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08-19 投稿


upholder 发音

英:[?p?ho?ld?r]  美:[?p?h??ld?(r)]

英:  美:

upholder 中文意思翻译



upholder 短语词组

1、upholder meaning ─── 维护者意义

2、upholder tendency ─── 支撑倾向

3、upholder rebel ─── 拥护者反叛者

4、upholder class ─── 软垫类

5、upholder def ─── 装潢def

upholder 词性/词形变化,upholder变形


upholder 反义词


upholder 同义词

testify | sustain | bolster | espouse | confirm | continue | defend | back | encourage | corroborate | vindicate | ratify |support | substantiate | bear on | endorse | befriend | shoulder | preserve | carry on | advocate | maintain

upholder 相似词语短语

1、beholder ─── n.旁观者;观看者

2、upholster ─── vt.装饰;用(挂毯、家具等)布置;为(沙发等)装上垫子

3、inholder ─── _目录

4、polder ─── n.开拓地;n.(Polder)人名;(意)波尔德

5、upholders ─── n.支撑物;支持者

6、cup-holder ─── 奖杯保持者

7、coholder ─── 科霍尔德

8、cupholder ─── n.(放饮料容器的)杯托;奖杯持有者

9、holder ─── n.持有人;所有人;固定器;(台、架等)支持物;n.(Holder)人名;(英、罗、瑞典、德)霍尔德

upholder 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、China will get nowhere if it does not build and uphold socialism. ─── 中国不搞社会主义不行,不坚持社会主义不行。

2、Today, Fergus counter industry will uphold the fine traditions and develop them. ─── 今天,宏泰柜业将秉承这一优良传统,并将其发扬光大。

3、There was still some hope for anyone who wished to uphold the simple, procaryoutic picture of unsplit genes. ─── 对于那些愿意抱着基因都象原核生物那样不可分裂的简单理论不放的人来说,仍然存在着一线希望。

4、Good journalists uphold a code of ethics which distinguishes between news ang editorial opinions. ─── 好的新闻记者维持着一种道德规范它把新闻与社论的观点区分开来.

5、Ceremoniously decked with the ancient totems of their Tribes, Chiefs uphold the honor and simplicity of Tauren culture. ─── 他们充满尊敬地的背着部落的图腾,维持着牛头人文化的荣誉和淳朴。

6、Oppose bandit ways[15], and uphold strict political discipline. ─── 反对土匪主义,承认严肃的政治纪律;

7、In order to uphold and improve Party leadership, Party discipline must be strengthened. ─── 为了坚持和改善党的领导,必须加强党的纪律。

8、Even the day falls down, also wanting to uphold justice! ─── 即使天塌下来,也要伸张正义!

9、People uphold the champions of Olympic enthusiastic. ─── 人们热烈的拥护奥运冠军!

10、They are supposed to keep order and uphold the laws made by both the Guildpact and Azorius. ─── 他们原本的目的是执行并巩固俄佐立与十会盟定下的各种条例;

11、When you choose the path when the need is to work hard,uphold and wait. ─── 当你选择了一条路的时候,需要的只是努力,坚持和等待。

12、Uphold science;do not be ignorant and unenlightened. ─── 以崇尚科学为荣,以愚昧无知为耻;

13、The thoughts and methods of CRM and MIS are used in the process of BPR, which embodies the upholder and amalgamation of those management techniques. ─── 同时,在再造过程中大量运用了顾客关系管理及信息系统建设的思想和方法,体现了各管理技术的相互支撑与融合。

14、Eight columns uphold the big dome. ─── 八根柱子支撑着这个大圆顶。

15、Some avant-couriers represented by North Arts group uphold the flag of rational painting decisively. ─── 北方美术群体为代表的一些中国前卫艺术家,则旗帜鲜明地高举起理性绘画的旗帜。

16、Be the Balance Upholder of Business Echelon! ─── 成为企业梯队平衡的维护商!

