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excreted 发音

英:[?k?skri?t?d]  美:[?k?skri?t?d]

英:  美:

excreted 中文意思翻译




excreted 词性/词形变化,excreted变形

动词现在分词: excreting |动词过去分词: excreted |动词第三人称单数: excretes |动词过去式: excreted |

excreted 短语词组

1、excreted stool ─── 大便

2、excreted define ─── 排泄物

3、excreted definition ─── 排泄定义

4、excreted is ─── 排泄物

5、be quickly excreted ─── 迅速排泄

6、excreted synonym ─── 排泄同义词

7、excreted fluid ─── 排泄液

8、excreted corn ─── 排泄的玉米

9、excreted blood ─── 排泄血

excreted 相似词语短语

1、excepted ─── adj.除外的;除…之外;v.除外(except的过去式与过去分词);反对

2、accreted ─── v.合生;增大生长;依附;使连接;把……吸引过来;adj.合生的;增积的

3、excretes ─── vt.排泄;分泌

4、exceeded ─── adj.非常的;过度的;溢出的;v.超过(exceed的过去分词);越出

5、excerpted ─── n.摘录,引用;vt.引用,摘录;vi.摘录,引用

6、excrete ─── vt.排泄;分泌

7、exceed ─── vt.超过;胜过;vi.超过其他

8、-creted ─── 有信誉的

9、excreter ─── 排菌者

excreted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Thus, the ability to handle free water and solute loads may be impaired in the neonate, and the half-life of medications excreted by means of glomerular filtration will be prolonged. ─── 因此,新生儿处理自由水和液体负荷的能力可能受到损害,通过肾脏排泄的药物的半衰期可能延长。

2、Despite the great stability of PNAs, they do not remain in an animal for long, being quickly excreted in urine thanks to their hydrophilicity. ─── 尽管PNA较稳定,其亲水性也使它无法在动物体内停留太久,很快就会从尿液排出。

3、Patients with preexisting liver disease may require dosage reductions for drugs that are metabolized in the liver or excreted into the bile. ─── 对于本就患有肝病的患者,需要减少在肝脏中代谢或者代谢产物进入胆汁的药物的用量。

4、The results of acute toxicity test and accumulative toxicity test showed that bioflocculant excreted by Aspergillus sojae was nontoxic to fish. ─── 急性毒性实验和蓄积毒性实验表明,酱油曲霉分泌产生的微生物絮凝剂对鱼类没有毒性。

5、excreta Waste material released from the gut; also, any substance excreted from a tissue. ─── 排泄物从消化道排出的废物;任何的物质从组织排除。

6、He finally excreted the necklace on his fifth attempt.A cleaner was paid 50 rupees (NT$41) to fish out the necklace.Mohsin was then asked to wash it. ─── 一名清洁工受雇以五十卢比的代价(约新台币四十一元)把项鍊给捞起来,莫辛则被叫去清洗项鍊。

7、Large amounts of the virus are known to be excreted in the droppings from infected birds. ─── 已知在受染候鸟的粪便中分泌出大量病毒。


9、Interferon(IFN) is a kind of protein excreted by human somatic cells.It has broad-spectrum antivirus, anti-tumour function and immunoregulation activity. ─── 干扰素(IFN)是一类人体细胞分泌的蛋白质,具有广谱的抗病毒、抗肿瘤和免疫调节活性。

10、However, most of the faeces is not waste product of metabolism with exception of bilirubin which is breakdown product of RBCs, excreted in bile by liver. ─── 他说是,严格来说粪便排出体外时,夹杂了部分的身死细胞。这不是身体的排泄物吗?

