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08-19 投稿


maturely 发音

英:[m??t??rli?m??t?rli]  美:[m??t???li; m??tj??li]

英:  美:

maturely 中文意思翻译



maturely 网络释义

adv. 成熟地;充分地

maturely 词性/词形变化,maturely变形

动词现在分词: maturing |动词过去分词: matured |动词过去式: matured |形容词比较级: maturer |副词: maturely |形容词最高级: maturest |名词: matureness |动词第三人称单数: matures |

maturely 同义词

wisely | prudently | responsibly | sensibly

maturely 短语词组

1、maturely define ─── 成熟地定义

2、maturely synonym ─── 成熟同义词

3、maturely meaning ─── 成熟的意义

4、maturely charming ─── 成熟迷人

5、maturely feasible ─── 成熟可行

6、maturely developed ─── 成熟的

7、maturely definition ─── 成熟的定义

8、maturely in a sentence ─── 在一句话里成熟

maturely 反义词


maturely 相似词语短语

1、maturest ─── 成熟的;考虑周到的(mature的最高级)

2、maturer ─── 成熟的人

3、prematurely ─── adv.过早地;早熟地

4、maturity ─── n.成熟;到期;完备

5、matured ─── adj.成熟的;到期的;v.成熟;到期(mature的过去分词)

6、mature ─── adj.成熟的;充分考虑的;到期的;成年人的;vi.成熟;到期;vt.使…成熟;使…长成;慎重作出

7、immaturely ─── 发育未全地;未成熟地;未完全发展地

8、featurely ─── adj.美貌的;英俊的

9、matures ─── 成熟

maturely 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Johnnie has grown up maturely, alone did not stay in the fear in the home. ─── 约翰尼已长大成熟,不在害怕独自呆在家里了。

2、More popular and on the net the bookstore hastens along with our country Internet maturely, can have the more and more big expense community, the market potential can obtain the full display. ─── 随着我国互联网的更加普及和网上书店的更趋成熟,会有越来越大的消费群体,市场潜力会得到充分发挥。

3、A non-destructive testing technique of stress of ferromagnetic substance applying reverse magnetostriction effect has maturely developed in non-destructive testing domain. ─── 利用逆磁致伸缩效应的铁磁材料应力无损检测技术在无损检测领域中已经发展成熟。

4、It would be nice if we could expect leaders in the future to respond maturely to this wave of public criticism, but I'm not holding my breath. ─── 如果我们能够指望管理者今后能成熟地应对这种公开批评声浪,那再好不过,但我做不到屏息以待。

5、You can even stay with your kids to help them grow up maturely only if you have time. ─── 如果你有时间,你甚至可以陪伴你的孩子并且帮助他们成熟地成长。

6、Do I love maturely and selflessly? ─── 我的爱是成熟且无私的吗?

7、In Chin and Han Dynasty, not only the productivity development provided rich resource, but also dietary became more reasonable, cuisine more maturely. ─── 秦汉时期生产力的发展为饮食提供了丰厚的物质基础。

8、SCR-NH3 method which is now commercially implemented world-wide is proved the best maturely technology of flue gas denitrification. ─── 氨法选择性催化还原(SCR)脱硝技术是目前世界上应用最成熟的烟气脱硝技术。

9、I am looking for someone who have considerately,maturely,dorlly,responsible and filial, travel around the world toghter, finaliy, taller than me is most important. ─── 我喜欢体贴、成熟、幽默、有责任感、孝顺的男人,能和我环游世界,但是一定要比我高。

10、The boy pats the girl's shoulder maturely, laughing to say: You are at ease, we are not dot of 3 years old! ─── 男孩成熟地拍了拍女孩的肩膀,笑著说:你放心,我们又不是三岁的小孩子了!