17、Despite these swings, Mr Pawlenty insists that the best path to power is to uphold conservative tenets. ─── 尽管如此,普兰提坚信通往权利的最佳途径便是高举保守派旗帜。

18、Oppose fighting merely to rout the enemy, and uphold fighting to annihilate the enemy. ─── 反对击溃战,承认歼灭战;

19、Babbitt is the upholder of everything that is conservative, conventional and respectable . ─── 巴比特是一切保守的、传统的和高尚的事物的维护者。

20、At the same time, it should be recognized that in order to uphold Party leadership, we must strive to improve it. ─── 另一方面要看到,为了坚持党的领导,必须努力改善党的领导。

21、Seeond,the Six-Party Talks uphold and develop Principle of Peaceful Settlement of Internation Disputes. ─── 再次,六方会谈为东北亚区域安全组织的建立奠定了基础。

22、The President swore to uphold the constitution. ─── 总统宣誓维护宪法。

23、Silently I vowed that I would use every one of my skills, however weak, to uphold the noble ideal of serving humankind. ─── 在心中我默默期许,所有我学会的技能,哪怕是一点点,都要用在利益大众的高雅理想上。

24、Company uphold: integrity, professionalism, a feature! ─── 公司秉承:诚信、专业、有特色!

25、The southern rebellion was an attempt to uphold the institution of slavery, in the face of the world. ─── 南方的叛乱是一种公然维护奴隶制度的企图。

26、The core of the Four Cardinal Principles is to uphold leadership by the Party. ─── 坚持四项基本原则的核心,就是坚持党的领导。

27、Identification improve judicial justice system must uphold the principle of impartiality in particular procedure. ─── 完善司法鉴定制度必须坚持司法公正尤其是程序公正原则。

28、To uphold the Bodhisattva Precepts, you must be prepared to be a life-long lacto-vegetarian. ─── 凡受持在家菩萨戒后,当终身素食(包括不吃蛋)。

29、Herald flea market heralds consistently uphold the page style and management philosophy. ─── 先声跳蚤市场秉承先声一贯的页面风格和管理理念。

30、Uphold science; do not be ignorant and unenlightened. ─── 以崇尚科学为荣、以愚昧无知为耻;

31、To drive home the message, Kim held a ceremony in which all 380 Hyundai and Kia section heads vowed to uphold the manual. ─── 为了使这些标准深入人心,为大家充分理解,金举行了一个仪式,召集所有现代公司和起亚汽车公司的380位部门负责人宣誓遵守该准则。

32、He proffered to uphold justice . ─── 他表示愿意维护正义。

33、Uphold Deng Xiaoping Theory as our guide and constantly Bring forth theoretical innovation. ─── 坚持以邓小平理论为指导,不断推进理论创新。

34、How can there be any stability, unity, or socialist modernization if we don't uphold socialism? ─── 不坚持社会主义,还有什么安定团结,还有什么社会主义的四个现代化?

35、There was still some hope for anyone who wished to uphold the simple, prokaryotic picture of unsplit genes. ─── 对于那些希望坚持基因都象原核生物那样不可分裂的简单理论的人来说,仍然存在着一线希望。

36、They have profane the long uphold tradition of the church. ─── 他们亵渎了教会长期沿袭的传统。

37、A hopeful society expects elected officials to uphold the public trust. ─── 希望社会要求每一位当选的政府干部不辜负人民的信任。

38、TO pledge myself uphold and practice the ideals of Zonta. ─── 以一己赤诚、维护和实行崇她理想。

39、A follower of the great God of Order, Paladine, Sven has sworn to uphold the rights of all. ─── 圣骑士,伟大的秩序之神的信徒,史文誓言要维护所有的公正。

40、Development requires that we uphold and deepen the reform. ─── 发展必须坚持和深化改革。

41、Each of the teaching staff is supposed to uphold the tradition of excellence established since BNU was founded. ─── 在传统考试体制下,与众不同只能成为遗憾。当时我没有别的选择。

