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08-19 投稿


stunt 发音

英:[st?nt]  美:[st?nt]

英:  美:

stunt 中文意思翻译






stunt 网络释义

n. 噱头,手腕;绝技vt. 阻碍…的正常生长或发展vi. 表演特技;作惊人表演n. (Stunt)人名;(英)斯坦特

stunt 短语词组

pull a stunt

1. 开玩笑; 耍花招

The graduating seniors always pull a lot of stunts at school.


She has pulled a stunt with her teacher.


2. 表演特技; 玩命

Never again pull a stunt like riding a bicycle no hands.

绝对不要玩命, 表演像放手骑单车的特技。

1、publicity stunt ─── 做秀

2、companion stunt ─── 多人垫上运动

3、stunt men ─── 特技替身演员( stunt man的名词复数 )

4、stunt flier ─── [网络] 特技飞镖

5、combination stunt ─── 组合特技

6、tomato bushy stunt virus ─── [医] 番笳丛矮病毒

7、stunt flying un. ─── 特技飞行 [网络] 惊骇非行

8、dual stunt ─── 双重特技

9、stunt box ─── [计] 杂控器

10、combined stunt ─── 组合特技

11、stunt women ─── 女特技演员, ─── 女替身演员( stunt woman的名词复数 )

12、single stunt ─── [体]单人动作

13、acrobatic stunt ─── [网络] 杂技特技

14、stunt man ─── 特技替身演员

15、stunt kite ─── [网络] 特技风筝;运动风筝;供应特技风筝

16、stunt woman n. ─── 女特技演员, ─── 女替身演员

17、stunt pilot ─── [网络] 特技飞行员;特技飞机

18、burdock stunt viroid ─── 牛蒡特技病毒

19、yellow stunt ─── 黄化萎缩病

stunt 常用词组

publicity stunt ─── 做秀

pull a stunt ─── 耍花招;表演特技

stunt man ─── 特技替身演员

stunt 词性/词形变化,stunt变形


stunt 相似词语短语

1、stun ─── vt.使震惊;打昏;给以深刻的印象;n.昏迷;打昏;惊倒;令人惊叹的事物

2、stint ─── n.节约;定额,定量;从事某项工作的时间;有限供给,有限的努力;滨鹬;一段时间;v.节省;限制;节约,吝啬;限量给;紧缩,节省

3、stunty ─── 特技

4、stunts ─── n.绝技(stunt的复数);惊人表演;v.阻碍;表演绝技(stunt的单三形式)

5、stent ─── n.斯滕特氏印模膏;展伸;adj.扩张的;n.(Stent)人名;(英)斯滕特

6、stunk ─── n.恶臭,异味;丑闻;讨厌的人;v.发出恶臭;惹人讨厌;质量极差(stink的过去分词)

7、stung ─── v.刺;螫;使疼痛(sting的过去式及过去分词)

8、stuns ─── v.使晕倒;使惊吓(stun的第三人称单数形式);n.令人震惊的事物(stun的复数形式)

9、shunt ─── v.使(火车或火车车厢)转轨;调往,转至(次要的地方);把……推到一边;闲置,搁置;使……分流;回避讨论;n.推;调轨,转轨;(非正式)车辆追尾事故;分流管;吻合分流术

stunt 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、American silent film actor. His most famous stunt was hanging from a clock face at the top of a building in Safety Last(1923). ─── 劳埃德,亨利 德玛里斯特1847-1903美国记者。作为芝加哥论坛报的金融作者和编辑,他撰写了许多攻击垄断的文章并成为第一位搜集和揭露丑闻的记者之一

2、Joanna's scheme to have a big launching party to unveil the new executive-type desk is a publicity stunt, that is, a way to get attention. ─── 乔安娜的计划是打算举办一次盛大展销会,在展销会上首次推出一种供高级经理人员使用的新式办公桌,这是对外作广告中引人瞩目之举。

3、What was the most difficult stunt you've performed in a movie? ─── 你以前在电影中演过的最困难的特技是哪个?

4、Why did BG wanted to organize this Pro Stunt Team and when did you have this idea ?? ─── BG为什么想要组建这样的特技表演车队?您是在什么时候有这样的想法的?

