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08-19 投稿


suavity 发音

英:['swɑ?v?t?]  美:['sw?v?ti]

英:  美:

suavity 中文意思翻译



suavity 网络释义

n. 柔和,温和;愉快

suavity 词性/词形变化,suavity变形

名词: suaveness |形容词比较级: suaver |形容词最高级: suavest |副词: suavely |

suavity 同义词

polished | sophisticated | gracious | debonaire | debonnaire | bland | diplomatic | impeccable | urbane | polite | accomplished |smooth | charming | politic | amiable | mannerly | formal | debonair | graceful

suavity 反义词


suavity 短语词组

1、suavity means ─── 温和意味着

2、suavity meaning ─── 温文尔雅的意思

3、suavity definition ─── 温和的定义

4、suavity salon ─── 文雅沙龙

5、suavity antonym ─── 温和反义词

6、suavity define ─── 温文尔雅的定义

7、suavity synonym ─── 温和同义词

suavity 相似词语短语

1、gravity ─── n.重力,地心引力;严重性;庄严

2、suavities ─── n.柔和,温和;愉快

3、visuality ─── 可视性

4、suability ─── 可起诉

5、curvity ─── 曲率

6、suavely ─── adv.温文尔雅地;柔和地;讨好地

7、subcavity ─── 子电容

8、cavity ─── n.腔;洞,凹处

9、pravity ─── n.堕落;腐败;障碍,故障

suavity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But the well-bred, artificial smile, when he bent upon the guests, had its wonted steely suavity ─── 但是他哈着腰向宾客招呼的那种彬彬有礼、故意装成的笑容里,却仍然具有它平时那种沉着的殷勤。

2、If anything could have betrayed his lack of joy, it was his increased suavity. ─── 如果有什么东西可以使人察觉他不及从前那么快乐的话,那就是他更加和颜悦色了。

3、With suavity; in a suave manner. ─── 有温和之处;以温和的方式。

4、7.with suavity; in a suave manner. ─── 有温和之处;以温和的方式。

5、Mozart usually keeps his surfaces smoother than Haydn, achieving a more polished suavity. ─── 莫扎特较海顿更注重外在的流畅性,以期达到更优美的温和感受。

6、Developing Navigation Electronic Map for SUAV'GCS ─── 超小型无人机地面控制站电子导航地图的开发

7、The application of composites molding by vacuum-only cure technology in SUAV airframe is presented. ─── 介绍袋压法成型复合材料在小型无人机机体结构中的应用情况。

8、There never was a cat of such deceitfulness and suavity. ─── 从没有一只猫奸诈却温和

9、This is the simplest description of her character which, although by no means without liberal motions, rarely succeeded in giving an impression of suavity. ─── 这是对她的性格最扼要的说明,这种性格虽然不能说毫无仁慈可言,但很难给人以温柔的感觉。

10、Gentle, sensitive, and very lovely, he united the charm of adolescence with the suavity of a more mature age; ─── 他温文尔雅,生性敏感,非常可爱。他身上兼备少年的魅力和成年人的谦和;

11、electric SUAV ─── 电动无人机

12、There entered three men, who introduced themselves, with perfect suavity, as officers of the police. ─── 进入有作为的警务人员3人,谁介绍了自己与完美的文诌诌,。

13、He's got a surface flow of suavity, but he's rough as a rasp underneath ─── 他表面看来和和气气的,其实是个粗野狂暴的恶棍。

14、Longitudinal aerodynamic data of a small unmanned aerial vehicle (SUAV) were obtained though an aerodynamic estimation method. ─── 摘要应用气动力估算方法得到某小型无人机的纵向气动力数据;

15、as for the rest, everything about her is freshness, suavity, youth, sweet morning light. ─── 然而她有的全是光艳、趣味、青春、柔美的晨曦。

16、M. Madeleine did not allow the district-attorney to finish; he interrupted him in accents full of suavity and authority. ─── 马德兰先生丝毫不让检察官说完。他用一种十分温良而又十分刚强的口吻打断了他的话。

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