11、excreted mass ─── 排泄物质

12、It progresses relatiely intact through your digestie system and is excreted in your stool. ─── 它会慢慢的通过你的整个消化道,然后从大便排出。

13、The crusher's ejected iron cud is later swallowed by a recycling factory and excreted as, say, galvanized roofing. ─── 压碎机反刍的铁渣后来被回收工厂吞食,而排泄出来以后,说不定就成了盖房顶的星铁板。

14、For drugs excreted primarily unchanged in urine, bioavailability can be estimated by measuring the total amount of drug excreted after a single dose. ─── 对那些以原形经尿排出为主的药物而言,其生物利用度可以通过测量单次用药后尿药总量来评估。

15、excreted proteins ─── 分泌蛋白

16、At last, the waste of metabolism and hetero-materials such as toxical materials which are invaded into the organisms accidentally are excreted with the urine. ─── 在同属长臂虾科的日本沼虾和脊尾白虾的足细胞间观察到与己报道的各种连接方式均不同的连接,其特。

17、a toxic condition resulting from kidney disease in which there is retention in the bloodstream of waste products normally excreted in the urine ─── 尿毒症;因肾病而引起的中毒状态,表现为正常情况下应由尿排泄的排泄物遗留在血液中

18、The saponin in soja can make the microelement in human body be excreted iodicly. ─── 大豆中的皂素可促使人体中的微量元素碘的排泄。

19、Thus, digestibility is most accurately defined as that portion which is not excreted in the faeces and which is assumed as having been absorbed by the animal. ─── 所以,消化率被精确定义为不在粪中排泄且假定被动物吸收的那一部分。

20、They are not only rapidly absorbed, metabolized and excreted but also have proved to be very effective antimicrobial agents. ─── 对羟基苯甲酸酯不只是能够迅速的被吸收、代谢和排出而且还被证明是个很有效的抗菌剂。

21、excretion The process of discharging waste matter; also pertains to waste matter excreted by glands; undigested food residues and other waste products of metabolism. ─── 排泄排出废弃物的过程;也包括腺体排泄废物;未消化食物残留物与其他新陈代谢的废弃产品。

22、~3H-BBP is mainly excreted by urine and feces,and the excrement of ~3H-BBP accounts for 80% of total dose within 4 days. ─── 3H-BBP的主要排泄途径是从尿和粪中排泄,在4 d之内从尿和粪累计排泄量占染毒量80%左右.

23、The matter, such as urine or sweat, that is so excreted. ─── 废物尿或汗等由机体排出的废物

24、Large amounts of cystine as well as arginine, lysine and ornithine are excreted ─── 大量的胱氨酸、精氨酸、赖氨酸和鸣氨酸被排出。

25、5.Most stones can be excreted, but in about 15% of cases, surgery or shockwave treatment to pulverize the stones is needed. ─── 大多数肾结石能排掉,但有大约15%的病例,需要动手术或用冲击波治疗才能粉碎肾结石。

26、These excreted infections fall into four main groups: viruses, bacteria, protozoa, and worms (helminths). ─── 排泄出来的传染病原主要分为四种:病毒、细菌、原生动物和蠕虫(寄生虫)。

27、Methods Using a well-nourished enteral nutrition piglet model,we tested whether intravenous inorganic sulfate and methionine were fully excreted as sulfur in the urine. ─── 方法在有充分营养支持的小猪肠内营养模型上,观测静脉注射的无机硫酸盐、以及蛋氨酸中的硫是否完全经尿排泄。

28、It is stored and excreted by the gallbladder located under the liver. ─── 它储藏、排泄自位于肝下的胆。

29、uric acid can not be promptly excreted to sodium the form of precipitation down, easy to trigger the formation of stones or gout. ─── 尿酸不能及时排出钠的形式沉淀下来,容易触发形成结石或痛风。

30、Cotinine and other metabolites are excreted in your urine. ─── 大约80%的尼古丁在肝脏里酶的催化作用下分解成可铁宁。

31、excreted factor ─── 分泌因子

32、On the other hand, once you drink less water, the body will reabsorb water from urine, however, the formed urine still needs to be excreted. ─── 因为脂肪酶没有机会被激活,如果糖类摄入过多的话,反而有可能增肥。

33、Factors influencing the solubility included pH value and kinds and concentrations of organic acid excreted by ectomycorrhizal fungi. ─── 影响菌根真菌对难溶性磷活化的主要因素包括菌液的酸度及有机酸的种类与含量。