5、Prior to your actual start of motorcycle stunt riding, what did you think of it. What were the things you expected? ─── 在你开始摩托车特技驾驶前,你是怎样看待摩托车特技的?你对特级有何期待?

6、They will save others, will perform the stunt, will be really intelligent. ─── 它们会救人,会表演特技,真聪明。

7、Stunt performers start at the bottom, and many work as extras on movie sets to learn the business and get noticed. ─── 一般来说,特技演员是从跑龙套(底层)做起。当开机(开镜)时,就要做很多自己分外的工作来学习片场的运作,并引起别人的注意。

8、This can go down humanely if you don ’ t fight,but if you pull a stunt like that again,it's going to get inhumane right quick. ─── 你要不挣扎的话 , 那接下来我将会很仁慈,不过要是你想再耍花招,我就会变得很残忍。

9、Even then, this was really more of a stunt than a demonstration that the HPC Server system is ready to compete with the big boys. ─── 尽管那样,这实际上不只是一次示范准备与大亨竞争的高性能服务器系统的特技表演。

10、Both the driver and the passenger dragged out cuffed, and you know officers wouldn’t be gentle after a stunt like that. ─── 司机和乘客都被揪着袖子拽出来。你知道,经过这样一场追赶警察先生不可能太客气的。

11、Here is a stunt that's got to have dentists around the world smiling. ─── 一场惊人的表演从这里开始,让全世界的牙科医生欢笑。

12、A professional stunt artist takes part in a performance during the 2007 Taurus World Stunt Awards at Paramount Studios in Los Angeles May 20, 2007. ─── 如此顶尖的“特技表演”!难免不让人咂舌。5月20日,第七届世界电影特技奖颁奖典礼在美国洛杉矶举行。

13、The holoscopic stunt packs South Korea's story. ─── 对导演孙秀范,则鲜有介绍。

14、The band dressed up as the Beatles as a publicity stunt. ─── 乐队扮作披头士作为宣传噱头。

15、A: I had to do this terrifying stunt that was seriously the scariest thing I've done for a movie. ─── A:我必须要拍摄一些惊险镜头,这是我在这部电影里做过的最可怕的事了。

16、A Hollywood stunt man suffered serious injuries over the weekend during this public performance in a Shanghai stadium. ─── 上周末,一名好莱坞特技演员在上海体育馆的公开演出中严重受伤。

17、Furthermore, the foul air can literally stunt the growth of the next generation, according to recent research from Frederica P. ─── 中国拥有得天独厚的地理优势和丰富的水力资源:大约4亿千瓦的水电,现在只开发了四分之一。

18、When he does a stunt, he really does it, and as a result broke just about every bone in his body... ─── 他在做特技时,真的是亲自完成。因此,他身上几乎每块骨头都断过...

19、Her latest stunt is ride a motor cycle through a ring of flames. ─── 她的最新特技表演是骑摩托车钻火圈。

20、This can go down humanely if you don't fight, but if you pull a stunt like that again, it's going to get inhumane right quick. ─── 你要不挣扎的话,那接下来我将会很仁慈,不过要是你想再耍花招,我就会变得很残忍。

21、A baboon doing a back flip, a stunt man perfecting his fight scene, an Olympic athlete dancing the tango. ─── 一只狒狒正在做后空翻,一位特技演员正在完成高空镜头,一名奥林匹克运动员正在跳探戈。

22、Marvel character Johnny, a stunt motorcyclist, finds a motor without owner at graveyard. ─── 传奇人物约翰,一名摩托车特技表演者,在墓地发现了一辆没人要的摩托车。

23、There's no guarantee that Obama's approach will stunt the economic freefall, much less produce jobs or bring prosperity. ─── 奥巴马的措施能否阻止经济下滑尚属未知,更不用说创造工作岗位甚至是创造繁荣了。

24、She has pulled a stunt with her teacher. ─── 她向老师耍了花招。

25、He was born in Bratislava, Slovak Republic and has traveled all over the world working as a stunt man and a horse master (or horse wrangler). ─── 他出生在发斯洛伐克共和国的布拉迪斯拉,并且跑遍世界工作作为特技男子及一名马术师。

