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08-19 投稿


abstinent 发音


英:  美:

abstinent 中文意思翻译



abstinent 网络释义

adj. 禁欲的;有节制的;饮食有度的n. 禁欲者

abstinent 短语词组

1、abstinent dex ─── 禁欲指数

2、abstinent syndrome ─── 戒断综合征

3、abstinent define ─── 节制的定义

4、abstinent on ─── 禁欲

5、abstinent of ─── 戒酒

6、abstinent definition ─── 禁欲定义

7、abstinent cz ─── 禁欲

8、abstinent men ─── 禁欲的人

abstinent 相似词语短语

1、abstainers ─── n.节制者;戒酒者;弃权者

2、abstaining ─── v.自制;戒绝(abstain的现在分词)

3、sustinent ─── 寄托

4、abstinently ─── 禁欲

5、abstinency ─── n.禁欲;(在饮食,享乐方面)自制

6、abstergent ─── adj.清洁的,去垢的;n.洗涤剂,去垢剂

7、abstinence ─── n.节制;节欲;戒酒;禁食

8、absent ─── adj.缺席的;缺少的;心不在焉的;茫然的;vt.使缺席

9、Continent ─── n.大陆,洲,陆地;adj.自制的,克制的

abstinent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Since time immemorial, countless females and males in every culture and global region have ignored pleas to remain abstinent . ─── 因为过去的时光不再重现,在每一个文化体系里和世界各个地区的无数男男女女们已经忘却了禁欲的呼吁。

2、Indeed, very many females and males are neither abstinent nor sexually exclusive. ─── 真实的情形是,非常多的男男女女既不禁欲也不性专一。

3、After detoxification, 278(27.88%) kept abstinent for less than 0.3 year, 4.69 persons (47.04%) for less than 1 year and only 48(4.81%) kept drug free for more than 2 years. ─── 戒毒后操守时间最长不足0.3a者278例(27.88%),不足1a者469例(47.04%),2a以上只有48例(4.81%)。

4、Orpheus devotes himself to his beautiful poetry, and he keeps himself sexually abstinent. ─── 俄耳甫斯致力于写优美的诗歌,在性方面保持节制。

5、Plato: Abstinent love just is just love. ─── 冯友兰:爱情者,无用乃大用。

6、CONCLUSION: MAO-B activity was relevant to the abstinent syndrome of morphine dependent rats, but not related to the effect of agmatine on morphine analgesia; ─── 结论:MAO-B活性与吗啡依赖大鼠发生戒断综合征相关,但与胍丁胺对吗啡镇痛作用的影响无关;

7、Couples with an alcoholic husband who received behavioral marital therapy were abstinent from alcohol longer. ─── 夫妇若是先生酗酒而接受婚姻行为治疗的戒酒维持较久。

8、abstinent contentment ─── 知足知止

9、not totally abstinent but abstemious. ─── 不是完全禁欲,而是有节制。

10、Should supervise and urge, when guiding the child to play computer game, want abstinent, dominate online time, enter the activity of health of a few good body and mind more. ─── 应督促、引导孩子玩电脑游戏时要有节制,控制上网时间,多参加一些有益身心健康的活动。

11、The tests reealed that non-alcoholics trumped the alcoholics, who had been abstinent for three weeks, in a series of computerized tasks. ─── 实验显示在一系列的测试中,非酗酒者的成绩均优于酗酒者,这些酗酒者已经戒酒3周。

12、It became an ever-lengthening period of dependency between childhood and adulthood in which young people were expected to remain sexually abstinent. ─── 青春期成为介于儿童期与成年期之间的一个冗长的从属时期,在这个时期,(社会文化)会要求青少年要保持性节制。

13、Morphine-dependent rats were given gradually increasing doses of morphine to produce morphine-dependent models, the abstinent syndrome precipitated by naloxone. ─── 以剂量递增法皮下注射吗啡建立吗啡成瘾大鼠模型,用纳洛酮催促戒断,测定戒断症状。




