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08-18 投稿


battled 发音

英:[?b?tld]  美:[?b?tld]

英:  美:

battled 中文意思翻译



battled 词性/词形变化,battled变形

异体字: battle-axe |

battled 短语词组

1、battled kingdom ─── 战争王国

2、battled synonym ─── 战斗同义词

3、battled def ─── 战斗def

4、battled dementia ─── 与痴呆症作斗争

5、battled define ─── 战斗定义

6、battled net ─── 战网

battled 相似词语短语

1、brattled ─── n.隆隆声;格格声;v.发出格格声(或隆隆声);n.(Brattle)(英、澳、加、美、新)布拉特尔(人名)

2、battler ─── n.战斗者;勇士;n.(Battler)人名;(罗)巴特勒尔

3、batted ─── adj.击出的;v.击打;眨眼;拍(bat的过去分词)

4、tattled ─── vi.闲谈;泄露秘密;n.闲谈

5、battles ─── n.战争;竞争(battle的复数);v.战斗;竞争;搏斗(battle的第三人称单数)

6、buttled ─── vi.做男管家,做仆役长;n.(Buttle)人名;(英)巴特尔

7、rattled ─── adj.担忧的;紧张的;恼火的;v.发出嘎嘎声;发出连续短促的高声;咔嚓咔嚓前进;呆在……里;占用;(非正式)使紧张,使恼火(rattle的过去式和过去分词)

8、battle ─── n.战役;斗争;vi.斗争;作战;vt.与…作战;n.(Battle)人名;(英)巴特尔;(法)巴特勒;(西)巴特莱

9、bottled ─── adj.瓶装的

battled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、After falling behind to a deflected free-kick, England battled gamely and conjured an equaliser through Lineker's dogged persistence and clever finish, which forced yet another period of extra-time. ─── 在对手的一粒任意球使本队落后后,英格兰全队上下勇敢地比赛,终于通过莱因克尔的努力,以一个漂亮的射门扳平了比分。

2、Israeli forces battled Palestinian militants in mhe Gaza Strip's main cityaWednesday and bombed the enclave's southern border with Egypt. ─── 14日,以色列对加沙的攻势进入第19天,以军继续在加沙城与哈马斯开战,并轰炸了加沙与埃及交界的南部边境。

3、The two armies battled all night. ─── 两军彻夜战斗。

4、For three years he battled factions of both parties. ─── 他与两党中各派系斗争达3年之久。

5、But lion-hearted Becks wiped his lips with his sleeve and battled on until being subbed just minutes from time as England won 1-0. ─── 但是雄心壮志的贝克汉姆并没有放弃.用袖子擦干了嘴角后,他重新投入了比赛,直到终场前几分种被主教练换下.英格兰队最终1:0取得了胜利。

6、The soldiers battled militants throughout the day and raided the large village of Maroun al-Ras in several waves before finally taking control, military officials said. ─── 军方官员声称:士兵们积极全天作战,经过了几次奇袭Marounal-Ras村庄后,终于胜利。

7、But when you've battled Brown in the paint in Game3 and watched him score a playoff-high19 points, several on slam dunks, it's easier to rationalize if you create a greater size disparity between yourself and your opponent. ─── 但是当你在第三场比赛当中在内线和布朗对抗,看着他砍下季后赛职业生涯最高的19分,几个爆扣,你就会觉得你和你对手之间体格较大的差距使得这一切看起来是那样的合理。

8、Battled the enemy; battled cancer. ─── 和敌人较量; 对抗癌症

9、They battled with the elements. ─── 他们和大自然搏斗。

10、The museum also tells the story of a real-life incident in 1997, when two heavily armed bank robbers battled police for 44 minutes in the North Hollywood section of the city. ─── 博物馆也讲述了一件1997年发生的真实的意外事故,那时在洛杉机好莱坞北部有两名重武装银行大盗与警察持续了长达44分钟的战斗.

