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08-19 投稿


lodgment 发音

英:[?lɑ?d?m?nt]  美:[?l?d?m?nt]

英:  美:

lodgment 中文意思翻译



lodgment 同义词

auberge | deposit | bed | stick | dwell | reside | entertain | accommodate | harbor | camp | file | resort | hotel | wedge | quarter | inn | cabin |live | hunting lodge | society | club | guild | social club | gatehouse | inhabit | billet | gild | order | embed | settle | stay | hostelry | board | implant | hostel | occupy | cottage | room | building | charge | motel | house | chalet

lodgment 反义词


lodgment 短语词组

1、lodgment army ─── 驻扎部队

2、permanent lodgment ─── 永久备案

3、lodgment defined ─── 提交定义

4、lodgment till ─── 底碛

5、lodgment base ─── 寄存基

6、lodgment synonym ─── 交存同义词

7、lodgment program ─── 备案程序

8、lodgment in court ─── [法] 向法院起诉

lodgment 词性/词形变化,lodgment变形

动词过去式: lodged |动词第三人称单数: lodges |动词过去分词: lodged |动词现在分词: lodging |

lodgment 相似词语短语

1、oddment ─── n.零头;碎屑;零碎物件;奇特的东西

2、Judgment ─── n.判断;裁判;判决书;辨别力

3、bodement ─── n.预兆

4、dislodgment ─── n.移动;赶出

5、lodgement ─── n.住宿;寄存;沉积(等于lodgment)

6、lodgements ─── n.住宿;寄存;沉积(等于lodgment)

7、abodement ─── n.住处;营业所(abode的变形)

8、lodgments ─── n.沉淀;贮存

9、loment ─── n.[植]节荚

lodgment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、find a lodgment ─── 获得据点,占领阵地

2、Below for time limit on lodgment of application. ─── 有关申请时间的规定,请参看。

3、Bank statements, fixed term deposit certificates within the three months preceding lodgment of the visa application. ─── 银行月结单,定期存款存单在递交申请前三个月内

4、Deal with foreign exchange matters e. g. SAFE lodgment and recording and assist tax return for exports and forex annual examination; ─── 处理外汇业务,如收付核销、备案以及协助执行出口退税和外汇年审工作;

5、Ensure timely and accurate lodgment of various tax and related information required by tax authorities; ─── 审核记帐凭证、核查往来等部分帐项,检查会计报告。

6、Zhuhai Swan Hotel was opened on June 16, 2005, a four-star hotel for business and tour, integrating lodgment, restaurant, healthcare, entertainment and conference into a whole. ─── 珠海天鹅大酒店于2005年6月16日开业,按四星级标准兴建的一家集住宿、餐饮、康体、娱乐、会议等一体的精品商务旅游酒店。

7、The term of a standard patent is sixteen years from the date of lodgment of the date of the patent provided necessary renewal fees are paid. ─── 标准专利如交纳更新费,自申请之日起十六年内得到保护。

8、"upon the lodgment by the mortgagor or mortgagee of the mortgage instrument and memorandum of discharge," ─── 抵押人或抵押权人将抵押文书及解除抵押备忘录送交后

9、lodgment in court ─── [法] 向法院起诉

10、Upon lodgment of the instrument of transfer the Registrar shall enter in the register the name of the transferee as the mortgagee of the ship concerned and shall endorse on the instrument of transfer the date and time of such registration. ─── 移转文书送交注册官后,注册官即须将承转人的姓名作为有关船舶的抵押权人姓名记入注册记录册,并须在该移转文书上加签注明该项注册的日期及时间。

11、Below for time limit on lodgment of application. ─── 有关申请时间的规定,请参看。

12、Arbitrarily raising of lodgment charges or seeking of profits by illicit means. ─── 任意哄抬收费或以其他方式巧取利益。

13、{0>3.Arbitrarily raising of lodgment charges or seeking of profits by illicit means. ─── 三、任意哄抬收费或以其他方式巧取利益。

14、lodgment of stock ─── 窝浆

15、He found a temporary lodgment in Paris. ─── 他在巴黎找到了一个临时住所。

16、145 If your application has been submitted and eventually be rejected by Companies Registry, the lodgment fee of HK$295 paid to Companies Registry is non-refundable. ─── 如果你的申请已呈交公司注册署但最终未获批准注册,包含在注册费中的存放费用港币295元则不可退回。

17、Lodgment Delivery in the Carriage of Goods by Sea ─── 海运货物提存交付探略

18、2.Deal with foreign exchange matters e.g. SAFE lodgment and recording and assist tax return for exports and forex annual examination; ─── 处理外汇业务,如收付核销、备案以及协助执行出口退税和外汇年审工作;

19、Lodgment Delivery in the Carriage of Goods by Sea ─── 海运货物提存交付探略

20、He found a temporary lodgment in Paris. ─── 他在巴黎找到了一个临时住所。

21、of the declaration of transmission and the evidence required under subsection (2) ─── 声明书及第(2)款规定的证据送交注册官后。

22、The solicitor acting for the parents, however, fought back.First of all, the parents denied any knowledge of the lodgment of the applications. ─── 爱丽丝父母的律师用两点反驳:第一,她父母并不知道有没有递交资源管理申请这回事(事实存疑)。

23、They should also spend no less than 16 months in Victoria during the 24 month period immediately preceding lodgment of their Permanent Residency Visa application with DIAC. ─── 并在向移民部提出永久居留申请前24个月内,应在维多利亚境内住满16个月以上。

24、lodgment till ─── 底碛

25、lodgment for investor ─── 投资者存放

26、effect a lodgment ─── 占领阵地, 获得据点占牢固的地位征服人心

27、operations or to establish a lodgment in order to continue combat operations from that location. ─── 行动或创立一个住处,以便继续作战的从该位置。

28、Mortgage instruments shall be registered in the order of their lodgment. ─── 抵押文书须按其送交的先后次序予以注册。

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