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08-19 投稿


loach 发音

英:[lo?t?]  美:[l??t?]

英:  美:

loach 中文意思翻译



loach 网络释义

n. 泥鳅

loach 词性/词形变化,loach变形


loach 短语词组

1、loach define ─── 泥鳅

2、Pakistani Loach ─── 巴基斯坦泥鳅

3、loach helicopter ─── 泥鳅直升机

4、loach fish images ─── 泥鳅鱼图片

5、Flat headed loach ─── 平头泥鳅

6、loach soup korea ─── 泥鳅汤韩国

7、Orange-finned Loach ─── 橙翅泥鳅

8、forktail loach ─── 叉尾泥鳅

9、loach fish ─── 泥鳅

10、Loach catfish ─── 泥鳅鲶鱼

11、Clown Loach ─── 小丑泥鳅

12、loach helicopter vietnam ─── 越南泥鳅直升机

13、loach types ─── 泥鳅类型

14、Skunk Loach ─── 臭鼬泥鳅

loach 相似词语短语

1、leach ─── v.过滤,滤去;萃取;被过滤,沥滤;n.过滤,过滤过程;过滤器;n.(Leach)利奇(人名)

2、loath ─── adj.勉强的;不情愿的(等于loth)

3、loch ─── n.湖;海湾(狭长的);n.(Loch)人名;(法)洛克;(英、德、西、匈、捷)洛赫

4、Loach ─── n.泥鳅

5、coach ─── n.教练;旅客车厢;长途公车;四轮大马车;vt.训练;指导;vi.作指导;接受辅导;坐马车旅行;n.?蔻驰(皮革品牌)

6、Roach ─── n.(美)蟑螂;[鱼]斜齿鳊;n.(Roach)人名;(英、西)罗奇

7、loaches ─── n.泥鳅

8、luach ─── n.犹太历

9、poach ─── vt.水煮;偷猎;窃取;把…踏成泥浆;vi.偷猎;侵犯;剽窃

loach 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Phenols;Heavy metals;Loach;Embryo;Larvae;Toxicity; ─── 酚类;重金属;泥鳅;胚胎;鱼苗;毒性;

2、Loach has the germ of the effectiveness of Yang Shen, as loach with a meat called "Rock River protein", to promote the formation of sperm. ─── 泥鳅 具有养肾生精之功效,因为泥鳅肉含有一种叫“河洛克蛋白质”,有促进精子形成的作用。

3、Induction of nuclear anomalies in erythrocytes of loach by herbicide--Paraguat ─── 除草剂克芜踪对泥鳅红细胞核异常的诱导

4、Loach about 10 cm long, yellow sand, yellow sand that they are not exact, because of their paranotum, back dotted with black spots and tidy, like the black stripes, seen from afar like a sand silt . ─── 泥鳅大约有10厘米长,沙黄色的,说它们是沙黄色,并不确切,因为他们的侧背、背部点缀着整齐的黑点,象黑色的条纹,远看就像是沙底的淤泥。

5、My name is“Huihui”.I am a baby loach,too. ─── 名叫灰灰,也是一条刚出生不久的泥鳅,既是婴儿。

6、Like encountering difficulty to slip so that resemble loach. ─── 遇见困难滑得像泥鳅一样。

7、Of my small fish tank, there is a pair of small loach. ─── 我的的小鱼缸里,有一对小泥鳅。

8、Keywords Loach;Hg;Neurotoxicity;Cerebellum;Retina;Glial cells; ─── 泥鳅;汞;神经毒害;小脑;视网膜;胶质细胞;

9、Keywords water polluted with waste cells;loach;GSTs;activity; ─── 废旧干电池污染液;泥鳅;谷胱甘肽硫转移酶;活性;

10、Clown Loach ─── n. 丑鳅鱼(泥鳅科)

11、loach protein ─── 泥鳅蛋白

12、Japanese Loach ─── n. 日本泥鳅(泥鳅科)

