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08-19 投稿


divaricate 发音

英:[da??v?r??ke?t]  美:[da??v?r?ke?t]

英:  美:

divaricate 中文意思翻译




divaricate 短语词组

1、Tabernaemontana divaricate ─── [网络] Tabernaemontana divaricata

divaricate 词性/词形变化,divaricate变形


divaricate 相似词语短语

1、divaricated ─── v.(诗、文)伸展,铺开;叉开;分歧;adj.(树枝)叉开的,分叉的;大分叉的

2、divaricating ─── v.(诗、文)伸展,铺开;叉开;分歧;adj.(树枝)叉开的,分叉的;大分叉的

3、divarication ─── n.分歧;分叉;意见不同;分支

4、divaricately ─── adv.分歧地;展开地

5、bivariate ─── adj.二变量的

6、divaricators ─── 分叉肌

7、divaricator ─── 分叉肌

8、to divaricate ─── 分开

9、divaricates ─── v.(诗、文)伸展,铺开;叉开;分歧;adj.(树枝)叉开的,分叉的;大分叉的

divaricate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、two roads divaricate. ─── 两路在此地点分开。

2、anthers dorsifixed, coherent by adaxial surfaces, thecae divaricate, confluent, dehiscing longitudinally; ─── 花药背着,以正面,极叉开,汇合的囊连着,纵向开裂;

3、Fruiting pedicels suberect, ascending, or divaricate. ─── 果梗近直立,上升,或者极叉开。

4、Fruiting pedicels erect or ascending and subappressed to rachis, rarely divaricate. ─── 果梗直立或上升和近贴伏于轴,很少极叉开。

5、anthers dorsifixed, coherent by adaxial surfaces, thecae divaricate, confluent at apex, dehiscing longitudinally; ─── 花药背着,通过正面,囊极叉开,汇合的在先端,纵向开裂连着;

6、Fruiting pedicels erect, ascending, divaricate, or reflexed. ─── 果梗直立,上升,,或反折。

7、divaricate strophanthus root or leaf ─── 羊角拗

8、Fruiting pedicels slender, ascending or divaricate. ─── 果梗纤细,上升或。

9、divaricate saposhnikovia leaf ─── 防风叶

10、Fruiting pedicels slender, suberect or divaricate. ─── 果梗纤细,近直立或。

11、divaricate velvetplant leaf ─── 白背三七茎叶

12、Stylopodium conic;styles short, divaricate. ─── 花柱基圆锥形花柱短,极叉开。

13、anthers close together in pairs, ovoid, cells 2, divaricate. ─── 成对相近的花药,卵形体,室2,。

14、anthers linear, versatile, cells 2, divaricate, apex confluent. ─── 花药线形,丁字着,室2,,汇合的先端。

15、Fruiting pedicels terete, flattened, or winged, erect or divaricate. ─── 果梗圆柱状,使变平,或具翅,直立或极叉开。

16、divaricate strophanthus seed ─── 羊角拗子(中药)

17、Fruiting pedicels erect, ascending, divaricate, or reflexed. ─── 果梗直立,上升,,或反折。

18、lateral veins 3-5, divaricate near margin. ─── 侧脉3-5,极叉开的接近边缘。

19、Inflorescence copiously branched, forming many spreading and divaricate panicles; ─── 丰富的花序分枝,形成很多平展和极叉开圆锥花序;

20、Stylopodium short-conic;styles short, divaricate. ─── 花柱基短圆锥状花柱短,极叉开。

21、divaricate serpentroot herb and root ─── 苦葵鸦葱

22、Keywords Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry (FAAS) Divaricate saposhniovia root Trace element Pharmacodyamic action; ─── 火焰原子吸收光谱法;防风;微量元素;药理作用;

23、anthers ovoid, cells 2, divaricate, becoming confluent at apex. ─── 花药卵形体,室,极叉开,变得的合流河在先端。

24、slender or thickened and nearly as wide as fruit, erect, ascending, divaricate, or reflexed. ─── 纤细的或加厚和差不多作为宽作为果,直立,上升,极叉开,或反折的果梗。

