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08-19 投稿


detritus 发音

英:[d?'tra?t?s]  美:[d?'tra?t?s]

英:  美:

detritus 中文意思翻译



detritus 词性/词形变化,detritus变形

名词复数: detritus |形容词: detrital |

detritus 短语词组

1、detritus zone ─── 碎屑带,腐物带

2、detritus definition ─── 碎屑定义

3、detritus defined ─── 碎屑定义

4、detritus tank ─── 沉渣池; ─── 沉污槽

5、organic detritus ─── [化] 有机残渣

6、zona detritus ─── [医] 废物带

7、detritus feeder ─── 食碎屑动物

8、detritus chamber ─── 沉砂池,大颗粒 ─── 沉砂池

9、detritus worms ─── 碎石虫

10、detritus complex ─── [医]碎屑复合物

11、detritus stream ─── 泥石流

12、detritus organism ─── 食碎屑有机体

13、detritus food chain ─── 腐质食物链

14、detritus fan ─── 碎屑风扇

15、detritus is composed of ─── 碎屑由

16、detritus movement ─── 碎屑运动

17、detritus meaning ─── 碎屑意义

18、detritus system ─── 碎屑系统

19、detritus producing ─── 产生碎屑

detritus 相似词语短语

1、detrition ─── n.磨损;耗损

2、detrivorous ─── 食粪的

3、detrital ─── adj.碎屑的;由岩屑形成的

4、decubitus ─── n.[外科]褥疮;(病人的)卧姿

5、metritis ─── n.[妇产]子宫炎

6、peritus ─── 神学顾问

7、introitus ─── n.入口;口;阴道口;体腔的洞口

8、detraques ─── 德特拉克

9、detritions ─── n.磨损;耗损

detritus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This method takes the detritus returned from bottom hole as the studying object.The fractal mechanism and forming process of broken rock during drilling were studied. ─── 对石油钻井过程中岩石破碎的分形机理及形成过程进行了研究,提出了一种以井底返出的岩屑为对象测试岩石可钻性的新方法。

2、multi-hole cement stable detritus ─── 多孔隙水泥稳定碎石

3、In the lower center, box-like armored placoderms belonging to the genus Bothriolepis cruise slowly over the muddy bottom in order to feed on detritus. ─── 在河底,两条盾皮鱼正在刮取食物。在右侧的河底,一条装甲的无颌鱼形动物正在享受它们最后的时光,它们看起来确实很像鱼类,但它们没有可以自由开合的口。

4、Exploiting detritus food chain is part of development system of grand agricultural re-sources. ─── 开发腐屑食物链是大农业资源开发系统之一。

5、organic detritus ─── 有机残渣

6、Perhaps the most haunting aspect of the video is the view of men dressed in protective white bodysuits, wearing green vests and plucking, with tweezers, at the detritus inside the toppled bus. ─── 录像中最令人难忘的部分可能是身着白色紧身衣裤,外配绿色马甲,在翻倒的汽车里用小钳子夹起碎石的景象。

7、Flora of clay desert is similar to that of detritus desert. ─── 粘土荒漠上的植物和碎石荒漠上的植物相似。

8、cannot effectively find the seabed hydrothermal sulfide ore spot hosted in the base of the detritus, the silt and the volcanic ash. ─── 不能有效地发现赋存在碎屑、淤泥、火山灰之下的海底热液硫化物矿点(床)。

9、The researchers detected the bacterial protein in the plant detritus that was washed off the corn fields into streams up to 500 metres away. ─── 研究人员从玉米地冲入500米之外溪流中的庄稼碎屑中发现了这种细菌蛋白。

10、Similarly, the point of an academic paper is made by eliminating the detritus of your research until the nub of your argument remains. ─── 同样的,学术论文的重点在于将研究过程中琐碎的资讯舍弃,去芜存菁直到留下唯一的重要论点。

11、The detritus stream in Lanping Jinding Mine ─── 兰坪金顶矿山泥石流

12、No perfectly formed democracy is about to emerge from the detritus of Mr Mubarak's regime. Disorder seems likely to reign for some time. ─── 穆巴拉克倒台后的瓦砾中不会出现形式完美的民主政权,混乱将会持续一段时间。

13、My installation exposes this “new species” that thrives off society's detritus along the ocean floor. ─── 我的装置凸显了这种从社会瓦砾中脱离、来到大洋底的“新物种”。