13、Investigation on immunomodulating activities of polysaccharide from loach mucus ─── 泥鳅多糖的免疫作用研究

14、The loach slipped from my hands. ─── 泥鳅从我手中滑走了。

15、Toxic Effects of Lead on Loach ─── 铅对泥鳅的致毒效应

16、Toxicity of Endocrine-Disrupting of Dichlorvos (DDVP) on Loach ─── DDVP对泥鳅的致毒效应

17、Tetraploid loach ─── 四倍体泥鳅

18、He admits his mediocrity, while comparing his bulging looks to those of the bottom-dwelling loach (see article). ─── 他承认自己的平庸,把自己鼓胀的脸跟底栖的泥鳅相提并论。

19、cave bland loach ─── 洞穴盲鳅

20、Keywords used cell;toxicity;loach;red blood cell; ─── 废旧干电池;泥鳅;致毒;血红细胞;

21、Effects of compound loach powder on rats'bearing hypoxia, cerebral circulation disturbance and immune organs ─── 复方泥鳅粉对小鼠耐缺氧能力、脑循环及免疫器官功能的影响

22、Eexperimental study on anti-inflammatory effects of the polysaccharide from the loach mucus ─── 泥鳅多糖抗炎作用的实验研究

23、CONCLUSION The compound loach powder has the abilities of countering rats' bearing hypoxia and cerebral circulation, and improving immune organ function. ─── [结论]复方泥鳅粉提高小鼠耐缺氧能力,调整脑部循环,提高免疫器官功能。

24、Loach s red blood cell mutation rate in the acetochlor water was much higher than that in normal water. ─── 在乙草胺污染的水体中残存的个体,其血红细胞的变异率远远超过生活在正常水体中的个体。

25、loach oil ─── 泥鳅油

26、"There is no point in a loach trying to mimic a goldfish, " he said, comparing himself to the whiskered, mud-dwelling fish. ─── “一个泥鳅尝试去模仿金鱼是毫无意义的,”他说,将自己比作须状地泥生的泥鳅。

27、Keywords Loach;Inorganic mercury;Retina;S100 protein;Neurotoxicity; ─── 泥鳅;无机汞;视网膜;S100蛋白;神经毒害;

28、the breeding of mature loach ─── 成鳅养殖

29、Keywords herbicide;Paraguat;erythrocytes of loach;nuclear anomalies; ─── 除草剂;克芜踪;泥鳅红细胞;核异常;

30、A good official should deserve the honor and position, as a whale can be detected easily in the river and only small fishes, such as loach, can hide in it. ─── 好比鲸鱼在小河里就必被发现一样,唯有泥鳅等小鱼才能隐藏于其中。

31、And then I thought of the film, and wondered if Loach was right after all. ─── 于是我就想到了那部电影,并怀疑罗奇到底对不对。

32、Corn Stigma and Loach Soup ─── 玉须泥鳅汤

33、Chinese people have been using fresh loach homogenate to cure Myelitis and breast carbuncle for thousands of years. ─── 其主要功效为补脾益气、清热解毒、消痞散结、祛湿邪,治消渴、水肿黄疸、痢疾、阳痿等症。

34、On one occasion, I gave a small loach change the water accidentally poured into the loach and the dirty water with the vegetables and pool, it even down the water flow into the sewers. ─── 有一次,我给小泥鳅换水,一不小心把泥鳅和脏水一起倒进洗菜池里,它竟然顺着水流到下水道里。

35、Chinese Sucking Loach ─── n. 青苔鼠(双孔鱼科)

36、As to the study of the Loach’s film, it is not only the study of film of the realism style,it is also the study of the social reality ,it has both the artistic value and social value. ─── 对于罗奇电影的研究,既是对现实主义风格电影的研究,也是对社会现实的研究,同时具有艺术价值和社会价值。

37、I can and small loach in a played! ─── 我又能和小泥鳅在一块玩了!

