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08-19 投稿


unquestionably 发音

英:[?n?kwest??n?bli]  美:[?n?kwest??n?bli]

英:  美:

unquestionably 中文意思翻译



unquestionably 短语词组

1、unquestionably og ─── 毫无疑问

2、unquestionably good ─── 毫无疑问是好的

3、unquestionably mean ─── 毫无疑问的刻薄

4、unquestionably great ─── 无疑是伟大的

5、unquestionably define ─── 毫无疑问地定义

6、unquestionably epic ─── 毫无疑问是史诗般的

7、unquestionably def ─── 毫无疑问地

unquestionably 词性/词形变化,unquestionably变形

名词: unquestionability |副词: unquestionably |

unquestionably 同义词

incontrovertible | incontestable | demonstrable | categorical | decided |indisputable | positive | veritable | indubitable | absolute | conclusive | authentic | undeniable | certain | without doubt | bona fide

unquestionably 反义词


unquestionably 相似词语短语

1、unquestionability ─── 毫无疑问

2、unmentionably ─── 不可言喻的

3、unquestioningly ─── adv.无条件地,?不犹豫地,?绝对地

4、unquestionably true ─── 毫无疑问是真的

5、questionably ─── adv.可疑地,不清楚地;不可靠地

6、questionable ─── adj.可疑的;有问题的

7、unquestionable ─── adj.毫无疑问的;确实的;无可挑剔的

8、unobjectionably ─── 不客观地

9、unexceptionably ─── 无一例外

unquestionably 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To be always preaching teaching speaking writing and working public works is unquestionably a sign of zeal. But it is not a sign of zeal according to knowledge. ─── 假的传道人是一个不得不要说些甚么的人,真的传道人则是一个有话要说的人。

2、Unquestionably among the most performed composers at that time was Salieri, whose music remained in the repertoire at the time of Lerousx's novel. ─── 毫无疑问,萨列里是当时作曲家中上演作品最多的一位,勒胡写作小说时期,他的音乐作品依然是歌剧院的保留剧目。

3、Unquestionably Japanese officers do fight against British Empire and U.S. troops furiously. ─── 毫无疑问日本军官和大英帝国以及美国步兵打仗的时候是奋不顾身的。

4、The work he has done with Mark Grabow in the gymnasium is taking effect - unquestionably it hasn't been fun but it a necessity and plenty more is needed. ─── 昨天他差一点就击败了纳达尔。

5、Unquestionably, many jural phenomena lie behind these codes and preceded them in point of time. ─── 毫无疑问,在这些法典的后面,存在许多法律现象,这些法律现象在时间上是发生在法典之前的。

6、Annacone is unquestionably one of the most approachable, likeable coaches in tennis today. ─── 当今网坛安纳科恩毫无疑问是一个最易亲近最为人称道的教练。

7、Unquestionably, victory or defeat in war is determined mainly by the military, political, economic and natural conditions on both sides. ─── 战争的胜负,主要地决定于作战双方的军事、政治、经济、自然诸条件,这是没有问题的。

8、Unquestionably, it implicates the restoration of meaning to the three components of contemporary Chinese art: “contemporary,” “Chinese” and “art. ─── 无疑,它意味着中国当代艺术成其为“中国”、“当代”、“艺术”的题中应有之义。

9、That unquestionably prompted some Japanese to wonder just how good the information was that they were getting. ─── 这毋庸置疑的让一些日本人产生这样的疑问:政府获得信息的能力到底怎么样。

10、For two people in a marriage to live together, day after day, is unquestionably the one miracle the Vatican has overlooked. ─── 两个结婚的人住在一起,日复一日,毋庸置疑是梵蒂冈所忽视了的奇迹。

11、They have seen the change as unquestionably beneficial to the country. ─── 他们认为这场变革对该国无疑是很有益的。

12、" Dr.Kissinger,you are probably the best known U.S.Secretary of State in China. We suppose that's because you unquestionably played an important part in the normalization process of Sino U.S.relations. ─── “您在中美关系正常化进程中无疑是起了很重要的作用的,您或许是中国知名度最高的美国国务卿了。

13、George Weah is unquestionably the leading success story. ─── 比利时特别是葡萄牙俱乐部打开了非洲球员展示自己天赋能力的水阀。

14、I believe: Can unquestionably gain the excellence diligently. ─── 我相信:用心一定能赢得精彩。

15、Our goal must be attained. Our goal can unquestionably be attained. ─── 我们一定要达到目的.我们的目的毫无疑问是可以达到的.

16、Newton's was unquestionably a mind of the very highest order,and yet,when asked by what means he had worked out his extraordinary discoveries,he modestly answered, ─── 无可争议,牛顿的头脑是最高才智的头脑,然而当问到他是用什么方法获得惊人的发现时,牛顿谦虚地回答:“全靠对那些问题不断地深思。”

17、So long as the nongovernmental enterprise is good at studying, grasp the scientific investment management procedure, they can unquestionably go out of the lost game, move towards the longevity! ─── 只要民营企业善于学习,掌握科学的投资管理方法,那么就一定能够冲出败局,走向长寿!