42、The theme that a young artist from Chengdu named Yi Guodong expresses is to uphold peace but to be antagonistic wars. ─── 成都年轻艺术家易国栋所要表达的主题是和平,反对战争。

43、Uphold company policy and procedures to ensure the safety, security and welfare of the Residents. ─── 严格遵照公司的规章和程序,保证住客的安全、舒适。

44、I will not imperil my soul. I will uphold the justice of the Church. ─── 我不愿使我的灵魂受到玷污,我要维护教会法律的公正。

45、Impossible as it seems, I must uphold my ideals, for perhaps the time will come when I shall be able to carry them out. ─── 尽管这看起来是不可能的,我仍然必须坚持自己的理想,因为我能实现理想的时刻或许会到来。

46、If Mike doesn't uphold his end of the agreement, then we can break it as well. ─── 如果麦克不赞成这项决议,那我们也可以推翻。

47、But we believe that those who uphold this principle and these policies will succeed eventually. ─── 但我们相信,坚持这个方针政策的人,最终会取得胜利。

48、Uphold science; don't be ignorant and unenligntened. ─── 以崇尚科学为荣、以愚昧无知维持;

49、We should make it clear to the people, including our children, that we uphold socialism and communism. ─── 一定要让我们的人民,包括我们的孩子们知道,我们是坚持社会主义和共产主义的

50、It is because the clerisy-narcissism that made the ancient Chinese scholars uphold elegance. ─── 传统中国文人之所以崇尚风雅,自然是知识阶层自诩孤傲反俗的性格使然,也反映在周遭事物上。

51、The failing light was such that observation by periscope could not be relied on, and the Upholder's listening gear was out of order. ─── 当时天色昏暗,难以用潜望镜观察,而潜艇的听音设备也坏了。

52、We have been stressing the need to uphold the Four Cardinal Principles,haven't we? ─── 不是说四个坚持吗?

53、To ensure the factory produce top Quality performance louvers our overseas clients to uphold our company name. ─── 因美国一个大项目需要,我们现正寻找合适的候选人加入生产部门(位于广东省佛山市南海区),职位名称为:质量保证工程师。

54、It can uphold the globe life and improve existence space of human. ─── 它发挥着其它林种不可替代的生态保障和支撑作用。

55、Uphold the objectives, targeted to reach goals, and never give up! ─── 坚持目标,锁定目标,达成目标,决不放弃!

56、"We the people will uphold our fundamental values as vigilantly as we protect our security," he said. ─── 奥巴马说:“我们要像保卫我们的安全一样,坚守我们的基本价值。

57、For the Lord has a day of vengeance, a year of retribution, to uphold Zion's cause. ─── 因耶和华有报仇之日,为锡安的争辩有报应之年。

58、Not of the growth, let me strive to uphold their convictions. ─── 不段的成长,让我努力坚持自己的信念.

59、Company uphold integrity, service, the principle of providing quality products to customers of products and services. ─── 公司秉承诚信,服务,的原则为客户提供优质产品的产品和服务。

60、thoughts and methods of CRM and MIS are used in the process of BPR, which embodies the upholder and amalgamation of those management techniques. ─── 在再造过程中大量运用了顾客关系管理及信息系统建设的思想和方法,体现了各管理技术的相互支撑与融合。

61、Success to uphold, it is a secret is not mysterious. ─── 成功在于坚持,这是一个并不神秘的秘诀。

62、Respectfully challenges practices, decisions or ideas to uphold integrity and ethical standards. ─── 以尊重的态度来挑战日常实践操作和决定以保证完整性和符合规范。

63、I can’t uphold such conduct. ─── 我不赞成这种行为。

64、Oppose an incorrect , sectarian policy on cadres, and uphold the correct policy on cadres. ─── 反对不正确的宗派主义的干部政策,承认正确的干部政策;

65、Yet India's huge potential to be a force for stability and an upholder of the rules-based international system is far from being realized. ─── 但是印度成为地区稳定重要力量的巨大潜力和成为对基于规则的国际关系体系的支撑者的目标远未实现。

66、I wondered, if I uphold the precepts just because others are doing so, how could it help me in my cultivation. ─── 心里询问着:遵守戒律,这样子依样画葫芦的行为,就真的能够对修行有所提升吗?