38、Keywords chromium;erythrocyte;abnormal nucleus;loach; ─── 铬离子;红细胞;核异常;泥鳅;

39、I would like to give a small loach change the water in the future, we must be cautious, and never allow it carelessly away. ─── 我想今后再给小泥鳅换水时,一定要加倍小心,决不能让它随随便便地溜走了。

40、We resemble tangle together like two loach, the body is deep-set in the beach, a kind of love gets the insanity of dark all round. ─── 我们像两条泥鳅般缠在一起,身体深陷在沙滩里,有一种爱得天昏地暗的疯狂。

41、Skunk Loach ─── n. 鼬泥鳅(泥鳅科)

42、I know there are film directors, like maybe Ken Loach or Mike Leigh, they don't have a script they just invent everything.For me I need this and then I do my storyboard. ─── 据我所知,有些导演,比如KEN LOACH 或MIKE LEIGH,手里没本子也有能耐虚构一切,把电影拍出来,但我需要剧本,需要在情节串联图板上设计出电影故事。

43、Blind loach ─── 洞穴盲鱼

44、coolie loach ─── 苦泥鳅

45、Keywords loach;erythrocyte;micronucleus;nuclear anomalies;N-methyl-N'nitro-N- nitrosoguanidine.; ─── 泥鳅;红细胞;微核;核异常;亚硝基胍;

46、Keywords bisphenol A;loach;vitellogenin; ─── 双酚A;泥鳅;卵黄蛋白原;

47、loach Imisgurnus angliclli (audatus) ─── 泥鳅

48、Lead (Pb) known as one of the endocrine-disrupting chemicals was tested for its toxic effects on loach. ─── 铅作为环境重金属激素之一,对水生生物泥鳅具有明显的致毒效应。

49、Methods A pair of acetochlor acute and chronic toxicity tests for loach were carried out. ─── 方法对泥鳅进行了乙草胺急、慢性毒性试验。

50、Bioactive molecules in the loach and their pharmacological actions ─── 泥鳅中的生物活性分子及其药理作用

51、Toxicity of Waste Cells on Loach ─── 废旧干电池对泥鳅的毒性效应

52、Tujia dishes have: and Java, pumpkin soup, bitter melon soup, sweet potato vermicelli, shrimp soup, rice bean, three hack, Rou, rock ear stewed chicken, boiled tofu loach, Sok River fish and so on. ─── 土家家常菜还有:和渣,南瓜汤,苦瓜汤,红薯粉丝,虾米汤,米豆腐,粉蒸肉,三下锅,扣肉,岩耳炖鸡,泥鳅煮豆腐,索溪鱼等等。

53、Loach minnow ─── 鳅岁

54、The seedling of loach is planted reach feed to be solved more easily. ─── 泥鳅的苗种及饲料比较轻易解决。

55、Then we started to catch the loach. ─── 然后我们就开始捉泥鳅了。

56、Why "Loach" Can't Reach the Place He Is Yearning for ─── "泥鳅"为什么没有能够抵达它向往的地方

57、Objective Study on toxicity of acetochlor about loach to provide the basis for aquaculture and environmental monitoring. ─── 摘要目的研究乙草胺对泥鳅的的毒害作用,为鱼类养殖和影响人类身体健康的环境监测提供依据。

58、Tropical fish: Including characin, cyprinidae, medaka, cichlid, gourami, biota or loach and groupers and so on. ─── 热带鱼:包括脂鲤科、鲤科、鳉鱼科、慈鲷科、攀鲈科、鳅科、鲶科等.

