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08-19 投稿


presupposes 发音

英:[?pri?s??p??z?z]  美:[?pri?s??po?z?z]

英:  美:

presupposes 中文意思翻译



presupposes 短语词组

1、presupposes crossword ─── 预设纵横字谜

2、presupposes synonym ─── 预设同义词

3、presupposes syn ─── 预设syn

4、presupposes meaning ─── 预设意义

5、presupposes means ─── 预设手段

6、presupposes define ─── 预设定义

7、presupposes definition require ─── 预设定义要求

presupposes 词性/词形变化,presupposes变形

动词过去式: presupposed |动词第三人称单数: presupposes |动词现在分词: presupposing |动词过去分词: presupposed |形容词: presuppositional |名词: presupposition |

presupposes 相似词语短语

1、preposes ─── v.把……放在前面,将(冠词等)前置

2、presupposing ─── vt.假定;预料;以…为先决条件

3、presurmises ─── vt.预先推测;n.预测

4、presuppose ─── vt.假定;预料;以…为先决条件

5、predisposes ─── vt.预先处置;使…偏向于

6、preimposes ─── 预先施加的

7、pre-exposes ─── 预曝光

8、presupposed ─── v.预先假定,假设;以……为前提,依……而定(presuppose的过去式和过去分词)

9、precomposes ─── v.预作;预先构成

presupposes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Approval of the plan presupposes that the money will be made available. ─── 批准该计划先要有可用的资金。

2、It is shown that whereas the early theory presupposes a solipsistic transcendental subject, in the later theory this is replaced by people sharing specific common practices. ─── 文中指出,前期理论所设定的独我论先然主体,在后期理论中如何被社会性的主体所取代。

3、Freedom presupposes market functioning and politically ensures functioning of market economy. ─── 自由是市场运行的前提预设,是市场经济运行的政治保障。

4、His argument presupposes that it does not matter who is in power. ─── 他的论点前提是,谁掌权都无关紧要。

5、Ordinarily, however, the efficient cause is not the cause of the matter since it presupposes it. ─── 一般而言,动力因不是质料的原因,因为动力因以质料为先决条件。

6、It presupposes that firm differentials is not a matter of chance, although it may play some role, but the consequence of firms intentional actions. ─── 它假定了企业差异不是机会的问题,尽管机会可能扮演着某种角色,而是企业有意识的行动的结果。

7、It presupposes that existing property rights are equitable and that government need do nothing to prevent extremes of inequality. ─── 它预设,现存的财产权是基本公正的,政府在预防极端不公正时什么都不用做。

8、In fact, it presupposes an excellent legal archive or law library ─── 事实上,很可能存在一所完备的法律文件档案室或法学图书馆。

9、The answer depends upon your ability to effect changes in a timely manner, which presupposes that you understand all of the changes that will be necessary to improve performance. ─── 假定您理解改进性能需要的所有更改,那么该问题的答案取决于及时进行更改的能力。

10、Converse antonymy in reciprocal social roles, kinship relations, temporal and spatial relations. There are always two entities involved.One presupposes the other. The shorter, better; worse. Etc are instances of relational opposites. ─── 关系对立:反向反义关系典型地表现在相互社会角色亲属关系,时间和空间等方面,它总是涉及两个实体,一个预设了另一个。

11、The perfection of personality in modem society presupposes the construction and perfection of legality. ─── 现代社会的人格完善以法制本身的建设与完善为前提。

12、The prosperity and fl wurishing of a societ Women y presupposes that its people bewell-fed and well-clothed. ─── 一个社会的繁荣昌盛是以丰衣足食为前提的。

13、Every innovative strategy constitutes the main tody of the innovative system,and this system presupposes the innovation of concept and is bound by the innovative mechanism. ─── 而区域集装箱港口的创新,应是基于观念、体系及机制的创新,其中,各经营策略的创新是创新体系的主体,而创新体系又要以创新观念为前提,以创新机制作约束。

