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08-19 投稿


convergent 发音

英:[k?n?v??rd??nt]  美:[k?n?v??d??nt]

英:  美:

convergent 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 收敛的


convergent 反义词


convergent 短语词组

1、convergent prism ─── [医] 集合性棱镜

2、convergent channels ─── [建] 会聚槽

3、convergent strabismus ─── [医] 会聚性斜视, 内斜视

4、convergent serial ─── 收敛串行

5、convergent thinker ─── [网络] 融合思想家

6、convergent squint ─── [医] 会聚性斜视, 内斜视

7、convergent thinking ─── 集合思维; 求同思维

8、convergent matrix ─── [计] 收敛矩阵

9、convergent wave ─── [化] 会聚波

10、convergent light ─── 汇聚光

11、convergent nozzle ─── [化] 会聚喷嘴

12、convergent current ─── [机] 渐缩流

13、convergent orbit ─── [计] 收敛轨道

14、convergent evolution ─── [医] 集中进化

15、convergent rays ─── [医] 会聚射线

16、conditionally convergent ─── 条件收敛

17、convergent statement ─── [计] 收敛语句, 约束语句

18、convergent synthesis ─── [化] 汇集合成

19、convergent lens ─── [化] 会聚透镜

convergent 同义词


convergent 常用词组

convergent thinking ─── 集合思维;求同思惟;辐合思维

convergent evolution ─── [生]趋同进化

convergent 词性/词形变化,convergent变形

名词复数: convergencies |

convergent 相似词语短语

1、convergence ─── n.[数]收敛;会聚,集合;n.(Convergence)人名;(法)孔韦尔让斯

2、convergency ─── n.[数]收敛;集聚;集中;趋同现象;非周期阻尼运动

3、convenient ─── 方便的

4、conversant ─── adj.熟悉的;精通的;亲近的

5、convertend ─── 对流

6、converge ─── vt.使汇聚;vi.聚集;靠拢;收敛

7、converging ─── n.合并,会聚;adj.会聚的,收敛;v.聚合,集中于一点(converge的ing形式)

8、converges ─── vt.使汇聚;vi.聚集;靠拢;收敛

9、converged ─── adj.收敛的;聚合的;v.聚集,使会聚(converge的过去式)

convergent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Different modes of the corporate governance are permeating each other and demonstrating the convergent inclination. ─── 不同的公司治理模式正在相互渗透、相互交融,呈现出趋同化的倾向。

2、A new BFGS-trust-region algorithm which ensures a positive update matrix was given. It's global convergence and quadratieally convergent speed were given. ─── 摘要给出能够保持校正矩阵是正定的新的BFGS信赖域算法,以及该算法的全局收敛性和其二次收敛速度。

3、This research construct a New Convergent Relation Model , which exam for the relations between the Singapore and Johor Bahru under geopolitical, economic. ─── 中文摘要本研究动机与问题意识之说明分成两个方面,一是理论层次的问题意识,二是实务面的问题提出。

4、Convergent questions have one correct answer. ─── 聚合型问题只有一个正确答案。

5、Content validity of the HBS was evaluated using a panel of experts and convergent validity was used to support the construct validity of the HBS. ─── 健康行为量表的内在效度采专家效度,辐合效度支持健康行为量表建构效度。

6、Monotone iteration method and upper and lower solutions were used to approach to the solution of the first-order integral boundary value problem on time scales form below and above by monotone convergent sequence. ─── 摘要运用单调迭代方法和上下解方法构造了两个单调序列,从上下两个方向分别收敛到一阶积分边值问题。

7、A Single step Method Formula With An At Least Three Convergent Order. ─── 一个至少三阶收敛的单步法公式

8、The Convergent Effect of Urban Soft Environment towards Headquarters Economy. ─── 城市软环境对总部经济的集聚效应。

9、How to Sum Constant Convergent Series ─── 关于常数项收敛级数的求和问题

10、Nonlinear conjugate gradient optimize is used to realize the first arrival tomography inversion.The process of inversion is convergent. ─── 利用非线性共轭梯度优化方法来实现初至旅行时层析反演,反演过程稳定收敛。

11、Under some regular conditions, a proposed estimator is proved to be asymptotically normal and convergent rate. ─── 在一些正则条件下证明了该估计量的渐近正态性,同时给出估计量的收敛速度。

