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08-19 投稿


shapeless 发音

英:['?e?pl?s]  美:['?epl?s]

英:  美:

shapeless 中文意思翻译



shapeless 短语词组

1、shapeless body ─── 不成形的身体

2、shapeless mass ─── 不成形质量

3、shapeless like water ─── 像水一样变形

4、shapeless bundle ─── 不规则束

5、shapeless dreams ─── 无形的梦

shapeless 同义词

loose-fitting | amorphous | formless | fluid | baggy | ill-defined |chaotic

shapeless 反义词


shapeless 词性/词形变化,shapeless变形

副词: shapelessly |名词: shapelessness |

shapeless 相似词语短语

1、shameless ─── adj.无耻的;不要脸的;伤风败俗的

2、shapelessly ─── adv.不成形地;无定形地

3、shapeliness ─── n.象样子;形状好

4、scapeless ─── 无替罪羊

5、chapless ─── 无龟裂

6、escapeless ─── 无替罪羊

7、chapeless ─── 无龟裂

8、shadeless ─── adj.没有阴影的;无遮蔽的

9、shapeliest ─── adj.定形的;形状美观的;样子好的;有条理的(shapely的变形)

shapeless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Always wax, yet always wane: I melt myself with my own flame. Lighting darkness, with fate unblessed, I soon devolve to shapeless mess. ─── 全身是腊,永远衰微。我用我自己火融化我自己。带着诅咒的宿命,照亮黑暗。我不久就会转化为一团。

2、Formless or shapeless. ─── 没有格式或形状的

3、Ann was thin and shapeless, a very umbrella of a woman. ─── 安是个瘦骨零丁,身材难看的女人,活象一把伞。

4、Humour softened a swindle as moonlight beautified the shapeless streets of the Western town ─── 幽默减轻了欺骗的丑恶,就象月光把西部城镇横七竖八的街道美化了一样。

5、His hats grew shapeless ─── 他的帽子戴得走了样。

6、We can take the mysterious, hazy future and carve out of it anything that we can imagine, just as a sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone. ─── 未来神秘莫测﹑沌不清,如不成形的石块;我可以照我们的想象,造自己的将来,如雕刻家运用他的想象力,制雕像。

7、A shapeless mass of protoplasm. ─── 不成形的圆生质。

8、a shapeless sweater ─── 样子难看的套头衫

9、It was strange that she should have chosen to come back and test the full effect of this shapeless, barren ugliness upon herself. ─── 真奇怪,她竟会想回到这里来,竟会重温这种杂乱贫脊的破地方给自己留下的烙

10、It is rather a wise and rational saying that the God that is invisible and shapeless in action is suitable for any age and space. ─── 入出而无见其形,使得上帝适存于任何时空,毋宁是一种聪明而合理的说法。

11、The apprehension she had felt had been shapeless. ─── 她感到一种难以名状的恐惧。

12、I had a great high shapeless cap, made of a goat's skin, with a flap hanging down behind. ─── 我头上戴着一顶山羊皮做的、不成样子的、又高又大的便帽,脑后垂着一块长长的帽缘。

13、Two parabolic patterns of shapeless polymer material sections have been induced from a great number of experimental data. ─── 本文在大量实验基础上,归纳出无定型聚合物材料断面上的两种抛物线形貌,分析了抛物线形貌的形成机理。

14、It exists in this world colorless, shapeless, soundless, odorless, and painless. ─── 它存在于世,无色,无形,无声,无嗅和无痛

15、He was wearing a strange shapeless garment. ─── 他穿着一件没样子的奇怪衣服。

16、This is why they can't correspond to Tao nor to Bodhisattva, Buddha and God who are shapeless and formless and can guide people into the Tao of natural. ─── 其原因就是他们不能与自然之道相应,也因此他们与无形、无状的菩萨、佛、神等不能相应配合,在佛、菩萨诱导下行自然之道。

17、shapeless; formless ─── 不成形

18、Lacking definite form; shapeless. ─── 无定形的无确定形态的;无形状的

19、But too many of the book's vaguely counterintuitive examples ... stray from the central theme, giving their argument a shapeless, meandering feel. ─── 但是这本书举了太多含糊的悔涩的例子...偏离了中心论点,让他们的观点看起来散漫不成型。”