11、At present applies most absorbents is the activated charcoal, applies maturely already in the industry. ─── 目前desulphurizationtechnology应用最多的吸附剂是活性炭,在工业上应用已较成熟。

12、Re-exploration in Maturely Explored Metallogenic Districts: Innovation of Exploration Strategies and an Exploration Case in the Tongling Metallogenic District ─── 成熟勘探矿集区新一轮找矿:勘查战略创新及铜陵矿集区找矿实例

13、Now the company gradually moved towards maturely, manages the pattern also day by day to consummate. ─── 高品质的定位、专业的技师、完美的售后服务在我市汽车美容行业长期处于领先地位。

14、The anterior two ways had been studied maturely,but the surface modification technique had been studied less,so kinds of the ways of surface modification of fly ash were studied. ─── 前2种改性法的研究国内外均比较成熟,而对表面改性技术的研究相对比较少。

15、Knew oneself could make any, explained oneself was growing; Knew oneself could not do, explained maturely oneself in. ─── 知道自己能够做什么了,说明自己在成长;知道自己不能够做了,说明自己在成熟。

16、The scientists can separate the immature egg from the ovary organization, cultivates maturely in the special culture dish . ─── 科学家们能从卵巢组织中分离未成熟的卵子,在特殊培养皿中培育成熟。

17、The ideal models are propitious to evaluate the validity or the reliability of a certain education research correctly, and help the educational theory research to develop more maturely and healthily. ─── 依据这种理想模型,将有利于恰当地评价某项教育研究的有效性或可靠性,并促进教育理论研究更成熟和更健康的发展。

18、The teacher, proselytizes instructs dispels doubt also, enlightens for us, enable us from ignorantly enough to have the knowledge, from weakly moves towards maturely. ─── 师者,传道授业解惑也,给我们启迪,使我们从无知到有知,从幼稚走向成熟。

19、Is willing to know has the knowledge, has the education, has savors, maturely, the steady friend! ─── 愿结识有知识、有教养、有品味、成熟、稳重的朋友!

20、In our campus the flowers and trees are everywhere luxuriant, the enchanting scenery, accompanies me to pass through the four seasons, moves toward maturely.... ─── 我们的校园里到处花木扶疏,景色宜人,伴我走过四季,走向成熟。...

21、You should behave more maturely. ─── 你该表现得更成熟些。

22、If your skin feels tight, uncomfortable or become pre-maturely marked, it may be due to the dehydration of the skin. ─── 若你的肌肤出现紧绷、过敏不适或肌肤提前老化的现象,很大可能是肌肤缺水所导致。

23、Guangzhou is a Maitreya Buddha, allow next reason, maturely, not embarrassed also censure, criticism, immature. ─── 广州是个弥勒佛,容得下理智、成熟,也不为难非议、批评、不成熟。

24、You should behave more maturely. ─── 你该表现得更成熟些。


26、Along with lives at the accessories profession one to move toward maturely, the large-scale specialty step by step sells the field also gradually to establish. ─── 随着家居饰品行业一步步走向成熟,大型的专业卖场也逐渐建立。

27、This does not send the right message to the children who need to be told that violence is not acceptable and need to be taught how to handle situations maturely. ─── 手机使用者自己也同样是受害者。因此,我们应该更多地想想如何使手机适当地融入我们的生活。

28、We never know, as readers, whether to be entirely trustful of Janes actions and thoughts, because we are never sure whether she is speaking impulsively or maturely. ─── 在优柔寡断这是一个核心问题这本书,是加剧了这一装置。

29、Under such condition, Rawls's theory of justice moved toward maturely from breeding. ─── 在这样的状况下,罗尔斯的正义理论从孕育中走向了成熟。

30、The paper has expounded components and several types of coal bed gas and analys ed the influences of microlithotype, matur ity, reservoir pressure and so fort... ─── 对分析煤盆地间、钻孔间以及煤层间煤层气成分的变化具有重要意义。

31、I love maturely and selflessly? ─── 我的爱是成熟且无私的吗?

