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08-19 投稿


balanceable 发音

英:[['b?l?nse?bl]]  美:[['b?l?nse?bl]]

英:  美:

balanceable 中文意思翻译



balanceable 短语词组

1、balanceable def ─── 平衡定义

2、balanceable definition ─── 平衡定义

balanceable 相似词语短语

1、balanced line ─── [电]平衡线路

2、undanceable ─── 不可撤销的

3、balance pipe ─── 平衡管

4、danceable ─── adj.(指音乐)适合跳舞的(名词danceability)

5、balance beam ─── n.平衡木;天平横梁;平衡杆,秤杆

6、blameable ─── adj.有过失的;该责备的

7、balance bridge ─── 平衡桥,开启桥

8、unbalanceable ─── 不平衡的

9、placeable ─── adj.可被确定位置的;可被确定年代的;可被安置的

balanceable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But the balanceable state would be destroyed in a adverse condition because the ability of elimination of activated oxygen would weaken. ─── 在逆境条件下,体内抗氧化系统清除活性氧能力下降,这种平衡被打破。

2、and the strategy of balanceable development and the strategy of imbalanceable development should be integrated. ─── 应强调平衡发展战略与非平衡发展战略的有机结合。

3、New Technology of Balanceable Fertilization ─── 平衡施肥新技术

4、Camus showed the balanceable thoughts just like the ancient Greek in his works. ─── 加缪在其哲学和相关文学作品中处处体现着古希腊式的平衡与节制的思想。

5、Balanceable constant and electromotive forces of cell ─── 平衡常数与电池电动势

6、Objective:To progress a theoretical study of Chinese Balance Moxibustion with balanceable theory. ─── 目的:运用平衡针灸理论进行灸疗学的理论研究。

7、Menwhile, the city distribution in Shanxi province is not balanceable, which resulted the regional difference among the middle, the northern and the southern regions of Shanxi province. ─── 同时,陕西城市的分布很不平衡,形成了关中、陕北与陕南三大区域的差异。

8、Buharin considers nature and society as a whole and studies its dynamic balanceable relationship as a system. ─── 系统之动态平衡思想以其鲜明的特色和理论高度构成了布哈林经济哲学思想的核心。

9、sem-micro balanc ─── 半微量天平

10、The balanceable position is a relative response of the adjusted pressure, supplied by pilot system, forced on one side of diaphragm. ─── 其平衡位置与来自导压系统作用于隔膜一侧(阀体下游出口侧)的调整压有对应关系;

11、Axial force is balanced by back vane or balanceable hole, for the specification with big radial force; we adopt double-wear passage design. ─── 轴向力由副叶片或平衡孔平衡,对于径向力在的规格采取了双壳体设计;

12、Keywords ecological status;assessment indicator system;balanceable phase;ecosystem;ecological comprehensive index(ECI); ─── 生态状况;判断指标;相持阶段;生态系统;生态综合指数;

13、Life is a balance, gains and losses is also balanceable. ─── 人生就是一种平衡,所得与所失也是平衡的。

14、To make balanceable Productiong Plan according customer, material status.Production Capacity. ─── 预想关部门沟通协作,了解物料到货信息,确认发还;

15、Carry out Balanceable Developmental Measures of Education and Set up a Equitable Competitive Environment of Education ─── 实施教育均衡发展策略创建教育公平竞争环境

16、The factors having effects on the maximum torque, balanceable torque and time at balanceable torque of lignin-LDPE blend by torque rheometer were studied. ─── 摘要研究了影响木质素与低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)共混物在转矩流变仪中的共混最大扭矩、平衡扭矩以及达到平衡扭矩时间的各个因素。

17、Feature: The machine adopts the mechanism of double-cylinder and four-columns balanceable connected staffs, that ensure the be-cutted places indendical. It is fit to cut all the big-surface-areas material just like leather, ─── 特点:本机采用双油缸,四柱平衡连杆结构,保证裁断位置深度完全相同。适合大幅面皮革、塑胶、布料裁断成型。

18、precision single-pan balanc ─── 精密单盘天平

19、The article finds the harmonious formula and the harmonious curve from the dynamic(model.)It is proved that the GBCP pattern is a balanceable and harmonious model. ─── 通过该动态模型推导出和谐公式与和谐曲线,证明了GBCP模式是一稳定、和谐的模型。

20、Average time at balanceable torque first decreased to the least,then increased slightly. ─── 达到平衡扭矩时的平均时间随木质素的含量增加和温度的升高减小到最小值后又逐渐增加。

21、Negotiation procedure under this strategy can obtain balanceable and pareto optimal results, whose time complexity is lower. ─── 利用该策略,协商过程能获得平衡解和帕累托最优解,且时间复杂性较低。

