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08-19 投稿


gage 发音

英:[ge?d?]  美:[ged?]

英:  美:

gage 中文意思翻译




gage 网络释义

vt. 以…为担保;以…为赌注n. 计量器;挑战;抵押品n. (Gage)人名;(塞)加格;(英)盖奇;(葡)加热

gage 词性/词形变化,gage变形

动词过去分词: gaged |动词过去式: gaged |动词现在分词: gaging |动词第三人称单数: gages |

gage 短语词组

1、bourdan gage error detector ─── [电] 波顿检差器

2、consistency gage ─── [化] 稠度计

3、bonded strain gage ─── [电] 搭接应变线规

4、American standard wire gage ─── [机] 美国标准线号规

5、bubble gage ─── [化] 气泡指示器

6、British Standard Wire Gage ─── [化] 英国标准线规

7、capacitance-type pressure gage ─── [化] 电容式压力计

8、adjustable gage ─── [机] 可调整量规

9、bite gage ─── [医] Ж尺, 咬合尺

10、center gage ─── [机] 中心规

11、air pressure gage ─── [机] 空气压力表

12、blast gage ─── [机] 鼓风计

13、American wire gage ─── [化] 美国线规

14、compression gage ─── [化] 压缩真空计

15、adjustable limit snap gage ─── [机] 受限钉头样规

16、capacitor pressure gage ─── [化] 电容式压力计

17、adjustable snap gage ─── [机] 可调整卡规

18、acceptance gage ─── [机] 验收量规

19、compensating gage ─── [化] 补偿片

20、Bayard-Alpert ionization gage ─── [电] 巴雅-阿尔培电离真空计

gage 相似词语短语

1、gager ─── n.计量者;检量官(等于gauger)

2、gaged ─── v.以……为担保,以……为赌注(gage的过去式和过去分词)

3、-age ─── n.年龄;时代;寿命,使用年限;阶段;vi.成熟;变老;vt.使成熟;使变老,使上年纪;n.(Age)人名;(瑞典)阿格;(日)扬(姓);(西、荷)阿赫

4、Cage ─── n.笼,兽笼;牢房,监狱;vt.把…关进笼子;把…囚禁起来;n.(Cage)人名;(法)卡热;(英)凯奇

5、gages ─── n.量规,标定测量头;[经]抵押品(gage的复数形式);v.以…做抵押(gage的三单形式)

6、gauge ─── n.计量器;标准尺寸;容量规格;针织物的细度;vt.测量;估计;给……定规格

7、Page ─── n.页;记录;大事件,时期;历史篇章;男侍者;(美国议员的)青年助理;vt.给…标页码;vi.翻书页,浏览;n.(Page)人名;(西)帕赫;(英)佩奇;(意)帕杰;(法)帕日

8、gadge ─── 年

9、Gage ─── n.抵押品,(为决斗而抛下的)抵押物;挑战;计量器(gauge的另一种拼写);v.以……为担保,以……为赌注;n.(Gage)(美)加热(人名)

gage 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Though Gage continued to live and work as before, his fellow employees observed a shift in the equilibrium of his personality. ─── 虽然盖奇仍然像以前一样生活和工作,但他的同事们注意到他的个性平衡发生了变化。

2、The gage location then marked on the specimen and the gage is positioned by using a rigid transparent type. ─── 在试件上标出应变片位置,并用一片结实的半透明胶纸将应变片定位。


4、A unique example of the slack diaphragm is the draft gage. ─── 弱膜片的典型例子是风压计。

5、Power densities that can be tolerated by a gage are strongly related to the specimen which serves as the heat sink. ─── 应变片所能允许的电能密度与起着散热器作用的试件密切相关。

6、The Laser Micro-gage 2D brings measuring and alignment versatility to industry in a simple, easy to use and affordable package. ─── 进口工业网的激光微量规是一款工业级别的测量和校准设备,结构简单,使用简便。

7、He received his Ph.D. in 1976 from Johns Hopkins University.Before joining the Salk Institute in 1994, Gage was a professor of neuroscience at U.C.S.D. ─── 1976年他从美国约翰霍普金斯大学取得博士学位,1994年加入沙克研究院之前,他是加州大学圣地牙哥分校的神经科学教授。

