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08-19 投稿


cortices 发音


英:  美:

cortices 中文意思翻译



cortices 词性/词形变化,cortices变形


cortices 短语词组

1、cerebral cortices ─── 大脑皮层

2、opercula cortices ─── 皮质盖

cortices 相似词语短语

1、corticose ─── adj.外皮的

2、cornices ─── n.[建]飞檐;檐板(cornice的复数形式)

3、cervices ─── n.子宫颈(cevix的复数)

4、codices ─── n.法律(codex的复数)

5、morticers ─── 殡仪馆

6、tortrices ─── 玉米饼

7、carices ─── 漫画

8、vortices ─── n.旋涡;(指水或风形成的)涡流(vortex的名词复数)

9、mortices ─── n.[木]榫眼;vt.榫接(等于mortise)

cortices 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Improvisation was found to be accompanied by “a dissociated pattern of activity in the prefrontal cortex”. ─── 人们发现即兴表演中伴随了”额叶皮层的分离式活动“。

2、Different from drug-addicted subjects, obese subjects have increased metabolism in somatosensory cortex. ─── 与药物成瘾者不同的是,肥胖者提高躯体感觉皮层的代谢。

3、One technique is to use power reaming to penetrate the first cortex and then switch to hand reaming. ─── 可以用电钻突破第一层皮质,然后换成手摇钻扩孔。

4、It makes up more than half the thickness of the cortex. ─── 它们组成了超过一半厚度的皮质。

5、These are example exam questions from the motor cortex section of the course. ─── 以下是本课程中运动皮层部分的测试样题。

6、The tissues of the stele and cortex are derived from the corpus. ─── 中柱和皮层组织就是来源于原体。

7、L EK levels of frontal cortex were lower than those of hypothalamic, pituitary(?P?

8、In PN21 rats that did not become epileptic, no signal occurred in parahippocampal cortices. ─── 在未致癫PN21大鼠中,海马旁皮质无信号出现。

9、Protection limited to the entorhinal and piriform cortices (pregabalin) delayed epileptogenesis. ─── 局限于内嗅区和梨状皮层(普瑞巴林)的保护延迟癫痫的发生。

10、The nodules of these plants were irregular in shape, most of them were white and brown in colour, with thick cortices . ─── 这些植物所结根瘤在外形上多数不规则,以皮层厚和白色、棕色者居多,与非干旱区的根瘤形态显著不同。

11、The primary ovarian follicles was found in the ovary cortices,on 110d. ─── 110天胎龄时在卵巢中可看到一些初级卵泡。

12、Syndesmosis width was not affected by the number of cortices purchased by the syndesmosis screw. ─── 下胫腓螺钉固定骨皮质的数目不影响下胫腓的宽度。

13、The results indicate that the striate cortex neurons may code information about gaze position. ─── 以上结果表明,大约半数初级视皮层神经元可以编码眼位置信息。

14、Results:The expression of VEGF in renal cortex of the rats in group TMP+AG and group C was alike. ─── 川芎嗪治疗组和氨基胍治疗组大鼠肾皮质VEGF表达比未治疗组明显减弱 ,但仍高于正常对照组 ;

15、But the cortices probably send messages back and forth to each other and produce new ideas, she conjectured. ─── 但她推测皮层之间或许会反复互相发送信息并因此产生新的思维。

16、But patients whose premotor cortex was directly stimulated did move, and sometimes the movements were very large. ─── 但是,那些前运动皮层被刺激了的病人却行动了,而且又是行动的幅度还非常大。

17、Whereas in contralateral cortex, the GFAP expression began to increase at 72 h (P

18、And CSO could reduce the content of glutamic acid in liippocampus and cortex. ─── 对D-半乳糖衰老大鼠大脑皮层和海马区谷氨酸含量增多有明显的抑制作用。

19、ET-1 can directly stimulate cultured cortex neurons to release NO via ETB receptors. ─── 外源性ET-1可通过ET_B受体直接诱导培养SD大鼠大脑皮层神经元释放NO。

20、Stimulating or otherwise acting on the adrenal cortex. ─── 促肾上腺皮质的刺激或作用于肾上腺皮质的

