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08-19 投稿


imitation 发音

英:[?m?'te??(?)n]  美:[,?m?'te??n]

英:  美:

imitation 中文意思翻译



imitation 词性/词形变化,imitation变形

形容词: imita-tional |

imitation 短语词组

in imitation of

1. 为了仿效

He grew beards in imitation of the actor.

他为了模仿那个演员, 蓄起了胡子。

1、imitation gold plating ─── [化] 仿金电镀

2、imitation gold ─── 仿金

3、imitation product ─── 仿制产品

4、morbid imitation ─── [医] 病态模仿

5、imitation-wood plastic ─── [化] 仿木材塑料

6、elicited imitation ─── 引起模仿

7、an imitation diamond ─── 人造钻石

8、imitation fur ─── 充毛皮

9、imitation leather ─── [化] 人造皮革

10、imitation Chinese writing paper ─── [化] 洋连史纸

11、imitation brand goods ─── [法] 冒牌货

12、imitation parchment (paper) ─── [化] 仿羊皮纸

13、colourable imitation ─── [法] 伪造, 假造

14、Imitation Song ─── 仿宋

15、signal imitation ─── [计] 信号模拟

16、imitation jump ─── 模仿性滑跳

17、imitation brand ─── [经] 冒牌

18、imitation ivory ─── 人造象牙

19、imitation stone ─── 人造石,假宝石,假石

imitation 同义词

skit | impersonation | dummy | forgery | simulated | faux | takeoff | reproduction | mock | artificial | ersatz | simulation | impression | facsimile | caricature | sham | synthetic | pretend | replication | copy | parody | unreal | correspondence |fake | false

imitation 反义词

formalism | invention

imitation 习惯用语

1、give an imitation of ─── 模仿, 对...加以模仿

2、Beware of imitations. ─── 谨防假冒。

3、in imitation of ─── 模仿

imitation 相似词语短语

1、imitational ─── adj.模仿的;拟态的;赝品的

2、limitations ─── n.局限性;(限制)因素;边界(limitation的复数形式)

3、imputation ─── n.归罪;非难;归咎;污名

4、incitation ─── n.激励;刺激;煽动;诱因

5、limitation ─── n.限制;限度;极限;追诉时效;有效期限;缺陷

6、invitation ─── n.邀请;引诱;请帖;邀请函

7、Visitation ─── n.访问;探视;视察;正式访问

8、digitation ─── n.指状突起;指状分裂

9、imitations ─── n.模仿,仿造;仿制品;adj.人造的,仿制的

imitation 特殊用法

1、spontaneous imitation ─── 无意识模仿

2、signal imitation ─── 【信】假信号响应

3、parchment imitation ─── 仿羊皮纸

4、voluntary imitation ─── 有意识模仿

imitation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He is a writer of rich imitation. ─── 他是一位想象力丰富的作家。

2、Read aloud in imitation of the tape. ─── 仿效磁带大声朗读。

3、Do you think children learn by imitation? ─── 你认为孩子们是靠著模仿而学习吗?

4、Many corporate methods have been adopted by American managers in imitation of Japanese practice. ─── 美国的管理人员效仿日本人的做法,采用了很多经营公司的方法。

5、Calf cloth: An imitation leather binding material. ─── 冲皮布:仿效皮革的装订用材料。

6、It was designed in imitation of an Indian temple. ─── 它是仿照了印度的热那寺来设计的。

7、A child learns to talk by imitation. ─── 小孩子通过模仿学会说话。

8、A synthetic imitation of natural tortoiseshell. ─── 仿玳瑁模仿自然玳瑁的人工仿造品

9、Their version of jazz funk is a pale imitation of the real thing. ─── 他们演奏的音乐不过是对真正的乡土爵士乐的拙劣模仿。

10、Mother says that we should look away She tells me i'm a pretty bullet An imitation christ! ─── 她告诉我:我是一颗完美的子弹!。未来我将成为巨星!

11、Imitation gold leaf; tinsel; glitter. ─── 仿金箔仿造金片;闪闪发光的金属;闪烁

12、She was pirouetting in imitation of her teacher. ─── 她在学老师用脚尖旋转。

13、An imitation book,used to fill bookcases of people who wish to appear scholarly. ─── 一种仿造的书,往往被想显示学者风度的人拿来放在书架上当摆设。

14、Elsewhere imitation and artifice play a part . ─── 在其他领域里,模仿和技巧起了一定作用。

15、The use or imitation of Gothic style, as in architecture. ─── 哥特式建筑上使用哥特式风格或仿哥特式风格

16、Was built indeed in imitation of a tower. ─── 就是倣楼阁式的建筑。

17、Oral transmission also includes passage by customary demonstration and imitation. ─── 口头传承还包括习俗方面的示范和模仿。