20、We can take the mysterious, hazy futurecarve out of it anything that we can imagine,as a sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone. ─── 把神秘、不可知的未来塑造成想象中的任何模样,犹如雕刻家将未成形的石头刻成雕像。

21、The hat had become limp and shapeless. ─── 这帽子软得不成样子了。

22、a mass of shapeless slag; ─── 乱堆的矿渣;

23、Commercial secrets, as the important shapeless assets for modern enterprises, are a "live and death" issue for enterprises. ─── 摘要商业秘密作为现代企业重要的无形资产,时企业的生存与发展起着至关重要的作用。

24、Empty your mind,be formless,shapeless,like water;and you put water into a cup,it becomes the cup;you put water in a bottle,It becomes the bottle; ─── 放空你的思想,透明的,无定形的,像水一样,如果你将水放入杯子,它就变成杯子的形状,你将水放入瓶子,它就变成瓶子的形状,你把水放入茶杯中,它就变成茶杯的形状。

25、I had a great high shapeless cap, made of a goat's skin, with a flap hanging down behind ─── 我头上戴着一顶山羊皮做的、不成样子的、又高又大的便帽,脑后垂着一块长长的帽缘。

26、We can take the mysterious, hazy future and carve out of it anything that we can imagine, just as a sculptor carve a statue from a shapeless stone. ─── 我们可以把神秘、不可知的未来塑造成我们想象中的任何模样,犹如雕刻家将未成形的石头刻成雕像。

27、a shapeless hat on his head. ─── 他头上的帽子不好看。

28、A street lantern reddened the margin of the quay.The outlines of the bridges lay shapeless in the mist one behind the other. ─── 一盏路灯照红了河岸的边石,那些桥的影子前后排列着在迷雾中都变了形。

29、It was strange that she should have chosen to come back and test the full effect of this shapeless, barren ugliness upon herself ─── 真奇怪,她竟会想回到这里来,竟会重温这种杂乱贫脊的破地方给自己留下的烙印。

30、Mr Samuelson's book squeezed a shapeless body of economic knowledge into a tight corset. ─── 萨缪尔森的书就好比把无形的经济学知识的躯体挤进了女人紧绷的胸衣。

31、The wrapping paper was all twisted, and it was bound together into a shapeless mass by at least a mile of tape. ─── 礼物外面包着皱皱巴巴的包装纸,又用至少一英里长的胶带裹成了乱糟糟的一团。

32、The ultimate goal of observational cosmology is to capture the entire history of the universe, providing a seamless picture of our descent from a shapeless gas of subatomic particles. ─── 观测宇宙学的终极目标,是建构宇宙的完整历史,对于宇宙最早由次原子粒子所构成的无形气体,提供清晰连贯的图像。

33、Having no definite form; shapeless. ─── 没有形状的;不成形状的

34、We can take the mysterious, hazy future and carve out of it anything that we can imagine, just as a sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone... ─── 我们可以把神秘莫测的未来想象成任何模样,如同雕刻家可以把不成形的石头刻成任何雕像一样。

35、a strange shapeless garment that had once been a jacket ─── 用夹克衫改成的不成形的一件衣服

36、an indistinct shapeless form. ─── 一种不清楚的无形的形状。

37、Air is shapeless ─── 空气是没有定形的。

38、His mother came into the room with more plates of food and he saw how soft and shapeless she was. ─── 他母亲又拿几盘食物走进房间,他发现她身体有多么软弱臃肿。

39、Sometimes life feels like a giant bubble in the sun, shiny, shapeless and surreal. ─── 生活像一个不真实的气泡,在阳光里色彩斑斓的折腾.

40、Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water. ─── 清空你的大脑。无形,无状,正如水。

41、Ann was thin and shapeless, a very umbrella of a woman ─── 安是个瘦骨零丁,身材难看的女人,活象一把伞。

42、We can take the mysterious, haze future and carve out of itanything that we can imagine,just like a sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone. ─── 我们可以掌握神秘而不可知的未来,从中创出我们所能想象的任何东西,一如雕像家可以将一块没有形状的石头刻成雕像一样。

43、His mouth had swollen into a shapeless cherry-coloured mass with a black hole in the middle of it. ─── 他的嘴巴肿得像一片樱桃色的没有形状的肉块,中间有一个黑洞。

44、though invisible, though shapeless, though untouched, ─── 虽无形无影而不可触及,

45、His mother came into the room with more plates of food and he saw how soft and shapeless she was. ─── 他母亲又拿几盘食物走进房间,他发现她身体有多么软弱臃肿。

46、The fury of the flood was stamped upon this shapeless mass. ─── 狂怒的波涛在这畸形的杂物堆上留下了痕迹,什么波涛?