11、I saved galaxies and princesses, conquered worlds, fought off hordes of zombies, battled aliens and lived out my rock swg credit. ─── 中秋佳节日益临近,快乐、祥和的氛围越来越浓重,而对于广大白癜风患者来说,则应小心谨慎,别让中秋假日伤了身体,加重病情的发展。

12、They battled harsh conditions and, at one point , were captured by rebel s. ─── 他们与各种严峻的状况搏斗,甚至一度被叛军俘虏,

13、They once (allegedly) battled god at the Wesleyan chapel. ─── 他们曾经(据闻)在卫斯理大学教堂战斗上帝。

14、They battled strong winds and heavy rains in their carriage. ─── 他们驾着马车与狂风暴雨搏斗。

15、the pair battled side by side. Ironhand acted as Zhuang's hands and Zhuang acted as his feet as they fought the strong opponents together. ─── 俩人曾并肩作战。他曾作为对方的手,对方则成为他的脚。他们一起力抗强敌。

16、He battled cancer for four years. ─── 他同癌症斗争了四年。

17、He battled colon cancer two years ago. ─── 2年前他曾经与肠癌作斗争。

18、Meanwhile, as the WYSIWYG titans battled it out, one significant release from the semantic markup aficionados went almost unnoticed. ─── 在这期间,随着WYSIWYG巨人们分出了胜负,由语义标记狂热爱好者们推出的一个重要版本几乎没有受到注意。

19、A left footed full-back who was often used on the right, Nela was part of the successful Roma side that battled for the Scudetto against arch rivals Juventus in the early 1980s. ─── 全能的罗马左后卫经常踢的位置是右后卫,内拉是20年代意甲和尤文图斯争雄的罗马主力球员之一。

20、For years, Lucille Jackson battled gangs and extreme violence in her community to provide hope for her 17-year-old grandson. ─── 杰克逊为了给她17岁的孙子带来希望,多年来一直和社区里的黑帮和极端暴力进行斗争。

21、He battled colon cancer 2 years ago. ─── 两年前他曾与结肠癌抗争过。

22、According to Korfax, Champion of the Light, the first Dreadnaught's Battlegear was also forged for Mograine at this time, giving him the look of a demon as he battled the Scourge. ─── 倚赖于科尔法克斯,圣光之勇士,第一套无畏战甲在此时也为莫格莱尼铸造出来,让他穿着它在与天灾军团的战争中看起像一个魔鬼。

23、They battled the enemy for two weeks. ─── 他们和敌人搏斗了两个星期。

24、The superheroes seemed to be a symbol of strength to this child who had battled a rare disease his whole young life. ─── 他生动地描绘了他所喜欢的机器人角色,外表五彩缤纷地超级加动队,他一点也不在意戴在他头上的沉重的笨重金属圈。

25、"The 15th-century voyages of discovery were launched largely as a result of the spice trade, and in the 17th century Portugal and the British, Dutch, and French East India companies Battled furiously for dominance. " ─── 15世纪时的探索之旅主要是因香料贸易而开始,17世纪时,葡萄牙和英属、荷属、法属东印度公司间为取得控制权而有激烈的战斗。

26、The football-mad Irish prime minister Bertie Ahern has not missed a beat as Mick McCarthy's men battled their way through to the last 16 and at times he has sounded more like a coach than a premier. ─── 在麦卡锡带领爱尔兰队一路杀进16强的过程中,同样是铁杆球迷的爱尔兰总理伯蒂·埃亨没有漏掉一场比赛。听起来,他有时更像一位足球教练而不是总理。

27、He battled cancer for four years. ─── 他同癌症斗争了四年。

28、In Frankfurt, an emergency force of about 150 policemen battled an estimated 400 vandals who rampaged through a pedestrian shopping mall, leaving streets strewn with merchandise and shattered glass. ─── 在法兰克福,一个由150名警察组成的紧急部队同大约400名破坏份子进行了激战,这伙人捣毁了一条露天街市,使沿街撒满了各种商品和玻璃碎片。

29、Witness the epic true story of Caesar's nephew Octavius, who successfully battled General Marc Antony for the throne and revolutionized the Roman Empire. ─── 可惜他最终保卫军主不果,在凯撒断气前,命令泰安纳斯保卫他的继任者,18岁的侄儿奥克塔维厄斯,但元老仍想将他灭族...

