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08-19 投稿


objectless 发音

英:[??bd?ektl?s]  美:[??bd??ktl?s]

英:  美:

objectless 中文意思翻译



objectless 短语词组

1、objectless def ─── 无对象定义

2、objectless definition ─── 无对象定义

3、objectless meaning ─── 无对象意义

4、objectless meditation ─── 无目标冥想

objectless 相似词语短语

1、abjectness ─── n.悲惨(卑鄙;无耻)

2、affectless ─── adj.冷酷无情的;缺乏感情的

3、object lessons ─── 实物教学课;实际教训

4、subjectless ─── adj.无主题的;无题的

5、beatless ─── 不受打击的

6、object glass ─── 接物镜;[光]物镜

7、objectlessness ─── 无对象性

8、object lesson ─── 实物教学课;实际教训

9、objectlessly ─── 客观地

objectless 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、melancholy, the apparently objectless promenades of the dreamer. ─── 带着漫无目的的神情徘徊观望。

2、It was the same vehicle whence, a year ago, I had alighted one summer evening on this very spot — how desolate, and hopeless, and objectless! ─── 一年前的一个夏夜,我就是从这辆马车上走下来,就在这个地方——那么凄凉,那么无望,那么毫无目的!

3、There are certain states of body and mind which are productive of objectless fright, and the most ridiculous thing in the world is able to provoke it to activity. ─── 而一旦被引发后,哪怕最荒缪无伦、最微不足道的事情都能将其激活。

4、7. He roamed from chamber to chamber with hurried, unequal and objectless steps. ─── 他漫无目的地从一个房间游荡到另一个房间,步子时大时小,但总是十分急促。

5、Hence, in these not very attractive places, indelibly stamped by the passing stroller with the epithet: melancholy, the apparently objectless promenades of the dreamer. ─── 因此,富于冥想的人爱在那些缺少诱惑力、从来就被过路行人视作“凄凉”的地方,带着漫无目的的神情徘徊观望。

6、paradox of objectless representations is made up of two propositions:"Each representation represents an object" ― "Each representation does not correspond to an object". ─── 无对象表象悖论由两个对立的命题构成:“每个表象都表象一个对象”——“并非每个表象都有对象”。

7、objectless representation ─── 无对象表象





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