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08-18 投稿


pewter 发音

英:['pju?t?]  美:['pj?t?]

英:  美:

pewter 中文意思翻译



pewter 网络释义

n. 白蜡;青灰色adj. 青灰色的;锡镴制的

pewter 短语词组

1、pewter art ─── 白蜡艺术

2、pewter definition ─── 白蜡定义

3、mullingar pewter ─── 莫林加锡

4、pewter charms ─── 白蜡饰物

5、pewter colored ─── 白蜡色

6、pewter bells ─── 白蜡钟

pewter 词性/词形变化,pewter变形


pewter 相似词语短语

1、peter ─── v.逐渐减少;先出大牌后出小牌;n.(非正式)阴茎;单人牢房;保险箱;先出大牌后出小牌的行为;n.(Peter)(英、德、丹、斯、塞、瑞)彼得(人名)

2、plowter ─── n.玩水

3、petter ─── 培特;n.(Petter)人名;(法、俄、挪、德)彼得

4、prester ─── n.[气象]普雷斯特龙卷风;n.(Prester)人名;(德、捷)普雷斯特

5、pester ─── vt.纠缠,烦扰;使烦恼;n.(Pester)人名;(德)佩斯特

6、powter ─── 粉末

7、powters ─── 粉末

8、pelter ─── n.雨大降;投掷者或器具;大怒

9、pewterer ─── 白蜡

pewter 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Buy Beer Steins, Pewter Steins, Glassware, Barware From Dropshippers Description : We need to ad ... ─── 美国买家求购啤酒杯,白蜡酒杯,玻璃器具,酒吧...2007-4-10

2、Royal Selangor Pewter Visitor Center ─── 皇家雪兰莪白蜡中心

3、Javert, without saying anything to anybody, took the coach from the Pewter Platter, Cul-de-Sac de la Planchette, and made a trip to Montfermeil. ─── 沙威,没有和任何人谈过这问题,便去小板死胡同,在锡盘车行雇了一辆单人小马车直奔孟费郿。

4、Made of diecast raised pewter, hand painted with an epoxy finish. ─── 网站简介 : Trailer hitch covers for NFL, College, and MLB teams.

5、Most people did not have pewter plates, but, had trenchers, a piece of wood with the middle scooped out like a bowl. ─── 大多数人没有焊锡盘子,而用木制食盘,即把一块木头当中挖空成碗状。

6、The tankard was pewter, very heavy. Empty it and fling it at his head, he thought. ─── 这是个锡制的沉重酒杯,喝干后用它丢向他的脑袋,他想。

7、a pewter tankard ─── 白镴啤酒杯

8、A deep engraved,abstract, tribal-gothic "batesque" design encircles this pewter band ─── 戒指上深深的刻有抽象的,歌特部落的蝙蝠图案,图案绕戒指一周.

9、Utensils made from this variety of pewter. ─── 白镴器皿用这种白镴制成的器皿

10、Roma pewter ─── 罗马铅锡合金

11、" Handcrafted in the U.S.A with 100% lead-free pewter. ─── 美国手工制造,100%无铅白镴。

12、Both Bronze and Brass were widely used in ancient Greece. Pewter plates and tankards were made in the Middle Ages and remained popular until they were superseded by cheaper earthenware and porcelain in the 18th century. ─── 古希腊人则广泛使用青铜和黄铜。中世纪出现了白蜡盘和白蜡杯,一直流行到18世纪才被比较便宜的陶器和瓷器代替。

13、pewter goblets,bowls,tankards,etc ─── 白蜡高脚杯、碗、带把啤酒杯等.

14、Collect furniture, earthenware, pewter and engravings. ─── 收藏傢俱,陶制品,白蜡制品和雕刻品。

15、Elasticated black fishnet, encrusted with a galaxy of Olive crystals, between bat-tipped, pewter bars. ─── 有弹力的黑色渔网,镶嵌一系列黄绿色水晶,中间的短棍材质为锡.

