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09-14 投稿


destructible 发音

英:[d?'str?kt?b(?)l]  美:[d?'str?kt?bl]

英:  美:

destructible 中文意思翻译



destructible 网络释义

adj. 可破坏的;易损坏的

destructible 词性/词形变化,destructible变形

名词: destructibility |

destructible 反义词


destructible 同义词

destructible 短语词组

1、destructible target ─── 可摧毁目标

2、destructible city ─── 破坏性城市

3、destructible features ─── 可破坏特征

4、destructible trust ─── 可摧毁的信任

5、destructible barriers ─── 可破坏屏障

6、destructible 2fort ─── 可破坏2端口

7、destructible mesh chunk ─── 可破坏网格块

8、destructible test ─── 破坏性试验

9、destructible cars ─── 可毁坏汽车

10、destructible mesh ─── 可破坏网格

11、destructible inferno ─── 可摧毁的地狱

12、destructible game ─── 可破坏博弈

13、destructible wall ─── 可破坏墙

14、destructible time ─── 可破坏时间

15、destructible def ─── 可破坏性定义

destructible 相似词语短语

1、instructible ─── 有益的

2、indestructibly ─── adv.无法破坏地

3、indestructible ─── adj.不可毁灭的,不能破坏的

4、biodestructible ─── adj.生物可降解的,生物可毁的

5、destructive ─── adj.破坏的;毁灭性的;有害的,消极的

6、destructively ─── adv.破坏地;狼狈地

7、distractible ─── adj.容易分心的;不专心的

8、deductible ─── adj.可扣除的;可减免的

9、constructible ─── adj.[数]可构成的

destructible 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In some of the maps you had 3 entrances but 2 were blocked off be destructible rocks. ─── 在一些地图中,你有3条出口,但其中2个都被可以摧毁的岩石挡住。

2、Meanwhile, the zerglings begin attacking the destructible rock protecting the back ramp entry to the main Terran base. ─── 在这同时,异化虫开始攻打那些用来防御人类主要基地后方入口坡道的可毁岩块。

3、As a result, geneticists say Dolly could age faster and mn a higher-than-usual risk of cancer, which occurs when cells fail to self- destruct and begin unconfrolled gtowth. ─── 因此,基因学家说多莉可能衰老得快,患癌症的风险较大,当细胞无法自毁,开始无控制地生长时,这种情况便会发生。

4、In some of the maps you had 3 entrances but 2 were blocked off be destructible rocks. ─── 在一些地图中,你有3条出口,但其中2个都被可以摧毁的岩石挡住。

5、There were over ten older monks who came and asked the Master, ‘There is a sutra which speaks of the destruction of the Buddha-dharma, but we do not know if the Buddha-dharma is destructible. ─── 师曰:凡夫外道,谓佛法可破灭,二乘人谓不可破灭,我正法中无此二见。若论正法,非但凡夫外道,未至佛地者,二乘亦是恶人。

6、Destructible objects are correctly reset when restarting rounds in multiplayer. ─── 当多人游戏回合重新开始时,任何可破坏物体均被还原成原貌。

7、But it is an awesome view, if you are standing on a hill top and all the hills around are full with small trees.They are like in ARMA all destructible too. ─── 但是这是一个可怕的视野,如果你站在山顶,周围所有的山都被小树覆盖,他们像在ARMA一样可被破坏。

8、Non-interference engines will usually not self destruct, but in either case if the belt fails, the engine will immediately shut down leaving you stranded. ─── 对于无干扰式引擎而言,在皮带断裂的情况下不会损伤到发动机,但是发动机会立即熄火让你束手无策.

9、Destructible Doodad - Within Region Dies ─── 在区域中被摧毁

10、"Destruct Temples and Boost Larning" ─── “废庙兴学”

11、Mr Cheney is proving no more destructible than Lord Voldemort. ─── 切尼证明自己和伏地魔一样难被打倒。

12、Support beams in the mines are now destructible. ─── 矿场里的横梁可以损坏?

