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consanguinity 发音

英:[,k?ns??'ɡw?n?t?]  美:[,kɑns??'ɡw?n?ti]

英:  美:

consanguinity 中文意思翻译



consanguinity 反义词


consanguinity 同义词

cognation |relation | blood | connection

consanguinity 词性/词形变化,consanguinity变形

名词复数: consanguinities |

consanguinity 短语词组

1、consanguinity maps ─── 血缘图

2、consanguinity defects ─── 血缘缺陷

3、consanguinity defined ─── 血缘关系定义

4、consanguinity syn ─── 血缘关系

5、lineal consanguinity ─── [法] 直系亲属

6、consanguinity article ─── 血缘文章

7、consanguinity and affinity ─── 血缘关系

8、relationship by consanguinity ─── [法] 血亲关系

9、consanguinity net ─── 血缘网

10、collateral consanguinity ─── [法] 旁系亲属

11、consanguinity law ─── 血缘法

12、consanguinity definition ─── 血缘关系定义

13、consanguinity study ─── 血缘关系研究

14、consanguinity define ─── 血缘关系界定

consanguinity 相似词语短语

1、consanguineal ─── 血亲的

2、sanguinity ─── n.血色;乐天

3、exsanguinity ─── 失血

4、consanguineously ─── 血缘关系

5、ensanguining ─── vt.满身染血;血染;使成血红色

6、caninity ─── n.狗性;狗类

7、concinnity ─── n.优美,和谐,雅致

8、consanguineous ─── adj.血缘的;血亲的;同族的

9、consanguine ─── adj.同血亲的,同宗族的(等于consanguineous)

consanguinity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords consanguinity;mine-source straturm in intial stage;layer-control deposit;Zhongtiao Mountain;the Xiaoqinling area; ─── 亲缘性;初始矿源层;层控矿床;中条山;小秦岭;

2、but the Hawaiian system of consanguinity, on the contrary, presupposes a family in which this was the rule. ─── 反之,夏威夷的亲属制度,却以通常都是这种情形的家庭为前提。

3、The worship of ancestry is a product of combining the worship of ghost with the concept of consanguinity. ─── 摘要祖先崇拜是鬼魂崇拜和人的血亲观念相结合的产物,积淀着人类思维发展过程的?

4、When the seigneur swore fealty to gods on the feudal ceremony, the king had got a permanent affiliation with the seigneur except lineal consanguinity, which was supervised by gods every time. ─── 周公东征之后,盟誓成为构建西周国家政权的重要组织形式,使诸侯与天子建立了宗法血缘关系之外依靠神灵监督效忠的政治从属关系。

5、the consanguinity culture ─── 血缘文化

6、Research on the Four-way Cross Combinations of Commercial Lean Pigs with Taihu Consanguinity and Their Extension ─── 含太湖猪血缘的四元商品瘦肉猪杂交组合的研究与推广

7、In view of the decisive part played by consanguinity in the social structure of all savage and barbarian peoples, the importance of a system so widespread cannot be dismissed with phrases. ─── 由于亲属关系在一切蒙昧民族和野蛮民族的社会制度中起着决定作用,因此,我们不能只用说空话来抹煞这一如此广泛流行的制度的意义。

8、And among these tribes of India, as among all the American Indians, the actual relationships arising out of the existing form of the family contradict the system of consanguinity. ─── 所以在印度的这些部落中间,正和在所有美洲印第安人中间一样,从现行家庭形式中产生的亲属关系,也是同亲属制度相矛盾的。

9、In more than two thousand years since Qing and Han Dynasties, Luo, together with the patriarchal clan system, merges into the consanguinity culture and gains the motivation and conditions for the heritage and the development. ─── 赣傩自秦汉以来两千多年的时间里,依附于宗教宗法制度,融入血缘文化,获得了传承与发展的动力和条件,至今不绝。

10、Application of consanguinity of medicinal plants of ginger family in the systematization and study of Chinese materia medica. ─── 标题姜科药用植物亲缘关系在中药整理与研究中的应用。

11、It is Cao Cao's plot to kill Kong Rong, and the "charges" upon Kong Rong are cooked up by Cao Cao and his lineal consanguinity and their forces. ─── 孔融之死乃是曹操的蓄意迫害,他的“罪名”乃是曹系势力故意罗织的。

