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09-14 投稿



piked 发音

英:[pa?kt]  美:[pa?kt]

英:  美:

piked 中文意思翻译




piked 短语词组

1、piked whale ─── [网络] 高粱鲸

2、piked reverse hang ─── [体]后屈体悬垂

piked 词性/词形变化,piked变形


piked 相似词语短语

1、paiked ─── 地点

2、-piked ─── adj.尖的;v.用矛刺穿(pike的过去分词和过去式形式)

3、diked ─── v.筑堤防护;开沟排水(dike的过去式和过去分词)

4、biked ─── v.骑自行车(或摩托车);用自行车(或摩托车)投递(信件、包裹等)(bike的过去式及过去分词)

5、hiked ─── n.远足,徒步旅行;(价格等)大幅上升,猛涨;v.远足,徒步旅行;拉起,提起(衣物);把(价格等)大幅提高;n.(Hike)(美、俄)海克(人名)

6、miked ─── n.扩音器,麦克风;话筒;休息,游手好闲;vi.使用扩音器;偷懒,游手好闲;vt.用扩音器传送;用窃听器窃听

7、liked ─── v.喜欢(like的过去式)

8、fiked ─── vi.匆匆忙忙;n.杞人忧天

9、spiked ─── adj.尖的;有穗的;加入标准的

piked 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Otherwise there might be conflicts if your Pike already has MySQL support. ─── 否则如果Pike已经支持MySQL,就会产生冲突。

2、Maiden Pike - Ceremonial Pike - Matriarchal Pike ─── 女士长矛-祭典长矛-女族长之长矛

3、Some freshwater fish such as pike can withstand levels of acidity. ─── 一些诸如梭鱼等淡水鱼可以抵御相当程度的酸性。

4、Five years later, genghis khan's dabie-sulu ingot pike towards JinGuo oppressors. ─── 五年后,成吉思汗的苏鲁锭长枪指向了压迫者金国。

5、There is not the solidest shield in the world due to the existence of the pike. ─── 关键字:"世界上没有最坚固的盾,因为有矛存在"英文翻译

6、Government-created national roads, such as the Cumberland Pike (1818) and the Erie Canal (1825), helped move farm produce to market. ─── 像坎伯兰大路(1818)和伊利运河(1825)那样政府修建了交通要道把农产品运往市

7、But when players do something of transcendent athleticism, the twist, turn, jump, pike, flip, or whatever, and they miss the shot, the crowd goes ooh, ooh, oh. ─── 但是当一名球员做出卓越的动作,转身、扭动、跳跃不管什么,然后他投丢了球,于是乎人们开始嘘他。

8、One night there was a heavy snowfall, and in the morning Pike, the malingerer, did not appear.He was securely hidden in his nest under a foot of snow. ─── 一天夜里下了一场大雪,到了早上,装病鬼派克安然躲在一尺深的积雪下的窝里没出来。

9、It resembled a short bar of iron, pointed like a pike at one end. ─── 好象是根短铁钎,一端磨到和标枪一般尖。

10、a pike with a long tapering double-edged blade with lateral projections; ─── 一种两侧具有突出物的长的锋利的双刃矛状物;

11、The basic positions they can take are straight position, free position, pike or tuck. ─── 他们可以采用的基本姿势有:直体、任意姿势、屈体或抱膝。

12、a pike with a long tapering double-edged blade with lateral projections; 16th and 17th centuries. ─── 一种两侧具有突出物的长的锋利的双刃矛状物;和世纪使用。

13、In the pike position,a diver's Body shall be bent at the hips,But the legs must be kept straight at the knees,the feet shall be together and the toes pointed. The position of the arms is optional. ─── 在屈体姿势中,运动员身体髋部弯曲,双腿和膝盖保持平直,双脚并拢,脚尖绷直,手臂姿势自由选择。

14、Pike: A dive where the diver begins with his/her back to the water and during the execution, rotates toward the board. ─── 屈体跳水:运动员跳水时背对水面,在完成动作时,身体面对板翻转。

15、flesh of very large North American pike; a game fish ─── 体形巨大的北美洲梭鱼的肉;一种野味鱼

16、A large food and game fish(Esox masquinongy),the largest member of the pike family,found in lakes and rivers of the northern United States and southern Canada. ─── 北美狗鱼一种大型食用和猎用鱼(北美狗鱼),狗鱼科中最大的一种,发现于美国北部和加拿大南部的湖、河中。