13、New advanced landscape and flora systems, dynamic weather and newbattlechoreography and occupy-able and destructible battlefieldbuildings. ─── 丰富的海景带著出色的水和天气效果,在您最后光荣的胜利或者是可耻的失败中都发挥出巨大的作用。

14、Command Control Destruct System ─── 指令控制自毁系统

15、Command Destruct System ─── 指令自毁系统

16、The fault has dual functions in migration and accumulation of oil and gas,the one is to destruct hydrocarbon reservoir,another is to seal oil and gas. ─── 断层在油气运移及成藏中起双重作用,如何评价断层,对油气勘探开发有重要作用。

17、Command Control Destruct ─── 指令控制自毁装置

18、Brief Analysis of Bolt Building's Destruct Regulation ─── 浅析锚杆支护的破坏规律

19、Electronic Ground Automatic Destruct Sequencer ─── 电子地面自毁定序器

20、Should it lose contact with the Droid Control Ship due to malfunction or other unexpected catastrophe, the starfighter's self destruct mechanism prevents the droid from falling into enemy hands. ─── 假使因为机械故障或其他灾祸使得机器人战机与机器人控制舰失去联系,那麽战机会自行销毁程式,防止落入敌方手中。

21、3.Is there any update on additional map features other than the Xel’Naga watch towers, destructible rocks and tall grass? ─── 3. 除了目前的萨尔纳加瞭望塔、可摧毁的岩石以及灌木丛外,有没有加入其它新的地图特色?

22、Players will master short-cuts as well as use the traffic and destructible environments to their advantage. ─── 玩家师父捷径以及利用交通和破坏性环境,以自己的优势。

23、They want truth and accountability for those who skimmed and stole and produced inferior buildings that collapsed while neighboring buildings did not catastrophically destruct. ─── 他们想要得到真相,并让那些瞒报、盗窃和使用劣质材料的人为那些周遭建筑并未彻底损毁,但自身却倒塌的建筑负责。

24、Players will master short-cuts as well as use the traffic and destructible environments to their advantage. ─── 玩家师父捷径以及利用交通和破坏性环境,以自己的优势。

25、They nstructor struggled to say, "Thf zstructure of the construction led to t uhe destruct tn." ─── 教师挣扎着说:"建筑物的构造导致这场毁灭."

26、destructible glassware. ─── 易碎的玻璃器具

27、At present there are 2-chloroben-modeof destructible cover stealthily. ─── 目前主要有2种形式可破坏显偷换盖。

28、Engage in epic siege warfare, deploying mighty siege engines to lay waste to destructible buildings in your path. ─── 在高端的阵营战争中引入攻城武器和可摧毁的建筑物。

29、00:58 - There's also an easily defended expansion area on high ground near each starting point. This expansion area is blocked by destructible rocks on two sides. ─── 在靠近各自出生点的高地区域还有一片易于防守的分矿。分矿的两侧路口则堆积着一些可以被摧毁的岩石障碍。

30、Joint destruct ─── 关节破坏

31、If you respond with anger, you must be equating yourself with the destructible, and are therefore regarding yourself insanely. ─── 7你若报之以愤怒,你必然已把自己视为可毁灭之物,并且疯狂失常地看待自己。

32、Those surfaces were neither so steep as to be destructible by weather, nor so flat as to be the victims of floods and deposits. ─── 山谷表面既不太过陡峭而被气候侵蚀摧毁,也不太过平坦而被洪水淤泥淹没吞噬。

33、One of the cool features in the game is the completely destructible environments, so will you be able to "create" your own route by blowing up buildings? ─── 游戏中一个很酷的特点是完全可毁的环境,因此你可以通过毁掉建筑来“建造”自己的道路吗?

34、All new features include: 8 Worms on screen at once, full control over the game camera, destructible terrain, 4 player multiplayer action and loads of new weapons to choose from! ─── 一次能够同时显示8只虫虫,良好的操控性,易破坏的地形,可4个玩家进行游戏并有更多的武器供你选择!

35、The environment is highly interactive, and highly destructible, and you can wreck merry havoc across cutesy landscapes. ─── 环境的干扰很厉害,破坏力极大,你在对可爱而漂亮的风景大搞破坏时感到快活。

36、Due to the disfigurement on compressor cavity cover by fabrication and the reduplicative striking by gas, the crack on the cavity cover is one of the most destructible accident. ─── 由于压缩机气缸缸盖制造上的缺陷和承受气体的反复冲击,气缸缸盖产生裂纹是比较容易出现的问题之一。

37、The Barbarian is able to generate Rage by destroying destructible objects, while the Monk does not generate Spirit by doing this. ─── 野蛮人可以通过毁坏物品回复怒气,然而武僧不能通过这样做回复精神值。

38、*Excellent visual presentation with dozens of character animations, fully destructible environments and voice dubbing! ─── *优秀的视觉效果与几十个字符动画,完全破坏环境和语音配音!