25、divaricate knotweed herb ─── 酸不溜

26、Stems prostrate;fertile branchlets divaricate, 5-11 cm, with short, spreading or slightly recurved hairs, dark purple; ─── 茎匍匐极叉开的能育小枝,5-11厘米,具短,平展或稍下弯毛,深紫色;

27、At least pedicels divaricate or ascending, together with fruit not appressed to rachis; stamens (4 or 6); petioles of basal leaves often not ciliate. ─── 至少花梗极叉开的或上升,一同具使并非贴伏于轴结果实;雄蕊(4或6);基生叶的叶柄通常不具缘毛。(27

28、Style filiform.Follicles 2, divaricate. ─── 花柱丝状蓇葖果2,极叉开。

29、lobes overlapping in bud, erect or divaricate at anthesis. ─── 裂片在芽中重叠,直立或极叉开在花期。

30、divaricate saposhnikovia root ─── 防风

31、Fruiting pedicels slender, rarely thickened, divaricate or erect-ascending. ─── 果梗纤细,很少加厚,极叉开的或直立上升。

32、Keywords down;divaricate structure;morphological structure;characterization; ─── 羽绒;分叉结构;形态结构;表征;

33、anther cells 2, ellipsoid, divaricate, apex not confluent. ─── 花药室2,椭圆体,,不汇合的先端。

34、Induction of Saposhnikovia divaricate Population ─── 防风群体诱导技术

35、divaricate anther ─── 广歧药

36、anthers dorsifixed, coherent, thecae divaricate, confluent at apex, dehiscing longitudinally from arcuate slits; ─── 花药背着,连着,极叉开,合流河在先端,弧曲裂缝的纵向开裂;

37、Fruiting pedicels ascending or divaricate. ─── 果梗上升的或极叉开。

38、Shrubs, deciduous or semievergreen, erect or divaricate, ca. 2 m tall. ─── 灌木,落叶或半常绿,直立或极叉开,长约2米高。

39、Anthers dorsifixed, thecae divaricate, confluent at apex; bracts 2, not forming an involucre, rarely up to 7 and whorled, 1, or absent. ─── 花药背着,囊极叉开,汇合的在先端;苞片2,不形成一总苞,和轮生的可达7的很少,1,或无。(46

40、Fruiting pedicels slender or thickened, divaricate. ─── 纤细的或加厚的果梗,极叉开。

41、anthers dorsifixed, coherent, thecae divaricate, confluent at apex, dehiscing longitudinally; ─── 花药背着,连着,极叉开,汇合在先端,纵向开裂;

42、divaricate strophanthus seed tomentum ─── 羊角纽花

43、Small tropical tree with tiered branches and divaricate branchlets having broad glossy dark green leaves; exploited for its edible young leaves and seeds that provide a fine flour. ─── 热带一种小型树种,层状树枝和展开的分叉,叶宽大,有光泽,墨绿色;嫩叶和种子是一种面粉的来源。

44、divaricate houndstongue root ─── 玻璃草根

45、divaricate velvetplant root and rhizome ─── 白背三七

46、divaricate knotweed root ─── 酸不溜根

47、styles persistent.Follicles 2, divaricate, apically beaked. ─── 花柱宿存蓇葖果2,极叉开,顶部具喙。

48、Fruiting pedicels usually divaricate. ─── 果梗通常极叉开。

49、Follicles 2, divaricate. ─── 蓇葖果2,极叉开。

50、divaricate carpesium root and stem base ─── 金挖耳根

51、divaricate houndstongue fruit ─── 玻璃草果实

52、divaricate bassia herb ─── 五星蒿

53、Fruiting pedicels ascending or divaricate. ─── 果梗上升的或极叉开。

54、anthers dorsifixed, apically coherent, thecae divaricate, confluent at apex, dehiscing longitudinally; ─── 花药背着,顶部连着,极叉开,汇合在先端,纵向开裂;

55、anther locules basally divaricate, apically confluent. ─── 基部的药室极叉开,顶部汇合。

56、Lower glume longer than upper glume; panicle open, branches divaricate, bearded in axils. ─── 更低的颖片长于上面颖片;圆锥花序开阔的,分枝,具髯毛在腋处。