17、front vault with 1/2 turn in pike position straddled ─── 分腿屈体向前跳转180o

18、Was it really the Lord Protector's head that was rammed on a pike in Whitehall, to discourage regicides, only to be blown down in a gale and swiped by a soldier? ─── 为了威慑那些弑君者们,这位“护国公”的头颅被插在了白厅的一根长矛上,不料一阵大风将这颗头颅吹落,一个士兵将头颅窃为己有;

19、It also gives it a variety of common names, including little piked whale, pikehead, and sharp-headed finner. ─── 它还有许多的别名如:小须鲸,矛头鱼,脊鳍鲸。

20、Better be the head of a pike than the tail of a sturgeon. ─── 宁为蛇头,不为龙尾。

21、Swallowed whole活吞Arainbow trout fingerling peers out from the gullet ofanorthern pike at the Alaska Department of Fish Game aquarium in Anchorage. ─── 一只虹鳟鱼从白斑狗鱼的喉咙0惊恐地向外看著,这是来自美国阿拉斯加州安克雷奇(美国阿拉斯加州南部的港口城市)水族馆的图片.

22、A rainbow trout fingerling peers out from the gullet of a northern pike at the Alaska Department of Fish &Game aquarium in Anchorage. ─── 一只虹鳟鱼从白斑狗鱼的喉咙里惊恐地向外看著,这是来自美国阿拉斯加州安克雷奇(美国阿拉斯加州南部的港口城市)水族馆的图片。

23、The basic positions they can take are straight position,free position,pike or tuck. ─── 他们可以采用的基本姿势有: 直体、任意姿势、屈体或抱膝。

24、In a recreation of a medieval battle at the Royal Armoury in Leeds, knights on horseback thunder down on a pike unit. ─── 帕维亚之战发生于1525年2月24日,是意大利四年战争一场决定性的战役。

25、They were armed with a long spear or pike and sword. ─── 他们装备着长矛、长枪或剑。

26、any of several North American species of small pike. ─── 北美洲几个小狗鱼品种。

27、Emic : a term in contrast with etic which originates from American linguist Pike's distinction of phonetics and phonemics. ─── 位学的:来自于美国语言学家派克对与语音学和音位学的区分的一个术语,与非位的相对。

28、Mr. Smith began in a small way and piked along. ─── 史密斯先生开始小本经营而后发迹。

29、Do not look that my appearance looks like the oil pike very much, actually I am inside the pencil family's young blood. ─── 别看我的样子很像油笔,其实我是铅笔家族里面的新成员。我的名字叫主动铅笔,是孩子们都喜欢的书写工具。...

30、The Cultivation Technique of Pachydermatous Tomato "PIKE" ─── "派克"厚皮番茄栽培技术

31、A whole cast of characters---merchants, fishmongers, restaurateurs, craftsmen and buskers ---create the spectacular Pike Place Farmers’ Market. ─── 商家、鱼贩、餐饮业者、工匠及街头艺人组成的一个完整班子营造出令人叹为观止的派克市场。


33、The workers have never seen so large a piece of machinery that came down the pike. ─── 工人们从没见过路上载运这么大的一件机器。

34、voracious pisciverous pike of waters of northern hemisphere ─── 北半球水域中多种以小鱼为食的梭鱼

35、Inward dive: A combination of straight, pike or tuck positions used only in twisting dives. ─── 向内跳水:直体、屈体和抱膝的组合,只用于转体跳水。

36、She's just got a commission to paint Sir Ellis Pike's wife. ─── 她刚刚受委托为埃利斯·克爵士夫人画像。

37、I actually caught my first pike there a little while ago. ─── 不久前我在那钓到了生平第一条梭鱼。

38、These swordsmen are capable of breaking pike formations and wreaking havoc amongst less well armed and trained units.They do however, need to be wary of heavy cavalry. ─── 剑士部队擅长冲击长枪方阵,对其他轻装民兵部队更是所向披靡,但若遭遇敌军重骑兵,则未免死伤惨重。

39、Given some training, equipped with a pike and heavy armour, these troops are one of the toughest units available. ─── 他们接受一些训练,装备矛和重甲,这些队伍十分坚韧。

40、National Pike, West Side of Sideling Hill Mountain, near Hancock, Md. ─── 国家收费公路口,位于美国马里兰州汉考克市附近,西侧面的塞得林希尔山区。

41、"She'll be dry," Pike said curtly when they hit water. ─── 他们打着水,派克唐突地说:"这会干枯的。"

42、voracious pisciverous pike of waters of northern hemisphere. ─── 北半球水域中多种以小鱼为食的梭鱼。

43、Government-created national roads, such as the Cumberland Pike(1818) and the Erie Canal(1825), helped move farm produce to market. ─── 像坎伯兰大路(818)伊利运河(825)样政府修建了交通要道把农产品运往市?