39、A group of computer scientists at the University of Washington has developed a way to make electronic messages “self destruct” after a certain period of time, like messages in sand lost to the surf. ─── 华盛顿大学的一个计算机科学小组研发了一种可以使得电子信息在一定时间内“自我销毁”的方法,就像潮水过后沙滩上的文字被抹去一样。

40、i have a question IF enemies will destroy some/most destructible objects to hurt Player ? ─── 我想问:敌人是否会摧毁某些或大多数可破坏的物件来伤害玩家?

41、Nuclear Weapons Emergency Destruct System ─── 核武器紧急销毁系统

42、Interactive environments with dangerous traps and obstacles, and destructible elements. ─── 交互的环境,危险的陷阱和障碍,和可以被破坏的元素。

43、Took the pole from Coulthard and as McLarens self destruct during the race, Michael wins easily despite a late spin. ─── 战胜库特哈德拿到杆位,迈克拉伦自己破坏了比赛,尽管有一个打滑旋转,迈克尔赢得非常轻松。

44、(It can’t be used in the animal food because it can leave the bad smell and cover the putrid smell of the fish and meal really , furthermore it can destruct the VB1 in the food) . ─── 1.漂白剂不适应动物性食品,主要是因为使用后留有不快气味,并且真正掩盖鱼、肉等的腐败气味,此外还破坏VB1。

45、The tectonic motion is very intense in front belt of north Tianshan mountain, drape fault and so on very develop, and there occurred many times destruct earthquakes. ─── 摘要北天山山前地带是构造运动十分强烈的地区,褶皱断裂等构造现象十分发育,这里曾发生过多次中强破坏性地震。

46、Coastal erosion can seriously destruct tourism resources and land resources and aggravate invasion of seawater besides threatening the safety of coastal engineering facilities. ─── 海岸侵蚀活动除威胁滨岸工程设施安全外,还严重破坏旅游资源和土地资源,加剧海水入 侵活动。

47、destructible trust ─── 可终止的信托

48、Healthy cockatoos produce lots of powder and need to be able to reduce wood and other destructible chewables to small splinters. ─── 健康的凤头鹦鹉能产生大量的粉末,其通过小碎片减少木材和其他可毁坏的咀嚼物。

49、At present are 2 - chloro Ben - mode of destructible cover stealthily. ─── 目前主要有2种形式可破坏显偷换盖。

50、Destructible Doodad - Destructible Doodad Dies ─── 可破坏物体被摧毁

51、Battlefield 2 features immense, richly detailed, destructible environments, from city streets to remote forests, in some of the most notorious hot spots around the world. ─── 战地2的巨大功能,内容丰富详尽,崩解环境,从城市街道到遥远的森林,在一些最臭名昭著的热点世界各地。

52、If the Tc cell “sees” an antigen in conjunction with a MHC molecule of a different allotype (from a different person), it will not be able to recognize and destruct. ─── 我们认真对待每一次的翻译,严格执行相关国家标准和公司内部质量管理规范,赢得了众多客户的好评和良好的市场信誉。

53、Even Colossus and burrowed Infestors are unable to pass under/over destructible rocks. ─── 即使是巨像或者感染者都不能从上面跨越/从下面潜行通过岩石。

54、Ordnance Destruct System ─── 军械自毁系统

55、The differences of culture might encourage the intense relationship between people of different races and destruct the unity among countries. ─── 也许文化的差异会助长种族间紧张的情绪和削弱国家的团结。

56、Based on agrology, the paper theoretically analyzed the stress of random point inside soil acted with vibration and impact, and estimated its destructible criterion. ─── 摘要从土力学角度,对振动冲击复合作用下土体内部的任一点应力进行理论分析,并对土体的破坏准则进行相应判断;

57、Almost fully destructible environments; ─── 几乎充分地可破坏的环境;

58、Actually, the ability to lift destructible doodads has been classified as a bug and has been fixed in the latest builds. ─── 在星际争霸2中,存在着很多可以被破坏地形障碍物,比如石块。

59、Command Destruct Unit ─── 指令炸毁装置

60、Play with 24 players online in three beautiful and destructible locations from the Pacific theatre. ─── 发挥24名球员在网上和破坏3个美丽的地方,从太平洋战区。

61、Everett: That evacuation order is rescinded. I assume you've armed the self destruct device. ─── 疏散命令撤除,我猜你们已经启动了自毁装置。

62、Analysis of the Linked Fissure Destruct Reason of Road and Bridge and the Preventable Measure ─── 公路桥梁铰缝破坏原因浅析与预防措施

63、Feodal porter Ma Babei never reconciles to failure and buys off workers at first and then makes destruct insanely. ─── 他先是收买工人,继而又疯狂进行破坏。

