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08-19 投稿


groceries 发音

英:['gr??s(?)r?z]  美:['ɡros?r?z]

英:  美:

groceries 中文意思翻译



groceries 网络释义

n. 杂货;食品;生活用品

groceries 词性/词形变化,groceries变形

名词复数: groceries |

groceries 短语词组

1、groceries walmart/delivery ─── 食品杂货沃尔玛/送货

2、bagging groceries ─── 装袋杂货

3、groceries list ─── 购物清单

4、buy groceries ─── 购买杂货

5、run low on groceries ─── 食品杂货短缺

6、gettable groceries ─── 可获得的杂货

7、buy the groceries ─── 购买杂货

8、groceries walmart ─── 食品杂货沃尔玛

9、shopping for groceries ─── 购买杂货

10、simple groceries ─── 简单杂货

11、buying groceries ─── 购买杂货

12、groceries definition ─── 食品杂货定义

13、groceries meaning ─── 食品杂货的意义

14、get groceries ─── 买些杂货

15、green groceries ─── [网络] 绿色食品

16、groceries online ─── 网上杂货店

groceries 相似词语短语

1、gooseries ─── n.养鹅场;鹅的特点或行为;愚蠢

2、growleries ─── 咆哮

3、roperies ─── n.制绳厂;恶作剧(等于roguery)

4、graperies ─── n.葡萄园

5、groggeries ─── n.酒吧;酒店

6、roseries ─── n.蔷薇园;玫瑰花坛

7、grocers ─── 杂货商

8、traceries ─── n.窗饰;花饰窗格

9、rockeries ─── n.假山(rockery的复数形式)

groceries 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Today, as I was bagging groceries at Dominicks, I looked down to see a 6 year old urinating on my shoes and the floor next to me. ─── 今天我在多米尼克杂货店帮顾客装袋,向下一看,我擦,一个6岁小孩在我鞋上撒尿。

2、A: Why did you buy boxes of groceries? Are you preparing for Armageddon? ─── 你为什麽买这麽多箱食品杂货?准备世界末日啊?

3、A. Where do you get your groceries? ─── 你去那儿买杂货?

4、He's fussy when buying things. It takes him hours just to buy groceries. ─── 他买东西相当吹毛求疵,就连买杂货也得花上好几个钟头。

5、Your dad went out for groceries. ─── 你爸爸出去买杂货了。

6、In an old clothes basket, like a bundle of laundry, or groceries, the servant of Jesus Christ was dropped from the window and ignominiously fled from the hate of his foes. ─── 你看被装在一只旧的衣筐里面!像一包送出去洗濯的衣服一般!耶稣基督的仆人竟这样坍台地从窗户口缒下去!

7、They usually shop once or twice a week,when they go through the check-out stand, their shopping carts are full of groceries. ─── 他们通常每周购物一、两次,当他们走过结账台时,购物车上装满了食品杂货。

8、He expects me to pay the bills and also to pay for the groceries. ─── 他不但希望我付账单,还希望我把食品的开销也承担起来。

9、Can I have a bag for these groceries? ─── 可以给我一个袋子装这些食品杂货吗?

10、The stores are sometimes sold out of certain groceries. ─── 这些店铺的某些杂货有时会脱销。

11、Some became very creative with their methods of bringing back the groceries, such as dragging children's wagons behind them, covered by tarps, blankets, or quilts. ─── 一些人变得很有创新精神,如在他们的身后拖着小孩的小手推车,在上面盖着防水布、毯子或被子。

12、APLA serves more than 7,000 men, women and children in the Los Angeles area by providing home care visits, groceries, counseling and many other essential services. ─── APLA组织为超过7000人的男、女、孩子提供服务,在洛杉矶地区为他们提供家庭护理问诊、食品杂货、法律顾问以及其它生活必须服务。

13、They handled groceries and foodstuff . ─── 他们经营食品杂货。

14、You pull up in your own driveway and use your cell phone to see if anyone is home to help you carry in the groceries. ─── 当你开车买菜回到家时,在家门口用手机打电话叫家里人来帮忙拿东西。

15、Other groceries can be purchased on a payroll deduction plan from a company-owned store. ─── 其他食品杂货也可以用从工资里扣钱的办法在公司经营的商店里购得。

16、She came in the back door carrying two bags of groceries. ─── 她从后门进来,抱了两包食品杂货。

17、Could you bring back some groceries after work? ─── 你下班后可不可以买一些杂货回来?