32、Clean up your own messes and act as an adult acts in the workplace: responsibly, maturely, and with thought for others. ─── 在工作场合你要收拾好自己的烂摊子并且表现得像个成年人:有责任感,成熟稳重,还要为他人着想。

33、Most consumers will respond maturely to carbon taxes, particularly if these are offset by reductions in other forms of taxation. ─── 大多数消费者会成熟的回应碳税,特别是如果通过减少其他形式的税而得到抵偿的话。

34、He handles affairs neatly, maturely, and always plays to the score at critial moment to head off danger. ─── 他做事历练稳重,总能在危机关头随机应变,化险为夷。

35、As the development of database technic and network technic, distributed database system has been developed maturely not only on theory but on application. ─── 随着数据库技术和网络技术的发展,分布式数据库系统不仅在理论上得到了较为成熟地发展,而且在应用上取得了很大进步。

36、After unceasing enterprising, theeconomic efficiency audit will certainly to our country economicallevel enhancement and the economic system maturely has the positiveinfluence. ─── 经过不断的进取,经济效益审计必将对我国经济水平的提高和经济体制的成熟产生积极的影响。

37、Abstract: Aircraft icing detection is very important to guarantee flight safety, and nowadays the aircraft icing detection technology has developed maturely abroad. ─── 文章摘要: 飞机结冰探测对于保障飞机飞行安全具有重要的意义,目前国外飞机结冰传感技术发展已较为成熟。

38、Seven year university lives gives me preciously, is not the knowledge and the diploma, but how is studies, the life, the personhood, lets me maturely, support oneself self-confidently. ─── 七年的大学生活给予我最宝贵的,不是知识和文凭,而是怎样学习、生活、做人,让我更成熟、自立、自信。

39、The reliability and reliability engineering have been maturely applied on the areas of civil aviaton and thermo-electric power generating. ─── 为了实现船舶电站的可靠控制和安全运行管理,本文将船舶电站作为一个相对独立的系统,对影响电站可靠运行的若干问题进行了一定的研究。

40、The elongation cell afterwardsstarts to split up, forms the root hair, the drive pipe and so on thedifferent structure, thereupon plant's root then grew maturely. ─── 伸长的细胞随后开始分化,形成根毛、导管等不同结构,于是植物的根便发育成熟了。

41、The man-in-space flight has manifested a national comprehensive technical level maturely, concerns a country in the space age survival development. ─── 载人航天的成熟体现了一个国家的综合科技水平,关乎一个国家在太空时代的生存发展。

42、The high flexible fixture has been an imperatively accessorial means of modern manufacturing system, but there has not appeared very maturely commercial Computer-Aided Fixture Design software as yet. ─── 高柔性的组合夹具已成为现代制造系统的必备辅助手段,但至今尚未出现十分成熟的商品化组合夹具计算机辅助设计软件。

43、The Chinese are more like a child under frequent guardianship, who are irresponsible and authority defiant but hopelessly obedient. God knows when they can grow more maturely. ─── 中国人很象经常被看管的小孩,不负责任、反对权威、但对权威又无可奈何的服从,天知道他们何时能成熟些。

44、To consider maturely of the consequence ─── 熟虑其后

45、she acts very maturely for her age. ─── 就她的年龄而言,她的举止是很成熟的。

46、In addition, it was found that the characteristic properties of cold-rolled steel sheets have good interconnected relations.Based on these findings,adopting maturely reas... ─── 冷轧钢板的特征性能之间具有较强的关联性和一致性,在工程上应充分利用这种特征性能之间的关联对应关系,采取合理便捷的方法,有效地预知和评定其成形能力。

47、Soon grows up, says goodbye to the ignorant puberty, moves toward maturely... ─── 即将成年,告别懵懂的青春期,走向成熟...

48、The scientists can separate the immature egg from the ovary organization, cultivates maturely in the special culture dish. ─── 科学家们能从卵巢组织中分离未成熟的卵子,在特殊培养皿中培育成熟。

49、in art challenges our attitudes to the human form, and also gives us a chance to discuss body-related matters maturely and out in the open. ─── 有人说,人体艺术一方面挑战我们对于人体形态的认知,同时也提供了一个可以完全、公开地讨论与身体有关事物的机会。

50、The youth is a person says goodbye to the weak trend mature time: We walk from the youth time, soon moves towards after the puberty transition maturely. ─── 在这个时期中,我们拥有花一样的年华,充沛的精力和灵活的头脑。青春是一个人告别幼稚走向成熟的时期:我们从少年时代走来,经过青春期的过渡即将走向成熟。