26、His stunt work markedly lacks the thrills of even his recent pictures. ─── 他的特技显然缺乏吸引之处(他最近几部电影都有这样的弊端)。

27、Whether Staph aureus can pull off this stunt outside the lab's not clear. ─── 不管金黄色葡萄球菌,是否可以在离开实验室成功实现这一绝招还不清楚。

28、The only way to react to such dark news was to scoff at it, and dismiss the quiz as a publicity stunt to sell books. ─── 对于这种怀消息,我们只有嘲笑它,把它作是为了卖书而发部的广告手段。

29、Andy got two weeks in the hole for that little stunt. ─── 安迪因为他那小小的惊人之举,禁闭两周。

30、CGI may displace the most dangerous stunt, but nothing can match a live-action stunt for realism. ─── 也许会取代最危险的特技,但什么也比不上真人上场的真实感。

31、Big stunt, I never get hurt. ─── 大的特技,我很少受伤。

32、Two important virus diseases, maize dwarf mosaic and stunt, both transmitted by leaf hoppers. ─── 另外两种重要的病毒性疾病分别是玉米嵌纹病毒和萎缩性黑穗病,都是通过叶蝉传播。

33、Populist measures to soak the rich are not the answer: they would stunt growth. ─── 向富人强索的民粹主义措施并非答案:可能阻碍经济增长。

34、Don't you ever pull a stunt like that again! ─── 你再别这样逞能了!

35、This can go down humanely if you don't fight,but if you pull a stunt like that again,it's going to get inhumane right quick. ─── 你要不挣扎的话,那接下来我将会很仁慈,不过要是你想再耍花招,我就会变得很残忍。

36、The band dressed up as the Beatles as a publicity stunt. ─── 乐队扮作披头士乐队作为宣传噱头。

37、These are picked by just me, as a fan. The stunt that nearly killed him was actually a quite simple one by Jackie's standards. ─── 它们是作为影迷的我挑选的。几乎杀死他的特技实际上按照成龙的标准来看非常简单。

38、Animal studies show that both maternal undernutrition and overnutrition reduce placentalfetal blood flows and stunt fetal growth. ─── 动物学的研究表明:母体营养不足或过剩均能使胎盘血流减小并妨碍胎儿生长。

39、A monster truck displays its brute power at a stunt rally in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. ─── 在宾夕法尼亚州的布卢姆斯堡,一辆大脚卡车正在一场特技拉力赛上展示其猛兽般的力量。

40、Discover the world of super bikes, from stunt riders to road safety, Grand Prix racing to motocross and speedway. ─── 从摩托车特技表演到公路上的安全驾驶,从国际摩托车大奖赛到摩托车越野赛,作者将带你走进超级摩托车的精彩世界。

41、To appear at county fairs and carnivals in exhibitions of stunt flying and parachute jumping. ─── 巡回演出在县的集市或庆祝会上出现做特技飞行或跳伞表演

42、US sales of Barbie fell 15% in the first quarter, despite a February stunt which saw her "breaking up" with her suitor of 43 years, Ken. ─── 尽管二月份爆出惊人消息,芭比娃娃和追求了她43年的男友肯分手,今年第一季度她在美国的销售额还是下降了15%,

43、So after that, our BG Stunt team has been invited to perform in ALL of Zhuhai's major events and Shows. ─── 从那以后,珠海所有的大型赛事和活动都会邀请BG特技车队做现场表演。

44、He also wanted to create more opportunities(机会)for young directors and stunt actors. ─── 他也想为那些年轻的导演和特技演员们创造更多的机会。

45、On the side of a building in Japan, this woman tuck s into bed, almost falling asleep. All part of a promotional stunt advertising a chain of hotels. ─── 在日本一栋建筑物的一旁,一个妇女舒服的躺在床上,几乎要睡着了。这些宣传花头其实是一个连锁酒店的广告。

46、He started as a stunt rider, and from there rose to be one of the great stars of the early Westerns. ─── 他起初是一个特技骑师演员,以后发迹成为早期西部片的大明星之一。