14、civilization presupposes respect for the law. ─── 文明预示着对法律的尊重。

15、Tr***el is a leisure activity which presupposes its opposite, namely regulated and organized work. ─── 旅行是一种休闲活动,需要以其对立面即约束、组织性的工作为前提。

16、But I also like the complex understanding of belonging that it presupposes. ─── 但我也喜欢该计划所希望的归属感的复杂理解。

17、Waiver or acquiescence presupposes that the person to be bound is fully cognizant of his rights. ─── 放弃或者默许的权利应当是从当事人已充分认识他的权利为前提。

18、Story-telling presupposes linguistic representation accessible to our meaning dynamism. ─── 故事的叙?已经进入了语言的表象,其基本特性是隐喻性的。

19、The game of doubt itself presupposes certainty because doubt requires a certain level of grounding. ─── 因为人类是容易犯错误的,所以必须承认还有错误的危险。

20、Foreseeability is the essential prerequisite to judge negligence.Whether or not it is foreseeable also presupposes the liability held by medical service providers. ─── “应当预见”是判定过失的一个基本前提,是否承担法律后果的大前提在于是否应当预见。

21、Another problem is that when interpreted in terms of rationality, the equilibrium concept presupposes that each player has complete information about the other players' situation. ─── 因此老实人从书本知识学到的人际关系永远是滞后的,所以说没有能从书本学到的潜规则;正因为如此,掌握潜规则才是生存的第一原则;

22、Efficiency presupposes the adoption of classroom procedures which will yield the best results in the quickest possible time. ─── 而效率的获得则以在可能的最快时间内达成最佳成果之课堂程序为必要条件。

23、This presupposes that the prototype be made in the series process with the series material. ─── 这就预示着原型要通过量产的过程用量产的材料制造。

24、Writing acceptable criticism of Black fiction, however, presupposes giving satisfactory answers to a number of questions. ─── 然而写出为人所接受的黑人小说评论的前提是要对许多问题做出令人满意的回答。

25、The general rule presupposes that the letter of acceptance is properly addressed and stamped. ─── 一般原则预先假定承诺信件是被正确地书写了地址并且粘贴了邮票。

26、This method presupposes the courage to seek out human phenomena that frighten every normal observer, the author included. ─── 这种方法预示着一种勇气,探求种种令包括作者在内的观察者感到恐惧的人类现象。

27、According to his critique, the intentional experience presupposes the innateness of thought, and therefore cannot account for how a new way of thinking is borne from learning and experiment. ─── 德勒兹批判的主要论点是:意向经验隐藏了思考的本具性预设,因此无法从学习和探索的角度彻底说明崭新思考形成。

28、Moreover, we recognize that the very idea of these universal rights presupposes the equal worth of every individual. ─── 还有,我们认识到,这些普遍通用的权利的真正要旨,就是要求以每个个体拥有同等的价值为先决条件。

29、concealing courage under a show of timidity presupposes a fund of latent energy ─── 勇怯,势也

30、The evolution of species presupposes a process of natural selection. ─── 生物演变是以自然选则的过程为前提的。

31、True kindness presupposes sympathy. ─── 要有真正的仁慈必须先有同情心。

32、Now, there probably is not a heretic in history who would not agree with that, because all theology presupposes the revelation of God, whether in nature, human reason, culture, or whatever. ─── 可能历史上没有任何一个异端会不同意这一点,因为所有的神学,不论是自然的,人理性的,文化的,或其他的神学,都预先假设了神的启示。

33、The response presupposes a combination of extreme rationality and extreme selfishness, which does not always prevail. ─── 这一回答预先假定的是,人既极度理性、又极度自私——然而,人并不总是这样。

34、The end of an era presupposes the start of another. ─── 一个时代的结束是以另一个时代开始为前提的。

35、Further development of librarianship, then, presupposes the dissolution of library castes. ─── 为了图书馆未来的发展,就要消除阶级制度。