12、The Gauss-Newton method is applied to solve the nonlinear least square equations and a simple and applicable iterative formula is deduced, which is locally convergent and divergent sometimes. ─── 介绍了采用非线性最小二乘方法回归乙烯深度氧化反应动力学方程。

13、Theorem 1(Abel Theorem) If the power series is convergent at ,then for any that ,the power series absolutely converges at point ;if the power series is divergent at ,then for any that ,the power series diverges at point . ─── 定理1(阿贝尔定理)如果级数当时收敛,则适当不等式的一切使这幂级数绝对收敛;反之,如果级数当时发散,则适合不等式的一切使这幂级数发散。

14、The similarity of its heteropolar 3- or 6-aperturate pollen to the 3-aperturate pollen of Eudicots might result from convergent evolution. ─── 其异极3沟或6沟型花粉与真双子叶植物的3沟花粉的相似是趋同演化的结果。

15、We shall study a very particular kind of sequences, called convergent sequences. ─── 我们将研究称为收敛数列的很特别的一类数列。

16、On June 19th,1999,Ministers responsible for higher education from 29 European countries signed the Bologna Declaration to establish European Higher Education Area,which started up the convergent process of European higher education. ─── 1999年6月,欧洲29个国家负责高等教育的部长共同签署了旨在建成“欧洲高等教育区”的博洛尼亚宣言,启动了欧洲高等教育一体化进程。

17、A curved-inwards wall has a convergent effect on wall spray. ─── 凹型壁面对碰壁喷雾有聚集作用。

18、Etorphine, when applied iontophoretically, could strikingly depress the late burst of evoked discharge in all of the 22 convergent units tested, leaving the initial burst unaffected. ─── 对于非会聚性单位羟戊甲吗啡能选择性地抑制长潜伏期诱发放电反应,而对短潜伏期的则无明显影响。

19、Relation between Divergent and Convergent Thinking ─── 发散性思维与收敛性思维的关系

20、Thomas Samuel Kuhn believes that scientific discoveries are related to non-rational factors including intuition and good luck of scientists, convergent thinking, and divergent thinking. ─── 库恩认为科学发现与非理性因素有关,科学家的直觉、机遇、收敛式思维和发散式思维均有助于科学发现;

21、Basis on the research on the enterprises in Shanghai logistics services convergent zone, the author analyzes their development status and puts forth the countermeasure and suggestions for their further development. ─── 上海已建立了几个物流服务业集聚区,通过对区内企业的调查研究,分析了它们的发展状况,并对其进一步发展提出了对策建议。

22、Stinson, C., Milbrath, C., Reidbord, S., & Bucci, W. (1992). Thematic segmentation of psychotherapy transcripts for convergent analyses. Unpublished manuscript. ─── 中文图形标题的格式:图序号.标题,置于图形下方,图序号为斜体字,标题靠左切齐,例参见附录九。

23、Another approach to questioning asks if they require convergent or divergent answers. ─── 提问的另外一种方式,就是询问是需要聚合型还是发散型答案。

24、To achieve a higher convergent speed,the forecasting model adopts Levenberg-Marquardt(LM) algorithm,and the model adopts early stop method to improve extended capacity of the model. ─── 在预测模型中采用LM算法提高网络的收敛速度,并采用提前停止法提高网络的推广能力。

25、The new Convergent combined Wuhan Huagong Hengxin Laser Tech Co., Ltd. and former OVL Convergent, formed a new leading group. ─── 我们相信在新的领导班子的领导下,科威晶一定能够在高功率激光生产领域取得骄人的成绩!

26、They mainly occur in orogenic belts of various geological times and are formed during extension periods against the background of convergent plate margins. ─── 它们主要产于各个时期的造山带中,形成于以会聚板块边界为大背景的局部引张阶段;

27、Convergent rate of certain neural network models s. N. ─── 一类神经网络模型的平衡点的收敛速率。

28、Failing to approach a limit; not convergent. ─── 发散的无极限的,没有收敛的

29、The paper researches the feature of the solution and optimization conditions of the linear bilevel programming(LBP), at the basis of the optimization conditions of the (BLP), a global convergent algorithm is proposed to solve the (LBP). ─── 对线性双层规划解的特点和最优性条件进行了研究,根据最优性条件提出了一个求解线性双层规划全局最优解的算法。

30、Theorem 4(Relation of a Convergent Sequence between its Subsequence) If the sequence converges to ,then any of its subsequence is also convergent, and the limit is also . ─── 定理4(收敛数列与其子数列间的关系)如果数列收敛于,那么它的任一子数列也收敛,且极限也是。