17、abstinent symptom ─── 戒断症状

18、Develop and reinforce beliefs and values among students that support their decisions to be abstinent and/or to protect themselves; ─── 在学生中间培养和强化节欲和自我保护的信心和价值观念,鼓励他们做出节欲和/或自我保护的决定;

19、METHODS:Morphine was subcutaneously injected into the rat with dose increasin g method to establish heroin dependence rat model. Rats of naloxone group receiv ed subcutaneously injection of 2 mg/kg of naloxone to excite abstinent symptoms. ─── 方法:采用剂量递增法皮下注射吗啡建立大鼠吗啡依赖模型,然后对戒断组大鼠皮下注射2mg/kg的盐酸纳络酮激发戒断症状。

20、Changes of CREB Protein in Morphine Dependent or Abstinent Rats Studies on Bupivacaine Loaded Sustained-Release Microspheres ─── 吗啡成瘾及戒断大鼠脑内转录因子的改变布比卡因缓释微球的系列研究

21、Accordingly, the summer eats cold drinks and snacks to want abstinent, do not answer to eat cold drink, cold drinks and snacks instantly when kubla khah dripping wet especially. ─── 因此,夏季吃冷食要有节制,特别是在大汗淋漓时不应立即吃冷饮、冷食。

22、However, summer also is heat evil in season during, summerly heat bad news enrages ferry, and sex is an acuteness activity, answer so abstinent. ─── 然而,夏天也是暑邪当令之际,夏暑耗气伤津,而房事又是一项剧烈活动,所以应有节制。

23、Effect of Xitong Granules on Natural Abstinent Symptoms in Normal Rats ─── 息痛颗粒对正常大鼠自然戒断症状观察

24、According to the treatment characteristics and the clinical needs,it is recommended that the protracted abstinent symptoms can be used as target indications of new tr... ─── 根据中药的治疗特长及临床所需,建议将稽延性戒断症状的改善作为戒毒中药新药研究的目标适应证。

25、Fossil evidence indicates that TB has haunted humans for more than half a million years.No one is exempt.It affects rich and poor, young and old, risk takers and the abstinent. ─── 化石证据显示,结核病已经纠缠人类超过50万年,它会侵袭富人与穷人、年轻人与老年人、冒险家与禁欲者,无一幸免。

26、To the point of rendering him abstinent of the acclivity ─── 到如此地步,致使他停止上升

27、10. CONCLUSION: MAO-B activity was relevant to the abstinent syndrome of morphine dependent rats, but not related to the effect of agmatine on morphine analgesia; ─── 结论:MAO-B活性与吗啡依赖大鼠发生戒断综合征相关,但与胍丁胺对吗啡镇痛作用的影响无关;收藏指正

28、These commonly find an increase in intentions to stay abstinent, but that does not necessarily mean teenagers will still follow the script a year later. ─── 虽然这些目的通常是为了使节欲增加,但是,这并不意味着青少年在明年不会重蹈覆辙。

29、With the lengthen of abstinent time,the memory quotient (MQ) showed a increasing trend(P>0.05),the levels of serum MDA showed a decreasing trend(P

30、One year later, the study participants were surveyed again, at which point 41 percent had managed to remain abstinent. ─── 一年之后,研究参与者再一次接受了调查,到那时为止41%的参与都一年内没有吸烟。

31、Results: No statistically significant difference among sperm concentration capillary test sperm motility liquefaction time and abstinent days was observed (P>0.05). ─── 结果:精子密度、精子毛细管穿透试验、精子活动百分比及精液液化时间与禁欲时间无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

32、Objective: To reduce the relapse rate and prolong abstinent time of the drug-addicts by the intervention on their relatives and to explore the integrative intervention model on drug abuse. ─── 目的:通过改变吸毒人员家属配合帮教的心理行为延长脱毒人员的操守时间,提 高预防复吸的效果,探索预防复吸的综合干预模式。