34、The differences in the composition of the sweat excreted by eccrin sweat glands and apocrine sweat glands are compared.The mechanisms of odor formation are studied. ─── 摘要根据文献,对于汗腺和小汗腺所分泌的汗液组成进行了对比,并探讨了汗臭形成的机理。

35、"Our studies suggest that this may be because, if you lack the gene, you cannot retain any sulforaphane inside your body. It is all excreted within a few hours. ─── “我们研究认为,这可能是因为若你缺乏这种基因,你便无法保留身体内的萝卜硫素。它会在数小时内完全被排泄。”

36、increasing physical activity, enhance physical fitness, multi-sports in the sun more acidic the body sweat can be excreted with the sweat and avoid the formation of acidic. ─── 加强体育锻炼,增强体质,多在阳光下运动,多出汗可将体内酸性物质随汗液排出体外,避免形成酸性体质。

37、In particular, most proteins produced in quantity by genetically manipulated bacteria are not excreted into the broth, but are precipitated within the cell. ─── 尤其是由基因工程菌产生的大多数蛋白质不会被分泌到发酵液中,而是在细胞内沉积。

38、Generally 3H-BBP was mainly excreted by urine wit hin 8 hours,and 80% of 3H-BBP was excreted within 4 days. ─── 3H- BBP主要经尿排泄 ,并集中在 8h之内排泄 ,4d之内排泄量占注入量的 80%左右。

39、Study on a Microbes Excreted Bioflocculant ─── 一株产胞外絮凝剂微生物的研究

40、Activated charcoal is added to nutrient media mostly to remove toxins present in agar, or aromatic waste products excreted by cultured tissues ─── 把活性炭加到营养的培养基里,主要是为了除去存在于琼脂中的毒物,或都除去由培养的组织所产生的芳香性废物。

41、9.Insect wax with wax scent usage of beeswax: it is a kind of organic admixture excreted from worker bee wax gland with aroma of farina and nectar. ─── 川蜡(虫蜡)有蜡香气味蜂蜡用途:蜂蜡,又叫蜜蜡,是工蜂蜡腺分泌的一种有机混合物,具有花粉和花蜜香气。

42、Most of the fiber and water in the plant-based meal is calorie-free and would be excreted out, NOT turned into extra body fat. ─── 大多数植物饮食中的纤维和水不含卡路里,它们将会被排除体外,不会转变成脂肪。

43、Other isoprenoids are excreted into the extracellular space ─── 其他类异戊二稀则分泌到细胞外间隙中。

44、Dosing intervals for drugs that are excreted by the kidney, such as aminoglycoside antibiotics, digoxin and pancuronium need to be adjusted and drug levels closely monitored. ─── 对于通过肾脏排泄的药物(如:氨基糖甙类抗生素、地高辛、蟠龙等)给药间隔须调整并且严密监测药物水平。

45、The fact is: do not work. Urine from the urethra above vagina excreted, it will not wash away the sperm. ─── 事实是:这样做没用。尿液是从阴道上方的尿道排出体外的,因此不会冲走精子。

46、Preliminary Study on Amino Acids of Mucus Excreted from Giant Panda ─── 圈养大熊猫粘液水解氨基酸含量的初步研究

47、When the drug is administered by oral or injection, the most of it by parent and metabolite is excreted into environment, which results in enrofloxacin residue in soil. ─── 动物摄入药物后,一部分以原药及其代谢物形式积累于其体内,另一部分则随其排泄物进入到土壤环境中,造成恩诺沙星在土壤中的残留。

48、When chroma of serum Potassium ion is elevatory, can promote adrenal coriaceous secrete aldehyde solid ketone, make potassium is excreted thereby increase, make potassium ion chroma returns to normal. ─── 当血清钾离子浓度升高时,可促进肾上腺皮质分泌醛固酮,从而使钾排泄增加,使钾离子浓度恢复正常。

49、Acute diarrhea is often self-limiting with symptoms continuing until the irritant or causative agent is excreted. ─── 急性腹泻通常是自限性的,在刺激物或病原体清除后症状就可消失。更详细。

50、(If 2) has kidney function not complete, when uric quantity decreases, digitalis is excreted little, easy toxic; ─── (2)如有肾功能不全,尿量减少时,洋地黄排泄少,易中毒;