64、Destruct of faulting ─── 断层破坏

65、Meanwhile, the zerglings begin attacking the destructible rock protecting the back ramp entry to the main Terran base. ─── 同时,虫族准备攻击挡在进入人族基地主通道中的挡路岩石。

66、Effects of amygdala subnuclei destruct on behavior and monoamine transmitters concentration in prefrontal lobe of PCP rat ─── 杏仁核亚核群毁损对PCP模型大鼠行为和递质的影响

67、Destruct Traffic Office ─── 区交通(管理)处

68、Electronic Ground Automatic Destruct ─── 电子地面自毁

69、Based on destructible feature of plastically drawing unsteadiness of pressure vessel, this paper calculated elastical/viscoplastical drawing unsteadiness of pressure vessel made of revolving shells. ─── 依据压力容器拉伸塑性失稳破坏特征,计算了旋转薄壁壳压力容器在弹/粘塑性材料下的塑性失稳破坏。

70、Destructible labels will be in piece if removed applications. You can protect your equipment and assets or assure warranty protection with these quality printed labels. ─── [相关分类:电子仪器,标签,自贴便条,商标和标签,安全产品,无线电话/收音机和系统

71、Inadvertent Separation Destruct System ─── 故障分离自毁系统

72、Thought that I would self destruct. ─── 你原以为没有你我会自毁。

73、command destruct signal ─── [电] 命令破坏讯号

74、Dual Command Destruct System ─── 复式指令自毁装置

75、They will feature a realistic sailing model, cannon and musket fire, boarding actions, fully destructible sails, rigging and hulls and a full range of weather effects to influence battles. ─── 他们将会描绘出真实的航行模式、大炮和步枪所射出时的火花、登舰打斗的动作、完全可破坏的船帆、索具装备和船壳,而变化多端的天气也会影响海上的战斗。

76、If desired or needed, a vent fan and ozone destruct device can also be added. ─── 如果需要或需要,一个排气口狂热者和新鲜的空气破坏装置也可能是附加的。

77、He sees the team first rather than the individual, and I don't think he'd buy a player that could destruct the rest of the team. ─── 他认为团队高于个人,我认为他不会因为买了一个球员而破坏整个队伍。”

78、Sky-Byte: You fools! Watch! Destruct! Destruct! Destruct! ─── 你们这群傻瓜!注意!破坏!破坏!破坏!

79、I believe, men also are sometimes sentimental, not resilient, buried in the past, stingy, and destructible. ─── 相信,男人也会婆婆妈妈,对感情拿不起放不下,活在过去,变得小气,不堪一击。

80、Attention, attention - prisoner containment is the mission priority. This prisoner transport will self destruct in 10 minutes, as there has been a breach of the prisoner containment area. ─── 注意,注意,犯人区域的安全是我们的首要任务。因为有犯人越狱,犯人区域将在10分钟之内自毁。

81、Massive action: many weapons, many t situations and destructible environments. ─── 大量的动作:众多武器、多种战斗情况和环境。

82、Enemies will destroy some/most destructible objects if they're in their way. ─── 敌人在前进的过程中将会摧毁部分/大多数可破坏的物件。

83、Ahrl (Ghul Harvest): Can be used to find out if a certain destructible is a tree. ─── Ahrl(采集木材):这个技能可以从可破坏物中把树挑出来。

84、Inadvertent Separation and Destruct System ─── 意外分离与自毁系统

85、Diablo III's environments add a great deal of interactivity to the game, including destructible elements and environmental obstacles that can be turned against your enemies. ─── 包括可破坏的元素与障碍物,你甚至可以用它们来对付你的敌人。(比如砍倒一棵树。。。?)

86、Based on the comprehension of "The Culture of Heart", Xu Fuguan proposed the unique conception of "Xing Er Zhong Xue" to destruct metaphysics. ─── 徐复观则在把中国文化理解为“心的文化”的基础上,独树一帜的提出“形而中学”的概念,对形而上学加以消解。

87、Interactive environments with dangerous traps and obstacles, and destructible elements. ─── 交互的环境,危险的陷阱和障碍,和可以被破坏的元素。

88、Destructible rocks block the ideal building placement point at this expansion however. ─── 但是可毁岩块挡住了这个扩张区中安置建筑物的理想地点。

89、Varied Locations &Up to 24 Players: Play with 24 players online in three beautiful and destructible locations from the Pacific theatre. ─── 不同的战斗场地,最多支持24人联机战斗。

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