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08-19 投稿


lanyard 发音

英:['l?nj?d]  美:['l?nj?d]

英:  美:

lanyard 中文意思翻译



lanyard 网络释义

n. 系索(等于laniard);勋带

lanyard 短语词组

1、automatic release lanyard ─── 自动释放系索

2、lanyard hole ─── 系索孔

3、ejection lanyard ─── 弹射系索

4、bucket lanyard ─── 吊桶绳

5、lanyard exhibition ─── 系索展览

6、lanyard keychain ─── 系索钥匙链

7、lanyard pocket ─── 系索口袋

8、parachute lanyard ─── 伞绳

9、lanyard badge ─── 系索徽章

10、card case lanyard ─── 卡壳系索

11、lanyard assembly ─── 系绳总成

12、lanyard wallet ─── 系绳钱包

13、lanyard bracelet ─── 系索手链

14、lanyard mask ─── 系索面罩

15、lanyard clip ─── 系索夹

16、Netherlands Orange Lanyard ─── 荷兰橙色兰亚尔

17、lanyard-operated valve ─── 系绳操作阀门

18、lanyard beads ─── 系索珠

19、lanyard handle ─── 系绳手柄

lanyard 词性/词形变化,lanyard变形

名词复数: lanugos |

lanyard 相似词语短语

1、laniards ─── n.系索

2、mainyard ─── 主站场

3、Bayard ─── n.勇武异常的人

4、lanyards ─── n.(用于悬挂哨子、证件等的)挂带;(尤指船上使用的)绳索;(套在脖子或肩上等系哨子或小刀的)小绳

5、tanyard ─── n.制革厂

6、landward ─── adj.近陆的,向陆的;adv.向陆地;n.(Landward)人名;(瑞典)兰德瓦德

7、tanyards ─── n.制革厂

8、laniard ─── n.系索

9、barnyard ─── n.谷仓前的空场地;adj.下流的;粗俗的

lanyard 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Next morning he tied three knots in the lanyard to mark three days adrift. ─── 第二天早晨,他在绳上打三个结,好记住过去了三天日子。

2、Any survival store - they are basic kit for the wild. I either tuck mine into the sheath of my knife or wear it on a lanyard round my neck. ─── 任何户外商店都有的-他们有最最基本的野生装备。我有时把燧石塞进我的刀鞘里或是穿在绳子上挂在我自己的脖子上。

3、front disc brakes and a lanyard switch to provide extra safety. ─── 前线盘式制动器和挂绳切换到提供额外的安全。

4、, Ltd produces security tags, labels, buttons, detachers, lanyard and etc. and export to America, Europe and Asia countries. ─── 产品全部外销出口至美洲,欧洲,亚洲等地。

5、He is wearing his ID on a lanyard around his neck, despite the fact that he is among the most powerful people at the company. ─── 尽管他是公司里最有权势的人之一,他还是把身份证挂在脖子上。

6、When the breech was closed and all was ready, the gunner yanked the lanyard. ─── 大炮后膛门关上后,一切准备就绪,炮手拉动引火绳。

7、A 36 inch nylon lanyard is threaded through holes in the handle and tied in such a way that the sound of the knife being laid on a hard surface will be muffled. ─── 手柄小孔上用特别的方式系着一根36寸的尼龙绳,可以在把刀子放下时避免碰撞而消音。

8、. 2) Size of lanyard: 2cm x 90cm or according to your design. 3) Logo of lanyard:heat-transfer logo or offset logo on one side or both sides; ─── 2)尺寸:2cmx90cm,可按客人要求定制各种尺寸;3)颜色:按客人要求可印刷各种LOGO和图片;

9、With devoted young engineers bringing in highly competitive technology and state-of-art quality, REM is set to be your best mobile phone strap and lanyard supplier and partner. ─── 开拓创新是康泰人的追求,用户满意是康泰人的职责,本公司郑重承诺:以优良的质量,合理的价格和良好的售后服务为用户提供一流的产品,竭诚欢迎国内外新老客户光临洽谈.

10、Attaching him to your lanyard is not discreet. ─── 可是妳把他系在妳的系索上显然是不可取的。

11、During the prestressed construction of bridge, the field of anchor holder while straining has greatly influenced the measurement on the elongation indicators of lanyard steel strand. ─── 在桥梁短索钢绞线预应力的施工中,锚夹具在张拉时的回收对钢绞线伸长值的量测有着不可忽略的影响。

12、and he would' hand himself from one place to another, now using the crutch now trailing it alongside by the lanyard, as quickly as another man could walk. ─── 他可以从一个地方走到另一个地方,时而拄着拐杖,时而将拐杖挂在脖子上拖着走,动作之快决不亚于双脚走路的人。

