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08-19 投稿


nerves 发音

英:[n?:vs]  美:[n?:vs]

英:  美:

nerves 中文意思翻译



nerves 词性/词形变化,nerves变形


nerves 短语词组

1、get on sb's nerves ─── 使某人心烦, ─── 使某人不安, 令人恼怒

2、pilomotor nerves ─── [医] 立毛神经

3、get on sb.'s nerves ─── 使某人不安

4、a war of nerves ─── 神经战

5、Henle's sheath of nerves ─── [医] 汉勒氏鞘

6、Langley's nerves ─── [医] 兰利氏神经, 立毛神经

7、have nerves of steel ─── 神经坚强, 有胆量

8、Gaskell's nerves ─── [医] 加斯克耳氏神经(心加速神经)

9、a bundle of nerves ─── 神经极紧张的人

10、splanchnic nerves ─── [医] 内脏神经

11、somatic nerves ─── [医] 体干神经

12、glomeruli of olfactory nerves ─── [医] 嗅神经小球

13、have iron nerves ─── 有胆量,无所畏惧

14、buffer nerves ─── [医] 缓冲神经(指颈动脉窦及主动脉神经而言)

15、have strong nerves ─── 有胆量

16、central tract of cranial nerves ─── [医] 脑神经中央束

17、space nerves ─── [医] 壶腹神经

18、have a fit of nerves ─── 神经一阵紧张,精 ─── 神病发作

19、be all nerves ─── 神经紧张

nerves 相似词语短语

1、enerves ─── 埃涅夫斯

2、perves ─── n.穿孔

3、innerves ─── vt.鼓舞;使活跃;刺激神经

4、nerve ─── n.神经;勇气;[植]叶脉;vt.鼓起勇气

5、nervers ─── 紧张

6、serves ─── (网球)发球(serve的名词复数);为…服务;供应;对待;任(职)(serve的第三人称单数)

7、nerviest ─── 紧张

8、nerver ─── 神经

9、nerved ─── adj.有精力的;有翅膀的;有勇气的;有叶脉的;v.给…以力量;使…振作(nerve的过去分词)

nerves 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He lives on his nerves(= is always worried). ─── 他就爱神经紧张。

2、Sure you don't want a drink to steady your nerves? ─── 你真的不想喝一杯压压惊?

3、Don't make your nerves string. ─── 你别太紧张啦!

4、Only occasionally do they jar on the nerves. ─── 他们只是偶尔心烦。

5、Did you expect Gilian would have no nerves? ─── 你想到吉莉恩会这样泰然自若吗?

6、Are you in an intense nerv e your debute? ─── 你初次亮相时一定紧张坏了吧?

7、He does not know what nerves are. ─── 他不知道什么叫害怕。

8、"Clementina sometimes gets on my nerves. ─── “克莱门蒂娜有时弄得我头疼。

9、My nerves were constantly on edge. ─── 我的神经处于不断紧张中。

10、You have to have nerves of steel to be a steeplejack. ─── 你要勇敢些,才能去当一名高空作业修建工。

11、After spending a day with screaming children, her nerves were frayed. ─── 与吵吵嚷嚷的孩子们呆了一天后,她的神经快要崩溃了。

12、He steadied his nerves before he defended himself. ─── 他在为自己辩护前先使自己的情绪镇定下来。

13、Lord Henry's casual questioning had made him lose his nerves for the moment, and he wanted his nerves still. ─── 享利勋爵无心的发问叫他当时心慌意乱,而他希望自己能保持镇静。

14、She was all nerves before the final exams. ─── 她在期末考试之前非常紧张。

15、Oh, you're a great help! Your optimismis beginning to get on my nerves. I'm beat. Maybe we should just call it a day. ─── 唉,你帮倒忙了!你的乐观开始让我神经紧张心烦意乱。我觉得非常地疲惫!也许我们今天该到此为止了。

16、You're really getting on my nerves. ─── 你真的把我惹火了!

