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08-19 投稿


muffler 发音

英:['m?fl?]  美:['m?fl?]

英:  美:

muffler 中文意思翻译



muffler 短语词组

1、resonator type muffler ─── 谐振器式消声器

2、muffler section ─── 消声器部分

3、mittens and a muffler ─── 连指手套和消声器

4、micropore muffler ─── 小孔消声器

5、exhaust gas muffler ─── 排气消声器

6、put the muffler on sb ─── 使某人住嘴

7、muffler plate ─── 消声板

8、chocked muffler ─── 有锁的消声器

9、muffler cover ─── 消声器盖

10、speed control muffler ─── 出口节流阀

11、helicopter muffler ─── 直升机消声器

12、exhaust muffler ─── [化] 排气消声器; 排气消音器

13、obstruction muffler ─── 障碍物消声器

14、dissipative muffler ─── 耗散型消声器

15、muffler explosion ─── 消音器反火

16、noise muffler ─── [化] 噪声衰减器

17、muffler shop okc ─── 消声器店okc

18、muffler tail pipe ─── 消音器排气管

19、ansa muffler usa ─── 使用消音器ansa

muffler 词性/词形变化,muffler变形

动词过去分词: muffled |动词过去式: muffled |动词现在分词: muffling |动词第三人称单数: muffles |

muffler 相似词语短语

1、mufflered ─── 带消音器的

2、rufflier ─── 荷叶边

3、muffle ─── vt.蒙住;裹住;抑制;发低沉的声音;n.低沉的声音;消声器;包裹物(如头巾,围巾等);唇鼻部

4、scuffler ─── 混战者

5、muffled ─── adj.沉闷的;压抑的;听不清的;蒙住的;(穿许多厚衣服把自己的身体和脸)裹起来的,包住的;v.裹住,蒙住;使(声音)低沉,压低(声音)

6、mufflers ─── n.[声]消声器(muffler的复数);围巾

7、ruffler ─── n.扰乱的人,傲慢的家伙;打褶装置

8、rufflers ─── n.扰乱的人,傲慢的家伙;打褶装置

9、muffles ─── vt.蒙住;裹住;抑制;发低沉的声音;n.低沉的声音;消声器;包裹物(如头巾,围巾等);唇鼻部

muffler 常见例句(双语使用场景)


2、Experiment Analysis on Noise of the Minibus Exhaust Muffler ─── 微型汽车排气消声器的噪声实验分析

3、a pipe carrying fumes from the muffler to the rear of a car ─── 一种尾气从消声器中运到汽车尾部的管道

4、The driver deadened the noise of the car with a new muffler. ─── 司机安装了新的消声器减少汽车嗓音。

5、Design of Exhaust Muffler of Small Diesel Engine ─── 小型柴油机排气消声器的设计

6、Description: Zhejiang Benke Auto Parts Co.,Ltd ---- Manufacture various of auto accessories:muffler,engine protection board,armrest,mudguard and exterior performance parts for car. ─── ------生产各种汽车用品、如消声器、下护板、扶手箱以及各种汽车外饰件。

7、The GR series metal carrier catalyst, GWMC series motorcycle exhaust catalyst and GCP series motor exhaust muffler were appraised as high-tech products. ─── GR系列金属载体催化剂、GWMC系列摩托车排气净化器、GCP系列汽车排气净化消声器被评为高新技术产品。

8、Based on the theory of flow duct aoustics,simulating model of a muffler is established by using the AVL BOOST,and improved design of the exhaust muffler of a car is implemented. ─── 基于管道声学理论,利用AVL公司的Boost软件建立排气消声器模型,进行某轿车的排气消声器改进设计.

9、I need to buy auto muffler,please and contact us. ─── 我们需要求购汽车消声器,请联系我们。

10、In The Yellow Muffler, he takes on the glitzy world on nightclub performers. ─── 吕不悦与第三女(沈月明)陪同到台湾发展,两姊白虹(丁珮)、青萍(陈依龄)留港继续歌舞生涯。

11、I found that one of the Rox straps had melted on the muffler, so I would need a new strategy for that strap next time. ─── 我发现有一个带的红霉素已经融化的消声器,所以我需要一个新的战略,这一带在下一次。

12、In 1998, our product - Muffler Guard - were shipped to B&S company in the U.S.A; October the same year, product - Valve Tappet - were shipped to MHI company in Japan. ─── 华文中宋1998年公司生产的消声器防护网罩开始出口美国B&S公司,同年10月生产的气门挺柱销往日本三菱重工。

13、micro-perforated plate muffler ─── 微孔板消声器

14、When Po and Doug have departed this street, a lady in yarn-made pink clothes with a muffler quietly shows up at a street corner and is coldly looking toward the direction Po and Doug left in. ─── 当博豆的身影在街边消失,一个身穿粉色纱质衣衫,带著面纱的女子,无声无息的出现在一个街角,寒寒的望著他们离去的方向.....

