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08-19 投稿


fictile 发音

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英:  美:

fictile 中文意思翻译




fictile 网络释义

adj. 塑造的;陶土制的;可塑造性的n. 陶制品

fictile 短语词组

1、fictile def ─── 虚拟定义

2、fictile definition ─── 虚构的定义

3、fictile means ─── 虚拟手段

4、fictile ivory ─── 假造象牙

fictile 相似词语短语

1、sectile ─── adj.可切的

2、fickle ─── adj.浮躁的;易变的;变幻无常的

3、tactile ─── adj.[生理]触觉的,有触觉的;能触知的

4、fiction ─── n.小说;虚构,编造;谎言

5、fictive ─── adj.虚构的;想象上的;虚伪的

6、fertile ─── adj.富饶的,肥沃的;能生育的

7、coctile ─── coctile公司

8、futile ─── adj.无用的;无效的;没有出息的;琐细的;不重要的

9、ductile ─── adj.柔软的;易教导的;易延展的

fictile 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Zhou En comes spirit is Zhou En the fictile in coming in the career that is people service for a long time a kind of great character mind. ─── 周恩来精神是周恩来在长期为人民服务的生涯中塑造的一种崇高的人格精神。

2、Wall brick is told strictly should belong to fictile, floor tile is porcelain goods normally. ─── 墙砖严格讲应属于陶制品,地砖则通常是瓷制品。

3、In the most sacred hall (room) of the temple, fictile (clay) fragments of 15 statues were discovered. ─── 在庙中最神圣的一间殿堂里发现了15尊陶制雕像的碎片。

4、Examine brand fictile new approach to already became the focal issue that academic group and business circles pay close attention to jointly gradually afresh. ─── 重新审视品牌塑造的新途径已逐渐成为理论界和企业界共同关注的焦点问题。

5、The child is chief body not only when gaining knowledge, the psychology that also is health and good sentiment fictile are optimal period. ─── 孩子不仅是长身体增知识的时候,也是健康的心理与美好的情操塑造的最佳期。

6、4.The main produces:Solid-wooden window,Aluminium wraping wooden window,wood-aluminium compound window,Aluminium fictile aluminium window and Solid-wooden door and so on. ─── 公司主打产品:实木窗、铝包木窗、木铝复合窗、铝塑铝窗和实木门等。

7、Keywords Embrasure Plugging;plugging agent;fictile agent;retarder;thixotropy; ─── 炮眼封堵;封堵剂;增塑剂;缓凝剂;触变性;

8、In the most sacred hall (room) of the temple, fictile (clay) fragments of 15 statues were discovered. ─── 在庙中最神圣的一间殿堂里发现了15尊陶制雕像的碎片。

9、Wall brick is told strictly should belong to fictile , floor tile is porcelain goods normally. ─── 墙砖严格讲应属于陶制品,地砖则通常是瓷制品。

10、But should see this kind of Sai Wei, behavior is decided situation, it is social fictile result. ─── 但要看到这种思惟、行为定势,是社会塑造的结果。

11、The thick fictile in small shop is a cup of dish, jug not only, still candlestick, tray, vase, ashtray waits. ─── 小店里的粗陶制品不仅是杯碟、水壶,还有烛台、托盘、花瓶、烟灰缸等。


13、Campus wind has gone two carry, also be fictile of force of campus wind public letter two carry.Make a valuable, responsible medium, it is our target all the time. ─── 在媒体价值、用户体验、社会影响力等方面,我们一直在塑造媒体公信力。

14、Construction of Ceramic Fiber Fictile Refractory ─── 简述耐火纤维可塑料的施工

15、fictile masses of people ripe for propaganda. ─── 可塑造性的群众适于对他们进行宣传。

16、Keywords continuous caster billet;uneven cutting edge;fictile in high temperature; ─── 连铸坯;剪切面不平;高温塑性;

17、Sanhsia is famous for its fictile ware . ─── 三峡以陶器闻名。

18、But should see this kind of Sai Wei, behavior is decided situation, it is social fictile result. ─── 但要看到这种思惟、行为定势,是社会塑造的结果。

19、fictile ware ─── 陶器

20、As the pets have the active habit, the garment is made of fictile knitting and TC cotton fabric, which makes more comfortable. ─── 由于宠物喜欢运动,所以用可塑性强的针织布和透气性强的TC布制作服装,从而方便宠物活动也穿着舒适。

21、fictile adj. ─── 可塑造的;

22、The article uses company culture theory, analysed the Youth League to organize cohesive affinity fictile to concern an issue. ─── 本文运用企业文化理论,分析了共青团组织凝聚力塑造的有关问题。

23、The child is chief body not only when gaining knowledge, the psychology that also is health and good sentiment fictile are optimal period. ─── 孩子不仅是长身体增知识的时候,也是健康的心理与美好的情操塑造的最佳期。

24、The article elaborated meaning of depth of fictile of image of company of ground collate unit, discussed fictile of image of company of ground collate unit entire content. ─── 本文阐述了地勘单位企业形象塑造的深层含义,论述了地勘单位企业形象塑造的全部内容。

25、It's a fictile deity. ─── 这是用粘土塑的神像。

26、a fictile follower ─── 顺从的追随者

27、But feminine sex is aroused slow not be inherent, however by fictile , also can change. ─── 但女人性唤起慢不是天生的,而是被塑造的,也是可以改变的。

28、Alibaba this plants fictile " win more " attribute, be being magnified in economic severe winter. ─── 阿里巴巴塑造的这种“多赢”属性,正在经济的严冬中被放大。

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