51、The sincere tasty tannic acid symbolized this liquor completely brews maturely. ─── 淳厚爽口的丹宁酸标志着此酒 完全酿造成熟。

52、As a maturely developed communication technology,SDH has a broad prospect of application in power system communication network. ─── 同步数字系列(SDH)是近年来发展很成熟的通信技术,对于电力系统通信网有着十分广阔的应用前景。

53、Not only tolerant symbolizes maturely, tolerant is one kind of boundary. ─── 宽容不仅象征成熟,宽容更是一种境界。

54、Therefore, Liang Chunlong and side Hong is sensitive maturely “the double tower” the combination is the Chinese men's volleyball this Asia match's biggest harvest day by day. ─── 因此,梁春龙和边洪敏“双塔”组合的日益成熟是中国男排本届亚洲杯赛的最大收获。

55、Just say what you want calmly, clearly, assertively, and maturely. ─── 仅仅平静地,清晰地,果断地,成熟地说你想说的就可以了。

56、Myself can work independently, the thought maturely, strain capacity, simultaneously also can well work together with other people. ─── 本人能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强,同时也能够同他人一道很好地工作。

57、Hence, Li Xiaolong starts to march into maturely, before some audiences, had complained dilatory plot, also will speed henceforth up the rhythm, the story gradually enters the high tide. ─── 至此,李小龙开始步入成熟,一些观众之前曾经抱怨过的拖沓剧情,也将从此加快节奏,故事渐入高潮。

58、Suffer effect of this one agitation, current, major businessman tries to begin network sale, the company with partial stronger actual strength has begun to be run maturely. ─── 受这一风潮影响,目前,大部分商家都试图开展网络销售,部分实力较强的企业已经开始成熟地运作。

59、I think I understand the real situation of teacher's career more maturely than before, especially Adults always consider teacher's career as a very relaxing one. ─── 那些被他治死的人就去阎王爷那儿告他的状,都说本来他们不应该这么早就死掉,都是因为那个医术不湛的郎中害得他们丢掉了性命。

60、4. little girl uses smoking, the nightwalking, makes the boyfriend to express maturely, you did not need. ─── 小女孩用吸烟,夜游,多交男友表示成熟,你就不必了。

61、Before hears the joyful song, also longed for that has bears patiently the face maturely. ─── 之前听见快乐的歌曲,又渴望有成熟隐忍的脸.

62、The neural cells adhered and survived well on the substrates, and were shown to have dense connection, forming a maturely neural network. ─── 作为脑内复杂神经网络的体外简化模型,其重要意义不仅在基础科学领域,在临床应用上也有很大价值。

63、The goal is to learn to think skillfully and maturely, but also independently.The contents include investment environment, markets and instruments, portfolio theory, equilibrium in capital markets. ─── 内容包括:金融投资工具、证券市场与证券交易实务、投资模拟模型、总体经济环境分析、产业与公司分析、权益证券评价等。

64、I am hones,I do not people to lie,please understand,be yourself,want some one who can comunicate with in matur way.be able to travel. ─── 我是个诚实的人,不喜欢别人撒谎,请理解,做你自己,想找一个能成熟交流的人,愿意旅行.

65、Nowdays,Trust system not only has been maturely developed in the common-law system and also has been widely applied in the comparatively conservative civil-law system countries . ─── 信托制度发展到今天,不仅在英美法系已发展成熟,就是在相对保守的大陆法系中也得到了广泛应用。

66、Application:Apply to PVC、Chemical Fiber、Dope、Rubber industries maturely. ─── 用途:成熟的适用于PVC行业的新规料产品、化纤、涂料、橡胶等,起阻燃作用;

67、At the end of 20 century, Ofsted amended the Framework of inspecting schools frequently and made it matur and perfect. ─── 而且从上世纪末开始,英格兰教育标准局频繁修订学校督导大纲,英格兰学校督导制度也因此逐步走向成熟和完善。

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