16、"Pewter with little or no lead is of finer quality, and alloys that include antimony and Bismuth are more durable and shinier." ─── 含铅少或不含铅的白镴质量较好,含锑和铋的合金比较耐用,也更光亮。

17、This the pewter soldier did not believe. ─── 锡兵不相信这个。

18、Such pewter, also called black metal, darkened greatly with AGE, and the lead readily leached out in contact with acidic foods. ─── 这样的白镴,也叫做黑金属,因为铅和酸性食物接触容易流失,白镴随着年月会变得很暗。

19、Pewter is really a less toxic and more ancient form of lead that did not fall in the recent cycle. ─── 白蜡事实上毒性更小,是铅并没有在近一个周期里下跌的一种更古老形式。

20、Keywords Fluorite pewter Flotation Quality; ─── 萤石粉;浮选;质量;

21、"I cannot bear it! " said the pewter soldier. ─── “我再也忍受不了!”锡兵说。

22、Ley pewter ─── 莱伊锡铅合金

23、Production of copper, iron, stainless steel, aluminum, zinc alloy, pewter, PVC, acrylic signs, such as materials technology, trademark nameplate, accessories, hardware accessories and craft gifts. ─── 生产各种铜、铁、不锈钢、铝、锌合金、铅锡合金、PVC、压克力等材质的工艺标牌、商标铭牌、装饰品、五金配件及工艺礼品。

24、"Pewter dates Back at least 2,000 years, to Roman times. Ancient pewter contained about 70% tin and 30% lead." ─── "白镴可以追溯到最少2,000年前的罗马时代。古代白镴大约含有70%锡和30%铅。"

25、the pewter jug shining like silver, and filled with wine,and the brown, smoking soup-tureen. ─── 一把灿烂如银的盛满了酒的锡壶和一只热气腾腾的栗黄汤钵。

26、Plant 6,000 square meters, is a professional production in zinc alloy of copper and pewter pieces of welding products. ─── 厂房6000平方米,是一家专业生产于锌合金与铅锡合金铜件烧焊等产品。

27、She took off her skirt and laid it on the bed, then walked over to the desk, turned up the wick of the pewter lamp and sat down. ─── 她解下裙子放在床上,然后走到书桌前面,拨好了桌上锡灯盏里的灯芯,使坐在书桌前面的方凳上。

28、Cheetah-print haircalf with pewter metallic leather trim and lining.Gunmetal hardware.Shoulder straps;10" drop. ─── 豹纹重金属风格的手提包,风格迥异的款式,一看就不一样。

29、Other uses are in storage batteries, ammunition, and low-melting-point alloys (e.g., solder, pewter) and as shielding against sound, vibrations, and radiation. ─── 其他用途有制造蓄电池、枪弹和低熔点的合金(如焊料和白镴),以及隔离声音、振动和幅射的保护装置。

30、We want to buy Pewter Photo Frames, Glass Photo Frame, Polyresin Photo Frame, Perfume Bottle, Jewelry Boxes Jewelry Boxes ─── 我们要采购相片框架,玻璃相片框架,相片框架,香水瓶子,珠宝盒子

31、"Pure tin is too weak to be used alone, But its many alloys include soft solder, pewter, Bronze, and low-temperature casting alloys. ─── 纯锡太软,不好单独使用,而是用它的许多合金,包括软焊料、白镴,青铜以及低温浇铸合金。

32、The withered, yet living hand of the infamous undead, insensitively embraces the strap. Dark pewter with polished highlights, and red cabochon ring. ─── 干枯的,曾经鲜活而臭名昭瞩的不死之手,无声无息的紧拥皮带,尾指佩带一只红宝石戒指。高光的深色锡制成。

33、yellow pewter ─── 低锌黄铜

34、Pewter :Tin-based alloy used to make domestic utensils. ─── 白镴: 锡基合金,用来制作家庭器皿。

35、Decorate your wall with this rose wall cross made from 100% lead-free pewter and handcrafted in the USA. ─── 用这款玫瑰花挂壁十字架,装饰点缀您的墙壁。材质为100%无铅白镴,美国手工制造。