17、The noise played on the old invalid's nerves. ─── 噪音刺激着这个老年病人的神经。

18、To grate on(nerves or feelings). ─── 刮,折磨(在神经和感情上)进行折磨

19、The noise wore her nerves (to nothing). ─── 噪音使她的神经紧张(到了极点)。

20、His whistling grated on her nerves. ─── 他的口哨声使她心烦。

21、Did you expect Gillan would have no nerves? ─── 你想到吉莉会这样泰然自若吗?

22、Intensely distressing or irritating to the nerves. ─── 令人紧张的:令神经高度紧张或极受刺激的。

23、Of or relating to the trigeminal nerves; trifacial. ─── 三叉神经的属于或关于三叉神经的

24、Their voices jar on my nerves. ─── 他们的吵闹搅得我心烦。

25、It takes a lot nerves to break up with her. ─── 和他分手需要很大的勇气。

26、Have a brandy -- it will settle your nerves . ─── 喝点白兰地吧,它会使你镇定下来的。

27、Did you expect gillian would have no nerves? ─── 你想到吉利恩会这样坦然自若吗?

28、One poison acts on the nerves, the other on the blood. ─── 一种毒液作用于神经,另一种毒液作用于血液。

29、The noise wore her nerves to nothing. ─── 噪音使她的精神疲惫不堪。

30、This pill will help to settle your nerves. ─── 你吃了这片药神经就不那麽紧张了。

31、His bad manners grate on my nerves. ─── 他没有礼貌让我心烦。

32、It's killing off his nerves in his arms, legs and mouth - it stops him from being able to chew and talking properly. ─── 这种毒素正在杀死他的手臂、腿部和嘴部的神经,那将会阻碍摩根正常的咀嚼和讲话。

33、Stop whistling! It's/You're getting on my nerves! ─── 别吹口哨了! 扰得我心烦!

34、She's a martyr to her nerves. ─── 她长期忍受神经紧张之苦。

35、In chess, cool nerves are of the essence. ─── 下棋特别需要头脑冷静。

36、It was hope that held my nerves from shock. ─── 只是怀着一线希望,我才不致丧魂落魄。

37、The way he laughs jars on my nerves . ─── 他大笑的样子刺激我的神经。

38、He tried to soothe her nerves. ─── 他努力抚慰她的紧张感。

39、Living alone unsettled his nerves. ─── 他独自生活,情绪很不稳定。

40、His monotonous whistling grated on her nerves. ─── 他单调的口哨声令她的神经受不了。

41、Have some brandy; it'll calm your nerves. ─── 喝点白兰地吧,这会使你紧张的神经松弛下来。

42、Have you no compassion for my poor nerves? ─── 你一点也不同情我可怜的神经?

43、To supply(an organ or a body part) with nerves. ─── 分布神经于使神经分布于(器官或身体一部分)

44、Her nerves were in shreds. ─── 她的神经崩溃了。

45、A nice cup of tea will soothe your nerves. ─── 一杯好茶可以使你的心绪平静下来。

46、By all accounts, it was Mrs.Gorbachev's higher-pitched voice, professorial tone and tendency to lecture that got on Mrs.Reagan's nerves. ─── 人人都说令里根夫人极为不快的,乃是戈尔巴乔夫夫人尖锐的噪音,教授讲学的语气,以及教训人的态势。

47、His wife had a fit of nerves again this morning. ─── 今天早晨他的妻子又发了一通神经。

48、His nerves were frayed by the noise of traffic. ─── 他被交通噪音弄得神经紧张。

49、The argument frayed their nerves. ─── 争辩使他们不快。

50、You need strong nerves to ride a bike in London. ─── 在伦敦骑自行车,你可得有胆量。

51、All his nerves seemed to have come apart. ─── 他的神经似乎全部崩溃。

52、The smoke and shouting were enough to shake nerves of steel. ─── 喷出的烟雾和惊乎声足以震动钢铁般的神经。

53、Charles said he now knows what being a parent of a son or daughter on active duty can do to your nerves. ─── 查尔斯表示他现在了解了作为一名父亲对儿子或女儿在执行职责时神经是如何的紧绷。