8、The strength of warp knitting fabrics may be increased by using yarns of strong fibers, yarns of balanced construction, and a high gage with strong fine yarns. ─── 增加经编织物强度的方法有:使用高强纤维纱线,使用具有平衡结构的纱线,采用较高的机号和细的高强纱线。

9、Line stop caused by inefficient gage verification or calibration. ─── 因计量器具检定或校准不及时造成的停产情况。

10、Duplicate 12-in. long specimens were calibrated with an 8-in. gage length. ─── 两个完全相同的12英寸试样用8英寸标距来标定。

11、There had been some suggestion that perhaps older brains simply lost their capacity for neurogenesis, but Dr Gage says this study demonstrates otherwise. ─── 以前有些人认为,也许年老的大脑完全丧失了神经元再生能力,但DrGage认为这项研究证明不是这样的。

12、A railway worker named Phineas Gage survived an incident during which a metal rod skewered his skull, taking a considerable amount of his neocortex with it. ─── 一位名叫菲尼亚斯·盖奇的铁路工人在一次事故中幸免于难,当时一根金属棒刺穿了他的头骨,并带走了相当多的新皮层。

13、In this application, the carrier for the gage is removed, and the grid is totally encased in ceramic . ─── 在这种应用中,要去掉应变片的载体,使格栅完全封在陶瓷内。

14、The primary functions are gage and restrict each other behaviors,promote the general medical services,adjust the compensative ways. ─── 主要作用:规范、制约双方行为,促进开展全科医疗服务,调整补偿和服务方式。

15、Thirty thousand pounds were given under the gage of the jewels. ─── 三万镑贷款是以那些珠宝作为抵押的。

16、In mice, Mr. Gage says, "even a fairly short period" of exercise "and a short distance seems to produce results. " ─── 对于小鼠来说,盖奇博士说,“甚至一个相当短时间段”的锻炼“和短短的距离看似即可产生结果。”

17、Can you gage what her reaction is likely to be? ─── 你能揣测她的反应可能是什么吗?

18、A huge metal rod had gone through the front part of Gage's brain, but his language abilities were unaffected. ─── 一根大铁杆穿过了盖奇的大脑的前部,但他的语言能力却未受影响。

19、Pawned honest looks, but laid no words to gage. ─── 只会用忠厚的神情,不会用言语来保证。

20、The pressure and speed for each mechanism can be adjusted and the pressure gage is also installed at the outside moue conveniently. ─── 各机构之压力与速度均可由外部调整,压力表亦配置在机台处部,使机械操作与调整更方便。

21、The key to control flying gage change(FGC) on a tandem cold mill is to deal with the intercoupling between the process variables,such as thickness,stress and so on. ─── 冷连轧动态规格变换过程实现控制的主要困难在于冷轧过程中厚度、张力等被控变量之间的相互耦合作用。

22、The exist gage model of the steel plate is dissected into different models.Control on the exist gage of the plate has been well carried out by introduction of various application models. ─── 分解钢板出口厚度模型,通过对各应用模型的介绍,实现了对钢板出口厚度的控制。

23、Prepare, set up and operate the strain gage measurement for strain test requirement. ─── 为应力应变试验进行应变片的粘贴等准备。

24、"You're awfully nice to me," I said. The nurse called Miss Gage giggled. ─── “你们待我真好”,我说。那个叫盖奇小姐的护士娇笑了一下。

25、He used a gage to check the fuel pressure. ─── 他采用一种计量表检查燃油压力。

26、Gage was injured in an accident in which a rod passed though his skull and destroyed a large part of his brain. ─── 盖奇曾在一次意外事故中受伤,一根杆子刺穿了他的颅骨,并毁坏了他的大部分大脑。

27、The stability of the gage will be seriously impaired. ─── 应变片的稳定性将被严重削弱。

28、He had to leave his house as gage. ─── 他不得不把房子作为抵押。

29、He think it is time that he throw down the gage to his opponent. ─── 他认为向对手挑战的时候到了。

30、The five types are experienced when you gage external things correctly, when you gage them incorrectly, when you imagine anything, when you sleep and when you experience memory. ─── 当你正确地计度外物、当你错误地计度外物、当你相像、当你睡眠和回忆时,这都是你在体验这五种心的无明之动之时。