47、Allows you like the TV show the same stunt in various venues on the road and Break the car. ─── 可以让你像电视中特技表演一样在各种道路和场地上玩转车子。

48、Prove your pilot skills in the stunt flying game "Stunt Pilot Trainer". ─── 可以提高你在特技飞行游戏“特技飞行员教练机”中的驾驶技能。

49、At the BG Stunt show, the latest and most innovative tricks seen in the Greater China region are always first performed By BG Stunt Pros. ─── 在大中华地区的特技表演中,最创新的特技表演及动作全部由BG的专业车手领先做出。

50、She falls a lot,"he said."She seems to do pretty good stunt work from what I can tell. ─── 她跌倒了很多,"他说。"她似乎也不错特技工作,我可以告诉他们

51、Infant head stunt, there is seeper inside the head, can be you cured excuse me? Can you have sequela later? ─── 婴幼儿脑发育迟缓,脑内有积水,请问可以治愈吗?以后会有后遗症吗?

52、Something strange in the air over the English Channel, a daredevil stunt man wearing wings and jet turbines. ─── 在英吉利海峡上空有个奇怪的东西。一名冒险特技表演者戴上翅膀和喷气式涡轮机。

53、He began the stunt this morning in an attempt to break the record of American illusionist and endurance artist David Blaine. ─── 他在今天早晨开始这一特技表演,并尝试打破之前由美国魔术师、耐力艺术家DavidBlaine所创造的世界纪录。

54、As to the stunt fliers, we would let the Chilean government decide whether it wanted the visit to go forward. ─── 关于特技飞行队问题,我们让智利政府去决定是否希望该队前往。

55、Limited space, and then returned to continue to play the end stunt. ─── 场地有限,到头之后返回继续玩特技。

56、Leaders are trying to sort through those issues to avoid a string of currency devaluations that could stunt a global recovery. ─── G20领导人将分别讨论这些问题,避免出现一系列货币贬值的行为,影响全球经济复苏。

57、Master the winds and take place in the Stunt Plane hall of fame. ─── 大师的等级,将在展览成名特技机大厅。

58、Employing quantum cryptography to transmit the vote from polling stations to central counting house is thus a bit of a publicity stunt. ─── 因此,使用量子加密将选票信息从投票站送往计票中心,也有那么点形象工程的色彩。

59、You will have to play the game burdened by a stunt girl, her task is to regain its tribal people's sacred gems - "Dragon Stone. ─── 你在游戏中将要扮演一名身负绝技的女孩子,她的任务是找回自己部族人民的神圣宝石--“龙石。

60、Harold Lloyd; American silent film actor. His most famous stunt was hanging from a clock face at the top of a building in Safety Last (1923). ─── 哈罗德?劳埃德;美国无声电影演员。最著名的特技表演是在《最后安全》(1923年)中将自己挂在高楼顶端的钟面上。

61、YY2008:LOL! What Li Ning did is a movie stunt. ─── 哈哈,李宁就好象表演电影特技一样。

62、Otherwise meaningless stunt too many special, things will be very deviated from the normal track. ─── 否则无意义的特技专场太多,就会显得走火入魔。

63、"What stunt?It was a plausible story. ─── " / "什麽阻碍成长? 它是一个似真实的故事。"

64、In the main street there are many folk artists and craftsmen who show their folk skills and stunt. ─── 在主街上活跃着一大批民间艺术家、民间手工艺者,向人们展示着他们的民间绝技绝活。

65、By the looks of things, the footballer seems to be pretty capable on a horse- or is that a stunt double? We reckon he's probably the genuine article. ─── 在宣传片拍摄过程中,这位足球运动员表现得非常善于骑马,他是不是也有骑马绝技?我们看贝克汉姆可能有骑马的天赋。

66、Accident investigators say stunt pilots from the British air force's display team narrowly avoided a collision with a passenger jet. ─── 事故调查官员说,来自英国空军空中表演机队的特技飞行员们侥幸避免了与客机的一场空中相撞。

67、The little boy learned a stunt; he stands on his head. ─── 小男孩学了一招,他能倒立。

68、Back to the rude pelican , did you of its stunt when catching fish? ─── 回到那只肥鹈鹕,你有它捉鱼的精彩镜头吗?