18、History also helps provide identity, and this is unquestionably one of the reasons all modern nations encourage its teaching in some form. ─── 历史也帮助提供身份,而且这无疑地是理由之一,所有的现代国家以一些形式鼓励它的教学。

19、Situated on a magnificent stretch of the Atlantic coastline, with the gently rolling Scottish countryside at its back, Turnberry is unquestionably one of the great resorts of the world. ─── 坐落在大西洋壮阔的海岸延伸线上,以起伏的苏格兰乡村为背景,腾伯里,无疑是全世界最伟大的旅游胜地之一。

20、As an important representative of modernists in English literature at the beginning of the 20th century,Lawrence is unquestionably one of the most controversial novelists. ─── 作为20世纪初英国文坛上现代主义作家的重要代表,劳伦斯无疑是最具争议的小说家之一。

21、You may feel bound to your timid demeanor, your stifling job, or your rancorous relationship, but there is one realm over which you unquestionably have control: your own head. ─── 即使没有人在看着你,点亮火把去探寻新的未做记号的区域也是令人害怕的。

22、A common area where almost all the doctrines of the three traditions are overlapping is unquestionably “morals. ─── 三个宗教传统几乎所有的教义之间,重叠的一个公共区域无疑就是“道德”。

23、Unquestionably, she deserves the prize. ─── 无疑地,她应该得奖。

24、She is unquestionably our best player. ─── 毫无疑问,她是我们最出色的选手。

25、Unquestionably, big menace for Yuanhua Luxuries Flagship Shop, is Hangzhou Tower. ─── 对元华奢侈品牌旗舰店购成最大威胁的无疑就是杭州大厦。

26、He is unquestionably the best tennis player in England. ─── 他无疑是英国最好的网球手。

27、Unquestionably the interior of the earth is hot. ─── 毫无疑问,地球内部是热的。

28、Founded in 1868, Domaine Leroy is unquestionably what the Burgundy does the best. ─── 始建于1868年的勒桦酒庄毫无疑问是勃根蒂地区最杰出的一个。

29、He was unquestionably the strongest power that the world at that point had ever seen. ─── 他在某种程度上,毫无疑问是在世界上已目睹的最强大力量。

30、To make no bones about something: absolutely, unquestionably, straightforward ─── 毫不犹豫,直截了当;直言不讳

31、The world in which we live today is unquestionably a free one. ─── 我们今天生活的世界无疑是一个自由的世界。

32、William Bouguereau is unquestionably one of history's greatest artistic geniuses. ─── 他以神话和寓言题材的绘画吸引大批追随者。

33、ANZAC Special Air Service units were the ultimate in terms of silent patrolling, and were unquestionably among the finest professional soldiers in theatre.Their mastery of jungle warfare was absolute. ─── ANZAC的SAS单位在无声巡逻方面毫无疑问是顶尖的高手.他们的野战技术是绝对的.

34、My subjects come fresh to the experience, so it has been unexpected and unquestionably strange for each of them, at least initially. ─── 我的摄影对象们从未有过这种经历,所以都觉得很意外也很奇怪,起码一开始是这样的。

35、But so long as struggle hard , one of today seems to be dream that can't be realized forever, can unquestionably turn into a fact tomorrow! ─── 但是只要努力奋斗,今天的一个看似永远无法实现的梦想,明天一定能变成事实!

36、Our cause must succeed, and we shall unquestionably attain our goals. ─── 我们的事业一定要胜利,我们的目标一定能够达到。

37、Unquestionably the idea of a universal confederation and a perpetual peace is commended both by common sense and religion. ─── 毫无疑问,世界联盟和持久和平的观念是受到常识和宗教的拥护的。

38、When a partner constantly denies or refuses to listen to your feelings, that is, unquestionably, mental abuse. ─── 当一个伴侣经常不愿,或拒绝倾听你的感受,那,毫无疑问,就是“精神虐待”

39、On the other hand, deregulation of telecommunications unquestionably brought increased competition to certain parts of the telephone services industry. ─── 另一方面,对电信业的撤销调控无疑使电话业中某些部门的竞争有所增加。

40、Unquestionably, grief over all of this trouble contributed to her death. ─── 毫无疑问,因这一切烦恼而引起的悲伤促成了她的死亡。

41、In other words, choose the best courses you have and link them with the best at a handful of universities around the world to create an unquestionably best-in-class program for students. ─── 换言之,选择你最优秀的课程,将它们与世界各地的大学相链接,为学生创造毋庸置疑的最佳课程。

42、Definitely and completely; unquestionably. ─── 完全地,确实地绝对地和完全地;毫无疑问地

43、Optimistic, natural , proper. I think that we can unquestionably become good friend , friend in the distant place. ─── 开朗,大方,得体。我想我们一定能成为好朋友的,远方的朋友。

44、HAHA, in order to find the work, your driving course can unquestionably be qualified! ─── 哈哈,为了找到工作,你的驾驶课程一定能够合格!!