21、He tear a cortex and eat it.He imagined the chump is a delicious beef jerky. ─── 他一阵惊喜,他紧紧抱住那半截榆木,吃力地从上面撕下一缕树皮,放在最里嚼了起来。

22、He looked in particular at the activity of the medial orbitofrontal cortex. ─── 他尤其关注内侧眶皮层的活动。

23、Specific regions of the cerebral cortex process or generate various kinds of information. ─── 大脑皮层的特定脑区处理或产生各种信号。

24、The cortex in the back of our brains, Dr.Brizendine says, scans the environment looking for fertile mates. ─── 布里丁尼表示,脑后部的皮层负责在周围环境中搜索优质伴侣。

25、Female Revitalization Comprises: Ovary, Placenta, Adrenal Cortex, Cns (Brain), All From Female Rabbits. ─── 恢复女性活力含:卵巢、胎盘、肾上腺皮质、中枢神经系统(脑),全取自雌兔

26、That is more than half the 1,900 square centimeters of the surface area of the two cerebral cortices added together. ─── 两大脑皮质的总和为1900平方公分,小脑也比这总和的一半来得大。

27、Glomeruli and cortex tubuli of rats were dissected by laser microdissection. ─── (2)通过激光微分离系统成功地分离了大鼠肾组织中的肾小球和肾小管。

28、The mantle of graymatter forming the cerebral cortex. ─── 大脑皮层形成大脑皮层智力的外表。

29、The ovarian follicles are embedded in the stroma of the cortex. ─── 卵巢皮质的基质中有许多卵泡。

30、The insular cortex, also known as the insula, lies deep inside the brain. ─── 岛叶皮层亦称为脑岛,它位于大脑内部深处。

31、Freeze-banking pieces of ovarian cortex prior to treatment is a new technology for preserving fecundity. ─── 在肿瘤治疗前,将患者卵巢组织冷冻保存,是一项旨在保存女性生育力的新技术。

32、Spongy appearance shows in cerebral and cerebellar cortex. ─── 大体--脑呈海绵状改变,皮质、基底节和脊髓萎缩变性。

33、But at high doses, the prefrontal cortex tuned out, and Ritalin's effects were similar to those of other stimulants. ─── 但是在高剂量时,额叶前部皮层上的作用消失,利他林和其他的兴奋剂产生相同的效果。

34、The somatosensory areaof the cerebral cortex. ─── 大脑皮层的体觉区域。

35、Male Revitalization Comprises: Testis, Placenta, Adrenal Cortex, Cns (Brain) All From Male Rabbits. ─── 恢复男性活力含:睾丸、胎盘、肾上腺皮质、中枢神经系统(脑),全取自雄兔

36、The hand has much more representation in the cortex than does the back. ─── 前脚比背部在皮层中具有大得多的代表区。

37、Prefrontal lobe cortex dopamine D1 receptors mRNA expression increased in rats of DOI-induced head-shakes. ─── DOI诱导的Tourette综合征动物模型大鼠前额叶皮层多巴胺D1受体基因表达增高。

38、Xrays of limb bones may show reduced density and thin cortices and in some cases fractures in metaphyses. ─── 对四肢骨骼的X光检测显示出骨量减少,皮质变薄,甚至干骺端碎裂。

39、Radix Aucklandiae and Cortex Cinnamomi could be detected by TLC. ─── 在薄层色谱中检出木香和肉桂,并且阴性无干扰。

40、The PET of 2 patients showed that there were many hypo-metablism areas in cortex or subcortex. ─── PET影像检查显示2例患者存在多处皮质、皮质下代谢减低区;

41、Here is a kidney with much more advanced hydronephrosis in which there is only a thin rim of remaining renal cortex. ─── 严重的肾盂积水,仅剩下一层薄薄的肾皮质。

42、Previous clinical reports reveal the key role of the secondary auditory cortices and the inferior frontal cortices in processing musical information. ─── 先前的临床报告透露,次级听觉皮质与额叶下方区域在音乐讯息处理中扮演关键性的角色。

43、Outside of stele the cortical meristem developed into cortex, epidermis and the root cap subsequently. ─── 中柱外面的皮层分生组织,将来发展成为皮层、表皮层和根冠。