33、Keywords Testicular volume Abstinent days Semen analysis; ─── 睾丸容积;禁欲时间;精液分析;

34、The breakfast that abounds suddenly will help you can abstinent to food inside a day force. ─── 一顿丰富的早餐将帮你在一天内对食物能有节制力。

35、The Study on Abstinent Time of Drug addicts and Attitude and Behaviors of Their Relatives ─── 家属配合帮教的心理行为与患者脱毒后操守时间的关系

36、MAO-B activity was relevant to the abstinent syndrome of morphine dependent rats, but not related to the effect of agmatine on morphine analgesia; ─── MAO-B活性与吗啡依赖大鼠发生戒断综合征相关,但与胍丁胺对吗啡镇痛作用的影响无关;

37、Indeed, in many countries young girls and women are in no position to be abstinent , since their societies render them powerless to resist the demands of their male partners. ─── 国家和国际的预防项目可能力图促进节欲,但是也必须明白的是光有节欲是不够的。


39、During treatment, sexual activity should be abstinent. ─── 治疗期间,宜节制房事。

40、abstinent: Little the good sexual intercourse, treasures the body, prolongs the life the longan. ─── 十二、节欲:少行房事,爱惜身体,延年益智。

41、Logistic regression showed that MPHD with higher total scores of TAS, effect expectation factor of HCQ and experience of "high" before abstinent period were vulnerable to be depressive. ─── 心悸、思考困难、绝望因子分高于抑郁症组(P

42、Fame spurs us to pursue the abstinent life of the poet. ─── 名望的追求让我们过诗人清心寡欲的生活。

43、In this one period, masturbating to want only is measurable, abstinent, can consider as a kind to remove reasonably the means of sexual insecurity. ─── 在这一时期,手淫只要是适度的,有节制的,可以认为是一种合理的解除性紧张的方式。

44、Since time immemorial, countless females and males in every culture and global region have ignored pleas to remain abstinent. ─── 因为过去的时光不再重现,在每一个文化体系里和世界各个地区的无数男男女女们已经忘却了禁欲的呼吁。

45、METHODS The inhibitory effects of different dosages of LNNA by ig and ip administration on abstinent syndrome induced by naloxone in morphine-dependent mice were observed,and tolerance of pain was determined by hot plate method. ─── 方法 :采用小鼠戒断模型 ,观察不同给药途径 (ip和ig) ,不同剂量的LNNA对吗啡依赖小鼠戒断综合症的治疗效果。

46、Keywords Xitong Granule;morphine-dependence rats;abstinent symptoms;natural abstinence; ─── 息痛颗粒;吗啡依赖大鼠;戒断症状;自然戒断;

47、Domestic guest by be used to of " flicker " , carry Cheng emphasizing the innovation " with abstinent " all the time, the guest's demand in enlightenment we progress. ─── 国内客人被"忽悠"惯了,携程一直在强调"有节制的创新",客人的需求在启示我们进步。

48、Objective: To explore an effective psychological intervention to reduce relapse rate and prolong abstinent time of female addicts. ─── 摘要目的:探索较为有效的综合性的院内心理干预方法,以降低女性戒毒人员的复吸率和延长其操守时间。

49、125I-IBZM %ID/g in ST, NAC and HIP in morphine rats were lower than those of the abstinent and control rats (P

50、Some people are able to remain sexually abstinent and thus escape all risks. ─── 一些人在性的方面能够坚持禁欲并且由此规避所有的风险。

51、The breakfast that abounds suddenly will help you can abstinent to food inside a day force. ─── 一顿丰富的早餐将帮你在一天内对食物能有节制力。

52、1. Enthusiastic, but abstinent, it is your style. ─── 热情,但有节制,就是你的风格。

53、You needn't be on diet,but you should be abstinent,never eat too much. ─── 你不必节食,但要饮食有度,不能吃得过饱。