36、An adequate analysis of the text presupposes that we cautiously differentiate and detach the ironic voice of the narrator from the tumultuous voices reflecting or centering around the notion of "progress". ─── 我们必须小心翼翼地把叙述者的声音从那些嘈杂混乱的声音中剥离出来。

37、China needs our Party to accomplish modernization.Similarly,China's prominent position in the international struggle against hegemonism and for human progress presupposes the existence of our Party. ─── 中国现代化建设需要我们的党,中国在国际反霸权主义斗争和争取人类进步事业中的重要地位,需要我们党。

38、The spread of Christianity in China presupposes the construction of Christianity authority which is closely interrelated to Chinese translation of Bible. ─── 基督宗教在中国的传布离不开基督宗教权威在汉语世界中的建构。

39、It is a day which necessarily presupposes a higher power, and our responsibility as part of creation to give thanks, in our own tradition’s way, for all that higher power provides us. ─── 这个节日应该以更强大的力量为基础。作为创造物的一部分,我们有责任以我们传统的方式,为赋予的一切力量表达我们的感激之情。

40、Sound sleep presupposes a mind at ease. ─── 充足睡眠需以心情轻松为先决条件。

41、The second part gives reasons that effectiveness of contracts presupposes the performance of insurer under four circumstances. ─── 第二部分阐述影响人身保险合同效力的四种情况,以此说明合同效力是保险人履行赔付责任的前提。

42、The study presupposes the utilization of advantages of various technique into full play and the necessity and technical feasibility of the application of semi-continuous technology at Huolinhe South open-pit mine. ─── 研究是以最大限度利用各种工艺之优势及半连续工艺目前在霍林河南露天煤矿应用的必要性和技术上的可行性为前提的。

43、Social order presupposes that members of a group have a common knowledge of rules. ─── 社会秩序预先假定团体成员均对规则有所了解。

44、The use of ostensive definition presupposes the presence of its user, which means that the interpretation of linguistic meaning is a fusion of pragmatics and semantics. ─── 实指定义的使用预设使用者的在场,这意味着意义的解释是语用学与语义学的交融。

45、An effect presupposes a cause. ─── 有果必有因。

46、Calvinist text: name of the Lord presupposes people know something about it. ─── 主的名:预设:人们知道主的名。

47、All this presupposes one essential detail, says Atholl Anderson, professor of prehistory at the Australian National University: the Lapita had mastered the advanced art of sailing against the wind. ─── 澳大利亚国立大学的史前学教授阿索尔·安德森表示,这一切都以一个重要的细节为前提:拉皮塔人已经掌握了逆风航行的高级艺术。

48、A scientist never presupposes the truth of an unproved fact. ─── 科学家从不预先假定未经证实的事实。

49、Intersubjectivity presupposes the existence of more than dual subjects. ─── “主体间性”认定有两个以上的主体自身存在。

50、However, this presupposes that we can answer the question of who will bear the costs involved, as in any other form of publishing. ─── 当然,还存在出版经济学问题,即使在学术界,还是由供需关系决定。

51、It presupposes that the reader already has an idea who the Buddha was, and what his basic teachings were. ─── 我所预设的读者,是已经了解了佛陀是谁,以及他的基本教义是什么的一群人。

52、and the whole subsequent development of the family presupposes the existence of the consanguine family as a necessary preparatory stage. ─── 家庭后来的全部发展,使我们不能不承认这一点,因为这种发展要求这一家庭形式的存在作为必然的最初阶段。

53、Christian sermon is principally the proclamation of God's grace, the Gospel, but it also presupposes the proclamation of God's law . ─── 基督徒的讲道是上帝恩典宣讲的基本原则,福音,也是宣告上帝律法的前提。

54、that presupposes exchange, the communicable, ─── 这预示着交流,传播,

55、True kindness presupposes the faculty of imagining as one's own the suffering and joys of others. ─── 真正的善心必先有能力把他人的痛苦和欢乐想象成自己的痛苦和欢乐。

56、Justice,the basis of market system,presupposes trades among subjects who possess excluded property right. ─── 公正是排他性产权主体之间进行交易的前提,是市场秩序的基础;