30、As firefighting crews battled the blazes, authorities blamed arsonists for starting some, and even relighting others that had been brought under control. ─── 在消防人员与大火搏斗的同时,有关当局还指出有些火灾是由纵火犯点燃,甚至有些地方的火势已经得到了控制,却被人再次点燃。

31、Jayla has battled leukemia for the past two years. It's a battle that will likely end in a few weeks. ─── 加伊拉两年前被查出患有白血病,医生说她只能再活几个星期。

32、He always fought her off. The more she strove to bring him to her, the more he battled her back. ─── 他老是撵她走,她愈想靠近他,他愈想赶她走。

33、Indian commandos battled into the early hours of Friday to end a multiple hostage crisis in Mumbai after suspected Islamic militants killed 125 people across the city. ─── 在可疑的伊斯兰武装人员杀死125人后,印度警方为了结束多起发生在孟买的人质危机,一直战斗到周五凌晨。

34、In Queensland, firefighters battled a string of blazes as the unseasonally dry weather stoked the flames. ─── 在昆士兰,消防队员正在与反常的干旱气候所招致的一系列大火奋战。

35、They battled all these difficulties and finally won through. ─── 他们和这种困难做斗争,最后获得了胜利。

36、Other witnesses say emergency services may have taken up to 30 minutes to reach the scene as they battled through the early morning traffic that chokes the city every day. ─── 参考翻译:其他目击者称,由于早上交通拥挤,急救服务花费了30分钟才到达现场。

37、The two boxers battled until the final bell . ─── 两名拳击手争斗到最后铃响。

38、The man himself had already died five years earlier, at the age of 50, a victim of a liver disease he had battled much of his adult life. ─── 波拉诺本人已于五年前逝世,年仅50,死因是他从成年起就一直与之做斗争的肺病。

39、Walton has battled nagging injuries throughout the year and has failed to establish himself on either end of the court. ─── 他整个赛季都在受伤病的困扰,这使得他无法在攻防两端找到状态。

40、Kicking off Mr Tung's election rally, Mr Fok said that the chief executive had battled incredible odds, irrational attacks and problems left by the colonial government. ─── 在支持董建华连任大会开始时,霍英东表示:行政长官克服极大困难和无理攻击,及殖民地留下的问题。

41、A day earlier in Khost, several militants barricaded themselves inside government buildings and battled Afghan and coalition forces for hours. ─── 一天前在霍斯特,一些激进分子在政府大楼内筑起工事,与阿富汗和联军部队激战了数小时。

42、China and Taiwanhave long battled for diplomatic recognition from South Pacific nations, eager for their support in international forums. ─── 中国大陆和台湾长期以来为争南太平洋国家的外交承认而争斗不休,双方都热切地希望得到这些国家在国际论坛上的支持。

43、Several platforms, including OS/2 and the Macintosh, have already battled Windows for the desktop, and in 1998 Linux was enlisted for the same campaign. ─── 包括os/2和Macintosh在内的几种平台已经与Windows在桌面系统中较量过,1998年,Linux也加入这一争斗当中。

44、For three years he battled factions of both parties . ─── 他与两党中各派系斗争达三年之久。

45、The plaintiff battled the decision all the way to the Supreme Court. ─── 原告不服这项判决,上诉直到最高法院。