69、The low budget precluded the use of stunt men or elaborate special effects. ─── 低预算使得该片没法使用特技演员和特殊效果。

70、I believe, as a side note, that his family had arrived in Prague just before the accident to watch his stunt and were present during his death. ─── 在事故发生之前,他的家人已经来到了布拉格并准备观看他的特技表演,想不到却当场见证了他的死亡。”

71、You cannot pull off a stunt like that, it's suicide! ─── 你疯了!你不可能那样去冒险,那是自杀!

72、Would you like to come back and do more Stunt shows in China ?? ─── 你希望再次来中国做更多的特技表演吗?

73、Have you watched a stunt flying? ─── 你看过特技飞行表演吗?

74、Yakima Canutt was a famous cowboy stunt man. ─── 努特是一位著名的牛仔特技演员。

75、Fournier has attempted his stunt twice, but technical and weather-related problems foiled the efforts before he left the ground. ─── 如此惊险的活动弗尔涅已经有过两次尝试,但是技术和天气方面的问题使他未能成行。

76、You evil yorkies pull a stunt like that again and I'll wring your necks! ─── 你们这些坏约克狗又干出胆大妄为的事了,我要把你们的脖子拧断!

77、Don't ever pull a stunt like that again. ─── 别再耍那样笨拙的把戏了。

78、Her latest stunt is riding a motor cycle through a ring of flame s. ─── 她的最新特技表演是骑摩托车钻火圈.

79、Two years later, Jackie Chan rigorous training and persistence to be a reward, he began a stunt actor, was upgraded to a special guidance. ─── 两年后,成龙的苦练与执着得到了报答,他从一名特技替身演员,升为了特技指导。

80、But it was a condescending stunt whose subtext seemed to be that singing was the best migrants' children could aspire to. ─── 不过这一幕尽显了他们优越感,潜台词似乎是,唱歌可能是移民儿童最理想的活计。

81、In the Superman epics, the public often turn against their hero. Mr Grimsson may find that his exciting stunt backfires. ─── 在超人的传奇故事里,公众经常反对他们的超人英雄。也许格里姆森会发现自己迎合民众不成,反遭民众倒戈相向。

82、They were often accompanied by congenital coxa vara, ischium and pubis hypoplasia, spinal bifida or child carpale stunt. ─── 且常伴有先天性髋内翻、坐耻骨发育不全、脊柱裂以及儿童腕骨发育滞迟等。

83、John Cusack's character worked extra as a stunt driver to supplement his income, right? ─── 主角因为不够钱用,所以平日当汽车特技人赚钱吗?

84、In 2003, she was offered a contract by a top Italian men's soccer club but turned it down, considering it a publicity stunt. ─── 2003年,意大利的一家男子足球俱乐部欲与她签约,但被她拒绝了,她认为他们这么做完全是在作秀。

85、On the side of a building in Japan, this woman tucks into bed, almost falling asleep. All part of a promotional stunt advertising a chain of hotels. ─── 在日本这座大楼的另一边,这个女人藏进床铺,几乎就要睡着了.这些都是一个含有绝技一系列宾馆的广告一部分.

86、To prepare for the stunt, Blaine, 33, lived in the water-filled, 8-foot sphere for a week.ABC said he spent about 177 hours in the tank. ─── 为进行这次“活人水族馆”表演,33岁的布莱恩在这个注满水的直径8英尺(约2.44米)的玻璃水箱中呆了约7天,总共177小时。

87、Adrian: Because then people would have examined his stunt more carefully, and found out his trick! ─── 亚德安:正因如此,人们会更详细检视他的特技表演,并发现他的诡计!

88、If my life were any more exciting.I'd need a stunt double. ─── 如果我再有个特技替身的话,那生活会更锦上添花的.

89、In a bold promotional stunt for the movie, he smashed his car into a passing truck. ─── 在那部影片大胆的宣传噱头中,他把自己的汽车撞向一辆过路的卡车。


Stuntedadj.成长受妨碍的,矮小的;v.阻碍…发育[生长],抑制,妨碍( stunt的过去式和过去分词 )



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