15、It introduces a new approach of application of functional analysis method for designing a test platform of rock drilling machine, which includes the design of sound insulation cover, exhaust muffler and buffer. ─── 介绍了应用功能分析的方法进行凿岩机试验台设计的过程,并对隔声罩、声器和缓冲器的设计作了详细介绍。

16、They took off his coat and cap and muffler and the kind of leather jerkin. ─── 大家给他脱去外衣,摘掉帽子、围巾,穿在里面的紧身皮上衣也被脱掉了。

17、muffler not knitted or crocheted ─── 围巾,非针织或钩编

18、Our present business scope includes: pashmina, cashmere muffler, cashmere scarf, cashmere sweater, etc. ─── 产品主要销往日本、美国、欧共体、香港等国家和地区。

19、Next I tried working in a muffler factory, but that was exhausting. ─── 接着我到排气管厂工作,提起来实在令人泄气。

20、I had loosened the golden muffler that he always wore. ─── 我解开了他一直带着的金黄色的围脖。

21、The new muffler can achieve double goals of both heat exchange and muffling when the original exhaust muffler of a road bus is replaced with it. ─── 它在取代汽车原消声器的同时,可实现换热和消声的双重目的。

22、The appropriate offset of inlet and outlet of an expansion muffler can increase its working frequency range. ─── 扩张室端部形状不仅影响消声器传递损失的大小,还影响到传递损失的变化周期;

23、I need to buy auto muffler ,please and contact us. ─── 我们需要汽车消声器,请与我们联系。

24、German supplier Eberspacher has a system installed inside a car's muffler that can both silence and modulate an engine's sound to create the desired output as well. ─── 埃贝施帕赫尔德国供应商有一个系统内安装汽车消声器,可以调节这两个沉默和发动机的声音,创造理想的输出以及.

25、By changing the various structure of a muffler, the reason how various structures of muffler impact on exhaust backpressure of the engine was gotten, and then its rules was summarized up. ─── 并通过改变各种消声结构,研究了不同消声器结构对发动机的排气背压的影响,并给出了规律性的意见。

26、The Broadband Muffler Made From the Alloy Honeycomb Monolith ─── 使用合金蜂窝体制造的宽频带消声器

27、It featured an oversized grill and aggressive wedge shape, plus a centrally mounted muffler, a rear glass hatch and LED headlights. ─── 它精选超大烧烤和侵略性的楔形,加上中央安装消声器,后方玻璃舱口和LED头灯。

28、muffler (apparel), knitted or crocheted of textile materials ─── 围巾,针织或钩编纺织材料制

29、Muffler men, mystery spots and antigravity hills are just the beginning. ─── 围巾男子,神秘景点和反吸引力山只是开始。

30、Study of new design for exhaust muffler ─── 一种新型排气消声器试验研究

31、They had a sinister expression,under an old cocked-hat like a three-cornered spittoon,and over a great muffler for the chin and throat,which descended nearly to the wearer's knees. ─── 他眼里有一种阴险的表情,露出在翘起的三角痰盂样的帽檐之下。眼睛下面是一条大围巾,裹住了下巴和喉咙,差不多一直垂到膝盖。

32、a pipe carrying fumes from the muffler to the rear of a car. ─── 一种从消声器中运到汽车尾部的管道。

33、That's not a noise a muffler would make. Let me take a look. Can you start the car and pop the hood? ─── 消音器不会发出这样的声音。我来检查检查。你能发动汽车,打开引擎盖吗?

34、The colors of your coat, hat and muffler shall harmonize. ─── 你外套、帽子和围巾的色彩应该协调。

35、If that was not bad enough, they were riding an ATV with a "ring a ding ding" engine (2 strokes) and expansion chamber for a muffler. ─── 更糟糕的是,他们所驾驶的是一辆发动机(二冲程)叮当作响的坦克车,并且车内备有一个巨大的消音器。

36、Wow, what a nice muffler! ─── 哇,好棒的一条围巾。

37、Broad-band impedance composite muffler design and application ─── 宽频带阻抗复合消声器的设计和应用

38、It is found that the velocity field distribution of airflow internal the muffler is similar to that of pressure and temperature field. ─── 发现了消声器的内部气流的速度场、压力场以及温度场具有相似的分布特点。