36、Pewter plates and tankards were made in the Middle Ages and remained popular until they were superseded by cheaper earthenware and porcelain in the18 th century. ─── 中世纪出现了白蜡盘和白蜡杯,一直流行到18世纪才被比较便宜的陶器和瓷器代替。

37、We want to buy Aluminium, Pewter, Bronze, Artworks, Hand Crafts, Household Products, Metal Crafts, Other, Art, office Equipment, Candle Holders office Equipment and Supplies ─── 我们要采购铝,青铜,艺术品,手手艺,家庭产品,艺术,办公室设备,蜡烛烛台办公室设备

38、Soon the bar-parlour of the "Hope and Anchor" was filled with men who had come in to drink the healths of the returned brothers, and Sally and the maid were kept busy running to and fro with the pewter tankards and earthenware mugs. ─── 很快“希望和锚”小酒店里挤满了人,他们都为四兄弟平安健康地归来而喝上一杯。 莎丽和女仆来来回回地忙着加满白蜡啤酒壶和陶土啤酒杯。

39、It shall be in the transmutation of lead into pewter and then into gold that love shall be restored as the foundation of thought-form that all species shall live within in the times ahead. ─── 就在把铅转化成白蜡,又转化成黄金的过程中,爱将在前方回归,成为一切物种都将生活于其中的思想形态根基。

40、pewter and lead less than loving or destructive substances. ─── 白蜡和铅则并不及爱,或说是有害的物质。

41、"Such pewter, also called Black metal, darkened greatly with age, and the lead readily leached out in contact with acidic foods." ─── 这样的白镴,也叫做黑金属,因为铅和酸性食物接触容易流失,白镴随着年月会变得很暗。

42、Pearlescent pewter with turquoise shimmer over a charcoal base. ─── 在炭灰色基调上闪耀着珠光锡金与绿松石光芒.

43、Those with money had plates made of pewter. ─── 有钱人使的是用焊锡做的盘子。

44、"Such pewter, also called...ack metal, darkened greatly with age, and the lead readily leached out in contact with acidic foods." ─── 这样的白镴,也叫做黑金属,因为铅和酸性食物接触容易流失,白镴随着年月会变得很暗。

45、How my comrade, the other pewter soldier, lives! ─── 我的同伴,另一个锡兵,他现在活得怎样!

46、At the Royal Selangor's School of Hard Knocks, visitors learn how pewter is produced, and are then given the opportunity to make and personalized a pewter dish of their own. ─── 在皇家雪兰莪锡制品学校,参观者可以了解到锡器是如何制成的,还可以亲自尝试为自己制作个性化的锡盘。

47、"Pewter has an odor." ─── “锡有一股臭气。”

48、Puppy jewelry box with pewter material.It is artificially painted and setted with diamond after gold or silver plated on surface.The mininum order quantity is 40 pcs.(We warmly welcome you to call us! ─── 小狗花篮珠宝盒,材质为铅锡合金,电镀金,彩绘Epoxy,加装水钻,最低订量为40个起订(欢迎来电洽谈,订购).

49、She was staring at the pewter oil lamp whose stem was festooned with cedar twigs and clusters of peanuts. ─── 她呆呆地望着灯盘上缠了柏枝和长生果的锡灯盏出神。

50、and yielded up the pewter medal, ─── 他只好把奖章退给了老师,

51、Galleys of the Lochlanns ran here to beach, in quest of prey, their bloodbeaked prows riding low on a molten pewter sun ─── 一艘艘湖上人的大帆船曾驶到这岸边,来寻觅掠夺品。它们那血红的喙形船首,低低地停泊在融化了的锡镴般的碎浪里。

52、Permanent collection of paintings, sculpture, silver, pewter,ceramics,18-19c furniture and regional contemporary art. ─── 永久收藏品有油画、雕刻品、银器、白腊制器、陶器、18-19世纪家俱以及地区当代艺术。

53、then in the spelling class, and got "turned down," by a succession of mere baby words, till he brought up at the foot and yielded up the pewter medal which he had worn with ostentation for months. ─── 上拼写课时,一连串最简单的字弄得他“翻了船”,结果成绩在全班垫了底,他只好把戴在身上、风光了好几个月的那枚奖章退给了老师。

54、Do you have pewter? ─── 怎么翻译啊?