12、The Consanguinity Between the Constitution and the Ideals of State Construction ─── 论宪法与国家建设理想之亲缘

13、As gene type and function is fixed, species difference can also affect codon usage bias.The closer the consanguinity between species in evolution, the similar their codon usage bias is. ─── 在基因的类型和功能一定的情况下,物种的差异也会影响到密码子的使用偏性,在进化上亲缘关系较近的物种间,其相对密码子使用概率也较接近。

14、Studies of the Phenotypic Character and Consanguinity of Isozymes in Species and Population ─── 蜥蜴目同工酶表型效应与目内物种及种群间亲缘关系的研究

15、State establishes one's identity through law and this identity is related both to consanguinity and to hierarchy. ─── 国家通过法律确定人的身份,这种身份既有血缘的又有等级的。

16、8.They too have been deaf to the voce of justice and of consanguinity. ─── 但是,他们对这种正义的,血肉之亲的呼吁置若罔闻。

17、It's a kind of simulation to the consanguinity obviously. ─── 它明显就是血缘关系的一种模拟。


19、" There is also the issue of consanguinity, she says, as many Somalis marry cousins. ─── 还有一个血亲的问题,她说,因为许多索马里人近亲结婚。

20、The identity in the primitive society was based on consanguinity. ─── 原始社会存在身份,但这种身份是建立在血缘基础之上的。

21、relationship by consanguinity ─── [法] 血亲关系

22、feeling of approving blood consanguinity ─── 拟血缘认同感

23、and made full use of China"s reformation and open-door policies for getting more chances and the Chinese consanguinity relation to invest in China. ─── 并利用中国的改革开放带来的有利时机和血缘上联系,积极投资中国,获得进一步发展和壮大自己的机会。

24、WE now come to another discovery made by Morgan, which is at least as important as the reconstruction of the family in its primitive form from the systems of consanguinity. ─── 我们现在来谈一谈摩尔根的另一发现,这一发现至少与他根据亲属制度恢复原始家庭形式有着同等重要的意义。

25、Once again, the system of consanguinity in force in Hawaii did not correspond to the actual form of the Hawaiian family. ─── 夏威夷群岛上流行的亲属制度,又是同当地事实上存在的家庭形式不相符合的。

26、consanguinity affection ─── 血缘情分

27、consanguinity marriage ─── 同血缘通婚

28、The American system of consanguinity, which appears purely nonsensical in any form of family based on any variety of monogamy, finds, down to the smallest details, its rational explanation and its natural foundation in the punaluan family. ─── 美洲的亲属制度,在以某种个体婚制为基础的任何家庭形式下,看来都是极其荒诞的事情,现在它在普那路亚家庭中,连最细微的地方,都获得了合理的解释和自然的根据。

29、Patrilineal Consanguinity of Descent ─── 教育研究范式

30、In a word, we can judge how is the relationship going by how many the common memories are, rather than the mysticism from a fengshui expert or whether there is a piece of consanguinity. ─── 终于,当有天我在奶奶家拖地又被说时,体会到了外婆的心情。改变他人是很难的了,尤其是老人家,但是至少可以改变我自己:如果我不感激,至少不要责怪。


32、But that it must have existed, we are compelled to admit: for the Hawaiian system of consanguinity still prevalent today throughout the whole of Polynesia expresses degrees of consanguinity which could only arise in this form of family; ─── 不过,夏威夷的亲属制度(这种制度至今还在整个波利尼西亚通行),使我们不能不承认这种家庭一定是存在过的,因为它所表现的血缘亲属等级只有在这种家庭形式之下才能产生;

33、They too HAs be deaf to the voice of onlyice and of consanguinity. ─── 但是她们对于这种正义和血缘的呼声,也同样充耳不闻。

34、Body-tattooing is both the remains of the Dais' traditional dragon totem worship and a sign of clan consanguinity. ─── 纹身有着龙图腾的原始印记,同时也是氏族血缘的标记。

35、Professor Cao Peilin thinks that it is geographical features, commerce and consanguinity which created this kind of branch roads. ─── 曹沛霖教授认为是地缘、商业和血缘三个因素造成了这种分叉。