46、That would yield a fine irony: China's government spreading its line using the technology of a company it has battled over censorship. ─── 那样的话,就会形成一个绝妙的讽刺:中国政府曾在审查问题上与谷歌不和,但它又在利用这家公司的技术来扩大自己的影响力。

47、He told us stories of how he had battled the elements on his mountaineering trips. ─── 他给我们讲述他登山时是怎样顶住坏天气的。

48、They battled heroically for seven days and nights. ─── 他们英勇地战斗了七昼夜。

49、46. He had talked rapidly, almost like a drunken man, as his reeling brain battled with the rising shock of the malarial stroke. ─── 他连珠炮似地说着,几乎象喝醉了酒一样,这时,他朦朦胧胧的大脑正在和步步逼近的疟疾搏斗呢。

50、No great and famous soldier ever battled more strongly against an enemy. The turkey and all the other food were gone almost as quickly as they appeared. ─── 伟大出名的士兵正坚强地和敌人打斗。火鸡和所有其他食物都被吃掉了。几乎跟他们拿出来一样快。

51、They battled like an avenging angel for the seamen's rights ─── 他们像复仇的天使一样为海员的权利而斗争。

52、He battled for three years with the wind and the cold and the soil before he admitted he was wrong. ─── 为此,他同狂风、严寒、瘠土整整搏斗了三年,然而一事无成,最后只得认输。

53、The high school coach who battled with the young phenom, only to see him win two state titles elsewhere. ─── 和年轻的天才运动员共同作战,结果却看到他在别处赢得两个州冠军的高中教练;

54、He battled on, in the sublime conviction that he was in the right. ─── 他继续战斗,深信自己有理。

55、The two fighters battled for half an hour. ─── 两个拳击手战斗了半小时。

56、In those days, humans often battled against each other. ─── 在那些日子里,人类经常相互展开战斗来攻击对方。

57、No great and famous soldier ever battled more strongly against an enemy. ─── 伟大出名的士兵正坚强地和敌人打斗。

58、Israeli forces battled Palestinian militants throughout parts of the Gaza Strip as troops fanned out, tanks moved into position and war planes and naval vessels continued to bombard their targets. ─── 以色列部队在加沙地区继续同巴勒斯坦激进分子交战。以军的地面部队在加沙地带分布开来,以军的坦克各就各位,战机和海军舰艇仍在继续轰炸目标。

59、They battled many creatures and foes before defeating their archenemy. The Shredder. ─── 他们过五关斩六将,终于战胜了他们的宿敌。

60、He had a couple shaky innings where he gave up runs, but he battled without great stuff and seemed alright to me. ─── 他前几局遇到乱流丢了几分,但是他还是以他不是最好的球路奋战下去,我觉得还好吧。

61、Miguel has been a long-term target for Juve, which had hoped to sign him as a free agent as he battled Benfica over a contract dispute. ─── 米格尔是尤文关注了很久的目标,现在都希望米格尔能以自由身离开,早日结束他和本菲卡的合同纠纷。

62、The warehouse where you FIRST battled shocker is where this arena is. ─── 你首先与令人震惊的人战斗的仓库是这个领域在的地方。

63、The two armies battled all night furiously. ─── 两军整夜激战。

64、Smith and McAdoo battled it out for 16 days until the exhausted convention nominated John W.Davis of West Virginia on the 103rd ballot. ─── 史密斯和麦卡杜的竞争持续了整整16天,直到筋疲力尽的会议各方最终在第103次投票中提名约翰戴维斯为西弗吉尼亚州的候选人。

65、They battled for freedom. ─── 他们争取自由。

66、In eight years, she battled impeachment attempts and attempts of a military takeover. ─── 八年来,她挫败了弹劾她以及军事接管的企图。

67、They battled against the winds and waves. ─── 他们与风浪搏斗。

68、But other European Union nations were opposed, including Spain which has battled a violent Basque separatist movement for decades. ─── 但其他欧盟国家表示反对,其中包括几十年来遭受巴斯克分裂运动困饶的西班牙。