13、lanyard microphone ─── 颈挂传声器

14、firing lanyard ─── 射击拉火绳

15、Tying the lanyard around his wrist, Lim lay flat on the ledge, ready to cling to the decking when the squall broke. ─── 林奋把救生索套在手腕上,身子平躺立夏,准备迎接暴风雨的来临。

16、Used to secure a lanyard, lifeline, or other fall arrest device. ─── 曾经巩固短绳、保险索,或者其它防堕落设备。

17、arming lanyard ─── 保险拉索

18、GARMENT &TEXTILE ACCESSORIES: -Woven Lanyard, Mobile Holders, Luggage Belts, Fashion Belts, Keyholders, Scarves -Woven Labels, Printed... ─── 定单-纺织,时尚,服装,鞋袜/纺织/纺织材料

19、Flash drives of all brands and sizes could with a lanyard nowadays, but how many are already hidden into the lanyard itself? ─── 各个品牌、容量的闪存盘都可以配置系索,但是又有多少能够隐藏自身的系索呢?

20、The Design of a Push-Pull Lanyard Release Connector ─── 推拉式拉线分离连接器的设计

21、C6MCC Maintenance of civil engineering Projects will use the full body harness lanyard system. Safety belts are prohibited. ─── C6MCC土建维修项目部将采用全身式安全带。单挂式安全带方式禁止采用。

22、a) Larger lanyard hole on top of cap since we cannot pass anything through the present sample mould. ─── 我的理解是:盖上的链子要长点,因为我们在现在的样品上不能穿过任何东西.

23、WARD Netherlands Orange Lanyard ─── 荷兰橙色勋带

24、With its vibrant stripe and leather trim, this roomy tote is a great choice for work, the beach or everyday. Customize it by clipping on your favorite lanyard or keyfob. ─── 今年马车风格的新款,超大容量。帆布面料,顶部是用搭扣的,内部有拉链袋、手机袋、多功能袋。没有丝巾,特价销售。

25、good site, affordable web hosting solution , >:), buy wii console in stock , 841, driving moccasins womens , jft, ecommerce web hosting provider , 342, how to make a lanyard , %-]], ─── 关于我们-本站动态-会员助手-茶叶商城-十大名茶-网络广告-网站建设-网站导航

26、Aboard ship he carried his crutch by a lanyard round his neck to have both hands as free as possible. ─── 上了船后,他用一根绳子将拐杖套在脖子上,以便尽可能地腾出两只手来。

27、The locking snaphook provides the best protection against rollout of the lanyard. ─── 锁闭式挂钩为防止安全绳脱离提供了最佳的保障。

28、Includes all-weather neck lanyard for convenient use. ─── 附全天候颈绳,方便携带。

29、lanyard thimble ─── 张紧索嵌环

30、A whistle is best carried on a lanyard attached to your life vest. ─── 口哨最好带上并绑在救生衣上。

31、There's also a tweezer and toothpick and a hole for lanyard attachment. ─── 还有一个镊子和牙签和一个系绳的接孔。

32、A whistle is best carried on a lanyard attached to your life vest. ─── 口哨最好带上并绑在救生衣上。

33、Lapel pin, Coins, Badge, Medals, Keychain, Award, Embroidery Patch, Lanyard, Button, Belt Buckle,... ─── 分类标题:徽章、旗帜和纪念品|销售推广...

34、How many of them could tie a lanyard knot, or take a wheel or a lookout? ─── 他们有几个人能结水手结?能开船?能上班?

35、lanyard assembly ─── 拉绳组件

36、you must be wearing your conference nametag on its lanyard to gain admission to all social functions. ─── 你必须戴上系有绳子的会议标识牌(工作牌)才能进入所有的社交集会。

37、Our company is specialized in manufacturing all kinds of special paper material, a variety of styles Crochet Flower Qualcomm mobile phone sets, accessories, bag, lanyard; ─── 本公司是一家专业制造各类特种皮料、各种款式钩针通花手机套、饰品、挂包、挂绳;

38、His gauntlets contain a flamethrower, and a whipcord lanyard launcher.His kneepads conceal rocket dart launchers. ─── 护手装有火焰投射器和可拉紧的绳勾,膝甲装有火箭标发射器。

39、Note: The emergency radio beacon operates automatically in a few seconds and drifts out to the end of the lanyard. ─── 注:应急无线电信标将在几秒钟后自动工作并向外飘浮走,直到固定绳完全展开.

