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pyramidal 发音

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英:  美:

pyramidal 中文意思翻译




pyramidal 短语词组

1、pyramidal cells ─── [医] 锥体细胞

2、pyramidal cataract ─── [医] 锥形内障

3、pyramidal bone ─── [医] 三角骨

4、pyramidal cell layer ─── [医] 锥体细胞层

5、pyramidal horn ─── [电] 金字塔形喇叭

6、pyramidal area ─── [医] 锥体区

7、Barre's pyramidal sign ─── [医] 巴雷锥体征(使半身不遂患者俯卧屈膝,其患侧不能保持屈曲姿势)

8、pyramidal motor system ─── 锥体运动系统

9、pyramidal disease ─── [医] 锥突部骨炎(马)

10、lateral pyramidal tract ─── [医] 锥体侧束, 皮质脊髓侧束

11、crossed pyramidal tract ─── [医] 锥体交叉束, 皮质脊髓侧束

12、giant pyramidal cells ─── [医] 巨锥体细胞

13、pyramidal fibers ─── [医] 锥体束纤维

14、pyramidal epithelium ─── [医] 锥体上皮

15、direct pyramidal tract ─── [医] 锥体直束, 皮质脊髓前束

16、direct pyramidal fasciculi ─── [医] 锥体前束, 皮质脊髓前束

17、crossed pyramidal column ─── [医] 锥体交叉束, 皮质脊髓侧束

18、pyramidal neuron ─── [医] 锥体细胞

19、direct pyramidal column ─── [医] 锥体前束, 皮质脊髓前束

pyramidal 相似词语短语

1、pyramidical ─── adj.角锥状的;金字塔形的

2、pyramidally ─── adv.渐增地,金字塔形地

3、pyramidic ─── adj.锥体的;金字塔形的

4、pyramidon ─── n.匹拉米洞;[药]氨基比林

5、pyramid ─── n.金字塔;角锥体;vi.渐增;上涨;成金字塔状;vt.使…渐增;使…上涨;使…成金字塔状

6、dipyramidal ─── 双锥的

7、bipyramidal ─── adj.双锥体

8、pyramidia ─── 锥体

9、pyramided ─── n.金字塔;角锥体;vi.渐增;上涨;成金字塔状;vt.使…渐增;使…上涨;使…成金字塔状

pyramidal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、MLM or Pyramid scheme - What Love is the difference? ─── 传销还 w是传销--什么差别?

2、The Luxor, a hotel and casino on The Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada, United States due to its pyramidal structure. ─── 在卢克索,酒店和赌场的拉斯维加斯大道在天堂,内华达州,美国由于其金字塔结构。

3、Lillian wants to draw a rectangular base pyramid. ─── 丽莲要画一个长方锥体。

4、The great Pyramid of Cheops has been described as the most spectacular wonder of the world. ─── 宏伟的胡夫金字塔被描述成世界上最壮观的奇迹。

5、Crystals were aligned to follow the patters of sacred geometry - spiraling pyramidal energies. ─── 依照神圣的几何学的急速的祈祷声排列的水晶--成螺旋状下降的金字塔形的能源。

6、Pyramidal difference hydraulic pressure motor includes 2 parts of hydraulic pressure drive and Pyramidal difference decelerate. ─── 锥差式液压马达含液压驱动和锥差减速两部分。

7、He had noticed, at the top of the Pyramid of the Inscriptions, a stone slab with holes in it. ─── 他注意到在铭文金字塔顶部有一块带孔的石板。

8、You find 683 Neopoints, a Snow Pyramid , also a Desert Candy Cane !!! ─── 你找到了683尼奥点数,雪金字塔,和沙漠糖果棒!!!

9、The King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid was one such place. ─── 在大金字塔里的房间就是一处这样的地方。

10、The east does not spin pyramidal dreams as much as box shaped dreams. ─── 东方转动金字塔梦想的情况并不及转动盒状梦想的那么多。

11、So it's trigonal pyramidal. ─── 所以它是三角形金字塔。

12、The Egyptians used marble blocks to line the outside of the Pyramid of Cheops. ─── 埃及人用大理石作为胡夫金字塔的外墙。

13、Yes there are pyramidal structures. ─── 是,那里有金字塔结构。

14、Above would be a pyramid in which he and the Zep Tepi would reside. ─── 上面的就会是一金字塔,在金字塔里他和ZepTepi就会居住。

15、The Great Pyramid is over 450 feet high today, and it was once higher. ─── 今天我们看到的大金字塔有450多英尺高,过去还要高一些。

16、Inspect and rectify already existing pyramid retail enterprises. ─── 二、对现有传销企业进行审查清理。

17、Families are at the base of a socio-economic pyramid. ─── 家庭是社会经济金字塔的基础。

18、These are the moves in which you can pyramid and make big profits. ─── 在这时候你可以金字塔加码获得巨大的利润。

19、Pyramid selling is deluding.There is trap under every flower. ─── 传销具蛊惑性:每朵鲜花下都是陷阱。

20、Holding out his arms,the cheerleader formed a T. The acrobats formed a pyramid. ─── 啦啦队长伸出手臂做成T形,杂技演员们形成一座金字塔。

21、Seven tombs and one altar were also found on the top of the pyramid. ─── 在金字塔顶上也发现七座坟墓和一个祭坛。

22、They are good at making a human pyramid. ─── 他们擅长叠罗汉。

23、AMF and its receptor positive cells began to appear in pyramidal layer in the 17th fetal hippocampus. ─── 结果显示:17周时胎儿海马锥体细胞层内有自分泌运动因子及其受体的表达。

24、The Great Pyramid is the biggest of all. ─── 大金字塔是其中最大的一座。

25、Q) How was this particular Great Pyramid of Gizeh built? ─── 吉萨高地的这个特殊的大金字塔是如何建造的?