31、He thought it was time that he throw down the Gage to his opponent. ─── 他认为向对手挑战的时候到了。

32、To handle outside gage verification or calibration. ─── 处理计量器具外部检定或校准业务。

33、A Measurement for a Plug Gage with a Small Diameter ─── 小直径塞规的测量

34、Yet as the case of Gage and numerous subsequent individuals has shown, the self can plod on, albeit changed, after quite radical brain damage. ─── 像盖奇这样的例子以及大量的随后的病例已经表明:在对大脑进行根本性的损伤之后,尽管有所改变,但其自身最终还会缓慢的恢复过来。

35、What gage of wire do you require? ─── 你需要什么规格的电线?

36、Fred(“Rusty”) Gage and his team at the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California, studied young and old adult mice. ─── SalkInstituteinLaJolla,California,的Fred(“Rusty”)Gage和他的团队研究了中年和老年老鼠。

37、The interferometric strain gage offers a method for measuring strain without actual use of a gage. ─── 干涉应变计提供了一种实际上不用仪器测量应变的方法。

38、Another three measuring techniques, strain gage, laser Doppler vibrometer and NBS transducer, are also used in this study to verify the results obtained from grating-based fiber. ─── 在本论文中亦将使用应变规、雷射都卜勒振动仪及压电式感测器三种量测技术并与光纤光栅的量测结果做比较以确定研究成果的可行性与正确性。

39、The strain gage based on mechanical principles is the scratch gage. ─── 以机械原理为基础的应变计是刻痕应变计。

40、Coordinate gage sourcing and managing usage, maintain and reparation of inspection instruments. ─── 协调检测设备的购买和日常使用的管理和维护.

41、Flocculated cement particle distributions were tested by using laser fineness gage,at the same time,the author educed fractal dimensions. ─── 应用激光粒度分析仪分析了掺加超塑化剂前后,水泥絮凝粒度分布情况;

42、I would like the 16 x 16 squares per inch at the thickest gage wire possible. ─── 如果您是本网注册会员,请登录后查看联系方式。

43、He owed his friend a large sum of money and had to leave his house as gage. ─── 他欠了他朋友一大笔钱,不得不把房子作为抵押。

44、The debtor or third party prescribed in the proceeding paragraph shall be the mortgagor, the creditor shall be the mortgagee, the property offered to guarantee shall be the gage. ─── 前款规定的债务人或者第三人为抵押人,债权人为抵押权人,提供担保的财产为抵押物。

45、To implement inside gage verification or calibration. ─── 实施公司内部计量器具检定或校准业务。

46、In addition,a simulation test by microcomputer shows the correctness and feasibility of the method,as well as the advantage in improving the flat shape and the gage accuracy. ─── 微机模拟试验证明了该方法的正确可行性,以及保证板厚板形质量的有效性。

47、What gage of wire should we use for this job? ─── 我们干这活应该用多大号的铁丝?

48、APG-FC2 suspension fork is the lightening Air-spring suspension fork.It has a pressure gage to show the pressure value. ─── FC2避震前叉是一种可自给调整压力且可显示压力值的轻量化气压式避震前叉。

49、The model is used to analyze the effect of the gage,lateral deviation and local density in belt on the radial force variation (RFV) and lateral force variation (LFV). ─── 分析在静态条件下子午线轮胎带束层厚度变化、左右偏移量以及局部密度变化对轮胎径向力波动和侧向力波动的影响。

50、Manage gage and test instrument in plant and responsible for calibration of gage and test instrument. ─── 安排计量设施设备的管理,对公司的计量设备设施的校验准确性负责;

51、DO: Keep hair soft and natural when pinning it up (as seen on Michelle Williams and Rachel Weisz)."It's a prettier version of how you throw your hair up at the office," says Gage. ─── 在束头发时保持头发的柔软和自然感,如米歇尔?威廉姆斯和雷切尔?威兹那样。

52、You were saying how much she used to love you, how she wanted to marry you.Today it was quite obvious she's on close terms with Hsin-mei while she never gage you so much as a straight look in the face. ─── 你说她从前如何爱你,要嫁给你,今天她明明和赵辛楣好,正眼都没瞧你一下。