22、As a visual modality of art, Xiao Zhuan possesses Symmetrical and balanceable beauty. ─── 作为一种视觉艺术形式,小篆具有一种对称的平衡美。

23、platform balanc ─── 台秤

24、On the Balanceable Relationship Between the Protection and Utilization of Personal Information ─── 论个人信息保护与利用之平衡关系

25、balanceable disc ─── 平衡盘

26、balanceable attack angle ─── 平衡迎角

27、beautiful garnet in colour with a fruity and balanceable fragrance, the aroma of blueberry and liquorice can make people happy, a smooth, lively and grace taste. ─── 酒体呈漂亮的石榴红,果香浓郁且均衡,清新的蓝莓和甘草香气令人愉悦,入口丝滑圆润,活泼又不失优雅。

28、microanalytical balanc ─── 微量分析天平

29、soil balanceable fertilizer ─── 土壤平衡施肥

30、Application of balanceable condition in finite element analysis of static mechanical structure ─── 平衡条件在机械结构静态有限元分析中的应用

31、Balanceable expectation ─── 平衡期望值

32、The machine adopts the mechanism of double-cylinder and four-columns balanceable cconnected staffs,that ensure the be-cutted places indentical. ─── 本机采用双油缸,四柱平衡连杆结构,保证裁断位置深度完全相同。

33、water deal balanceable analysis ─── 水量平衡分析

34、Showing the balanceable Picasso. ─── 平衡的毕加索展露。

35、At the balanceable place the incoming wave is inputted vertically as shear wave in the bottom of the mode. ─── 框架结构在静力作用下产生位移,在静平衡位置再输入地震波。

36、balanceable phase ─── 相持阶段

37、Under the wild condition, the natural resource is limited and the supply is not balanceable comparing with the artificial condition. ─── 野生条件下自然资源有限,没有人工条件通过施肥所补给的均衡。

38、Before arrival of the next social tide, to some extent, design methods of expression and reproduction will tend to be balanceable. ─── 在下一次社会浪潮汹涌到来之前,表现与再现的设计手法虽然此此起彼伏,但将在某种范围内趋向平衡。

39、CSP rolling mill is a important equipment in CSP production.It's a important precondition to keep mass flow balanceable among stands to achieve stable production. ─── CSP轧机是短流程工艺中最重要的设备,保证机架间金属秒流量相等是轧制过程稳定的重要前提。

40、balanceable state ─── 平衡状态

41、It exists widely that the human resource is insufficient and the structure is not balanceable. ─── 企业人力资源供给不足,或者人力资源结构性失衡的现象普遍存在。

42、The research on the balanceable relationship between active searching for students and appropriate guidance for the teachers in the computer teaching ─── 在计算机教学中学生主动探索与教师适度引导之间平衡的研究

43、balanceable attack angles ─── 平衡攻角

44、In my opinion, it is necessary to have proper exercise, balanceable alimentation, and optimistic mind for keeping health. ─── 我想适当的锻炼、平衡的营养、乐观的心态对健康是必要的。

45、precision balanc ─── 精密天平

46、Axial force is balanced by back vane or balanceable hole, for the specification with big radial force; we adopt double-wear passage design. ─── 轴向力由副叶片或平衡孔平衡,对于径向力在的规格采取了双壳体设计;

47、Activity Curriculum Based on Network Game--Exploring the Balanceable Point of Integration of Game Into Education ─── 网络游戏式活动课程--游戏与教育结合的平衡点探微

48、Popularization techniques of balanceable fertilization in Mingguang city ─── 明光市平衡施肥技术推广的做法与成效

49、First, a novel balanceable task allocation algorithm is introduced.Compare to market bidding algorithm, it could make the task allocation more balanceable based on reducing whole system's cost. ─── 首先,提出了一种Agent任务平衡分配算法,该算法与竞价拍卖算法相比,在能保证降低整体系统消耗的基础上,能够使Agent之间的任务分配更加平衡;

50、Non-weaving grinding rollerThere is balanceable rubbing rorce.New fabric floss will be working after the special fabric surface worn. ─── 研磨力均一,特殊织维表面磨损后新绒立即发挥作用;

51、The best molecular structure of the ester ether forther has been designed through the Adding Method by use of the Hydrophile-Lypophile Balanc value(HLB value) of the surfactants. ─── 采用表面活性剂“亲水-亲油平衡值”即HLB值的“加合法”计算公式,设计出醚酯类起泡剂的最佳分子结构。

52、Optional Balanc Resistor Networks Can Be Replaced With A Short ─── 可选平衡电阻网络可以用短路代替

53、The local government bonds will be an effective measure to construct infrastructure, coordinate balanceable development of local economy and promote the sustainable growth of economy. ─── 发行地方公债是加强基础设施建设、协调区域经济平衡发展、促进经济持续增长的有效手段。