14、The study has also shown that the removing of oysters may cause significant increases of plankton and detritus during the eutrophication condition. ─── 在大鹏湾优养化的环境中,移除牡蛎的影响后,浮游生物及碎屑有机物质有大量增加的情形。

15、Currents created by the rotifer's corona (moving cilia arranged in a circle at the head) sweep bacteria, protozoans, and detritus into the mouth. ─── 其咽具肌肉,有硬颚。

16、Omnivore, feeds on plankton, mollusks, seeds and detritus (Ref. 13868). ─── 杂食动物, 吃浮游生物,软体动物,种子与碎屑。

17、zona detritus ─── 废物带

18、Distribution Characteristics of Mineral Detritus in Surface Sediment From the Quanzhou Bay and Their Environmental Significance ─── 泉州湾海域表层沉积物矿物碎屑分布特征及其环境意义

19、41. The profile is established in response to the amount and type of detritus available. ─── 剖面的建立有赖于碎屑物补给的数量和类型。

20、With the fractal geometry theory, this paper puts forward a new rock drillability testing method by selecting detritus from bottom hole as object. ─── 利用分形几何理论,研究了钻井过程中岩石破碎机理及形成过程,提出了一种以井底返出的岩屑为对象的岩石可钻性测试方法。

21、asphalt detritus ─── 沥青碎石

22、Chinese media said cranes were excavating the sites as children cried for help from beneath the detritus and as ambulances waited together with frantic parents. ─── 中国媒体说起重机正在该地点挖掘,儿童们在瓦砾下哭喊救命,救护车和发狂的父母们在一旁等待。

23、More interesting than anything the candidates said, however, was the detritus afterwards. ─── 会后满地的狼藉似乎比奥巴马演讲的任何内容更加有趣。

24、They would filtrate microplankton and detritus;they would also excrete nutrient and consume dissolved oxygen. ─── 它会滤食浮游生物、碎屑物质,分泌营养盐,并消耗水中溶氧,在大鹏湾中扮演重要角色。

25、detritus fan ─── 冲积扇

26、Failure to start may be due to two mechanism: the first is the result of stop/start which forms wear detritus. ─── 启动的故障可能有两种原因:第一种是停转或启动中产生磨损碎屑的结果。

27、Feeds mainly on bottom detritus and vegetable matter but will eat most all forms of plant life from algal filaments to terrestrial plants. ─── 主要吃底部碎屑与植物但是将吃从海藻的丝状突起到陆生植物的植物生活的大多数所有表格。

28、marine detritus ─── 海洋碎屑

29、Primary Research on Adsorption of Heavy Metals by Litter Leaf Detritus of Chinese Parasol Tree ─── 梧桐树落叶碎屑对水中重金属吸附的初步研究


31、detritus pit ─── 沉砂池

32、Methods:Using self_made detritus basket binding with stomach endoscopy to break gastric bezoar to pieces.Treated 101 cases.Results:99 cases were cured with one therapy (99/101). ─── 方法:采用自制碎石篮与胃镜捆绑绞碎胃结石,共治疗101例胃石患者。

33、Analysis for Heavy Mineral Combination Characteristics and Detritus Sources in Malang Depression of Santanghu Basin ─── 三塘湖盆地马朗地区重矿物特征及物源分析


35、Indeed, with the deaths of so many other animals and with much dead plant material, the food chain based on detritus would have been well-supplied. ─── 事实上,由于许多其他动物的死亡以及植物的大量枯萎,基于腐殖质的食物链本会得到很好的供应。

36、detritus tank ─── 沉渣池

37、It has not even managed to sweep up the cosmic detritus in its neighbourhood as real, macho planets like Jupiter and Earth have done. ─── 它甚至不能像那些真正强大的行星那样,例如木星和地球,将身边的宇宙碎石清除干净(注1)。

38、If the roads were going to be blocked with various pieces of burning detritus, as they had the day before, I wanted to know first. ─── 我想先了解一下,道路是不是还像前几天前那样被许多燃烧物的碎片堵塞。

39、These unassignable animals include a large swimming predator called Anomalocaris and a soft-bodied animal called Wiwaxia, which ate detritus or algae. ─── 这些无法归类的动物包括被称为奇虾的会游泳的大型食肉动物,以及叫做威瓦亚虫的软体动物,它们以岩屑和藻类为食。

40、FAN Hangqing,LIN Peng.Studies on detritus energy during the decomposition of Kandelia candel leaf litter[J].Journal of Integrative Plant Biology,1994,36(4):305-311. ─── [9]范航清,林鹏.秋茄红树植物落叶分解的碎屑能量研究[J].植物学报,1994,36 (4):305-311.