69、As Afghan warlords battled for control of the city, fighters pillaged the national museum, selling the choicest artifacts on the black market and using museum records to kindle campfires. ─── 在阿富汗军阀掀起漫天战端、争夺喀布尔的控制权时,士兵们洗劫这座国家博物馆,把最上等的文物拿到黑市贩卖,还用博物馆的纪录文件来点燃营火。

70、The two boxers battled until the final bell. ─── 两个拳击手直斗到最后铃响。

71、In tax, service bureaus battled for clients as some of the big players collapsed, and CPAs began to move tax prep in-house -- which worked out very well for them. ─── 在税务方面,专业服务提供商为抢夺客户争得你死我活,一些大公司也在这场争夺中倒闭。CPA们开始把税务业务揽入自己囊中,事实证明,他们在这个领域做得也不差。

72、Smith and McAdoo battled it out for 16 days until the exhausted convention nominated John W. Davis of West Virginia on the 103rd ballot. ─── 史密斯和麦卡杜的竞争持续了整整16天,直到筋疲力尽的会议各方最终在第103次投票中提名约翰戴维斯为西弗吉尼亚州的候选人。

73、Over the next eight years, my father battled back and forth, suffering another three heart attacks until he ended up with a pacemaker. ─── 在随后的8年里,我父亲不断与病魔抗争,心脏病又发作过三次,最后装上了起搏器。

74、For six days and nights they battled to save his life. ─── 他们苦战了六昼夜来抢救他的生命。

75、His continued good play was one of the bright spots in the otherwise painful Cavs 105-88 loss to the Lakers on Monday as he had 12 points and battled Kobe Bryant respectably on defense. ─── 他延续了上一场良好的状态,骑士105-88输给湖人,他在科比的防守下得到12分,是比赛的亮点之一。

76、The former Magpies midfielder, who has battled alcoholism and depression in the past, also revealed he could have signed for Manchester United as a youngster. ─── 前喜鹊中场,曾和酒精和抑郁抗战的加斯科因同时透露,他差点在年青的时候加盟曼联。

77、They battled with the winds and waves . ─── 他们与风浪进行搏斗。

78、At least four people have been killed as rival Palestinian factions battled today in Gaza. ─── 今天巴勒斯坦反动派别在加沙发动的斗争造成至少四人死亡。

79、The seven times men's champion battled the pain of tendinitis in his left shin during the Wimbledon fortnight and visibly hobbled his way through several matches. ─── 七次夺得温布尔登冠军的桑普拉斯在温布尔登比赛的两周里就在不断的同左胫骨肌腱的伤病斗争,在多场比赛中,蹒跚的步履已经明显影响了他的发挥。

80、It was a day of fierce fighting on the streets of Beirut as Shiite Hezbollah supporters and Sunnis battled it out.At least four people died. ─── 什叶派真主党支持者和逊尼派教徒为一决胜负在贝鲁特街道上发生了激烈的冲突,造成至少四人死亡。

81、They battled away for a long time. ─── 他们奋斗了很长一段时间。

82、Both teams battled hard. ─── 两队拼得很厉害。

83、Even reputable channels suffered from appalling inaccuracies as they battled to be “first”. ─── 即便是很有名的频道,由于都争当“第一”,因此也是报道惊人的不准确。

84、Both teams battled hard. ─── 两队拼得很厉害。

85、They battled bravely. ─── 他们勇敢地战斗。

86、Gallantly they battled on. ─── 他们勇敢地战斗下去。

87、She gallantly battled on alone. ─── 她单枪匹马继续英勇顽强地战斗。

88、They battled against heavy odds. ─── 他们以寡敌众。

89、He has battled against Nazi villains, a Beduin swordsman and a pit of poisonous snakes. ─── 他的对手曾经包括纳粹恶棍、贝多因剑客和满坑的毒蛇。

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