31、Effect of Tabs on the Thrust of a Convergent Nozzle ─── 小突片对收敛喷管推力特性的影响研究

32、Uniformly convergent sequence of functions ─── 一致收敛函数序列

33、Modeling approach of supersonic inlet,combustor and variable convergent nozzle were studied respectively by using the small deviation linear theory and piecewise-lumped parameter method. ─── 利用小偏离线性化理论和分段集总参数法,分别研究了超声速进气道、燃烧室和可调收敛喷管的建模方法。

34、Thus, any present optimization algorithm, as long as it is convergent, can be applied to solve the objective function to get the reliable minimum zone roundness error. ─── 任何最优化算法,只要它收敛,均可用于求解该目标函数并得到可靠的最小区域圆度误差值。

35、The Popularization of a Kind of Convergent Series ─── 一类收敛级数的推广

36、Info-tech can arouse student's i nterest in study, induce the con-scious of creation, practise divergent thinking and convergent thinking. ─── 信息技术可以激发学习兴趣,诱发创造意识,锻炼发散思维和集中思维。

37、With any first price input, whether the processes of price oscillation of intermediate product of supply chain are convergent or emanative? ─── 摘要对任一初始的价格输入,供应链中间产品的价格振荡过程是收敛的,还是发散的?

38、The practical simulation results show that the FIGA has the enhanced of high convergent efficiency and good quality of solutions. ─── 实例验证表明,该改进遗传算法在收敛速度和获取全局最优解的概率两个方面都有很大的提高。

39、This area was in an arc and rear-arc basin on convergent plates in the Middle Devonian. ─── 其岩石化学及地球化学显示岛弧火山岩特征。

40、However, as already indicated by the distinctness of these two, their morphology seems to be a convergent adaptation. ─── 然而,正如已经表明,由特异性这两个,其形态似乎是一个收敛的适应。

41、It is well-known that the original PRP method is not globally convergent. ─── 众所周知,原始的PRP方法是不全局收敛的。

42、The practical simulation results show that the improved genetic algorithms has greater converg e speed and larger probability of getting the best solution. ─── 实例验证表明,改进的遗传算法的收敛速度和获得全局最优解的概率都有很大的提高。

43、Convergent journalism is a new development of media mergence in light of applied journalism. ─── 摘要“融合新闻”是从应用新闻学视角对媒介融合发展进行的一种探索与研究。

44、Abstract: Two iterated algorithms of estimating parameter in exponential distribution from interval censored data are introduced.Under certain conditions the procedures are convergent. ─── 摘 要: 本文讨论区间数据情况下,指数分布参数的估计.引入了两种叠代方法,证明了在一定的条件下,叠代过程的收敛性.

45、It proves that this algorithm is globally convergent under standard conditions, and the numerical test report is given. ─── 在通常的假设下,证明了算法的全局收敛性,并给出了数值试验。

46、Reliability, factor structure, and construct validity, discriminant validity, and convergent validity were all evaluated. ─── 量表之信度、因素分析、建构效度、区别效度和收敛效度均被评估。

47、Under the convergent conditions, the proposed algorithm can perform the search by adaptively adjusting the parameters according to the ideal velocity. ─── 在满足收敛性的条件下,该算法能使粒子根据理想速度自适应调整参数进行搜索。

48、The entry convergent flow pattern was observed with flow visualization technique when the resin melt flowed through a die featuring abrupt contraction in cross-section of channel and axial symmetry. ─── 应用毛细管流变仪测量了在接近实际挤出工艺条件下低密度聚乙烯熔体的流变性质;应用流动可视化技术,观测了试样熔体流经突然收缩的轴对称口模时的入口收敛流型。

49、A system of realistically depicting three-dimensional objects or views onto two-dimensional, flat surfaces through convergent lines and planes. ─── 以现实的手法,在两维的平面上,利用线和面趋向会合的视错觉原理刻画三维物体的艺术。

50、Convergent-beam electron diffraction (CBED) is well known as a powerful tool to determine space groups of crystals. ─── 会聚束电子衍射(CBED)是众所周知的一个有力的工具,以确定空间群的晶体。

51、The control stage of improved 300MW steam turbine used bowed static blade cascades with convergent tip endwall and integral shroud triple pin rotating blades. ─── 优化了300MW汽轮机的调节级,采用了子午面端壁收缩的弯曲叶栅,动叶为自带围带三销钉三联叶片,再用铆接围带形成整圈联结叶片。

