking water by nanofiltration membrane ─── 纳滤膜对饮用水中可同化有机碳的去除效果

20、Assimilable Organic Carbon (AOC) in different raw water of Yangtze Delta was studied in this paper. ─── 三角区域不同饮用水水源中可同化有机碳(AOC)进行了测定。

21、Keywords organic pollutants;advanced water treatment;conventional water treatment;assimilable organic carbon (AOC); ─── 有机污染物;深度水处理;常规水处理;可同化有机碳;

22、Keywords sluggish fermentation;cider;Yeast Assimilable Nitrogenous Compounds(YANC);vitamins;concentrated apply juice; ─── 发酵迟缓;苹果酒;酵母可同化氮源;营养素;苹果浓缩汁;

23、capable of being converted into assimilable condition in the alimentary canal. ─── 能够在消化道中转化成可以吸收的状态。

24、HONEY, a most assimilable carbohydrate compound, is a singularly acceptable, practical and most effective aliment to generate heat, create and replace energy, and furthermore, to form certain tissues. ─── 蜂蜜,一类最易同化的碳水化合物,是少见的易吸收,实际的且最有效地滋补品,它能够产生热量,创造或代替能量,并且能够形成一定的组织。

25、Study on the removal performance of assimilable organic carbon by conventional water treatment process ─── 常规处理工艺对可同化有机碳去除特性的研究

26、Clinical studies of the treatment of patella fracture with tension band assimilable thread ─── 可吸收线张力带治疗髌骨骨折

27、assimilable organic carbon (AOC) ─── 可同化有机碳(AOC)

28、Assimilable organic carbona ─── 可生物同化有机碳

29、assimilable organic carbon ─── 可同化有机碳

30、assimilable nutrients; assimilable information. ─── 可吸收的营养品;可吸收的信息

31、Study on the removal performance of assimilable organic carbon by conventional water treatment process ─── 常规处理工艺对可同化有机碳去除特性的研究

32、assimilable nitrogen ─── 可同化的氮

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