51、They are all suffering from uremia, a disease associated with kidney failure, in which urea and other waste products, which are normally excreted into the urine, are retained in the blood. ─── 他们全都是尿毒症患者。尿毒症是肾衰竭的一种,患上这种病的人他们的尿素和其它身体有害物质无法像正常人那样随尿液排出体外,而是留在了血液里。

52、I had pains in the morning and I put that down to just the toxins being excreted in whatever way they needed to. ─── 在早晨我感到有些不适,我把它归因于毒素正在通过任何可能的形式进行排出。

53、Observation level of cytokine excreted by CIK cells in vitro ─── 体外CIK细胞分泌细胞因子水平动态观察

54、total excretory(or excreted)nitrogen ─── 总排泄氮量, 排氮总量

55、Usually the typhoid bacteria are excreted in the stool while the patient is sick. ─── 通常伤寒病菌经由伤寒患者发病时排便排出。

56、Abstract: Soil enzyme is the enzymes mainly from the plant exudation and excreted by microorganisms and released from plant and animal relict decomposition. ─── 摘 要: 土壤酶在土壤生态系统的物质循环和能量流动方面扮演重要的角色。

57、The etiology of IHA,the main subtype,is related with increased abnormal aldosterone excreted factor and genovariation. ─── IHA为主要类型,发病与异常的促醛固酮分泌因子的增加及基因变异有关。

58、The larvae may be excreted in the faeces. ─── 幼虫会连同粪便排出。

59、*Research shows that lingzhi cracked spores possess higher consuming value, as uncracked spores will usually be excreted by our body before we could actually digest it. ─── *研究显示,破壁后的灵芝孢子才能达到最佳的食用效果。灵芝的孢子如果不破壁或破壁率低,人体吸收速度过于缓慢,往往在消化道还没有酶解成功,孢子就已被排出体外。

60、The expert points out, eating fresh vegetable and fruit is very good method, but blood and splanchnic the it is normal to keep clear of or should lean human body of 90% toxin is excreted will finish. ─── 专家指出,吃新鲜蔬菜和水果是很好的方法,但血液和内脏90%毒素的清除还是要靠正常的肌体排泄来完成。

61、Most toxins are naturally excreted from the body. ─── 大部分毒素被自然排出体外。

62、It is only a type of metabolic waste. It is useless and only put into the bile to be excreted by the gut. ─── 只是一种代谢废物,是没有用的,只是放在胆汁处,以便跟随胆汁进入肠道而始终能够被排出体外。

63、She excreted 500 ml. of emiction in one day with my treatment, which had reduced her pain and prolonged her life. ─── 我当天就使患者排出500毫升尿,减少患者痛苦,延长患者生命。

64、metabolite of DDT excreted in urine ─── 尿中排泄DDT的代谢产物

65、Up to 95 percent of antibiotics are excreted unaltered, seeping into the environment and possibly encouraging antibiotic resistance there. ─── 高达95%的抗生素经动物体排泄会原封不动的进入环境中,进而促使具抗药性病菌的生长。

66、If the production of uric acid surpasses the level that excreted by kidney, the serum level of uric acid will increase and hyperuricemia will occur. ─── 体内尿酸生成超过肾脏排泄时血清尿酸会显著升高,造成高尿酸血症。

67、Eliminating white-smoke excreted from porcelain factory chimney is one of the difficulty and key point of environment protection problems. ─── 前言:陶瓷厂烟囱排“白烟”的消除是环境保护的重点难点之一。

68、Large amount of cystine as well as arginine lysine and ornithine are excreted in the urine ─── 从患者的尿中排出大量的胱氨酸,精氨酸,赖氨酸和鸟氨酸。

69、In this case, methyl alcohol will be excreted unmetabolized in the urine. ─── 在这种情况下,甲醇将以原形随尿排除。

70、As a result, the kidneys no longer conserve water and more fluid is excreted as urine. ─── 因此,肾脏不再保存水分,更多的液体将以尿的形式被排出。