67、The IWC voted to uphold the ban on commercial whaling. ─── 国际捕鲸委员会投票支持禁止商业捕鲸。

68、Most countries make pledges to uphold international accords guaranteeing freedom of the press, says RSF, but many fail. ─── RSF说,大多数国家声称要执行国际惯例,保证新闻自由,但是很多都没做到。

69、Do we, then, nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold the law. ─── 31这样,我们因信废了律法吗?断乎不是,更是坚固律法。

70、We should unswervingly uphold the poverty alleviation policy to lead all rural works in the poverty-stricken areas. ─── 坚持以扶贫攻坚总揽贫困地区农村工作全局。

71、But we must uphold a principle that Ge Hong was a philosopher after all. ─── 因此,我们必须坚持这样一个大前提,对他的辞赋观首先进行哲学探源,然后再进行文本分析。

72、Those who resist Japan, those who uphold unity, those who are progressive. ─── 应该赏抗日的人,赏团结的人,赏进步的人。

73、The appeal court uphold the sentence. ─── 上诉法庭维持了判决。

74、You should see justice righted (uphold justice) for him. ─── 你应该为他伸张正义。

75、of 24 May 1941, British lieutenant commander Malcolm Wanklyn, in command of the submarine Upholder, sighted an enemy troop convoy strongly escorted by destroyers off Sicily. ─── 五月二十四日,英国海军少校马尔科姆。华克莱恩指挥着潜艇支持者号,在西西里岛附近看见敌军的运兵船队,由多艘驱逐舰护送。

76、To uphold its reputation, a company must consider all options when solving a difficult problem. ─── 为了保住公司的声誉,有必要考虑一下所有的选择以寻求问题的最好解决方法。

77、I cannot uphold such conduct . ─── 我不能赞成这种行为。

78、The luster of pure gold will never fade; the faith of an upholder of truth will never change. ─── 纯真的金子,光泽永远不变;坚持真理的人,信念始终不渝。

79、Frankly speaking, I cannot uphold such conduct. You see, it is aimed only at the personal interest. ─── 坦率地说,我不能支持那样的行为。你知道,这仅仅是个人的兴趣所关注的。

80、How can there be any stability,unity,or socialist modernization if we don't uphold socialism? ─── 不坚持社会主义,还有什么安定团结,还有什么社会主义的四个现代化?

81、Despite that, the majority of mid-aged people and senior citizens uphold the importance of the traditional performance. ─── 尽管那样,多数中年人和老年人仍然看中这传统节目的重要性。

82、The lessons that history has taught us are that peace is sacrosanct and every nation must do its utmost to uphold it. ─── 历史告诉我们和平是神圣不可侵犯的,每个国家都应该尽全力维护。

83、We will continue firmly uphold our corporate tenet of“ containing thousands of little rivers, the sea is great. ─── 公司同仁始终不渝的坚持“海纳百川,有容乃大”的企业宗旨。

84、Babbitt is the upholder of everything that is conservative, conventional and respectable . ─── 巴比特是一切保守的、传统的和高尚的事物的维护者。

85、Reports to: Plant ManagerPrincipal Responsibilities: Uphold the company‘s Mission Statement, Quality Pol...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海杰迈晶雅人力资源有限公司广州分公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-4-5

86、Despite its reputation for greed, American society continues to uphold the virtues of philanthropy and altruism. ─── 尽管美国社会有贪婪的名声,但人家仍继续维持慈善和利他主义的美德。

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