45、It was unquestionably a step in the right direction. ─── 这无疑是朝正确方向迈出的一步。

46、Marriage is unquestionably more convenient than a love affair. ─── 无疑,风流韵事要偷偷摸摸,而婚姻生活则简单得多。

47、After securing accommodations, and ordering a dinner at one of the inns, the next thing to be done was unquestionably to walk directly down to the sea. ─── 他们在一家旅馆订好了房间和晚餐,下一件事无疑是奔海滨。

48、Unquestionably,she deserves the prize. ─── 无疑地,她应该得奖。

49、In addition, Deron Williams has the speed and size to slow Tony Parker while the Utah bench will unquestionably outplay the Spurs bench keeping a cap on the Big 3's rest time. ─── 另外,德隆的速度和身体可以限制住帕克的发挥,加之在三驾马车休息时爵士的替补无疑又会给马刺狠狠摆一道。

50、Country music was unquestionably one of the forerunners of rock'n'roll. ─── 乡村音乐毫无疑问是摇滚乐的前身。

51、Unquestionably the idea of a universal confederation and a perpetual peace is commended both by common sense and religion. ─── 毫无疑问,世界联盟和持久和平的观念是受到常识和宗教的拥护的。

52、Her clothing was an umbrella that would latch onto you and pull you away, and then there were her cheeks and her fingers, unquestionably those of a decaying corpse. ─── 她的衣服,是一个能把我拐走的大伞,还有她的腮,她的手指,毫无疑问象腐烂的尸体的一部分。

53、In the long run, the best is unquestionably the cheapest. ─── 从长远来看,最好的毫无疑问是最便宜的。

54、The people looked, with an unshaken hope, to see the minister come forth out of the conflict, transfigured with the glory which he would unquestionably win. ─── 人们都怀着不可动摇的希望,等着看到牧师焕发着必胜的荣光,走出这场争斗。

55、Their in-depth analysis had fully captured the identity of our brands, with some unquestionably interesting results. ─── 他们在深入分析了充分的俘虏身份的品牌,无疑是一些有趣的结果。

56、Although you would unquestionably be adopting a better technique, switching to use cases on your current project would lead to chaos - unless you can ensure that ─── 尽管您毫无疑问地会采用更好的技术,但是切换到当前项目的用例会导致混乱除非您能够确保团队中的

57、The purchaser was a neighbouring poulterer, and they were unquestionably doomed to die before the next market day. ─── 一位委员(其人确实与人为善、本性正直)开始故弄玄虚地谈了几个可能的原因:他们理应好好审查一下该会章程;

58、Racism unquestionably has been and remains one of our fundamental domestic problems ─── 毋庸置疑,种族主义过去是、现在仍然是我国国内根本问题之一

59、But the intellectual tide of the past 30 years has unquestionably been in favour of the primacy of markets and against regulation. ─── 但是过去30年聪明人的潮涌般的迎合市场第一,反对政府管制。

60、He was the first unquestionably major writer whom America produced. ─── 他无可争辩地是美国第一位大作家。

61、The billions of bacteria and other microscopic critters that lie in the mouth unquestionably influence the health of teeth and gums. ─── 寄宿于口腔内的数十亿计的细菌和其他微生物无疑影响着牙齿和牙龈的健康。

62、"F" architecture is unquestionably the stiffest, strongest, most rigid welded platform ever to run the iconic american radial twin power plant. ─── "六"无疑造就建筑、最强、刚性焊接平台有史以来最办好图标子午线孪生美洲电厂。

63、By all odds In every possible way; unquestionably ─── 毫无疑问地:在每个可能的方法上;毫无疑问地

64、It seemed to him that unquestionably there must be mercy for someone so unformed. ─── 他觉得象这样一个还没有成形的孩子肯定会得到主的慈悲的。

65、To be always preaching, teaching, speaking, writing and working public works is unquestionably a sign of zeal. But it is not a sign of zeal according to knowledge.J. C. ─── 不断的讲道、教导、说话、写作、工作等等,毫无疑问都是热心的记号,但可不一定是符合知识而热心的记号。

66、Our daughter unquestionably will be the most beautiful bride in the world. ─── 我们的女儿无疑会是全世界最美的新娘。

67、Because of the cost of database creation.data acquisition should unquestionably be automated as much as possible. ─── 因为资料库创造的费用。资料取得应该无疑地尽可能多被自动化。