41、simultaneous detritus masks ─── 同步碎石罩面

42、Aedes detritus ─── n. 屑皮伊蚊

43、detritus chamber ─── 大颗粒沉砂池沉砂池

44、So look down at low water, and you’ll see huge expanses of mud, liberally spattered with supermarket trolleys, old tyres, and other detritus. ─── 只要看看落下的河水,你就能发现大片夹杂着超市手推车、旧轮胎和其他残骸的泥沼。

45、But unlike his more privileged mythological predecessors, who at least had the good fortune to be deposited in lush, natural surroundings, Chaplin's castoff child is discovered among the shabby detritus of modern society. ─── 以前那些受到厚爱的神话人物至少有幸被搁置在葱翠、自然的环境中,但卓别林的这个被遗弃的孩子却是被置于现代社会里的破砖碎瓦中。

46、More complicated debt securities, including most of today's toxic detritus, as well as derivatives and equities, would be carried at market prices. ─── 更复杂的债务证券,包括大部分今天的不良抵押品,以及衍生证券和股权,将按照市价计价。

47、Putin dismissed the reports during his annual press conference last week as "detritus excavated from someone's nostril and smeared across bits of paper". ─── 普京在他上周召开的年度记者招待会上驳斥了这种传闻,并称之为"有人在鼻孔'挖宝'之后,又将'收获'涂在纸片之上"。

48、Keywords Self_Made Detritus Basket;Gastric Bezoar; ─── 关键词自制碎石篮;胃石;

49、Discuss that subgrade construct with detritus mixed with two kinds of ash ─── 浅谈二灰碎石基层施工

50、transport of detritus ─── 河道砂石移运

51、cement stable detritus ─── 水泥稳定碎石

52、Selected dissolution of plagioclase is the important origin to form intragranular solution pore, casting pore and super solution pore in feldspar or detritus grain. ─── 斜长石固溶体的选择性溶解和溶蚀是长石或岩屑骨架颗粒中粒内溶孔、铸模孔及超大型溶孔发育的重要来源。

53、There is no guano comparable in fertility with the detritus of a capital. ─── 任何鸟粪都没有首都的垃圾肥效高。

54、Failure to start may be due to two mechanism: the first is the result of stop/start which forms wear detritus ─── 启动的故障可能有两种原因:第一种是停转或启动中产生磨损碎屑的结果。

55、Design and Construction of Asphalt Detritus ATB-30 Asphalt Road Surface Cooperation Ratio ─── 沥青稳定碎石ATB-30沥青路面配合比设计与施工

56、Today's coast is never clear but always strewn with plastic and other detritus. ─── 今天的海岸不再空旷,但却四处散布着塑料品和其它碎屑。

57、the detritus of everyday life ─── 日常生活垃圾

58、Keywords Elodea Nuttallii;fish-farming;environment consequence;bacteria;phytoplankton;zooplankton;zoobenthos;organic detritus; ─── 伊乐藻;养鱼;环境影响;浮游植物;游游动物;底栖动物;

59、advance of detritus ─── 岩屑侵入

60、Application of Chemical Grouting and Detritus Piles in Soft Soil Foundation Reinforcement ─── 化学灌浆和排土法碎石桩在软土地基加固处理中的应用

61、They dig away at the tree's innards and fling the detritus onto the sidewalk below with their little yellow beaks. ─── 牠们用黄色鸟喙挖那棵树,把木头碎屑丢在人行道上。

62、After many iterations of this ritual I found a book with four English phrases hidden among the detritus of garbled letters. ─── 在如此这般多次迭代之后我寻到一本书,在一大堆乱码碎字之中竟然藏着四个英文词组。

63、Volcanic detritus are dominant in those composing the reservoir greywacke in the Songliao Basin, and their content can be up to 60%. ─── 摘要松辽盆地深层储层砂岩中岩屑成分主要为火山岩岩屑,体积分数最高可达60%。