54、Conclusion: This integrative psychological intervention can effectively reduce relapse rate within half a year and prolong abstinent time of female addicts. ─── 结论:运用心理综合干预措施对院内女性戒毒者进行干预可降低其半年复吸率和延长操守时间。

55、Objective : To study the changes on contents of dopamine D2 receptor after morphine abstinent, and effects of extremely low-frequency electromagnectic field (ELFEF) on dopamine D2 receptor . Methods : 42 male SD rats were used. ─── 目的:探讨吗啡戒断时多巴胺D2受体含量的变化情况及极低频电磁场对多巴胺D2受体的影响。

56、They were also expected to remain sexually abstinent until marriage, but marriage was often impossible until the bridegroom had earned enough money and thus could “afford to support a family”. ─── 他们还被要求直到结婚之前保持性节欲,但是直到新郎积攒足够的钱、并因此能够“养活一个家庭”之前,婚姻通常是不可能的事情。

57、There is a positive correlation between total sperm and abstinent days, a positive correlation between testicuar volume and total sperm. ─── 精子总数与禁欲时间呈正相关,睾丸容积与精子密度、精子总精呈正相关。

58、"People can be abstinent, and it's not weird," she said. ─── “人们应该节欲,那不是什么奇怪的事,”她说。

59、Accordingly, we should have justifiable sex, abstinent government to resource and environment, make of resource use up the exasperate control with the environment to be inside certain limit. ─── 因此,我们要对资源与环境进行有理性、有节制的治理,使资源的消耗和环境的恶化控制在一定限度内。

60、Comprehensive treatment including psychotherapy, behavior modification and social support system should be enhanced to extend abstinent time and prevent relapse. ─── 提示单纯戒毒不能降低复吸率,应该把心理辅导、社会和家庭支持有机纳入整个戒毒过程中,才能延长操守,降低复吸率。

61、A Controlled Study on Clinical Efficacy of Chinese Herbal Compounds, Anjunning and Kanfuxin on Alleviating Opioid Protracted Abstinent Symptoms ─── 安君宁、康复欣对阿片类稽延性戒断症状临床疗效的对照研究

62、The changes of ACTH cells in the pars distail hypopysis on the morphine dependent rats and the abstinent rats and the positive control rats were studied by immunohistochemistry. ─── 用免疫组织化学方法观察吗啡依赖大鼠 ,IVC戒断大鼠和 IVC正常大鼠垂体远侧部 TSH细胞的变化。

63、Objective: To study the relationship among testicular volume abstinent days and quality of semen. ─── 摘要目的:研究睾丸容积、禁欲时间与精液质量的关系。

64、The breakfast that abounds suddenly will help you abstinent to food inside a day force. ─── 一顿丰富的早餐将帮你在一天内对食物有节制力。

65、Keywords opium abstinent syndrome;pattern differentiation of TCM;metric diagnosis; ─── 阿片类戒断综合征;中医辨证;计量诊断;

66、Objective: To reduce the relapse rate and prolong abstinent time of the drug addicts by the intervention on their relatives and to explore the integrative intervention model on drug abuse. ─── 目的:通过改变吸毒人员家属配合帮教的心理行为延长脱毒人员的操守时间,提高预防复吸的效果,探索预防复吸的综合干预模式。

67、The breakfast that abounds suddenly will help you abstinent to food inside a day force. ─── 一顿丰富的早餐将帮你在一天内对食物有节制力。

68、They see sexuality as dirty and wrong and associate their body as being such and live an extremely prude and abstinent type lifestyle. ─── 她们认为性是肮脏的、不道德的,伴随着她们成长的是极端正经的和禁欲的生活风格下。

69、Indeed, very many females and males are neither abstinent nor sexually exclusive. ─── 真实的情形是,非常多的男男女女既不禁欲也不性专一。

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