44、cartwheel-11/2 backward piked somersault out ─── 侧手翻屈体后空翻

45、He said he was in Plymouth because he was supposed to make a pickup from a male in the morning and pointed toward the Storage USA facility on Belvoir Road and West Ridge Pike, police said. ─── 他说他在普利茅斯是因为他被一位男性期待在早上来接,然后送往贝尔沃路和瑞芝派克西街上的存储美国公司的工厂,警察说。

46、But I have an another problem. According to Alger Pike's explanation, I made my dialog bar. But every buttons on that bar don't work! Oopse....what can I do? ─── 但我根据他的解释,我生成了自己的对话框条,但上面的每个按钮都不能正常工作!唉...我应该怎么做呢?

47、On his house-top, he displayed pike and cap, as a good citizen must, and in a window he had stationed his saw inscribed as his 'Little Sainte Guillotine'--for the great sharp female was by that time popularly canonised. ─── 他在屋顶插了枪和便帽,那是好公民必办的事。 他还把锯子摆在一个窗户里,标上“小圣徒断头台”,那时那伟大锋利的女性正受到普遍的崇敬。

48、large tropical American food and game fishes of coastal and brackish waters; resemble pike ─── 北美洲热带海滨和半盐水域中的大型食用及猎用鱼;象狗鱼

49、One prisoner there was, lie said, who had been discharged into the street free, but at whom a mistaken savage had thrust a pike as lie passed out. ─── 他说有一个囚犯获得释放,来到了街上,却叫一个野蛮人误伤,挨了一长矛。

50、flesh of very large North American pike; a game fish. ─── 体形巨大的北美洲梭鱼的肉;一种野味鱼。

51、Arowanas only owned simplest “I” -type epipleurals, another type one-end-bifork epineurals was found in pike eel, meanwhile several simple-type epipleurals appeared. ─── 双须骨舌鱼只有形态最简单的“I”形髓弓小骨,没有脉弓小骨;

52、a kind of pike used by foot soldiers in the 14th century ─── 一种14世纪步兵用的矛

53、Sgt. Robert B. Goodman confers with three Chinese drivers at Myitkyina. Soldiers call road "Pick's Pike" after Brig. General Lewis A. Pick who built it. ─── 在密支那附近,皮克将军在看一个路牌,旁边站著中国兵。这个路牌上面写著:

54、any of several North American species of small pike ─── 北美洲几个小狗鱼品种中的一种

55、Impetuous and hot blooded gentry, armed with pikes and excellent armour, this elite unit is one of the best pike units available. ─── 冒险者部队由冲动无畏的贵族们组成,配备精良链甲或板甲,使用长枪作战,堪称最为精锐的长枪步兵。

56、Mr.Smith began in a small way and piked along. ─── 史密斯先生开始小本经营而后发迹。

57、In the statement, RPC chairman Jamie Pike said: "RPC is entering the second half on a more positive note with improvements in our overall pricing position. ─── 在声明中,董事长的RPC杰米派克说: “RPC是进入下半年更积极地改进我们的整体定价的立场。

58、The best of his class at secret training grounds on Yinchorr, Kanos was an expert at the echani fighting form and in wielding a force pike. ─── 在因乔尔星球的秘密训练基地内,卡诺斯是他们班最优秀的学员。他既是埃查尼格斗术的专家,也擅长使用力矛。

59、Here salmon and sea trout are caught on their migration from the Baltic to Lake Malaren.Among the more humble species to be hooked are perch, pike, zander and Baltic herring. ─── 在鲑鱼和海鳟从波罗的海到马拉伦湖洄游时捕渔,同时还能钓到其他种类更为一般的鱼,如河鲈、梭子鱼、梭鲈和波罗的海青鱼。

60、The story of Old John D., as ruthless an industrial pirate as ever came down the pike, is well known, but is being today conveniently ignored. ─── 作为冷酷的显现出工业掠夺倾向的老洛克菲勒的故事广为人知,但是今天却正被轻而易举地忽略着。

61、Tolhurst, Mary Ann Pike, Keith A.Blanton ; ─── 书名/作者 Using the Internet/William A.

62、But I have an another problem.According to Alger Pike's explanation, I made my dialog bar.But every buttons on that bar don't work! ─── 但我根据他的解释,我生成了自己的对话框条,但上面的每个按钮都不能正常工作!