64、waste calcareousness and detritus ─── 二灰碎石废料

65、and the detritus food chain, which goes from dead organic matter, to microorganisms, and then to detritusfeeding organisms. ─── 另一种是腐食食物链,即从死亡的有机物开始,到微生物,然后到腐烂生物体。

66、Effective reservoir space is developed in highly weathered detritus and weakly weathered block layer. ─── 有效的储集空间发育在强风化碎石层和弱风化块石层。

67、The lithic fragment content is not noly high but also many types, including volcanic detritus, quartz lithic, phyllite, schist and so on. ─── 岩屑含量可高达40%,岩屑类型多样,除火山岩屑外,还有石英岩、千枚岩、片岩等岩屑类型。

68、water stability detritus ─── 水稳碎石

69、Relationship Between the Urinary Stones'Natural Characters Forecasted by Radiological Study and the Effect Of Detritus ─── 影像学检查预测泌尿系结石理化性质与碎石效果的关系

70、Detritus usually consists of gravel, sand and clay. ─── 岩屑通常是由砂砾、沙和粘土组成的。

71、Analysis and control of cement stable detritus anti-pressure intensity test aberrance ─── 水泥稳定碎石抗压强度试验变异分析与预控

72、The grey green illite detritus with goethite rust stain are found at the boundary clay, Permian/Triassic boundary section in Yianshi, Longyan, Fujiang and Yegang, Huangshi, Hubei. ─── 在福建龙岩雁石和湖北黄石冶钢二叠、三叠系界线地层中发现一种灰绿色带针铁矿锈斑的伊利石碎屑。

73、Detect on kidney Stone Detritus of 2 016 Patients Analysis ─── 2 016例肾结石碎石前后肾功检测结果分析

74、Dialytic analysis of bitumen stable detritus draining base ─── 沥青稳定碎石排水基层的透水性分析

75、detritus stream ─── 泥石流

76、Grit, fly ash, cinder residue, active carbon, air brick detritus were used as filtering media according to proper proportion for low concentration domestic sewage treatment. ─── 摘要选取粗砂、粉煤灰、细煤渣、活性炭和空心砖粉块作为介质,再按适当的比例配成填料处理柱,进行处理低浓度生活污水的研究。

77、Reserved detritus from previous crops covers and protects the seedbed. ─── 保留前茬作物的残株碎片以保护苗床。

78、big detritus ─── 大块碎石

79、A modeling study of benthic detritus flux's impacts on heterotrophic processes in Lake Michigan ─── 在密歇根湖水底碎石流动对异养过程的影响的模拟研究

80、Application and Research on Improving Early Strength Performance of Road Base with Detritus Aggregate Treated by Lime-fly ash ─── 提高二灰碎石路基基层早强性能的研究与应用

81、Promote the Utilization of Detritus Resources to Develop the Cycle Economy ─── 推动腐屑资源利用促进循环经济发展

82、Debris and the detritus of war litter the buildings;several mortar rounds lie unused in the smaller telescope's dome. ─── 在战火波及下,这栋建筑物到处是破瓦残砾、满目疮痍,较小座望远镜圆顶下还散落著几串没用过的子弹。

83、cone of detritus ─── 冲积锥冲出锥

84、No one can, as I have, daily contemplate the detritus left behind by lost love without becoming a little cynical about the ways people choose those to whom they link their lives. ─── 没有人能在每天沉思失去所爱的点点滴滴时,不以敛愤世嫉俗的心情去看待旁人所选择的生活关键点。

85、It has not even managed to sweep up the cosmic detritus in its neighbourhood as real, macho planets like Jupiter and Earth have done. ─── 它太小,太可怜了,甚至没有能力像木星和地球这类强势行星那样将周围的宇宙碎块清理干净。

86、A channel is no sooner cut than it chokes in its own detritus ─── 一个河道刚被切割了不久,很快又被它自己的碎屑物质所充塞。

87、the detritus of past civilizations ─── 旧时文明的碎片

88、detritus usually consists of gravel, sand and clay ─── 岩屑通常是由砂砾,沙和粘土组成的。

89、The hydrocarbons in this area were a mixture of anthropogenic inputs detritus organic inputs from land and in situ production of algae and bacteria. ─── 在细颗粒沉积物中得到富集.这些烃类主要来自于石油烃,也含有来自陆源高等植物和现场生物的烃类.

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