54、The factors having effects on the maximum torque, balanceable torque and time at balanceable torque of lignin-EVA by torque rheometer were studied. ─── 摘要研究了影响木质素与乙烯醋酸乙烯酯共聚物(EVA)共混物在扭矩流变仪中的共混最大扭矩、平衡扭矩以及达到平衡扭矩时间的各个因素。

55、The average time at balanceable torque first decreased to least,then increased slight with the increase of lignin content. ─── 木质素/EVA共混体系达到平衡扭矩时的平均时间随木质素的含量增加,扭矩值减小到最小后又逐渐增加。

56、and the strategy of balanceable development and the strategy of imbalanceable development should be integrated. ─── 应强调平衡发展战略与非平衡发展战略的有机结合。

57、The factors having effects on the maximum torque,balanceable torque and time at balanceable torque of lignin-LDPE blend by torque rheometer were studied. ─── 研究了影响木质素与低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)共混物在转矩流变仪中的共混最大扭矩、平衡扭矩以及达到平衡扭矩时间的各个因素。

58、Most of mountainous area belonged to water balanceable area. ─── 山区大部分为水资源平衡区。

59、Result shows that the pressure gradually changes into a new balanceable state, and the unsteady fluid osmosis is a special case of t... ─── 结果表明,在注水加压驱油时,压力有一个逐渐变化的过程,最后达到新的稳定压力平衡状态,并揭示了地层流体的非稳态渗流是稳态渗流的特例。

60、In my opinion, it is necessary to have proper exercise, balanceable alimentation , and optimistic mind for keeping health. ─── 我想适当的锻炼、平衡的营养、乐观的心态对健康是必要的。

61、The second question is that the eternal subject is balanceable and harmonious development. ─── 平衡协调发展是和谐生态伦理观的永恒主题;

62、The arithmetic of balanceable expectation of every process,and dynamic optimization of multi-process,and the way of obtaining optimal process were introduced. ─── 并以生产率为优化目标,计算每一种工艺方案的平衡期望值,动态优化多条工艺路线,从而获得了最优的工艺路线。

63、If production of blast furnaces and BFG user have fluctuated simultaneously, dynamic balance of BFG will be beyond adjustable range, although BFG is balanceable statically for a period of time. ─── 在煤气用户生产情况和高炉生产情况同时发生变化的情况下,高炉煤气一天的平衡在可调范围内,而动态瞬时平衡由于波动较大,超出调节范围;

64、optical mono-pan balanc ─── 光学单盘天平

65、As a visual modality of art,Xiao Zhuan possesses Symmetrical and balanceable beauty. ─── 作为一种视觉艺术形式,小篆具有一种对称的平衡美。

66、temperature dependent attenuation balanc ─── 温敏衰减均衡

67、district distribution is not balanceable. ─── 区域分布不均衡等。

68、Keep Healthy!Keep a Balanceable Life!Come on!Lee! ─── 让人羡慕的生活我什么时候可以有?

69、Insect Screen can filter approximately 50% direct sunrays to provide delicate plants with proper sunshine and balanceable shadow. ─── 细纱网能滤除大约50%的直射阳光,为娇嫩的植物提供正确的阳光与阴影平蘅度。

70、Integral balanceable method ─── 综合平衡法

71、Balanceable balloon ─── 平衡球

72、A Study for a Soil Balanceable Fertilizer Model System Based on Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks ─── 基于神经网络的模糊土壤平衡施肥模型系统的研究

73、The restructure is a special course in which man seek for a balanceable spot of"fitting"where"is"(of scientific practice) and"must"(of medical purpose) are both available. ─── 医学目的重构的过程也就是主体回复理性努力在医学科学实践之"实然"与医学目的之"该然"之间寻求一个"适然"的平衡点的过程。

74、The problem of balanceable connecting rod bearings emitting heat, which is frequently told by workers in workshops, has not been solved. ─── 摘要针对车间频繁反映高速压力机副连杆轴承发热问题,一直没有得到解决。

75、Contains “LASTING WHITE &BALANC IMPERIAL PILL” with Dan zhu (Phyllostachys nigra), Mu Dan Pi (Paeonia suffruticosa Andr..) and so on more than 10 kinds of the Korean herbs. ─── 蕴含、天门冬、黄芪、淡竹叶、牡丹皮、积雪草等十多味能润肤、美白的韩药精粹。

76、Aiming at that spread sequence isn't strict balanceable in the basic SEDS system, we set up three improved models, which can make the sequence balanceable. ─── 本文针对基本自编码直扩系统的扩频序列无严格的0/1平衡特性,建立了三种都能达到扩频序列平衡、但系统误码性能不同的改进模型。

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