53、Poor Bill, all his things are at gage . ─── 可怜的比尔,他所有的东西都当掉了。

54、No, we didn't need a frames per second gage, and yes, we're sad like that. ─── 不,我们不需要帧每秒计,并肯定的,我们这样的悲哀。

55、Main products: HAN-LOK cutting sleeve high/ low pressure valve, cutting sleeve adapter, gage, stainless steel tube, high-pressure hose, automatic welding ball valve etc. ─── 上海汉洛珂阀门有限公司的产品:HAN-LOK卡套高压/低压阀门、卡套转换接头、仪表、不锈钢管、高压软管、自动焊球阀等多种系列;

56、Can easily use basic metrology equipment, such as caliper, micrometer, indicator, feeler gage etc. ─── 会使用卡尺、千分尺、千分表、塞尺等常用计量工具;

57、Is it necessary to align a ring gage beofre the dia measurement.I have read somewhere that we dun need to make alignment for dia measurements.is it right? ─── 在直径测量之前有必要定位环规。我已经某处读我们需要制造对准直径测量.是吗?

58、To provide technical support for persons related gage control in company. ─── 对公司内部相关计量业务人员提供技术支持。

59、Natural diamond ID adn OD gage, feeder/collector fluid courses with ID flow. ─── 内外保径使用天然金刚石,内保径上设置集槽式流道。

60、The carrier material also provides electrical insulation between the gage and the component after the gage is mounted. ─── 在应变片安装之后,传导体又成为应变片与零件之间的电绝缘体。

61、The awning is suitable for hard walls.such as:concrete walls, brick walls,wooden wall,light gage steel joist walls etc.It can be installed on ceilling also . ─── 可适用于混凝土、砖墙、木质、轻钢龙骨等硬性墙体安装,还可以实现吊顶安装。

62、One afternoon in September 1848, a tragedy happed to Gage. ─── 1848年9月的一个下午,有一名叫菲尼亚斯.盖奇的美国人身上发生了一场悲剧。

63、Special gage cutter layout assist the drilling operation when tight hole conditions are encountered or back reaming is required. ─── 保径上的特殊布齿可在遇到缩径或要求反扩眼时帮助完成钻井作业.

64、Strain gage hole drilling method is one of the most popular residual stress measurement methods. ─── 应变片钻孔法是工程中应用最广的残余应力测量方法之一。

65、New findings suggest that Gage managed to soften these abrupt changes over time and rediscover an appropriate social manner. ─── 新的发现表明,随着时间的推移,Gage 设法缓和了这些突然的变化,并重新发现了一种适当的社交方式。

66、DO: Go fuss-free (like Keira Knightley and Sheryl Crow), but for a finishing touch, "wrap your hair around the elastic to cover it," says Gage. ─── 如何在繁琐的发型打造中寻找到简便之举?学学凯拉·奈特莉和雪瑞儿·克鲁吧,像她们那样将头发扎成马尾也同样时尚。

67、A dynamic strain gage is developed for dynamic stress test at900℃ of turbine rotor blades of an aeroengine. ─── 为了对某型航空发动机涡轮转子叶片在900℃温下进行动应力测试,研制了900℃态应变计。

68、Must have working knowledge of CMM, micro-height, hardness tester, surface gage, calipers, and additional equipment. ─── 必须有关于CMM,高度测量,硬度测试,表面测量,齿轮等设备知识。

69、His reproachful gage speared into my heart. ─── 他那谴责的目光直刺我的心。

70、digital multipurpose wind speed gage ─── 多功能数字风速仪

71、One afternoon in September 1848, a tragedy happed to Gage. A huge metal rod had gone through the front part of Gage's brain, but his language abilities were unaffected. ─── 1848年9月的一个下午,有一名叫菲尼亚斯.盖奇的美国人身上发生了一场悲剧。一根大铁杆穿过了盖奇的大脑的前部,但他的语言能力却未受影响。

72、Model 25DL PLUS Digital Ultrasonic Multi-Mode Thickness Gage, AC or Battery Operation, 50-60 Hz, with Internal Alphanumeric Datalogger. ─── Model 25DL PLUS数字式超声多模式厚度计,50-60 Hz交流或电池供电,内置文字数字存储器。

73、Product quality issues caused by nonconforming gage control. ─── 因不合格的计量器具造成的产品质量事故情况。

74、The above circuit serves to illustrate the principle of the gage. ─── 上述线路图是用来说明应变计的作用原理的。

75、Bayard- Alpert ionization gage ─── B-A型电离计

76、Development on the Ionization Gage, DL-7(ZJ-12)B ─── DL-7(ZJ-12)B型电离规管的研制

77、The classical examples are strain gage devices. ─── 传统的例子是应变仪装置。

78、National qualification for Gage calibration. ─── 国家计量校准资格。

79、How about some more gage? ─── 再来点威士忌好吗?