52、Theorem 1 (Uniqueness of Limit) If the sequence is convergent, then its limit is unique. ─── 定理1(极限的唯一性)如果数列收敛,那么它的极限唯一。

53、The convergent and divergent velocities of active plate boundaries in the north hemisphere are obtained with space geodetic data. ─── 利用现代空间大地测量技术测出北半球活动板块边缘会聚、扩张和滑动速度。

54、Under mild conditions, we show that the algorithm is globally convergent. ─── 在较弱的条件下,我们证明了算法的全局收敛性。

55、Simulation results show that MFCMGA effectively overcomes the shortcomings of SGA, and evidently improves the convergent speed, computing precision and algorithm stability. ─── 实验结果表明,新算法不仅可有效克服标准遗传算法的缺陷,而且收敛速度、计算精度和算法稳定性也得到明显提高。

56、Exploratory factor analysis was used to assess the convergent and discriminant validity of the variables in the model. ─── 研究者以探索性因素分析检验研究变项的聚敛效度与区辨效度;

57、Conversely, on a uniform space every convergent filter is a Cauchy filter.Moreover, every cluster point of a Cauchy filter is a limit point. ─── 尤其是频率响应曲线的陡峭性和复杂性是滤波器阶数和可行性的一个决定性因素。

58、The experimental results show that this method has the advantages of robustness,global optimality and high convergent speed and it is feasible for optical flow estimation of nonrigid body. ─── 实验结果表明:本方法具有鲁棒性好、全局搜索能力强、收敛速度快和可用于非刚性体运动估计等优点。

59、The stability of the error system is analyzed by a Lyapunov function, which shows that the errors are exponential convergent. ─── 利用李亚普诺夫函数分析了误差系统的稳定性,说明误差是指数收敛的。

60、This paper gives the control convergent theorem of integral for fuzzy random functions on basis fuzzy functions and fuzzy integral. ─── 在可测模糊随机函数及模糊值函数积分的基础上,研究了模糊值函数的有界控制收敛定理。

61、The 2 bright skin water that make appliance has antiseptic and convergent effect, can counteractive acne is generated. ─── 2使用具有杀菌收敛作用的爽肤水,能反抗粉刺生成。

62、In extensional flow fiber tended to perpendicularity to the streamline, while in shear flow and convergent flow fiber tended to parallel to the streamline in the thin wall caving. ─── 在薄壁型腔的扩张流中,短纤维趋于与流线方向垂直,而在剪切流和收敛流中趋于与流线方向一致。

63、The Aitken numerical acceleration takes effect when the estimated parameters approaching the convergent values, otherwise it will gets bad results. ─── Aitken数值加速适合在收敛值附近使用,当离收敛值较远时加速效果很差甚至发散。

64、The Development Status of the Enterprises in Shanghai Logistics Services Convergent Zone. ─── 上海市物流服务业集聚区入驻企业的发展状况。

65、Enough sleep, normal work and rest, avoid to stay up late, drink more using convergent water water, frequently just is the one and only way of control grease excretive. ─── 充足的睡眠、正常作息、避免熬夜、多喝水、勤用收敛水才是控制油脂分泌的不二法门。

66、Moreover, due to the general symmetry of fuzzy rule base and membership functions, the problem space to be optimized can be halved, which results in better stability and convergent property. ─── 另外,由于模糊规则库和隶属度函数通常都具有对称的特点,控制器优化时可将搜索空间减半,从而使稳定性、收敛性得到显著提高。

67、Summation of Slowly Convergent Series ─── 慢收敛级数的求和

68、Film Between History and Aesthetics: Convergent Glances or Incompatible Points of View? ─── 史学的电影与美学的电影:相互交叉的眼光还是互不相容的视点?

69、Although iced passes pore, operable and convergent water also wants after washing a face, just meet those who make bulky pore true get narrowing effectively! ─── 即使冰镇过的毛孔,洗脸后也要合用收敛水,才会使粗大的毛孔真正的得到有效的缩小哦!