39、He had a red woollen muffler round his neck and his skin was rather reddish too. ─── 他的颈项里围着一条红色的羊毛围巾,红扑扑的小脸,长相有点奇怪,却又惹人喜欢。

40、They had a sinister expression, under an old cocked-hat like a three-cornered spittoon, and over a great muffler for the chin and throat, which descended nearly to the wearer's knees. ─── 他眼里有一种阴险的表情,露出在翘起的三角痰盂样的帽檐之下。 眼睛下面是一条大围巾,裹住了下巴和喉咙,差不多一直垂到膝盖。

41、I for the production of automobile exhaust pipe of the professional manufacturers, the main exhaust manifold, in possession, muffler ASSY, in the cold-piping. ─── 我公司为生产汽车排气管的专业厂家,主要有排气歧管,中下管,消声器总成,中冷器配管。

42、I need muffler and exhauster used in car and motocycle. If you are factory, please send me your details. ─── 对不起!您没有登录,请先登录,如果还不是本站会员,请免费注册。

43、In this paper, an orthogonal designing method was used for the optimal design of an exhaust muffler for vehicle. ─── 利用正交设计方法对汽车的排气消声器进行优化设计,弄清了不同参数对消声器性能的影响和变化规律。

44、Bill: Knit me a muffler. ─── 比尔:替给我织一条围巾。

45、muffler is an irregular shaped tapered type mid-ship muffler. ─── 消声器是一个不规则形状的圆锥型船舯消声器。

46、Numerical Study of Acoustic Performance of Exhaust Muffler ─── 排气消声器性能的数值模拟

47、The Application of X-type Muffler in Noise Suppression ─── X型消声器在噪声治理中的应用分析

48、Design of diesel engine exhaust muffler based on BP network ─── 基于BP网络的柴油机排气消声器结构参数设计

49、The products are used in extensively in high, middle-garden knitting surface fabric, weaving, carpet, bath robe, scarf, muffler, cap, glove and decorating, etc. ─── 产品广泛用于高、档针织面料、布、毯、袍、肩、巾、子、套袜子及装饰等。

50、During the cooperation of Jialing with Jialing-Honda, I used CATIA successfully finished GX160, GX270, GX3703 types,5 models muffler's parts3- D sculpting, Simulate concerting and model desgin work by myself. ─── 其中在嘉陵集团与嘉陵-田公司的合作中,独自应用CATIA成功完成GX160、X270、X370等三种机型共5款消声器的零部件三维造型、拟配合及模具设计工作。

51、Study on muffler Device for Local Ventilation Device ─── 局部通风机消音装置的研制

52、Nobody can put a muffler on him. ─── 从来还没有人能让他住嘴。

53、In this paper,described were establishment of insertion loss model of reactive muffler and its application in exhaust muffler design on model 492Qgasoline engine. ─── 描述了抗性消声器插入损失模型的建立及其在492Q汽油机上的应用。

54、The sound tranfer loss of 2 kind of muffler structures are calculated, then tested and verified on the double sound transferrer random exciting exhaust muffler testing rig. ─── 利用此种矩阵,计算了两种结构的消声器的传递损失,并在双传声器随机激励消声器试验台上进行了试验验证。

55、Development of Muffler Improvement of Low Noise Compressor ─── 压缩机消声器的机理与性能改进研究

56、Taking the two low frequency crest noise as noise control objects,a re- sonator muffler with two-stage and parallel-connection structure is designed. ─── 以这两个低频噪声成分为控制目标,设计了一个双级并联结构的共振腔消声器。

57、The acoustical behavior of a motorcycle exhaust muffler was simulated with the boundary element method. ─── 摘要用边界元方法计算了某一摩托车排气消声器的消声性能。


59、When the engine is running or just stopped, don't touch the muffler and the engine body with hand in order to prevent scalding. ─── 当汽油机在运转过程或刚停止运转后,为防止烫伤,请不要用手摸消声器和机体。

60、to bolt the muffler back onto the car ─── 把消声器安装回汽车上

61、When he stopped for drink, he moved this muffler with his left hand, only while he poured his liquor in with his right; as soon as that was done, he muffled again. ─── 他停下马喝酒时,只用左手拉开围巾,右手往嘴里灌,喝完又用围巾围了起来。

62、Guangzhou Baiyun District Guangzhan Motor Muffler Factory ─── 广州白云区广湛汽车消声器厂

63、Our factory manufacture over 10 series such as scarf, amice, blanket, cushion, muffler, over 100 items, throughput more than 1 million every year. ─── 品种有羊毛、晴纶、雪尼尔、真丝、仿羊绒、全棉等十几个系列,上百个品种。