59、It was the first time veteran filmmaker Loach won the main prize after seven earlier entries in the main competition at the world's most prestigious film festival. ─── 这是这位老导演第一次获得这样的高奖项,他以前曾七次参加过这样的有声望的电影节。

60、Zebar Loach ─── n. 斑马鳅(泥鳅科)

61、In his speech just before the party vote, he said he was not as flashy as a goldfish, but more like a loach. ─── 他在党内选举之前发表的演讲中表示,自己并不像金鱼一样闪闪发亮,而是像条泥鳅。

62、Diploid loach ─── 二倍体泥鳅

63、Weather hot to bovine a Caesar, a group of loach as children unable to hold oneself back down into the river. ─── 天儿热了把牛一撒,一群泥鳅般的孩子便迫不及待的扎进了河里。

64、The company is leading in loach technology,based on the research institutions and abroad for technical support. ─── 先后完成了“泥鳅人工繁殖及规模养殖技术”,“泥鳅人工繁殖及产业化开发”等科研项目。

65、A New Species Blind Loach of Paracobitis from Guangxi, China (Cypriniformes: Cobitidae) ─── 广西洞穴盲副鳅一新种(鲤形目:鲤科)

66、Horsefaced Loach ─── n. 马脸鳅(泥鳅科)

67、live loach ─── 活泥鳅

68、A Study on the Concentration of Heavy Metal in Loach as an Indicator to Pollution Level of Rivers ─── 利用泥鳅对重金属富集的现象来指示河流污染变化程度的研究

69、Keywords endocrine-disrupting chemical;DDVP;loach;toxic effect; ─── 环境激素;DDVP;泥鳅;致毒效应;

70、Study on Nutrient Compositions of Loach and Its Extractives ─── 泥鳅及其提取物中营养成分的研究

71、Keywords laundry powder;loach;blood;POD isozymes; ─── 洗衣粉;泥鳅;血清;POD同工酶;

72、Study on feeding attraction activities of food attractants for loach ─── 不同诱食剂对泥鳅诱食活性的研究

73、Key techniques of loach culture in rice field ─── 稻田养鳅关键技术

74、Orange-finned Loach ─── n. 橘鳍泥鳅(泥鳅科)

75、Mom Mangba sewer pipe leading to twist open, then a small loach down the water flow out! ─── 妈妈忙把通向下水道的弯管拧开,这时小泥鳅顺着水流流了出来!

76、Dwarf Chained Loach ─── n. 袖珍链条鳅(泥鳅科)

77、Observation of DDVP to Induction of Micronuclei and Nuclear anomalies in Erythrocytes of Loach ─── 敌敌畏诱发泥鳅红细胞微核及核异常的观察

78、the stark realism of Loach's films ─── 罗奇电影中十足的现实主义

79、The result showed that the degree of toxicity on Loach was well correlated with the number and the time of used cells exposed in water; ─── 结果表明,泥鳅受毒害程度与水体中废旧干电池的数量和暴露时间成正相关关系;

80、Keywords water polluted with waste cells;Loach;GSH-PX;Activity; ─── 废旧干电池污染液;泥鳅;谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶;活性;

81、Keywords loach erythrocytes;micronuclei;nuclear anomalies;benthiocarb; ─── 泥鳅红细胞;微核;核异常;杀草丹;

82、Pakistani Loach ─── n. 巴基斯坦沙泥鳅(泥鳅科)

83、Keywords loach protein;enzymatic hydrolysis;Response Surface Methodology(RSM);the extraction rate of peptide; ─── 泥鳅蛋白;酶解;响应面设计法;肽得率;

84、During the brief campaign for his party's leadership Noda said he was no goldfish, but rather an unattractive loach, a bottom-feeding fish. ─── 在他的党领袖短暂竞选期间,野田佳彦表示,他不是金鱼,他宁愿做一个不引人注目的泥鳅。

85、Conclusion The herbicide acetochlor can induce significant increases in loach's red blood cell mutation rate. ─── 结论按急性毒性分级,乙草胺为低毒类农药,其对泥鳅血红细胞的变异率具有诱导作用。

86、Loach Entered into Bean Curd ─── 泥鳅穿豆腐

87、The loach slipped from my hands. ─── 泥鳅从我手中滑走了。

88、And he made people laugh, comparing his puffy appearance to that of a loach, a fish that loves mud. ─── 他把自己发胖的外表比作泥鳅,一种在泥水中生长的鱼,让大家笑了起来。

89、Toxicity of Used Cells on Loach ─── 废旧干电池对泥鳅的致毒作用

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