47、In India, political parties often seem like shapeless nebulae[4] illuminated by star candidates. ─── 上世纪50年代英国一选民说,“如果政党推举一头猪参选,我们就投票给这头猪。”

48、The shapeless and formless Dao brings about various elements and spiritual energy.These elements and spiritual energy combine to form living cells.Cells then proliferate into living entities. ─── 无形无象的道创造了不同的元素和灵能,这些灵能和物质的结合产生了细胞,再分裂生长为生物体。

49、In reality, nonphysical forces are shapeless or formless in nature. ─── 事实上,非物质势力本质上是没有形状的。

50、As penumbrae, they are no more shapeless and voiceless;instead, in different ways, they perform their subjectivity and agency. ─── 身为罔两们,她们不再是无形与无声的,而是在不同的方式上,展现了她们的主体性与能动性。

51、We can take the mysterious,hazy future and carve out of it anything that we can imagine,just as a sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone. ─── 我们可以把神秘莫测的未来想象成任何模样,如同雕刻家可以把不成形的石头雕刻成任何雕像一样。

52、A short shapeless person led him toward a bay window glowing orange in the darkness ─── 一个难看的矮子在头里走,领着他朝一扇在暗处亮着桔黄色灯光的凸窗走去。

53、just as a sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone. ─── 一如雕刻家可将未成形的石头刻出雕像一样。

54、The slab has here been replaced by a cross-beam, against which lean five or six shapeless fragments of knotty and petrified wood which resemble huge bones. ─── 代替青石板的,只是一条横木,上面架着五六段奇形怪状、多节、僵硬、类似长条枯骨的木头。

55、But a shapeless pigmy that walks asleep in the mist searching for its own awakening. ─── 只是一个不成形的侏儒,睡眼朦胧地在雾中行走,寻找自己的觉醒。

56、My love, trackless and shapeless, but clear and pure. ─── 我爱,虽无形无踪,却清澈纯洁。

57、A soft, moist, shapeless mass of matter. ─── 浆状物一团柔软、潮湿且无固定形状的东西

58、We can take the mysterious, hazy futurecarve out of it anything that we can imagine,like a sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone. ─── 掌握神秘而不可知的未来,从中创出所能想象的任何东西,一如雕刻家将未成型的石头刻出雕像一样。

59、The window, tattooed with grape-shot, had lost glass and frame and was nothing now but a shapeless hole, tumultuously blocked with paving-stones. ─── 窗上弹痕累累,玻璃和窗框都已不在,只是一个畸形的洞而已,用铺路石乱七八糟地堵着。

60、He is middle aged, dressed in shapeless trousers and a baggy windcheater. ─── 他是个中年男人,穿着松垮的裤子和肥大的夹克。

61、Who try to change the situation finds that he can't break the irresistible, shapeless backward force. ─── 于是有人试图要改变这种状况,可总是觉得一种无形的力量使你没有办法逃脱它的控制。

62、Lacking definite form;shapeless. ─── 无定形的无确定形态的;无形状的

63、Christ's priests seized mankind in its cradle and broke the bad news saying, "You shapeless stench. ─── 基督教神父们把人类抓进他们的摇篮里,告诉他们这个坏消息,“你散发着无法名状恶臭。

64、Perhaps a dozen times George Willard and the strange, shapeless man who lived at his father's hotel had been on the point of talking ─── 也许有十二、三次,乔治?威拉德和这住在他父亲旅馆的古怪畸形的人,几乎要谈起话来。

65、She used to come across like an old woman with her unflattering hairstyle and shapeless clothes. ─── 从前,由于呆板的发型和风格全无的着装,她看起来就像一个老妇女。

66、My body was then black, blue and purple, as shapeless as an enormous sausage, and as hard as frozen meat ─── 我身上当时黑一块青一块紫一块,象大香肠一样丑陋不堪,象冻肉一样硬梆梆的。

67、We can thake the mysterious ,hazy futere and carve out of it anything that we can imagine ,just as a sculptor carves a ststue from a shapeless. ─── 我们可以掌握神秘而不可知的未来,从中创出我们所能想象的任何东西,一如雕刻家可将未成型的石头刻出雕像一样.