26、Place cells are the location-specific hippocampal pyramidal cells with complicated spikes. ─── 位置细胞是具有位置特异性和复杂锋电位的海马锥体细胞。

27、The Great Pyramid was built thousands of years ago for a king called Khufu. ─── 大金字塔式几千年前为一个名叫库夫的国王修筑的。

28、The MEP revealed that abnormality of pyramidal tract,nerve root and peripheral nerve may occur in patients with DM. ─── DM患者的锥体束及神经根、周围神经功能均存在明显异常。

29、Now, no more lies, Moloch.Who runs Pyramid? ─── |别再撒谎了,邪恶火神 谁开的金字塔公司?

30、Business Opportunity or Pyramid Scheme? ─── 事业机会还是金字塔计划?

31、MLM or Pyramid fscheme - What is the difference? ─── 传销还是传销--什么差别?

32、The Great Pyramid shows the wisdom of the ancient Egyptians . ─── 大金字塔显示了古代埃及人的智慧.

33、Her first view of the pyramid fille her with awe. ─── 她初见金字塔时,敬畏之感油然而生。

34、It same size as the Great Pyramid in Egypt. ─── 它与埃及的大金字塔同样大小。

35、Allow ads, except pyramid schema. ─── 允许广告,除了老鼠会。

36、The Pyramid that is located in the grids of Canada and the Artic region is the Pyramid of Wisdom. ─── 位于加拿大网格和完美区域金字塔是智慧金字塔。

37、Pharaoh Khufu began the first Giza pyramid project, circa 2550 B.C. ─── 大约在公元前2,550年,胡夫法老开始他的首个金字塔项目。

38、Holding out his arms, the cheerleader formed a T. The acrobats formed a pyramid. ─── 啦啦队长伸出手臂做成T形;杂技演员们形成一座金字塔

39、What information the codes in the big Pyramid convey is still unknown. . ─── 大金字塔中的密码到底传递了什么仍然不为人知.

40、The men who built the great pyramid in ancient Egypt did not have even draft animals,let alone machinery. ─── 在古埃及建造大金字塔的工匠们甚至连牵引的牲畜都没有,更不用说机械了。

41、The single pyramid projects well into the renal pelvis. ─── 单个锥体明显凸入肾盂。

42、The shape is actually trigonal pyramidal. ─── 的形状是三角金字塔形。

43、It includes both multi-level and single-level pyramid marketings. ─── 它包括多层次传销和单层次传销。

44、Pyramid phototherapy its unique roof, you feel brand new. ─── 其金字塔彩光屋顶独树一帜,给您全新的感受。

45、A bakery at the Giza Pyramid area, from the year 2575 B C. has been excavated. ─── 在Giza Pynamid地区出土了一个公元前2575年前的面包厂。

46、To place or build in the shape of a pyramid. ─── 使成塔尖形以金字塔形状设置

47、Pyramid of wetland : Plants are producer then who is consumer? ─── 溼地的金字塔:植物是生产者,谁是消费者?

48、Do NCC involve all the pyramidal neurons present in the cerebral cortex at any given time? ─── NCC是否牵涉到某特定时间中大脑皮质里所有的锥体神经元?

49、Within this pyramid, one can create and access greatwisdom by a mere thought. ─── 在金字塔里,一个人能够创造及靠纯粹思考接近伟大智慧。

50、Pain and Regional Anesthesia Gabapentin Increases a Tonic Inhibitory Conductance in Hippocampal Pyramidal Neurons. ─── 加巴喷啶增加海马锥体神经元中强直性抑制电导。

51、What information the codes in the great Pyramid convey is still unknown. ─── 大金字塔中的密码到底传递了什么信息仍然不为人知.

52、Almost all of the TMR retrogradely labeled pyramidal cells also showed PAG-like immunoreactivities. ─── TMR逆标神经元几乎均呈PAG样阳性。

53、MLM or Pyramid scheme - What is Auto the difference? ─── 传销还 p是传销--什么差别?