63、"Come on!" said the big white, pushing a small pike of reds. ─── “开始吧!”大个子白人说,推出了一小堆红色筹码。

64、Because its leaves remain green long afer being piked, rosemary became associated with the idea of remembrance. ─── 因为迷迭香的叶子在采摘后很长一段时间还能保持绿色,所以它往往被联想到回忆的思绪.

65、The CAA of Aral Bream and Norttern Pike Growth Maimaitireyimu Abulizi ─── 东方欧鳊及白斑狗鱼生长过程的计算机辅助分析

66、A large food and game fish(Esox masquinongy), the largest member of the pike family, found in lakes and rivers of the northern United States and southern Canada. ─── 北美狗鱼一种大型食用和猎用鱼(北美狗鱼),狗鱼科中最大的一种,发现于美国北部和加拿大南部的湖、河中

67、Find a good Pike Look for a good Pike. You can save your Imbue for Pikes or try to trade for one. ─── 发现一个好长矛寻找一个好长矛。你可以节省打造的机会用来打造长矛,或者试图通过交易得到它。

68、No matter how beautiful, how rich, how filial, no man will marry feet that flop like pike. ─── 不管你多漂亮,多有钱,多孝顺,没有男人愿意娶一个走起路来象黄梭鱼那样啪嗒啪嗒响的姑娘。

69、It is nonetheless, a serious viral disease affecting common and ornamental carp, as well as a variety of other species including tench, roach, rudd, goldfish, pike and wels catfish. ─── 但却是一个严重的病毒性疾病影响,并共同观赏鱼,以及各种各样的其他物种,包括丁,罗奇,澳,金鱼,派克和韦尔斯鲶鱼。

70、Weapons will jam and misfire, cannons will seize up and explode as the field of conflict becomes strewn with the bodies of wounded and dying men, lacerated and dismembered by pike, bayonet and shot. ─── 在战场上武器将会卡弹和不发火,大炮将会塞住而膛炸,甚至炸伤自己的士兵,遭到长枪、长矛、刺刀和子弹贯穿、切断的手足,使整个战场上尸横遍野。

71、A rainbow trout fingerling peers out from the gullet of a northern pike at the Alaska Department of Fish & Game aquarium in Anchorage. ─── 一只虹鳟鱼从白斑狗鱼的喉咙里惊恐地向外看着,这是来自美国阿拉斯加州安克雷奇(美国阿拉斯加州南部的港口城市)水族馆的图片。

72、large tropical American food and game fishes of coastal and brackish waters; resemble pike. ─── 北美洲热带海滨和半盐水域中的大型食用及猎用鱼;象狗鱼。

73、The main EEG character is after-discharge high-amplitude pike wave or multi-pike wave epileptiform encephalic electrical activity which appears after the ending of stimulating. ─── 其中后放电即电刺激中止后出现的高幅棘波或多棘波痫样脑电活动,是其脑电特征。

74、A rainbow trout fingerling peers out from the gullet of a northern pike at the Alaska Department of Fish& amp; Game aquarium in Anchorage. ─── 一只虹鳟鱼从白斑狗鱼的喉咙里惊恐地向外看着,这是来自美国阿拉斯加州安克雷奇(国阿拉斯加州南部的港口城市)族馆的图片。

75、a kind of pike used by foot soldiers in the 14th century. ─── 一种世纪士兵用的矛。

76、She got 9.0 ? 9.5 for one of the most complicated combination ? 2.5 Forward Pike. ─── 她在一个高难度动作--向前翻腾两周半屈体获得了9.0到9.5的高分。

77、forward roll and subsequent backward piked salto ─── 前滚翻接屈体后空翻

78、Almost as a last resort, we ducked into a cattail bay with some flooded timber, thinking we might be able to drag a pike or two out of the trees. ─── 公司比较简陋,对此,他们的解释是,“还有大部分员工在原来的工作地点,这边正在装修”或“公司刚搬家,项目马上要启动,少数人加班”等。

79、It does give a musketeer a short "pike" for hand-to-hand fighting, and that's useful. ─── 出现刺刀前,火绳枪兵要扭转他们的火枪,并把它们作为棒子来击败了对手。

80、Have you heard the one about the pike that tried to eat a mule? Unlike some fisherman's tales this one could be true. ─── 你听说过梭子鱼想吞吃骡子的故事吗?不同于某些瞎吹的故事,这可能是真的。

81、forward somersault out of support piked ─── 后摆屈体前空翻下

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