68、His mother came into the room with more plates of food and he saw how soft and shapeless she was ─── 他母亲又拿几盘食物走进房间,他发现她身体有多么软弱臃肿。

69、But in an oerorganized world - a groaning, decrepit unierse of systems - the shapeless and the worthless hae a new alue, a new allure. ─── 但是,在今天这个过度有序的世界中(同时也是个古老破旧的运作系统),无形和无价值变得有了新的价值,新的魅力。

70、They're shapeless and abstract, they bar the sufferer from reading and writing, and when they subside, they often erase our memories of them on the way out. ─── 他们看不到摸不着,还很抽象。偏头疼的患者不能读或者写下这些。当偏头疼褪去了,它也带走了患者对他的记忆。

71、Equipment Shapeless Loss and Value Management ─── 设备的无形损耗与价值管理

72、With an unconscious sigh he pulled off his shapeless cloth hat and sloshed along toward where the pond grass and hyacinths were thickest. ─── 无意识地叹了口气,他脱下不成形的布帽子,趟着水,来到生长着浓密的池草和风信子花的地方。

73、We can take the mysterious, hazy future and carve out of it anything that we can imagine, just like a sculptor carves a statue from a shapeless stone. ─── 我们可以掌握神秘而不可知的未来,从中创出我们所能想象的任何东西,一如雕刻家可以将未成型的石头刻出雕像一样。

74、Having no definite form;shapeless. ─── 没有形状的;不成形状的

75、Just how special was not readily apparent to those who saw him, in his old Beethoven frock-coat or his shapeless orange cardigan. ─── 当人们看到施托克豪森穿着一身陈旧的贝多芬礼服大衣或形状怪异的橙色开襟羊毛衫时,他们是无法轻易地发觉他有多么特别古怪。

76、Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. ─── 倒空你的思想,无法,无形,就像水一样。

77、The earth was shapeless and empty ─── 大地混沌空虚。

78、She used to come across like an old woman with her unflattering hairstyle and shapeless clothes. ─── 从前,由于呆板的发型和风格全无的着装,她看起来就像一个老妇女。

79、Perhaps a dozen times George Willard and the strange, shapeless man who lived at his father's hotel had been on the point of talking. ─── 也许有十二、三次,乔治·威拉德和这住在他父亲旅馆的古怪畸形的人,几乎要谈起话来。

80、a fat, shapeless figure ─── 肥胖的不匀称的体型

81、He had worn through the blanket-wrappings, and his feet were shapeless lumps of raw meat. ─── 脚下裹的毯子都磨穿了,脚也被磨得没一处好肉。

82、Although she has a shapely figure, she is wearing a shapeless coat. ─── 虽然她有好的身材,但穿的大衣很难看。

83、A shapeless mass, form, dress ─── 不成形的一堆、不雅观的形态、不成样式的连衣裙

84、His mouth had swollen into a shapeless cherry-coloured mass with a black hole in the middle of it ─── 他的嘴巴肿得像一片樱桃色的没有形状的肉块,中间有一个黑洞。

85、A mass of shapeless slag ─── 乱堆的矿渣

86、Aunt Mary wore shapeless black dresses. ─── 玛丽阿姨总是穿一些形不怎么好的黑裙子。

87、amorphous clouds of insects; an aggregate of formless particles; a shapeless mass of protoplasm. ─── 没有形状的成群的昆虫;没有形状的粒子的聚合体;不成形的圆生质。

88、a shapeless and incoherent story ─── 结构混乱、情节不连贯的故事

89、Just how special was not readily apparent to those who saw him, in his old Beethoven frock-coat or his shapeless orange cardigan. ─── 当人们看到施托克豪森穿着一身陈旧的贝多芬礼服大衣或形状怪异的橙色开襟羊毛衫时,他们是无法轻易地发觉他有多么特别古怪。

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