57、divaricate gelidium thallus ─── 小石花菜

58、divaricate structure ─── 分叉结构

59、anthers basifixed, coherent in pairs, thecae divaricate, confluent at apex, dehiscing longitudinally; ─── 花药基着,成对连着,囊极叉开,汇合的在先端,纵向开裂;

60、lobes divaricate, obovate. ─── 裂片极叉开,倒卵形。

61、Analysis and prevention of earring of Divaricate saposhnikovia ─── 防风抽苔原因及防治

62、Lateral lobes of lower corolla lip not developed, with a small, acute tooth on margin; anther cells divaricate, hairy. ─── 不发育的低花冠唇的侧面裂片,具一小,锐尖齿在边缘上;花药室极叉开,有毛。

63、Fruiting pedicels divaricate or reflexed; ultimate leaf veins ending in apiculate callosities; fruit usually linear, torulose, not appressed to rachis, terete. ─── 果梗极叉开的或反折;末级的叶脉结果是具细尖的胼胝体;果通常线形,近念珠状,并非贴伏于轴,圆柱状。(5

64、Fruiting pedicels slender or thick and as wide as fruit, erect or divaricate. ─── 果梗纤细的或厚和和果,直立或极叉开一样宽。

65、Fruiting pedicels slender, divaricate. ─── 果梗纤细,极叉开。

66、divaricate oxtongue herb ─── 滇毛连菜

67、anthers oblong, cells 2, divaricate. ─── 花药长圆形,室,极叉开。

68、divaricate carpesium herb ─── 金挖耳

69、anthers coherent, locules distinct, divaricate. ─── 花药连着,子房室离生,。

70、anthers nearly dorsifixed, free, thecae divaricate, not confluent, dehiscing longitudinally; ─── 近花药背着,离生,极叉开,不汇合,纵向开裂;

71、Fruiting pedicels slender, divaricate or reflexed, articulate and detached at base. ─── 果梗纤细,极叉开的或反折,有节和分开的在基部。

72、divaricate saposhnikovia flower ─── 防风花

73、Fruiting pedicels slender or thickened, erect, ascending, divaricate, or reflexed. ─── 纤细的或加厚的果梗,直立,上升,极叉开,或反折。

74、At this location the two roads divaricate. ─── 两路在此地点分开。

75、Pedicels of young fruit divaricate, 8-14 mm, slender, soon recurved, glabrous. ─── 极叉开的幼果的花梗,8-14毫米,纤巧,不久下弯,无毛。

76、anther locules attached only at tip, becoming divaricate. ─── 药室只附上在顶部,变得极叉开。

77、Fruiting pedicels slender or thickened, erect, ascending, divaricate, or reflexed. ─── 纤细的或加厚的果梗,直立,上升,极叉开,或反折。

78、to divaricate the road ─── 使道路分叉

79、anthers 2-locular, subglobose, divaricate, connective arching; ─── 花药2室,近球形,极叉开,药隔拱起;

80、anther cells 2, ovoid, divaricate, apex confluent, often orange. ─── 花药室2,卵球形,,汇合的先端,通常橙。

81、anther cells 2, parallel, divergent or divaricate, connectives transversely thicker. ─── 花药室2,平行,分叉或,横向厚的药隔。

82、Fruiting pedicels ascending or divaricate or slightly reflexed. ─── 果梗上升的或极叉开的或稍反折。

83、The basic implantation information investigation of chinese gentian and divaricate saposhnikwovia root in Hei Longjiang province ─── 黑龙江省地道中药材龙胆、防风的种植基本情况调查

84、Capsule subtruncate and retuse at apex, carpels subequal, horizontal; if capsule apex not truncate then carpels distinctly unequal and divaricate. ─── 蒴果近截形和微凹在先端,心皮,水平;那么蒴果先端不削去如果和极叉开的心皮明显不等。(4

85、The two roads divaricate here. ─── 两条道路在此分叉。

86、Fruiting pedicels suberect or divaricate. ─── 果梗近直立的或极叉开。

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