18、She put on a passable imitation of a Scottish accent. ─── 她模仿苏格兰口音还算过得去。

19、Slavish imitation of the physical sciences is a mistake in the study of humans and society. ─── 在对人和社会的研究中,机械地模仿自然科学是错误的。

20、They discussed important issues in imitation of their elders. ─── 他们模仿长辈的口气讨论重大问题。

21、But there is no need to appeal to imitation. ─── 但是,我认为无需求助于模仿。

22、He proposed that lady for imitation. ─── 他把那位女士说成榜样。

23、By imitation of Kublai Khan's dedication he hoped to develop similar powers. ─── 他仿效忽必烈汗献身成佛的办法,希望取得类似的权力。

24、A child learns to talk by imitation. ─── 小孩子通过模仿学会说话。

25、Listen to these words of Thomas a Kempis, author of Imitation of Christ. ─── 在我们进入经文之前,一些事情先弄懂将会帮助你理解它。

26、All writers of the hsingling school are against imitation of the ancients or the moderns and against a literary technique of rules. ─── 性灵派之作家反对模拟古今文人,亦反对文学之格套与定律。

27、This happens, so it is said, because the model set for imitation is different. ─── 因此,有人说,所以发生这种情况,是因为模仿的模型不同。

28、Do you have the imitation terra cotta warriors of the Qin Dynasty? ─── 你们有秦朝的陶俑仿制品吗?

29、It isn't easy to distinguish between real pearls and imitation pearls. ─── 区别珍珠的真假并不容易。

30、Young children learn how to speak by imitation. ─── 儿童通过模仿学说话。

31、He compared the imitation with the original. ─── 他比较了仿造品和原来的作品。

32、His style is a slavish imitation of his teacher's. ─── 他一味模仿教师的风格,毫无创意。

33、There is no denying the fact that the rally number "in many aspects in the imitation" saving private Ryan this point has been recognized. ─── 无可否认,《集结号》在很多方面是在模仿《拯救大兵瑞恩》这一点已经得到公认。

34、Title: I Imitation sheepskin dog fur shoulder pad (shawl). ─── 名称:仿羊皮真狗毛护肩(披肩)。

35、A grotesque imitation or misrepresentation. ─── 一种荒诞的模仿或歪曲。

36、Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. ─── 仿效乃最真诚的恭维形式。

37、The decorative imitation of marble patterns printed on page edges and endpapers of books. ─── 大理石刻纹模仿大理石花纹在书页边和衬页上印制的装饰性花纹

38、He set us a good example for imitation. ─── 他为我们做出了仿效的好榜样。

39、Agency for bulk cargo, groceries, imitation goods declaration card. ─── 专业代理散货,杂货,仿牌货报关。

40、Erik had been seen in flannels and an imitation of Panama hat. ─── 人们看到埃里克身穿法兰绒裤,头戴仿制巴拿马草帽。

41、A structure, such as a garden pavilion, built in imitation of a many-storied Buddhist tower. ─── 塔状一种结构,如花园里的亭子,模仿多层的佛塔而建的

42、The use or imitation of Gothic style,as in architecture. ─── 哥特式建筑上使用哥特式风格或仿哥特式风格。

43、Accent imitation You should choose between the two. ─── 你得在两个里面挑。

44、Joe's imitation of famous politicians had us rolling in the aisles. ─── 乔模仿著名政治家的即兴表演让我们捧腹不已。

45、He grew beards in imitation of the actor. ─── 他为了模仿那个演员,蓄起了胡子。

46、The influence of imitation in human society cannot be overestimated. ─── 不能过高估计人类社会中模仿的作用。

47、Paper made in imitation of this material. ─── 仿羊皮纸仿这样材料做的纸

48、"Satanism", is the worship and imitation of the biblical Satan or Lucifer. ─── ‘魔鬼教派”,是指对圣经里撒旦和魔鬼的崇拜和模仿。

49、This allows the end user must face up to use positioning may be used for blocking the imitation, fake embarrassing situation. ─── 这使得使用者必须面对使用定位烫印仍可能被模仿、假冒的尴尬局面。

50、A good imitation is sometimes mistakable for the real thing. ─── 好的模仿品足以以假乱真!

51、Man often applauds an imitation, and hiss the real thing. ─── 人往往对假货喝彩,而对真品发出嘘声。

52、What shall we do if an imitation of our brand is found? ─── 如果发现有人仿冒我公司的商标,我公司该怎么办?