70、This paper has also derived the unit stiffness matrix of bar element on which the moment of some nodes is over the elastic ultimate moment and discussed the convergent properties of computing method. ─── 把水压机活动横梁假设成一交叉梁系,对其做了弹塑性有限元分析,导出了部分节点弯矩超过弹性极限时的梁单元刚度矩阵,讨论了计算方法的收敛性。

71、If a sequence is not convergent, it is divergent. ─── 如果一个序列不收敛,我们称它发散。

72、J.H. Zhang, X. Li, W. X. Xie, Convergent performance of fuzzy VQ for image coding, Chinese Journal of Electro-nics, 1999, 8(2): 107-111. ─── 孔祥为,李国平,"一种基于高分辨率的模糊矢量量化算法",,2000年第28卷第8期97-99页.

73、Tomographic results of real data show that the method is reliable, stable and convergent, and the results have high precision. ─── 层析成像结果表明,层析成像算法可靠稳定,收敛性好,层析成像结果的精度较高。

74、Guilford's distinction between convergent and divergent thinking prompted neuroscientists to examine whether the two processes took place in different brain regions. ─── 季弗德对聚敛性思考与扩散性思考的区辨,促使神经科学家检视这两个不同机制是否发生在不同的脑区。

75、Dr Conway-Morris has arrived at this view from a detailed study of what is known as convergent evolution. ─── Conway-Morris博士是从一个被叫做趋同进化而为人熟知的详细研究中得到这一观点的。

76、This paper discusses a model algorithm for composite nonsmooth optimization problems and proves that the algorithm holds global convergence and in the meantime the convergent rate is superlinear. ─── 提出复合非光滑优化问题的一类算法,并证明这种算法保持全局收敛性且敛速达到超线性。

77、A quadratic convergent iteration method with adjusted parameters without derivative for solving nonlinear equations is discussed in this paper. ─── 摘要讨论一种解非线性方程的具有变参数的不带导数的二阶收敛迭代法。

78、Study on phase retardation of a Wollaston prism in convergent light[J]. ─── 引用该论文 李国华,肖胜安,李继仲,李晶.

79、However, from a consistency perspective, only convergent consistency is given. ─── 但是,从一致性方面来看,只提供收敛一致性。

80、The limit of the integrand f(x) of abnormal integral, which is convergent in the infinite range of integration, is not certainly equal zero at infinity. ─── 摘要无穷限反常积分收敛时,其被积函数在无穷远处的极限不一定为零。

81、The nonmonotone line search algorithm for nonsmooth optimization given by Pang is extended to this case, and we prove that the algorithm is globally convergent. ─── 五,研究了非光滑极大极小无约束最优化问题,给出了一个线性搜索算法,并证明其整体收敛性。

82、The algorithm which resolves general max-min problems is global convergent. ─── 同时证明了该算法的全局收敛性。

83、Then, by using integral backstepping approach, the output-feedback stabilization control is constructively designed so that all the signals in the closed system are asymptotically convergent. ─── 所设计的控制器使得闭环系统渐近稳定。

84、Compared with existing algorithms, the proposed algorithm is well convergent and has linear approach to simulated real network. ─── 与现有算法相比,该算法收敛性好,并能线性逼近所模拟的实际网络。

85、Based on the theories on nonsmooth optimization, convergent rate of the algorithm TR is appraised, and its linear convergent is proved. ─── 摘要以非光滑优化理论为基础,对算法TR的收敛速度作了估计,并证明了算法的线性收敛性。

86、Luo Jianning,Peng Yongmin,Pan Guitang.Plate convergent margins and island-arc orogenesis in eastern Tethys[J].Sedimentary Facies and Palaeography,1996,16 (3):1-15 (in Chinese with English abstract). ─── [19]罗建宁,彭勇民,潘桂棠.东特提斯板块会聚边缘与岛弧造山作用[J].岩相古地理,1996,16(3):1-15.

87、The BIF (banded iron formation)-hosted gold deposits distributed in the collage convergent zone of the active continental margin between Yangtze and Cathaysian Platforms were formed in Neoproterozoic. ─── 在新元古代杨子陆块和华夏陆块之间的活动大陆边缘拚贴会聚带分布著条带状铁建造金矿床。

88、Among them muskiness wood raw land can keep clear of bilge, depth is purified, your skin causes distinct convergent effect closely, reproduce clean vigor. ─── 其中的麝香木原土可清除污垢、深层净化,独特的收敛作用令肌肤紧致,重现洁净活力。

89、Because of Harbin's special historical factors, it became a multi-culture convergent point, Sofia Church is a testimony of multi-culture . ─── 哈尔滨因特殊的历史条件,成为多元文化的交汇点,索菲亚教堂便是多元文化的见证。

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