18、The amount of groceries that we go through is just mind bling. ─── 你所涉及的每样食品都让你觉得很过瘾。

19、For example the hard toil of harvesting, drying and storing the rice crop, is replaced by shopping and carrying a bag of groceries home from the market. ─── 例如以往的辛苦播种施肥,烘干和存放庄稼的劳力方式,已被往返市场及家里的购物方式所取代。

20、The bright green and purple self-service coin-counting machines are in more than 7,500 groceries nationwide, including Albertson's, Food Emporium, Kroger and Safeway. ─── 全国7500多家杂货店,包括艾伯森食品商场、克罗格食品店和赛弗韦食杂店,都安装了这种鲜绿和紫色的自助点币机。

21、Then, half question, half statement, he said, "I could carry your groceries for you? And walk you home? " ─── 接着他半请求,半坚持地说,“我来帮你提东西,好吗?送你回家?”

22、At least 10 centers for needy families regularly dispense free groceries to them in the Cleveland suburbs. ─── 在克利夫兰郊区至少有十个为贫困家庭服务的中心,定期给他们发放免费家庭用品。

23、The parole board got me into this halfway house called the Brewster, and a job bagging groceries at the Foodway. ─── 假释官们把我放到这座叫布鲁斯特的临时住所,还有一份在福德威超市装食品袋的工作。

24、He used a handcart to carry the rocks away; their pushcart was piled high with groceries. ─── 他使用手推车运送石头;他们的手推车被货物堆。

25、How much do I owe you for the groceries? ─── 我欠你这些食品杂货多少钱?

26、She bought a box of groceries. ─── 她买了一箱食品杂货。

27、You can get groceries at the nearest grocery. ─── 你可在就近的杂货店买到食品杂货。

28、She drove to the store and bought groceries. ─── 她驾车去了商店,然后买了食品杂货;等等。

29、He plonked the groceries on the kitchen floor. ─── 他把买的食物杂货砰的一声扔到厨房的地板上了。

30、Do you know how much you spend on clothes and groceries annually? ─── 你知道你每年要为衣服和杂货花费多少吗?

31、Today, groceries are Wal-Mart's biggest revenue generator, making up 41% of its annual sales. ─── 今天,百货营销已经是沃尔玛收入的最大驱动器,占总收入的41%。

32、Five dollars would buy almost a week's groceries for his family. ─── 5美元几乎是他家里一星期饭食的开销。

33、Pickled Cabbage, those originated from Chiu Chau or San Tao taste and smell better. Available from Chiu Chau groceries. ─── 咸酸菜选择潮汕出产的较佳,因为味较清香,与一般的有别,于潮州杂货店有售。

34、On the West Coast I use my bike to commute to school and cart my groceries. ─── 之前在西岸时,我都是骑自行车上学的,还拿它来载运生活必需品。

35、After you decide to buy groceries, the particular check-out aisle you select may not be important. ─── 在你决定购买日用品之后,选择哪个结账口付款不重要。

36、When he gave me his order, I noticed that he had only a few groceries on his list and that he hadn't asked for yogurt. ─── 他给了我一张采购单,我注意到上面仅有几样要买的东西,但没有酸奶了。

37、Being a cook for the king isn't what it's cracked up could be. Lugging groceries up this hill three times a day, working over a hot stove... ─── 作为一个皇厨,一天三趟把杂货推送到山上,在高温炉灶边工作...本应得到夸奖.