57、A. Sound sleep presupposes a mind at ease. B. Sound sleep implies a mind at ease. ─── 睡得香甜意味着心情舒畅。

58、However, this presupposes that we can answer the question of who will bear the costs involved, as in any other form of publishing. ─── 然而,必须先解决谁来承担相关的费用,不管什麽形式的出版,都必须有人承担费用。

59、Maharaj: Before anything can come into being there must be somebody to whom it comes. All appearance and disappearance presupposes a change against some changeless background. ─── 师:任何事物呈现之前必先有此事物呈现之者。一切现象的生灭得预先假设某个处变而不变的背景。

60、Note that this manual installation process presupposes some knowledge of PEAR's package organization structure. ─── 注意,手动安装过程要求用户对PEAR包的组织结构有一定的了解。

61、Tort liability for negligence presupposes causality between the negligent act and the injury to person or property. ─── 过失侵权责任以过失行为与对人身或财产的侵害之间的因果关系为前提。

62、First of all, this all presupposes a biological foundation for it. But it becomes the basis of literature. ─── 首先,这首先假设生物学的基础,但是这成为文学的基础。

63、His argument presupposes that it does not matter who is in power. ─── 他的论点前提是谁掌权都无关紧要。

64、Trot liability for negligence presupposes causality between the negligent act and the injury to person or property. ─── 过失侵权责任以过失行为与对人身或财产的侵权之间的因果关系为前提。

65、But here everything depends on actually possessing the insights that this fundamental decision presupposes. ─── 但是在这里所有的事情实际上都依赖于拥有基本决定所预示的洞察力。

66、True kindness presupposes the faculty of imaging as one's own the suffering and joy of others. ─── 译文:真正的善良和仁慈就是能够有预想别人的欢乐和苦痛当作自己的能力。

67、Cultural biotopes are no less delicately balanced, and in the jungle of social ideas the survival of the fittest presupposes a certain proportion in the means of struggle. ─── 对于文化,视为生物体来说,在思想的丛林中竞争,同样是要适者生存,而十九世纪的技术和文化环境正好为马克思主义提供了可以生存繁衍的土壤。

68、Such a rounded symmetry of groups presupposes conscious, purposeful interference with the naturally developed order. ─── 这样细密的集团划分,是以有意识的和有计划的干涉自发形成的秩序为前提的。

69、His axiom presupposes that there is an arbitrarily large radius at our disposal ─── 他的公理就是先假定有如我们意愿的任意大半径。

70、Of course, any such operation presupposes the existence of a font covering multiple character sets or enough information to render a complex font to the screen. ─── 当然,任何这种操作都假定了一个先决条件:有一个包括了多种字符集的字体存在,或者有足够多的信息,足以在屏幕上呈现复合的字体。

71、The procedure described below presupposes that the master records for the piece of equipment and functional location have already been created in the system. ─── 下述过程均假定设备主记录和功能位置主记录都已经在系统中建立完毕。

72、Moreover, we recognize that the very idea of these universal rights presupposes the equal worth of every individual. ─── 还有,我们认识到,这些普遍通用的权利的真正要旨,就是要求以每个个体拥有同等的价值为先决条件。

73、but the Hawaiian system of consanguinity, on the contrary, presupposes a family in which this was the rule. ─── 反之,夏威夷的亲属制度,却以通常都是这种情形的家庭为前提。

74、This step presupposes two prior ones. ─── 这一步预示了前两个。

75、The three questions cannot be completely solved in one day, especially for the elevation of fruit growers' qualities, which presupposes a long way to realize modernization. ─── 这三个问题解决,特别是果农素质的提高不是一朝一夕可以完全实现的,这就决定了现代化的实现有一个较长的过程。

76、Success presupposes diligence. ─── 勤勉是成功的先决条件。

77、The halt presupposes the combat of yesterday and the combat of to-morrow. ─── 立定,意味着昨天的战斗和明天的战斗。

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