44、We show that recognizing emotions from visually presented facial expressions requires right somatosensory-related cortices. ─── 我们揭示了:从视觉上呈显的面部表情来识别情绪,需要右躯体感觉-相关的皮质进行作用。

45、This structure may be perfectly situated to bind the activity of the sensory cortices into a single, coherent percept. ─── 这个构造也许刚好可以将感觉皮质的活性结合成单一统整的知觉。

46、The results show that the integration of information on vision and on eye position may take place at quite the earliest stage of the visual cortices. ─── 以上结果表明,视皮层的第一级神经元已经可以对视觉信息和眼球位置信息进行整合。

47、Does gender play a role in functional asymmetry of ventromedial prefrontal cortex? ─── 性别是否在额前正中皮质功能的不对称性中起作用?

48、Sequential Effects of Increasing Propofol Sedation on Frontal and Temporal Cortices as Indexed by Auditory Event-related Potentials Heinke W, et al. ─── 以听觉事件相关电位为指标增加异丙酚镇静对额叶和颞叶皮层的效应。

49、Is the cerebral cortex necessary to experience "pain"? ─── “疼痛”体验是否必须有大脑皮层的参与?

50、After remoal of the crest, considerable cancellous bone may be obtained by inserting a curet into the cancellous space between the two intact cortices. ─── 在切除髂嵴后,可用刮匙插入髂骨内、外侧皮质骨板间的松质骨间隙中大量刮取松质骨。

51、Split ends occur when the cuticle is damaged and the fibres of the cortex unravel. ─── 发梢开叉是角质层受损和皮层的纤维开裂所致。

52、The nonunion was judged to be healed when bridging callus formation on both radiographic views was observed on at least 3 of 4 cortices. ─── 骨不连的愈合为观察者均看到桥接骨痂骨在X线片中有至少在3至4个皮质形成。

53、Think of the amygdala as the engine and the cortex as the brake. ─── 可以说,类扁桃体就象发动机;而大脑皮层则象刹车。

54、And string players have more of their sensory cortices devoted to their fingers than do those who don't play the instruments. ─── 弦乐演奏者要比不会这种乐器的人有更多专属于他们手指的感觉皮质。

55、The for-mation of periderm is relatively late and cork cambium is come from the cortex cells which arenear endodermis. ─── 周皮发生较迟,其木栓形成层由紧靠内皮层的皮层细胞产生。

56、CBZ concentration in ECF of the cerebral cortex in rats correlates positively to plasma CBZ concentration. ─── CBZ在大鼠脑ECF中的浓度和血药浓度有着较好的相关性;

57、A network of extremely small blood vessels passing between the pia mater and the cerebral cortex. ─── 大脑绒被从软膜和大脑皮层之间穿过的极细的小血管形成的网

58、Both situations activated the same regions of the anterior insula and the anterior cingulate cortex in the subjects. ─── 在这两种情况下,受试者脑中的前脑岛以及前扣带皮质,都有相同位置出现活化。

59、Do NCC involve all the pyramidal neurons present in the cerebral cortex at any given time? ─── NCC是否牵涉到某特定时间中大脑皮质里所有的锥体神经元?

60、Most of the foci were in cortices on CT (56. 52% ) . ─── 头颅CT检查发现病灶在皮层的发生率最高(56.52%)。

61、Of, relating to, associated with, or depending on the cerebral cortex. ─── 大脑皮质的大脑皮质的,与大脑皮质有关的或取决于大脑皮质的

62、The hi ghest occurred rate of EP was in the patients whose bleeding focus being in cere bra cortex (P

63、All that is left is a thin rim of cortex or glial tissue with meninges surrounding a fluid-filled cavity. ─── 剩下的是薄薄的皮质边缘或包绕液体腔的脑膜神经胶质组织。

64、The cerebral cortex is the headquarters of human body. ─── 大脑皮质是人体的“司令部”。

65、In the meanwhile, We also studied the changes of Na+-K+ATPase and Ca++-ATPase in the ischemie cortex. ─── 利用电镜酶技术,观察了微血管Na~+-K~+ATP酶及ca++~+-ATP酶变化;