80、Is a person's behavior under stress a reliable gage of his character? ─── 人在受到压力时的行为能做衡量其品性的可靠尺度么?

81、Method of reduce hot output disperse of foil gage ─── 减小箔式应变计热输出分散度的方法

82、Two-way cartridge valve control systems and fittings, agent of pressure gage, sensor and relays. ─── 二通插装阀系统及其附件、代理压力表、压力传感器、压力继电器。

83、In order to size a stop-check the technical information needed is saturated steam gage pressure in pounds per square inch and actual required steam volume flow in pounds per hour. ─── 为了正确选择自动阻断止回角阀的公称通径,首先需要一些技术数据:饱和蒸汽表压(每平方英寸多少磅)和所需要的、准确的蒸汽流量(每小时多少磅)。

84、Using electric strain gage, the testing and study on the Header of spir-al-plate heat exchangers are carried out. ─── 对螺旋板换热器接管箱应力测试及研究后表明,接管箱结构是安全可靠的。

85、Establish frequency for gage calibration. ─── 建立规律化的测试仪器校准。

86、Its main functions are maintaining borehole gage,improving drill string stability and protecting lower drill string from excessive wear. ─── 其重要作用是保持钻头尺寸符合标准,提高钻杆稳定性,避免钻杆下部过于磨损。

87、"You're awfully nice to me, " I said. The nurse called Miss Gage giggled. ─── “你们待我真好”,我说。那个叫盖奇小姐的护士娇笑了一下。

88、One can have periodic aura pictures taken to allow one to gage one's ascent. ─── 你可以定期拍辉光照片以估量自身的提升。

89、For more than 50 years, Johnson Gage has delivered quality and reliability in the world of Thread Inspection with innovative solutions to thread inspection problems. ─── 在过去的50年里,章森公司在螺纹检测领域通过创造性的螺纹检测方法传递了其高品质性与可信赖性。


最近在英国《自然》 (Nature)杂志上,发表了一篇论文以《海马脑区的新生神经元在儿童脑内显著下降,在成人脑内没有发现》(“Human hippocampal neurogenesis drops sharply in children to undetectable levels in adults”),该论文的作者在论文中说:“成年人体内的齿状回中的神经元不会继续再生,只会逐渐减少。海马区神经再生的早期衰退提出了人类与其他物种之间齿状回功能的不同问题,但是其他物种在成年期后仍然可再生海马神经元。”

神经发生(neurogenesis)是指神经元的生成,从神经干细胞和祖细胞增殖分化而成。而成年人的大脑新生神经的区域不多,之前的人们都认为位于海马体(hippocampus)内的齿状回(dentate gyrus,简称 DG)会生成新的神经元。


一直地到了1960 年,美国麻省理工学院生物学家约瑟·奥特曼(Joseph Altman)通过啮齿类动物实验,发现成年哺乳动物的大脑有新的神经元生成。1980 年,纽约洛克菲勒大学神经科学家Fernando Nottebohm 证实,在鸣禽动物大脑的某些区域确实可以生成新的神经元,在此之后出现了更多的人类大脑的海马体神经元在成人之后仍然会有新的生成的实验证据。

但是最近的加州大学旧金山分校(UCSF)神经外科教授 Mercedes Paredes 等人发布在《自然》期刊上的论文,将研究给带回到“成人大脑无法生成新神经元”之前。

团队研究样品包括 37 个尸检样本和 22 个癫痫患者,通过分析样本新生神经元和神经干细胞数量变化,以抗体鉴定不同类型的细胞,最终发现新生儿的齿状回有大量神经生成证据,但是幼婴的齿状回神经生成数量已减少 5 倍;1~7 岁的儿童期间,新神经元数量持续下降 23 倍,13 岁之后大脑不再有神经生成。


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