64、In this paper, ANN was applied to the muffler design with the efforts to reduce the intrinsic error that was caused by the assumption on which the muffler"s acoustic model was based. ─── 为了克服目前排气消声器一般设计方法固有的建模假定引起的设计误差,本论文尝试将人工神经网络应用于排气消声器设计问题。

65、babies'glove muffler, knitted or crocheted ─── 婴儿厚手套,针织或钩编

66、On this condition insert-loss and power-loss indoor tests of the improved muffler are carrie. ─── 在此基础上,对改进的消声器进行了发动机台架插入损失和功率损失实验。

67、George: Ah son why don't you just sit down and take of you coat and hat and earmuffs and muffler and gloves. ─── 乔治:你干嘛不坐下,把外套脱了。还有帽子,你的耳罩。还有围巾。还有手套。

68、Application of Small-Bore Jet Noise Muffler ─── 小孔喷注消声器的应用

69、The calculation method of insertion loss of the resistance of the exhaust muffler is a convenient way of choosing resistant muffler clue to investigatition. ─── 摘要本文介绍了抗性排气消声器插入损失的计算方法,并通过试验证实该计算方法是抗性消声器选型的一条简便途迳。

70、The utility model relates to a compressed air muffler used for a pneumatic system. ─── 涉及一种用于气动系统的压缩空气消声器。

71、In this paper, the effect of disc muffler on vibration and sound radiation of worm shell is discussed. ─── 摘要探讨了圆盘型进气消声器对蜗壳振动和声辐射的影响。

72、We provide just about everything -except muffler inspections. ─── 我们几乎提供一切--除了检查排气消声器。

73、This method is applied to designing the structure size of Multi-Stage Decompression Muffler. ─── 利用此方法对多级降压消声器的结构尺寸进行优化设计。

74、We spill a couple of Fernet Brancas down his throat, lay him out on the bench and cover his eyes with his muffler. ─── 我们往他喉咙里灌了几杯费内特-布纳卡,把他放倒在大椅子上,又用围巾捂上他的眼睛。

75、I need to buy auto muffler,please with contact us. ─── 我们需要购买汽车消声器,请联系我们。

76、The colors of your coat , hat and muffler shall harmonize ─── 你外套、帽子和围巾的色彩应该协调

77、They took off his coat and cap and muffler. ─── 大家给他脱去大衣、帽子、围巾。

78、During my four years' working, from Practice to design and manufacturing the muffler, I have successfully designed more than200 molds and more than10 types of muffler with my colleagues. ─── 在工作的4年中,从实习到承担消声器的开发制造工作,已经成功设计开发了200多套模具及10余种产品。

79、This paper uses BAM to solve the abnormal sound of exhaust muffler of car,and gives a optimized structure solution,solves the problem of pupu" sound. ─── 利用辅助消声器对汽车消声器的异响"噗噗声"进行试验分析,并对原消声器提出结构优化解决方案,解决了"噗噗声"问题,同时排气管口的噪声水平也得到了降低。

80、We spill a couple of Fernet Brancas down his throat, lay him out on the bench and cover his eyes with his muffler. ─── 我们往他喉咙里灌了几杯费内特-布纳卡,把他放倒在大椅子上,又用围巾捂上他的眼睛。

81、Thus, a successful muffler design method is developed. ─── 探索了一种消声器的设计和模拟分析方法。

82、When I was clear of the house, a black muffler was drawn tightly over my mouth from behind, and my arms were pinioned. ─── 我刚出门,一条黑色的围巾便从身后勒紧了我的嘴,我的双手被反剪了起来。

83、The exhaust system consists of a sport muffler and new oval exhaust tips. ─── 排气系统包括一个新的体育消声器和椭圆形的排气技巧.

84、Outside a muffler shop: No appointment necessary, we hear you coming. ─── 一家消声器店外:根本不用预约,我们听到你来了!

85、Study on Propertyof Purification Muffler ─── 净化消声器性能研究

86、On the basis of thermodynamic theory and acoustic principle, a kind of exhaust heat exchange muffler for a road bus has been developed. ─── 依据热工理论和声学原理,研制了一种公路客车用排气换热消声器。

87、I need to buy car muffler,please with contact us. ─── 我们需要购买汽车消声器,请尽快与我们联系。

88、For the sake of the noise control of automotive noise,an improved method is presented through some muffler of a subminiature truck tests on an engine test bed. ─── 以控制汽车加速噪声为背景,通过对某微型卡车排气消声器的测试分析结果,提出相应的改进措施。

89、Noise A decade ago or so I was in the back seat of a motor-glider being flown to a local airport for some repair work on a noisy muffler. ─── 十来年前,我坐在一个动力滑翔机的后座位去一个本地的机场。

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