66、Of which more than 95 percent of apoptosis in the cortex or macrophage phagocytosis. ─── 其中95%以上在皮质内凋亡或被巨噬细胞吞噬。

67、Once the association cortices are activated, Andreasen is not sure what happens next in the creative process. ─── 一旦联合皮层被激活起来,安德瑞森并不确定在创意的进程中接下来会发生什么。

68、Within the epidermis develops a ring of parenchyma cells, the cortex. ─── 在表皮细胞内有一个质壁细胞环,即皮层。

69、They focused on the cerebral cortex, or gray matter, which is responsible for higher thinking. ─── 他们把焦点放在负责高等思考的大脑皮层(灰质)。

70、Abundant lipid content of fasciculata cells is responsible for yellow color of cortex grossly. ─── 富含液体的束状细胞使松散的皮质看起来呈黄色。

71、There is edema and focal inflammation (extending down via the Virchow-Robin space) in the cortex to the right. ─── 在通向右侧的皮质处有水肿和局部炎症(经由菲-罗隙向下扩展)。

72、Whether auditory cortex process the visual signal? ─── 听觉皮层参与与否之争?

73、The expansion and radial spread of cortex and pith cells are very strong after the mid-dle stage. ─── 中期以后直至成熟,皮层和髓细胞强烈扩大、径向伸长。

74、Preliminary studies suggest that stimulation of the motor cortex enhances motor recovery after stroke. ─── 初步研究表明运动皮质的刺激增强卒中后的运动康复。

75、The infection-thread enters and branches in cells of the root cortex. ─── 侵染线进入根的皮层细胞并进行分枝。

76、This was done for intact specimens and after a Weber C injury was created and repaired with 3 and 4 cortices of purchase. ─── 分别在完整的标本和产生WeberC型损伤后予以3层和4层骨皮质固定后的标本进行测试。

77、The innermost layer of the cortex that forms a sheath around the vascular tissue of roots and some stems. ─── 内皮层皮层的最内层,在根、茎的导管组织周围形成一道叶鞘(茎衣)

78、The secretions of the anterior pituitary gland control the activities of the adrenal cortex and other endocrine organs. ─── 垂体前叶的分泌控制肾上腺皮质和其它内分泌腺体的活动。

79、The search begins in the prefrontal cortex, where neurons process the goal "find keys". ─── 寻找过程发端于脑额叶前部皮层,由这里的神经元处理“找钥匙”这个目标。

80、Torque-to-failure tests were also done for 4 cortices of fixation. ─── 在4层骨皮质固定时也进行扭矩失效实验。

81、A part of brain called the dorsal-lateral * prefrontal core text (cortex) appears especially undeveloped in teens. ─── 在青少年中,其大脑中背外侧前额叶区域没有完全发育。

82、Those with pain lacked this visual feedback system, and showed no activity in the sensory or motor cortex. ─── 感觉到疼痛的人却没有这样的视觉回馈系统,而且在感觉和运动皮层都没有活动。

83、The SDFE react between cerebral cortex and Hypothalamus of the Diencephalon, and coordinate their functions. ─── SDFE在大脑皮质及间脑之下视丘调节其功能。

84、DQ and rCBF in left frontal and right parietal cortex in patients with DAT. ─── MID、DAT病人左颞叶rCBF与记忆商数(MQ)相关显著。

85、Syndesmosis width was not affected by the number of cortices purchased by the syndesmosis screw. ─── 下胫腓螺钉固定骨皮质的数目不影响下胫腓的宽度。

86、Major Topics: Striate Cortex Receptive Field Organization, Cytoarchitecture, Modular Organization, Imaging. ─── 主要题目:纹状皮质接收区组成,细胞结构,模型组成,成像

87、The relationship between anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and executive function was reviewed in this paper. ─── 回顾了近期有关大脑前扣带回皮层(ACC)参与执行功能的研究资料。

88、The mantle of gray matter forming the cerebral cortex. ─── 大脑皮层形成大脑皮层智力的外表

89、There were no LECs and lens cortex remained on the surface of posterior capsule. ─── 囊袋周边部LEC开始早期纤维分化,但核仍靠近后囊膜表面;

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