55、"I thank you for the pewter soldier, my little friend! " said the old man. ─── 亲爱的小朋友,多谢你送给我的锡兵!

56、Looks like a golden pewter mug. ─── 看起来象是金制的白蜡杯。

57、a fine collection of old pewter ─── 一批古白�器皿.

58、The minister stated that a tinker's dam was a dam made by itinerant menders of tinware on a pewter plate to contain the solder. ─── 牧师表示,‘a tinker's dam’是游走于各地的锡器修补匠们在修补器皿时所围成的一个围边,用来填放焊料并防止焊料外溢。)”

59、Most people did not have pewter plates, but, had trenchers, a piece of wood with the middle scooped out like a bowl. ─── 大多数人没有焊锡盘子,而用木制食盘,即把一块木头当中挖空成碗状。

60、Still brandishing the broken half of the pipe and thundering away, Tseng Tsang-hai snatched up a pewter candlestick and hurled it at Ah Erh's face ─── 他站住了,睁圆了眼睛。曾沧海舞着那半段鸦片烟枪,咆哮如雷,一手抢起一枝锡烛台,就又避面掷过去。

61、A copper lamp illuminated the tablecloth of coarse white linen, the pewter jug shining like silver, and filled with wine, and the brown, smoking soup-tureen. ─── 一盏铜灯照着那块洁白宽大的台布,一把灿烂如银的盛满了酒的锡壶和一只热气腾腾的栗黄汤钵。

62、Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaysia, it is famous for the pewter ware of slandor. ─── 吉隆坡是马来西亚首都,以雪兰鹅制的白鼠器具闻名。

63、buy product:Wholesale beads, findings, wire and chain.Sterling silver, Swarovski crystal, Czech glass, Italian glass, gold-fill, pewter and more. $100 minimum order. ─── 经营产品 : 经营产品:经营珠子、链条、纯银、水晶、捷克砖、意大利玻璃等首饰。

64、For instance, my breakfast was for a long time bread and milk (no tea), and I ate it out of a two penny earthen porringer, with a pewter spoon. ─── 例如,我们的早餐一直都只吃面包与牛乳(没有茶),我吃牛乳是用一只价值两便士的陶制粥碗来盛,又用一只锡蜡的汤匙。

65、"Modern pewter is about 91% tin, 7.5% antimony, and 1.5% copper; the absence of lead makes it safe to use for foods and Beverages." ─── 现在白镴大约含91%锡、7.5%锑和1.5%铜;不含铅可以安全地用作盘碟和饮料容器。

66、At a certain temperature, lead becomes pewter. ─── 在特定温度下,铅可以转化成白蜡。

67、I have shed pewter tears! ─── 我流出了锡眼泪!

68、In the museum we saw antique pewter plates. ─── 我们在博物馆看到古时的白镴盘子。

69、Then they imported some pewter mugs and a chafing dish or two from Sixth Avenue, and became a "colony. ─── 然后,他们又从第六街买来一些蜡酒杯和一两只火锅,这里便成了“艺术区”。

70、Decorate your wall with this Fleur de Lis wall crossmade from 100% lead-free pewter and handcrafted in the USA. ─── 用这款三瓣鸢尾花挂壁十字架,装饰点缀您的墙壁。材质为100%无铅白镴,美国手工制造。

71、Keywords gas compressor crosshead ductile iron tin pewter bonding technology; ─── 天然气压液机;十字头;球墨铸铁;锡锑轴承合金;结合工艺;

72、Decorate your wall with this twisted wire wall cross made from 100% lead-free pewter and handcrafted in the USA. ─── 用这款双绞线挂壁十字架,装饰点缀您的墙壁。材质为100%无铅白镴,美国手工制造。