68、Unquestionably, acidity is also modified by other genes, regardless of any major gene effects ─── 毫无疑问,不管酸度受任何主基因的影响酸度同样由其它的基因所修饰。

69、Unquestionably,the challenge of the home computer means we all should consider how we can control it,so that it won't control us. ─── 毫无疑问,家电脑产生的问题表明我们应考虑如何去控制它而不是让它来控制我们。

70、The drawings, reproduced here, are unquestionably fundamental contributions by Liang to our understanding of the history of Chinese architecture. ─── 图画,在这里再生,基本的贡献无疑地是藉着对我们的中国建筑学的历史理解的两吗。

71、This approach has unquestionably worked for millions of addicts, but if the studies of perfectionists are any guide it has undermined the efforts of many others. ─── 毫无疑问的,这条准则在数以万计的瘾君子身上凑效了,但是如果对完美主义者的研究却是破坏许多其他的成果的一个引导呢?

72、The official also said the DNA evidence unquestionably shows that the person shot and killed in the Pakistan compound was bin Laden. ─── 情报官员同时指出DNA证据毫无疑问显示了在巴基斯坦结合部被射杀的人是本·拉登。

73、Unquestionably, health has much more attention, and far more resources, than in the recent past. ─── 毫无疑问,卫生现在得到的关注和资源远比不久前要多。

74、The Brooke connections, though not exactly aristocratic, were unquestionably "good" ─── 布鲁克家的社会地位虽然算不上贵族,但无疑是“上等人家”。

75、Weber's list unquestionably serves its purpose of opening our eyes to places which had previously escaped widespread recognition. ─── 毫无疑问,韦伯的这份榜单拓展了我们的眼界,让我们了解那些之前没有获得广泛认可的景区。

76、Fred Winter is unquestionably the jockey to follow; they hired unimpeachably first-rate faculty members. ─── 毫无以问,福瑞德.维特是一位值得向他学习的职业赛马师;毫无以问,他们雇佣的全体职员都是一流的。

77、Unquestionably, Chinese currency practices are affecting the trade balance between China and the U.S., by making Chinese exports cheaper here and U.S. exports more expensive there. ─── 毫无疑问,中国的汇率政策,导致中国的出口产品在美国更便宜而美国的出口商品在中国更昂贵,由此正影响着中美贸易的平衡。

78、Nia Vardalos' My Big Fat Greek Wedding unquestionably proves the effectiveness that word of mouth can have. ─── 妮娅·瓦达洛斯的《我盛大的希腊婚礼》无疑证明了观众间口口相传介绍影片所能达到的效力。

79、But since such illicit steroids unquestionably hype performance and are shortcuts to muscle bulging, their use is an ever increasing factor in sports and body-building. ─── 既然违禁药物能够明显提高成绩、强壮肌肉,那么兴奋剂的使用只会有增无减。

80、Unquestionably Alice Walker is one of the most remarkable and influential Afro-American writers in contemporary American literary canon. ─── 在美国当代黑人女作家中,艾丽丝·沃克毫无疑问是最有影响的人物之一。

81、Now, this thing had actually and unquestionably failed. ─── 现在,它实际上毫无疑问地失败了。

82、She and her father would unquestionably be guilty of this crime, and this woman (the inveteracy of whose pursuit cannot be described) would wait to add that strength to her case, and make herself doubly sure. ─── 她和她父亲无疑会被指控犯了这种罪,而这个女人(她那一意孤行的脾气简直难以描述)是会等待时机把这一条罪名加上去,使自己立于不败之地的。

83、Fred Winter is unquestionably the jockey to follow. ─── 毫无疑问,福瑞德·维特是一位值得学习的职业赛马师。

84、As for the animals that best represent China, dragons and pandas lie unquestionably in the top two with ratings of 45% and 42% respectively. ─── 在最能代表中国的动物调查中,龙和熊猫毫无疑问地分别以45%和42%的投票率稳居第一和第二位。

85、My subjects come fresh to the experience, so it has been unexpected and unquestionably strange for each of them, at least initially. ─── 我的摄影对象们从未有过这种经历,所以都觉得很意外也很奇怪,起码一开始是这样的。

86、Our goal can unquestionably be attained. ─── 我们的目的一定能够达到。

87、Unquestionably, the challenge of the home computer means we all should consider how we can control it, so that it won't control us. ─── 毫无疑问,家电脑产生的问题表明我们应考虑如何去控制它而不是让它来控制我们。

88、The winery is one of the most impressive new facilities in the Yarra Valley and it has set its sights unquestionably high. ─── 同时是雅拉谷使用现代设备令人印象最为深刻的酒庄之一,并以毫无疑问的高标准高品质而闻名。

89、Unquestionably, their wrong dining habit is just resulted from their parents' infulence. ─── 毫无疑问,孩子的错误饮食习惯,正是父母家人影响的结果。

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