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08-21 投稿


indite 发音

英:[?n'da?t]  美:[?n'da?t]

英:  美:

indite 中文意思翻译



indite 网络释义

vt. 创作;写成文章

indite 短语词组

1、indite law ─── 独立法

2、indite define ─── 独立定义

3、indite definition ─── 独立定义

4、indite defined ─── 独立定义。

5、indite him ─── 指认他

6、indite definition law ─── 独立定义法

indite 词性/词形变化,indite变形

动词过去式: indited |动词第三人称单数: indites |动词过去分词: indited |动词现在分词: inditing |名词: inditement |

indite 相似词语短语

1、indicted ─── vt.控告,起诉;[法]揭发

2、indices ─── n.指数;目录(index的复数)

3、indited ─── v.写,创作;命令;控制;口述(indite的过去式及过去分词)

4、indicter ─── n.原告;起诉者

5、indie ─── adj.(摇滚、流行音乐、影片等)独立制作的,非大公司的;(流行乐队)追求非主流的;n.独立制片公司;独立小公司的产品

6、indites ─── v.创作,写成文章

7、indicate ─── vt.表明;指出;预示;象征

8、inditer ─── 独立董事

9、indictee ─── n.被告

indite 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The indite style and artistic feature of Nieer's mass song. ─── 聂耳群众歌曲的创作风格和艺术特征。

2、The Xinluo students were accomplished in the Confucianism sutra, could compose in types of literature and indite many excellent Chinese writings. ─── 新罗留学生精通儒家典籍,熟悉各种汉文学体裁的写作,创作了大量优秀的汉文学作品。

3、4.And this indite style is closely resulted by his family environment and life expierences. ─── 而这种创作风格又与李白家庭出身、生活经历息息相关。

4、I'm hopeless how to indite a waltz. ─── 创作圆舞曲我是一窍不通。

5、The speakers often blend their aesthetic experience about the world into their artistic language when they indite artistic language. ─── 发话主体在艺术语言的创作过程中,常常将自己对世界的审美体验融进了艺术语言。

6、This article will combine his poems,the time he had lived and his life experience together,analyse his indite and his special achievement of his seven-word poems. ─── 本文将李益诗歌和他所处的时代、生平经历结合起来,分析李益创作的心态和他在七绝方面独特的艺术成就。

7、Literature on Internet is challenging traditional literature on its existence, indite mode, value conception, indite principle and tongue type etc. ─── 网络文学对传统文学的存在方式、创作模式、价值观念、创作主体和语言风格等各个方面都带来了一定冲击。

8、she had a public letter-writer indite an epistle to Tholomyes, ─── 她曾请一个摆写字摊的先生写了一封信给多罗米埃,

9、This article will combine his poems, the time he had lived and his life experience together, analyse his indite and his special achievement of his seven-word poems. ─── 本文将李益诗歌和他所处的时代、生平经历结合起来,分析李益创作的心态和他在七绝方面独特的艺术成就。

10、Drama's indite was also inescapability. ─── 戏曲创作也不可避免地浸染了时代的色彩。

11、Be with friends of artistic temperament for a few years,no artistic skill but desire of indite. ─── 和一帮满腹艺术才华的哥们混了几年,虽没沾到任何艺术细胞,但至少有了创作欲望。

12、Accumulate and indite the materials,show their works , imitate the poem. ─── 积累创作素材,展示自己整理的资料,仿写诗歌。

13、indite poem ─── 作诗

14、Be in Pursuit of the Nationalization of Indite Chinese Modern Poesy ─── 中国现代诗歌创作的民族化追求

15、Talk about the indite of architect ─── 浅谈建筑师的创作

16、2 - indite strategy ─── 2指数策略

17、indite a letter ─── 写一封信

18、2.I indite a poem. ─── 我写了一首诗。

19、indite a speech [poem ─── 写演讲稿[诗]

20、She will indite him to some supper. ─── 她要拉他吃晚饭。

21、As a special species of Fu ,the astronomical phenomena Fu is popular from the pre- Qin days,and many writers constantly indite such work. ─── 作为赋体文学中的一个种类,天象赋自先秦起就不断有人创作。

22、She will indite him to some supper. ─── 她要拉他吃晚饭。

23、This paper will discuss therelation between Zhongnan mountain and the life and indite of the poetduring the tang dynasty in detail. ─── 本文着重从以下五个章节来具体探讨唐代的终南山对文人的社会生活及相关创作的影响。

24、Rite of YAN-XIANG and the ethos of indite in the Spring and Autumn Period ─── 燕飨礼仪与春秋时代的赋诗风气

25、calligraphy indite ─── 书法创作

26、it shall be diffused throughout my intellectual powers, and gleam brightly in every line of poesy that I indite. ─── 火光腾腾,照亮小棚屋的正面。

27、poetry indite ─── 诗歌创作

28、This essay is written just for trying to indite article in English. ─── 此散文仅仅是出于尝试用英文创作文章。

29、Badge is sign pattern indite by Chenshaohua, Hanmeilin and Jindaiqiang, three artists.Bid for the Olympic game's slogan is:New Beijing, Great Olympics. ─── 会徽为陈绍华、韩美林和靳埭强三位艺术家共同创作的标志图案;

30、Lead the students to choose some information and indite the poem. ─── 引导学生挑选素材进行创作。

31、she had a public letter-writer indite an epistle to Tholomyes, then a second, then a third ─── 她曾请一个摆写字摊的先生写了一封信给多罗米埃,随后又写了第二封,随后又写了第三封。

32、As a special species of Fu ,the music Fu is popular from Han Dynasty, and many writers constantly indite such work. ─── 音乐赋作为赋体文学的一个特殊种类,自汉代起就不断有人创作,受到文人的普遍喜爱。

33、Part 2 is discussion about all Lu Zhiwei's life and his indite, some new documents and materials found. ─── 第2章是对陆志韦生平和创作的考述,发掘出了一些新的文献和史料。

34、This paper will discuss the relation between Zhongnan mountain and the life and indite of the poetduring the tang dynasty in detail. ─── 本文着重从以下五个章节来具体探讨唐代的终南山对文人的社会生活及相关创作的影响。

35、As a special species of Fu , the music Fu is popular from Han Dynasty, and many writers constantly indite such work. ─── 音乐赋作为赋体文学的一个特殊种类,自汉代起就不断有人创作,受到文人的普遍喜爱。

36、indite v. ─── 著作;

37、indite freely ─── 自得自在

38、The speakers often blend their aesthetic experience about the world into their artistic language when they indite artistic language. ─── 发话主体在艺术语言的创作过程中,常常将自己对世界的审美体验融进了艺术语言。

39、And this indite style is closely resulted by his family environment and life experiences. ─── 而这种创作风格又与李白家庭出身、生活经历息息相关。


alate 英['e?le?t] 美['e?le?t]  adj. 有翼的,有翼状物的; 有翅型;  [例句]If you want alate check out, please contact our AM, hold on please!  如果您需要延迟退房,帮您联系我们大堂副理,请您稍等!


就跟on earth一样当然是有在地球上的意思一般都会用以延伸——在世上,天底下云云in the house一样当然可以理解为在房子里就字面意思来讲的话用得多了当然会延伸——在这里就像在车库你想表达的时候就可以套用这个而不是得创造新词in the garage

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