53、A satirical imitation or burlesque of the heroic manner or style. ─── 嘲弄地模仿英雄风格的作品对英雄行为或风格的讽刺的模仿或戏谑

54、Imitation parchment: Tough grease-proof paper. ─── 充羊皮纸:结实的防油纸。

55、But I don't know how to tell real jade from the plastic imitation. ─── 可是,我不知道怎样识别真正的玉和塑料仿制品。

56、Why, I would have sold two real bulls for less than one imitation of yours. ─── 哎呀,我即使卖掉两头真牛,价钱也赶不上你一头假牛多。

57、Erik had been seen in flannels and an imitation Panama hat. ─── 人们看到埃里克身穿法兰绒裤,头戴仿制巴拿马草帽。

58、Maybe imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. ─── 可能模仿是奉承的最恳切的形式。

59、I'm no model lady. A model's just an imitation of the real thing. ─── 我不是一个好姑娘。所谓好姑娘只是现实世界中的赝品。

60、His imitation of that famous singer is perfect. ─── 他仿效那位名歌唱家的唱法,已经达到无懈可击的地步。

61、Joe's imitation of famous politicians had us rolling int the aisles. ─── 乔模仿著名政治家的即兴表演让我们乐得前仰后合。

62、No men ever yet bacame great by imitation. ─── 从来还没有任何人因为模仿别人而成为伟人的。

63、what Chinese students consider perfectly acceptable imitation, however, is often defined by Western teachers as stealing. ─── 中国学生以为无可指责的模仿手法,西方教师往往视作剽窃行为。

64、She walked in imitation of her mentor as requested, inwardly feeling that there was something strangely lacking. ─── 她照着导演的要求走动着,心里却感到这么走缺少了点什么东西,令人不自在。

65、Is already a large compound built in imitation of the Song architectural style. ─── 已经是一座宏大的倣宋建筑群。

66、It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation. ─── 宁可在创新中失败也不要在模仿中成功。

67、He does a hilarious imitation of Tony Blair. ─── 他模仿托尼布莱尔的滑稽表演令观众捧腹。

68、Her innocence is only an imitation. ─── 她的天真只是一种伪装。

69、We provide solutions to your company's brand protection (To prevent imitation, forgery, copyright &patented products). ─── 可为客户提供设计、制版、模压、转印、综合防伪及各种软硬镭射包装等综合服务。

70、Miller, N.E., Dollard, J., 1941,“Social Learning and Imitation”, New Haven, Conn.:Yale University Press. ─── 参:任寿根《模仿的社会心理学解释与模仿经济学》,南京大学“斯密论坛”讲稿。

71、He criticized all forms of imitation and opposed all self-abased people. ─── 他批评了所有形式的模仿,并且反对所有自卑的人。

72、Connie: He does a great imitation of me. Show him, Anthony. ─── 康妮:他也很会模仿我。安东尼,秀给他看。

73、Men often applaud an imitation and hiss the real thing. ─── 人经常为模仿品而喝彩对真品却咳之以鼻。

74、A sound made in imitation of laughter. ─── 哈哈模仿发笑的声音

75、All arts consist in the imitation and study of nature. ─── 一切艺术存在于对自然的模仿和研究。

76、does not follow the beaten track, blind imitation, should be able to demonstrate creative designers can be originality. ─── 不因循守旧、盲目模仿,应能体现出设计者创作才能的独创性。

77、Imitation really is the sincerest form of flattery. ─── 仿效别人也许是衷心赞誉的一种表现吧!

78、It is remind of me to recall that someone ever said " the essence of study is imitation, and the secret of study is repeat . " ─── 这让我想起曾经有人说过这样一句话:“学习的本质在模仿,学习的秘诀在重复”,它表明了重复在学习过程中的重要性。

79、I created an imitation “me” to see how the audience would react. ─── 我为自己做了一件仿造的“我”来看看观众如何反应。

80、Antique imitation carriage. It means victory. ─── 仿古马车壁画,马到成功.

81、You're just a copy of an imitation. ─── 你只是一个冒牌货的复制品。

82、She possessed an innate taste for imitation and no small ability. ─── 她天生善于模仿,在这方面趣味高雅,不需要什么练习。

83、His imitation of that singer is perfect. ─── 他模仿那位歌手真是象极了。

84、Something done in imitation of Greek style or spirit. ─── 对希腊风格或精神的模仿

85、These aren't imitation, you know. ─── 它们可不是假的,你知道。

86、"Explain," said Mr. Bamberger, giving a modified imitation. ─── “你要解释清楚。 "班贝格先生有点走样地模仿着。

87、Calf cloth An imitation leather binding material. ─── 仿效皮革的装订用材料。

88、Dozens days before the CEE, the third imitation exam came. ─── “三模”将最后一次检验我的心理。

89、Unable to suppress their instinctive impulse to dance, the two members busted out in an imitation of each others choreography. ─── 无法抑制自己的本能冲动,舞蹈,捣毁了两名成员在彼此的舞蹈模仿。


英文翻译有:fake ; imitation ; counterfeit ; knockoff。




Replica, Replica, Replica,重要的事情要说三遍!!!并奉劝那些自以为英文水平高深莫测或自诩教育达人的自恋狂们,放过我们的孩子吧!不会、不懂这允许,但跳出来胡说八道,这就是要持之以恒地毁人不倦嘛?MMP叔可忍,婶不能!



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