54、As predicted, the pyramid's harms counterbalanced its benefits. ─── 如同我们预测的,这个金字塔的害处把益处抵消了。

55、Khufu's son, Pharaoh Khafre, built the second pyramid at Giza, circa 2520 B.C. ─── 公元前约2520年,胡夫的儿子法老卡夫拉在吉萨修建了第二座金字塔。

56、If one relies upon the pyramidal dream for one's life expression, then one will have no life thereafter and will starve or wind up homeless. ─── 如果你依赖于金字塔梦想来获得生活展现,那么从此以后你将不再获得生活,并将挨饿或终结于无家可归。

57、Search and find in the pyramid I built. ─── 在我建造的金字塔里探寻和发现。

58、Experimental results illustrate this model is superior to the rate-distortion model in pyramidal dead zone lattice vector quantization. ─── 实验结果表明该模型优于带有死区的塔式格型矢量量化中的比特率失真模型。

59、One render pass builds entire mipmap pyramid. ─── 一次渲染总会建立一个完整的纹理细化金子塔。

60、The Pyramid is among the seven wonders of the world. ─── 古埃及大金字塔是世界七大奇观之一。

61、Take a tour of the new pyramid in this animated feature. ─── 在此动画专栏,便捷地游览这一新式金字塔。

62、Chinese perennial with pyramidal racemes of rose-veined white flowers and pungent aromatic roots used medicinally and as flavoring. ─── 中国多年生有巨大的总状花序,开有玫瑰色脉络的白花,根辛辣,药用或作调味品。

63、These cells send out signals to, and directly receive strong excitatory inputs from, another set of pyramidal neurons in a different region. ─── 这些细胞将讯号送到不同区域的锥体细胞,也直接接收这些细胞强烈的兴奋输入。

64、When it was built, the Great pyramid was 145.75 m high. ─── 大金字塔在建成时的高度是145.75米。

65、To facilitate unpick and wash, how should there be 4 pyramidal chamfers on the platen that wool brushs.. ─── 为了便于拆洗,安毛刷的滚筒上要有四个锥体的槽...

66、The Big Island was a good example of mostly figure 8 dream with some pyramidal dream interspersed. ─── 大岛是大部分为8字形梦想,其中散布零星金字塔梦想的很好事例。

67、The colors of the paintings inside the pyramid had kept their pristine freshness. ─── 对字塔内图画的颜色还保持着洁净的鲜明。

68、Tourists resting at the Louvre Pyramid, Paris. ─── 卢浮宫玻璃金字塔下休息的游客。

69、Her folded hands form the front corner of the pyramid. ─── 她的双手折叠的形式前线角落金字塔。

70、Have you heard of the healthy eating food pyramid? ─── 你听说过健康饮食金字塔吗?

71、MLM or Pyramid scheme - What is Network he difference? ─── 传销还是传-销--什么差别?

72、Context: Thales used indirect measurement to determine the height of a pyramid. ─── 上下文:塞乐斯运用间接测量的办法确定了金字塔的高度。

73、Climbing down Maslow's pyramid is painful and progress is slow. ─── 从马斯洛金字塔往下爬是个痛苦而崎岖的过程。

74、DHK caused DND of pyramidal neurons in the CA1 hippocampus in a dose-dependent manner. ─── 不同剂量谷氨酸转运体GLT1抑制剂DHK引起海马CA1区锥体神经元迟发性死亡,且呈剂量依赖性。

75、Which letter is like a pyramid? ─── 哪个字母像金字塔?

76、It is basically a pyramid scheme with some product selling twist in it. ─── 它本质上是金字塔模式加上一些产品销售的幌子。

77、How was this particular Great Pyramid of Gizeh built? ─── 吉萨高地的这个特殊的大金字塔是如何建造的?

78、"Pyramid Hotel," he said to the driver. ─── "金字塔旅馆."他对司机说.

79、At the head of the pyramidal political structure was the mwami (“king”), considered to be of divine origin. ─── 处在这一政治金字塔形政体结构的顶端的是姆瓦米(mwami,国王),被视为神的传人。

80、In Egypt, a 4,400-year-old mummy is found in the Pyramid of Cheops. ─── 1989年的今天,在埃及的基奥普斯金字塔发现一4400年久的木乃伊。

81、As a monument of stone, the Great Pyramid of Khufu is a stunning achievement. ─── 作为一种石构建筑的遗迹来说,库弗大金字塔是件了不起的成就。

82、To assume the shape of a pyramid. ─── 呈金字塔形状

83、It is argued that the pyramidal radical would be more reactive. ─── 可以认为锥形的自由基比较活泼。

84、Her idea - to build a pyramid you harness the desert wind using kites to lift the stones. ─── 克莱蒙斯认为,凭借沙漠里的风力,古埃及人利用风筝来抬升石块。

85、On top of each pyramid sat a special square structure called temple. ─── 在每个塔尖上座落着一个特殊的正方形建筑称为神殿。

86、Pyramid of Cheops yet to yield up secrets. ─── 乔普斯金字塔还没有完全展现它的神秘风采。

87、Jiya Egyptian pyramid as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. ─── 埃及的吉札金字塔被誉为古代世界七大奇迹之一。

88、Look! I made a pyramid with my name cards. ─── 你看、我用名片做了个金字塔。

89、At this time, there is vast conflict between the pyramidal energy flow in the human dream and Terra's ascending flow. ─── 在此时,人类梦想中的金字塔能量流及地球的提升能量流之间,有着巨大的冲突。

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