38、She always gets the groceries in for the whole week at a time. ─── 她总是一次把一周的付食品买回来。

39、Jonah: Why is she bringing those groceries? ─── 乔:她为什么给我们带这么多菜。

40、But she takes a weekly trip to the food pantry because she lives on a tight budget and can use the free groceries. ─── 但是由于生活费很紧张,她每周都会到食品发放库来领一些免费食品。

41、We began with the shops selling clothes and hats, then groceries, kitchenware stores, beauty shops, sweet stores and stationaries in the end. ─── 不同的区段卖的东西也不太相同,一开始有衣服帽子,接著有杂货五金,到最后则有药妆店、食品跟文具。

42、Her mother often sends her to the store for some groceries. ─── 她母亲经常差遣她去商店买些杂货。

43、His daughters helped take care of him, paying his bills, buying his groceries and keeping him company. ─── 他女儿帮忙照顾他,为他付账单、购买日常用品,陪他作伴。

44、She brought the box of groceries in from the car. ─── 她将一箱食品杂货从车上搬进了屋里。

45、Shanghai's famous Town God's Temple (Chenghuangmiao), standing in the south of Yuyuan Garden, is dotted with groceries and snap stands. ─── 上海著名的老城隍庙在豫园南侧,庙区内日杂店、小吃店星罗棋布。

46、Erg orders his groceries from an online delivery service. ─── 厄格人就通过线上派送服务订购各类食品。

47、C-stores are small-scale versions of supermarkets and typically stock up on tobacco, snack items and drinks, groceries and others. ─── 便利店是一种小型超市,一般储备着烟草、小吃、饮料、食品等等。

48、She was loaded down with bags of groceries. ─── 她提着很多装着食品的杂货袋。

49、A mother and her young son returned from the grocery store and began putting away the groceries. ─── 一个母亲和她的小儿子刚刚从杂货店回来,正收拾着买来的东西。

50、The competition was destroyed here in this town when his branch store drove three small groceries out of business. ─── 他的分店使小镇上的三家小杂货店破产,竞争于是不复存在。

51、In the village store our weekend groceries were rung up on an oldfashioned cash register. ─── 乡村百货店把我们周末买食品的金额记入一架老式现金收入机。

52、Do you want paper or plastic bags for your groceries? ─── 你想用纸袋或塑料袋来装你的杂货?

53、"We need full-service groceries in urban centers, where people can get to them. ─── “我们需要在市中心设立品种齐全、可以获得这类完整食物的杂货店。

54、One bag won't hold all the groceries. ─── 一个袋子装不下这么多杂货。

55、If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. ─── 你给她一堆杂货,她还你一顿晚餐;

56、Agency for bulk cargo, groceries, imitation goods declaration card. ─── 专业代理散货,杂货,仿牌货报关。

57、The one is made of plastic and is dangerous to children, the other is for carying groceries. ─── 一个是用塑料做的,对儿童很危险,另一个是拎杂货用的。

58、Kate is going to the supermarket to buy some groceries today. ─── 今天凯特要去超级市场买些东西。

59、Likewise, in Beijing, I shopped at stores with Western groceries. ─── 同样,在北京的时候,我也会去西式的杂货店购物。

60、In our time-crunched life, it's tempting to grab groceries at the pump or in a store where you can get a giant box of cereal along with an ottoman. ─── 在我们这个时代,你不得不在商店里买杂货,你可以在那里买一大箱谷物,和一个奥特曼。

61、B: Sometimes, if necessary. Especially for groceries, if I happen to need something. ─── 如果有需要,偶尔也去逛逛街;尤其是上杂货店,如果碰巧需要什么东西的话。

62、How much do I owe you for the groceries? ─── 买这些杂货我得给你多少钱?