54、Have a brand--it will settle your nerves. ─── 喝点白兰地吧,它会使你镇定下来的。

55、Coffee can stimulate one's nerves. ─── 咖啡能刺激神经。

56、His nerves were naturally too dull. ─── 他的神经天生太麻木。

57、Carrying inward to a central organ or section, as nerves that conduct impulses from the periphery of the body to the brain or spinal cord. ─── 传入的传入到中央器官或部分的,如从身体的神经末梢周围传导神经冲至大脑或脊柱腱的神经

58、Repeated noises that fraythe nerves. ─── 令人神经紧张的反反复复的噪音。

59、The human brain contains several billion nerve cells, which are connected with one another by fine nerves. ─── 人类的大脑含有几十亿个神经细胞,这些细胞由纤细的神经将彼此连接起来。

60、Perhaps his nerves were naturally too dull to admit of any excitation. ─── 大概他的神经天生就很迟钝以至不容有任何刺激的余地。

61、His constant complaining jangles on my nerves. ─── 他老是唠唠叨叨地抱怨,我实在受不了。

62、The noise is shattering our nerves. ─── 噪音使我们的神经受不了。

63、You're getting on my nerves. ─── 你真叫我生气。

64、She tries on tranquillizers because of her nerves. ─── 她因神经方面的毛病常服镇静剂。

65、By now,my heart beets fast and I am all nerves! ─── 事到如此,鄙人心跳加快,精神紧张起来。

66、The length of the road began to nag at my nerves. ─── 车道漫漫,不见尽头,我的神经开始受不住了。

67、What he said at the meeting strung her nerves up . ─── 他在会议上的发言,使她的神经很紧张。

68、His nerves are on edge, that's all. ─── 只是神经有点紧张罢了。

69、The singer's high notes jarred on my nerves. ─── 女歌唱家的高音让我神经受不了。

70、What he said at the meeting strung her nerves up. ─── 他在会议上的发言,使她的神经很紧张。

71、Turn off that radio, it's getting on my nerves. ─── 关上收音机吧,它使我心神不定。

72、His nerves were frayed by the noise. ─── 他的神经被那噪音磨损了。

73、I am always in a state of nerves on the eve of an examination. ─── 临考的前夕我总是非常紧张。

74、For almost a year they had waged a war of nerves on their neighbours; now it was to be war in earnest. ─── 他们同邻居进行精神战已将近一年;现在要郑重开战了。

75、Nerves in the inner ears send messages to your brain. ─── 内耳里的神经把信息传到你的大脑。

76、The way he laughs jars on my nerves. ─── 他大笑的样子使我有不愉快的感觉。

77、The incessant talking jarred on my nerves. ─── 喋喋不休的谈话使我感到烦躁不安

78、The noise wore her nerves to shreds. ─── 吵闹声使她的神经受不了。

79、That'll astonish Timothy's weak nerves. ─── 以悌摩西那样衰弱的神经,这件事准会吓坏他。

80、Repeated noises that fray the nerves. ─── 令人神经紧张的反反复复的噪音

81、The bell almost shattered my jangled nerves. ─── 之后是连续的叩门声。

82、He has been getting on my nerves all week. ─── 他整个礼拜都弄的我心烦意乱。

83、Any of the nerves of this system. ─── 副交感神经这个系统中的任意一根神经

84、He took a few deep breaths to steady his nerves. ─── 他深深地吸了几口气,让自己平静下来。

85、The noise got on my nerves and I nearly ended up in a nut factory. ─── 噪音使我精神不安,我几乎进了疯人院。

86、His nerves were strung taut. ─── 他的神经绷得很紧。

87、His nerves were all anyhow by then. ─── 不管怎么说,到这时候他的神经倒健全了。

88、Sympathetic nerves have their ganglia just above the heart. ─── 交感神经的神经节位于心脏的上方。

89、A cup of tea will steady your nerves. ─── 一杯茶会使你心神镇定下来。

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