73、One end, indeed, reflected splendidly both light and heat from ranks of immense pewter dishes, interspersed with silver jugs and tankards, towering row after row, on a vast oak dresser, to the very roof. ─── 倒是在屋子的一头,在一个大橡木橱柜上摆着一叠叠的白镴盘子; 以及一些银壶和银杯散置着,一排排,垒得高高的直到屋顶,的确它们射出的光线和热气映照得灿烂夺目。

74、A moderately hard variety of pewter. ─── 白镴中等硬度的白镴

75、Pewter : Tin-based alloy used to make domestic utensils. ─── 白镴:锡基合金,用来制作家庭器皿。

76、American Pewter Guild ─── 美国白蜡行业协会

77、S.A with 100% lead-free pewter. ─── 美国手工制作,材质为100%无铅白镴。

78、Adsorption Approach Of pewter Active Carbon in Liquid phase and Its process ─── 粉炭液相吸附途径及其工艺

79、Harry Potter( mail): All students must be equipped with one standard size2 pewter cauldron and may bring, if they desire, either an owl, a cat or a toad. ─── 哈利·特()所有学生都必须准备一个标准尺寸的白蜡大釜,可自由携带一只猫头鹰,猫,或是蟾蜍。

80、The Society of Mudlarks is a bunch of metal detectorists who have found everything from medieval pewter toys to pilgrims’ badges made of lead and belt buckles from before the Norman Conquest. ─── 掏泥协会有一群金属探测家。从中世纪的铅锡玩具到诺曼底征服前时期的铅制的朝圣者徽章和腰带扣,他们都有发现过。

81、She's ina midnight blue chanel with pewter buttonsand navy stockings. ─── 她穿了一件亚银色扣子的。深蓝色香奈儿上衣 还有藏青色长统袜。

82、The vibrations of love applied to some heavy metals such as pewter begin to transform the metal into silver or gold. ─── 应用到某些重金属如锡铅合金上的爱的振动,会开始将这个金属转化成银或金。

83、"The surface of modern pewter is Bluish white with either a Bright finish or a soft, satin sheen. It resists tarnish, retaining its colour and finish indefinitely. " ─── 现代白镴具有清晰光亮或光泽柔和似缎面的蓝白色表面,可永久不丧失光泽并保持色彩和完美。

84、Then they imported some pewter mugs and a chafing dish or two from Sixth Avenue, and became a 'colony. ─── 然后他们从六马路进口一些白蜡杯和一、两个火上保温盘;于是就在这里“安家”了。

85、High quality chemically treated paper protects silver, nickel, copper, bronze, brass, tin, gold and pewter made items from tarnish. ─── 经化学处理,高质防氧化纸能保护银、镍、铜、锡、金及锡铅合金等之饰件,防止氧化。

86、Dutch pewter ─── 荷兰锡金合金

87、In the morning we went out to the woodpile and chopped up the brass candlestick into handy sizes, and Tom put them and the pewter spoon in his pocket. ─── 到早上,我们走出去,到了木材垛那边,把那座黄铜烛台砍成几小截,汤姆把这一些和一把锡镴调羹放进了自己的口袋。

88、One end,indeed,reflected splendidly both light and heat from ranks of immense pewter dishes,interspersed with silver jugs and tankards,towering row after row,on a vast oak dresser,to the very roof. ─── 倒是在屋子的一头,在一个大橡木橱柜上摆着一叠叠的白镴盘子,以及一些银壶和银杯散置着,一排排,垒得高高的直到屋顶,的确它们射出的光线和热气映照得灿烂夺目。

89、We want to buy Imitaion Jewelry, Gift Box, Frame, Brooch, Necklace, Ring, Pendent, Fashion, Body Jewelry, Pewter, Brass, Silver Fashion / Imitation / Artificial / Costume Jewelry ─── 我们要采购珠宝首饰,礼品盒,帧中继,胸针,项链,戒指,锡,铜,银,时装/仿制/人造/服装饰品

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