40、Otherwise we are doing the giftware products as lanyard(find picture),Metal hook and compass as well. ─── 此外我们也有生产电话绳、爬山扣、指南针等礼品方面的产品。

41、If ascending or descending the scaffold structure is required then 100 % tie off method with a double lanyard safety harness must be used. ─── 如果搭设或拆除脚手架结构,则必须100%系挂双系索(2个挂钩)安全保险吊带。

42、Small and compact, the temperature gun can fit in your pocket, or with the included lanyard can be worn around your wrist. ─── 小巧,紧凑,枪的温度适合你的口袋里,或与包括挂绳可以挂你的手腕。

43、When this sprocket/bearing failed, the retaining plate and bolt with the safety lanyard failed also and this allowed the assembly to drop to the floor. ─── 当这个部位的链轮/轴承坏了的时候,用安全绳固定的印版和螺栓也坏了导致整个印机掉在地上。

44、A lanyard with a built in shock absorber that limits shock-load forces on the body. ─── 附在吸覆罢器部位的短绳,可降低对身体的冲力。

45、An anchorage connector used to secure a lanyard, lifeline or other fall arrest device. ─── 定住连接器用于短绳,保险索或者其它防堕落设备。

46、please attach Lanyard with a ring&then pack it in a polybag or zipper bag. ─── 请给挂绳系上一个钤铛,用胶袋或者拉链袋子包装.

47、lanyard release ─── 拉线分离

48、I don't object to office romance as long as it's discreet.Attaching him to your lanyard is not discreet. ─── 我并不反对办公室浪漫史如果处理谨慎的话,但是将他扣压在你的系索上是不谨慎的.

49、Waves slammed the sides of the raft spray and wind-whipped rain stung.The lanyard chafed Lim's wrist; ─── 波涛拍击着木筏子,狂风中的雨点象针尖般犀利,手腕上的救生索勒得他隐隐作痛。

50、This had been removed from the engine accessory gearbox (AGB) and was hanging on its lanyard. ─── 而这个盖子已经被从发动机附件齿轮箱上拆下来,靠系索悬吊在一旁。

51、PVC products,PVC handbag,nylon bags,lanyard,mobile phone strap &cleaner,waterproof case,key ring,mobile phone accessories,etc. ─── PVC制品,PVC手袋(包括化妆袋,购物袋,梳洗包,钱包,植绒包等),尼龙袋,吊绳,手机绳,手机擦,屏幕擦,手机袋,防水手机袋,钥匙扣,电话绳吊缀等等.

52、Lower the access panel until it is held by the lanyard anchor. ─── 托住接近面板,用一个小内六角扳手或类似工具插入接近孔来释放锁扣。

53、lanyard disconnect connector ─── 拉线断路连接器

54、The anchor holder yield influenced by elongation indicators of lanyard steel strand ─── 锚夹具回收量对短索钢绞线伸长量值的影响

55、Larger lanyard hole on top of cap since we cannot pass anything through the present sample mould. ─── 盖子上的链子孔要大点,因为我们在现在的样品模具上不能穿过任何东西.

56、Mobility is restricted to the length of the lanyard and the position of the anchorage point. ─── 活动范围受到系索长度和锚固点位置的限制。

57、lanyard stopper ─── 锚链制

58、laniard (lanyard) ─── 短索

59、When this sprocket/ bearing failed, the retaining plate and bolt with the safety lanyard failed also and this allowed the assembly to drop to the floor. ─── 当这个部位的链轮/承坏了的时候,用安全绳固定的印版和螺栓也坏了导致整个印机掉在地上。

60、Aerospace series. Elements of electrical and optical connection. Test methods. Part 414 : unmating of lanyard release connectors. ─── 航空航天系列.光电连接元件.试验方法.第414部分:拉火绳放松连接件的不配合(欧洲标准2591-414

61、Netherlands Orange Lanyard ─── 荷兰橙色系索

62、Tying the lanyard around his wrist, Lim lay flat on the ledge, ready to cling to the decking when the squall broke. ─── 林奋把救生索套在手腕上,身子平躺立夏,准备迎接暴风雨的来临。

63、Hanlin e-V3 random accessories: an original battery, a charger, USB cable 1, a lanyard, SD card one, a headset, a screwdriver, screws two backup battery cover, summary Case 1. ─── 翰林电子书V3随机配件:原装电池一块、充电器一只、USB数据线一根、挂绳一根、SD卡一只、耳机一只、螺丝刀一把、备用电池盖螺丝两颗、简易皮套一只。

64、Mechanical adjustment system with pivoting cam: adjusts lanyard length. ─── 这些产品都受极严格的品质监控。

65、1) Material of lanyard: polyester; ─── 1)材质:采用优质涤纶,经磨耐洗,不易脏,不掉色,不起小毛球,手感舒适,结实耐用;

66、An anchorage connector used to secure a lanyard, lifeline or other fall arrest device. ─── 定住连接器用于短绳,保险索或者其它防堕落设备。

67、While we talked, I pulled out the brown-leather case with its red-lanyard lacing and showed it to the guard. ─── 说话的时候,我拿出了那个镶着红短花边的黄皮钱包给保安看。

68、Lanyard hole in the handle. ─── 系索在柄中挖洞。

69、lanyard handle ─── 拉火绳把

70、Unwind the lanyard beginning with the snap hook. ─── 展开端头为固定钩的固定绳.

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