71、A toxic condition resulting from kidney disease in which there is retention in the bloodstream of waste products normally excreted in the urine. ─── 尿毒症因肾病而引起的中毒状态,表现为正常情况下应由尿排泄的排泄物遗留在血液中

72、Our studies suggest that this may be because, if you lack the gene, you cannot retain any sulforaphane inside your body. It is all excreted within a few hours. ─── 我们研究认为,这可能是因为若你缺乏这种基因,你便无法保留身体内的萝卜硫素。它会在数小时内完全被排泄。

73、After we ingest food, the peristaltic movement of the intestine pushes it forward to facilitate digestion and absorption. Finally the leftovers are excreted outside the body as faeces. ─── 人体的肠脏不停蠕动,把吃进的食物向前推进,以便消化和吸收,最后食物渣滓排出体外,即成粪便。

74、Acute diarrhea is often self-limiting with symptoms continuing until the irritant or causative agent is excreted. ─── 急性腹泻通常是自限性的,在刺激物或病原体清除后症状就可消失。

75、This result implied that P. euphratica cells maybe excreted sucrase into the culture media to hydrolyze sucrose to monosaccharide that maybe was directly utilized by the suspension-cultured cells. ─── 因而推测胡杨细胞可能分泌了高活性的蔗糖酶,将蔗糖水解为单糖,然后再加以利用。

76、May be the elimination of the vessel wall of lipid deposits, through the sweat and defecation excreted fundamentally the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. ─── 可彻底清除血管壁上的脂质沉积物,透过汗液和排便排出体外,从根本上预防和治疗心脑血管疾病。

77、Uric acid as the end-product of purine metabolism in human body is excreted through kidney. ─── 尿酸是人体嘌呤碱基分解代谢终产物,经肾脏排泄。

78、Pyruvate dehydrogenase is inefficient and about 32% pyruvate is excreted. ─── 二者丙酮酸脱氢酶的反应效率均较低,约有32%的丙酮酸分泌到胞外。

79、In adult patients being treated with IV DMPS, as long as there is a high body burden of mercury, virtually none of the other heavy metals will be excreted. ─── 在成人患者使用静脉注射DMPS,并且是在身体内有高的汞离子负荷下,不会有其他重金属排出。

80、excreted secreted antigens (ESA) ─── 排泄分泌抗原

81、Only when the liver performs its function successfully can bile be secreted, stored and excreted normally. ─── 只有肝的功能正常,胆汁的分泌、储藏和排泄才能正常。

82、4.Insect wax with wax scent usage of beeswax: it is a kind of organic admixture excreted from worker bee wax gland with aroma of farina and nectar. ─── 川蜡(虫蜡)有蜡香气味蜂蜡用途:蜂蜡,又叫蜜蜡,是工蜂蜡腺分泌的一种有机混合物,具有花粉和花蜜香气。收藏指正

83、Eggs are excreted in the urine and feces. ─── 虫卵从尿、粪中排出。

84、The small pear-shaped trophozoites live in the duodenum and become infective cysts that are excreted. ─── 小的梨形滋养体在十二指肠内,变成有感染性的包囊后释放出来。

85、Activated charcoal is added to nutrient media mostly to remove toxins present in agar, or aromatic waste products excreted by cultured tissues. ─── 把活性炭加到营养的培养基里,主要是为了除去存在于琼脂中的毒物,或都除去由培养的组织所产生的芳香性废物。

86、Many drugs are excreted through the kidneys. ─── 很多药物是通过肾脏排泄的。

87、When the amounts of ingested and excreted radioactive materials reach an equilibrium, a constant level of radiation will be achieved in our body. ─── 当我们食入和排出的放射性物质达到平衡时,我们体内便维持著一个稳定的辐射水平。

88、The bacilli decomposes the organic compounds which are excreted by armpit big sweat glands, and creates unsaturated fatty acids such as dissociate fatty acid, and then causes the odor. ─── 不饱和脂肪酸容易氧化,产生大量的氧化物,过氧化氢,进而分解为醛类、醛酸类、醇类、烃类、酮类化合物,这就是异味的主要来源。

89、total excreted nitrogen ─── 排出总氮

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