36、They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. ─── 然而他们对这正义和血缘的呼声,充耳不闻。

37、Family business is generated in organization based on the consanguinity relationship through the whole family. ─── 家族企业是一种以血缘关系为基础而产生的企业组织形式。

38、Traditional culture of politics in China centred on small-scale peasant economy,supreme monarchic power and ties of consanguinity. ─── 中国传统政治文化的基础是小农经济,王权至上,以血缘关系为中心。

39、Nowadays, daily communication systems in our country is still bonded by patriarchism and consanguinity, which leads to social hierarchy, restrain a person's freedom and individuality; ─── 我国的日常交往体系仍以宗法血缘为纽带,导致了人的等级性,束缚了人的自由,抑制了人的个性;

40、In the American system of consanguinity, to which the Hawaiian family corresponds, brother and sister cannot be the father and mother of the same child; ─── 按照美洲的亲属制度(夏威夷的家庭是与它相适应的),兄弟和姊妹不能成为同一个孩子的父亲和母亲;

41、coefficient of consanguinity ─── 亲缘系数

42、a lineal consanguinity ─── 直系亲族

43、The results indicated that the means of the total number born and the number born alive decreased with the decreasing consanguinity of Erhualian pigs. ─── 结果表明:各胎次组中,随着二花脸猪血缘的减少,窝产仔数(总产仔数和活产仔数)平均值有下降的趋势。

44、The conception of consanguinity and incest could not have anything to do with it, for these things only came much later. ─── 他认为血缘亲属关系的观念和血亲婚配的观念与这毫不相干,因为这只是在很久以后才发展起来的。

45、a collateral consanguinity ─── 旁系亲族

46、They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. ─── 但是他们对于这种正义和血缘的呼声,也同样充耳不闻。

47、The Consanguinity Unable to Cut Off--In Defense of the Tradition of New Poetry ─── 不能割断的血缘--为新诗传统问题一辩

48、consanguinity marriage [related by blood through common ancestor] ─── 亲族婚姻

49、Almost every American men wish meet a facetious female and have consanguinity with her. ─── 几乎每个美国男性都希望遇见一位幽默的女性,并和她发展亲密关系。

50、To this day the Tamils of southern India and the Iroquois Seneca Indians in New York State still express more than two hundred degrees of consanguinity in the same manner. ─── 南印度的泰米尔人和纽约州的塞讷卡部落的易洛魁人用来表达亲属关系的名称,即使现在,也还有二百种以上不同的亲属关系是相同的。

51、Her family history was unremarkable in terms of consanguinity and following ultrasound findings were discoered. ─── 其没有明显的近亲婚育的家族病史。

52、Peasants retained a natural relation of economy and consanguinity. So they regarded going out for work as makeshift. ─── 农民在经济上和血缘上与农村保持着天然的联系,一般将外出打工视为权宜之计;

53、Visible Chinese and Western's relation consanguinity about poem painting, is to run after one kind of artistic conception. ─── 可见中西关于诗画的关系同源,那就是追求一种意境。

54、If the chairman also acts as the general manager or they are spouses or relatives within one degree of consanguinity, it would be advisable that the number of independent directors be increased. ─── 如董事长及总经理由同一人或互为配偶或一等亲属担任,则宜增加独立董事席次。

55、His integrity was the most pure, his justice the most inflexible I have ever known, no motives of interest or consanguinity, of friendship or hatred, being able to bias his decision. ─── 他的正直和坚毅在我看来无出其右,是如此的刚正不阿。

56、but the Hawaiian system of consanguinity, on the contrary, presupposes a family in which this was the rule. ─── 夏威夷的亲属制度,却以通常都是这种情形的家庭为前提。

57、But there are two kind of difference in consanguinity approving between ancient nationalities and clans. ─── 但是,古代民族意识中的血缘认同至少在两个方面根本不同于部族意识中的血缘认同。

58、consanguinity inherit ─── 血亲继承

59、Systems of consanguinity, on the contrary, are passive; ─── 反之,亲属制度却是被动的;