63、She punched up the cost of our groceries on the cash register. ─── 她在打款机上打出我们这些物品的价钱。

64、During the blizzard I was glad I'd had the foresight to buy enough groceries. ─── 在那场大风雪中,我庆幸自己深谋远虑,事先买了足够的食品杂货。

65、You wouldn't believe the numberof women that are out and about in the evenings, picking up dinner,groceries and the like in their pj's and slippers. ─── 你肯定不会相信一大群女人傍晚穿着睡衣拖鞋在外面买菜,购物。

66、He refuses to help with childcare, won't fix things in the house or car, and won't buy groceries or clothes for the kids. ─── 他从来不关心孩子,从来不会修理家里的物件或者汽车,也从来不给孩子买吃的或者衣服。

67、She ordered her groceries by phone and never left the house. ─── 她用电话定购食品,一步也没离开那座房子。

68、Each month I look at how much I spent on groceries, but I don't isolate that expense. ─── 每个月我都会查看在购物上我花费了多少,但我不会孤立我的费用。

69、He stooped to pick up the carrier bag of groceries. ─── 他弯腰提起装满食品杂货的购物袋。

70、The periodic inventory system is likely applied to a business that sells a variety of merchandise with low unit price, such as a drugstore, groceries or hardware store. ─── 出售各种单位价值较低的商品的企业,例如,杂货店、水果店或金属器具商店最适于采用定期盘存制。

71、Alex:I drove over to the market to get some groceries. ─── 亚力士:我开车到超级市场买了些日用杂货。

72、Americans are buying more groceries to make meals at home, and purchasing cleaning products and tools to do jobs they hired someone else to do before the economic doldrums hit. ─── 如今,美国人购买厨具和洗涤用具的数量增加,而在经济危机之前,这些工作通常都是雇佣清洁工去完成的。

73、He brought the box of groceries in from the car. ─── 他把一盒食品从汽车上拿进来。

74、Most people buy meat and groceries at retail. ─── 大部分的人以零售的方式购买肉和杂物。

75、You're in the supermarket shopping for groceries. ─── 你在超市购买食品杂货。

76、Have you ever given serious consideration to the waste created by your leftovers or the packaging your groceries come in? ─── 你曾经认真的给予这些从你用餐所制造的饭菜剩渣及杂货包装残物一份关心吗?

77、He's very understanding: if I'm hard up by the middle of the week he'll always let me have a few groceries on tick till Friday. ─── 他很会体谅人:要是我们到星期二左右手头紧了起来,他就赊给我一些食品杂货,直到星期五再付款。

78、Why is she bringing those groceries? ─── 她为什么给我们带这么多菜。

79、She approached the owner of the store in a most humble manner and asked if he would let her charge a few groceries. ─── 她走近店主,以一种近乎卑躬屈膝的态度,问他是否可以给她赊购些食品。

80、Known for low-priced general merchandise, Woolworths has struggled in face of competition from supermarkets expanding beyond groceries and a new generation of internet retailers . ─── 众所周知,Woolworths经营低价大众产品,这使其在与不断扩张产品的超市和新一代网上零售商的竞争中不断挣扎。

81、He sent an order for groceries. ─── 他送了一个食品杂货的定货单。

82、Hi, Al. I see you're buying the groceries today. ─── 你好,al。我今天看见你买杂货了。

83、The weekly outlay on groceries. ─── 在日用百货上一周的开销

84、Gilbert is employed to check out groceries in a supermarket, and his sister Ellen to check out cleaned suits in a dry cleaning establishment. ─── 吉尔伯特受雇在一家超级市场为杂货计价收款,他的妹妹埃伦在一家干洗店里为洗好的服装计价收款。

85、By May 24, demand for Wang Lao Ji was so high that JDB struggled to fill the shelves of China's groceries and restaurants. ─── 到了 5 月 24 日,王老吉的需求量大增,加多宝一直在努力满足中国食品商店和饭店的上架需求。

86、Garam Masala could be found at local super stores or Indian groceries. ─── 加林马沙拿咖喱粉可于大型超级市场或印度杂货店购买。

87、The women were checking over their groceries and pinning their big red shawls about their heads. ─── 妇女们开始清点她们买的杂货,把大红披肩披在头上。

88、Most are sold to small Hispanic and Mexican groceries, Padron said. ─── 448个玩具在仓库里等候销出。

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