60、the major axle of consanguinity ─── 血缘性纵贯轴

61、Most corporate group are based upon consanguinity, kinship, friendship and neighborhood; ─── 如果股票价格下降,股东们对该公司经营不满意,就会“用脚投票”。

62、They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. ─── 他们对这种正义和同宗的呼声也同样充耳不闻。

63、consanguinity relations ─── 血缘关系

64、deaf-mutism consanguinity ─── 聋哑血缘性

65、Effect of Meishan consanguinity in crossbred gilts and sows on reproductive performance and cost of piglet production ─── 母猪繁殖力与仔猪生产效益研究

66、Cultural Consanguinity Differences and Similarities of Naipaul and Evelyn Waugh ─── 奈保尔与伊夫林·沃的文化异同论

67、the traits of consanguinity and deification formed in the process due to its peculiarities. ─── 传统精神文化的独特性使传承过程形成了血缘性和神化性的特点。

68、close ties of consanguinity ─── 很近的血亲关系.

69、Consanguinity n. ─── 血缘;

70、consanguinity analysis ─── 血缘分析

71、He declares that Morgan's systems of consanguinity are mere codes of conventional politeness, the proof being that the Indians also address a stranger or a white man as brother or father. ─── 根据他的意见,摩尔根所说的亲属制度,乃是纯粹的社交礼仪的规则,并拿印第安人把异族人、种人也称呼为父亲或兄弟这一事实作为证明。

72、Revivification of consanguinity for proper upbringing of the individuals and reformation of education on moderate and modern line are essential for instilling tolerance in the subjects. ─── 恢复血亲关系是为了提供适当的个人教育和改善教育现状,这是现代社会宽容教育必不可少的课题。

73、consanguinity agreement ─── 血缘认同

74、Value Origin of Ethics: Religion or Consanguinity? ─── - 伦理的价值本源:宗教还是血缘?

75、In the consanguinity, No. 13 strain is the most far away from the others, and all the 38 strains are attributed to one group when dissimilarity coefficient is 85%. ─── 13号菌株与其它菌株亲缘关系最远,只在相异系数为85%时归为一个群。

76、Fetus skin, heterogenous skin of lineal consanguinity and self-skin obturate primeval burn sunface ─── 胎儿及直系亲属异体皮混合自身皮片植皮封闭烧伤创面

77、Consequently, the relationship between them was not only that of consanguinity but also of rights and obligations stipulated by laws. ─── 利益关系的牵扯,促使双方关系的展开常与彼此的经济状况或宗族观念的强弱相呼应。

78、consanguinity study ─── 血缘关系研究

79、In the institutionalized rural communities, villagers'consciousness of territory and consanguinity has decreased while their consciousness of institution increased. ─── 在单位化乡村社区,村民的地缘意识、血缘意识在下降,而单位意识在提升和凸显。

80、consanguinity of scholarships ─── 学缘关系

81、There were deep consanguinity, learning-ship and emotions between Ye Mengde and the pupils, later generations, adherents of Su Shi, such as Chao Buzhi, Zhang Lei and Su Guo. ─── 摘要叶梦得与晁补之、张耒、苏过等众多的苏轼追随者和后人有着深厚的血缘、学缘和情缘等关系。

82、Consanguinity was never considered when Eric decided to fire his brother from the company. ─── 当艾瑞克决定将他的弟弟解雇时,完全没有考虑到血缘关系。

83、They too have been deaf t o the voice of justice and of consanguinity. ─── 对于这种来自正义和基于血缘的呼声,他们却也同样置若罔闻。

84、Brothers and cousins are united by ties fo consanguinity. ─── 兄弟及表兄弟由血缘关系联系着。

85、On the Consanguinity Between the Constitution and a Harmonious Society ─── 论宪法与和谐社会之亲缘

86、consanguinity relationship ─── 血缘

87、Gens, phratry, and tribe are all groups of different degrees of consanguinity, each self-contained and ordering its own affairs, but each supplementing the other. ─── 这三种集团代表着不同层次的血缘亲属关系,并且它们之中每个都是闭关自守,各管各的事情,但是又互相补充。

88、Brothers and cousins are united by ties of consanguinity. ─── 兄弟及表兄弟有血缘关系联系着。

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