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08-19 投稿


untrained 发音

英:[?n'tre?nd]  美:[,?n'trend]

英:  美:

untrained 中文意思翻译



untrained 网络释义

adj. 未经训练的

untrained 同义词

unprepared | amateur | raw | untutored |inexperienced | green | amateurish | unqualified | unskilled | inexpert | untalented | untaught

untrained 反义词


untrained 短语词组

1、untrained crossword clue ─── 未经训练的纵横字谜线索

2、untrained in ─── 未经训练

3、untrained horses for sale ─── 出售未经训练的马

4、untrained eyes ─── 未经训练的眼睛

5、untrained tasks ─── 未经培训的任务

6、untrained eye ─── 未经训练的眼睛

7、untrained individuals ─── 未经培训的个人

8、untrained melody ─── 未经训练的旋律

9、untrained ear ─── 未经训练的耳朵

10、untrained gtx ─── 未经培训的gtx

11、untrained horses for sale in pa ─── 未经训练的马在宾夕法尼亚州出售

untrained 相似词语短语

1、undrained ─── adj.无排水设施的;未排干水的

2、unordained ─── adj.没有被任命为牧师或传教士的

3、detrained ─── v.(使)下火车;帮助(某人)下火车

4、-trained ─── adj.培训;训练过的,受过培训的;v.训练(train的过去分词)

5、unstrained ─── adj.未滤过的;不牵强附会的;未拉紧的

6、uptrained ─── 上升的

7、entrainer ─── n.夹带剂(形成共沸混合物的溶剂)

8、engrained ─── adj.彻底的;根深蒂固的;v.把…染成木纹色(engrain的过去分词形式)

9、entrained ─── 夹带

untrained 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They had welded a bunch of untrained recruits into an efficient fighting force. ─── 他们把一群未经训练的新兵组织成了一支有战斗力的部队。

2、CPR guidelines from 2005 said only untrained people should use this method. ─── 2005年CPR指南中说只有没有培训过的人才应该使用这种方法。

3、Weld a bunch of untrained recruits into an efficient fighting force. ─── 把未经训练的一群新兵组织成有战斗力的部队。

4、Don't let an untrained person tamper with the electrical circuits. ─── 别让未经训练的人去瞎摆弄电路。

5、I would get a better tape recorder and drive all over Los Angeles like an untrained, unhelpful social worker. ─── 我要买更好的摄影机,开车经过洛杉矶每一个角落,就像一个青涩、笨手笨脚的社会工作者。

6、But the units of the regular army that defected seem to have stayed largely out of the fray, leaving the fighting to untrained youths. ─── 但是,投效反抗军的正规军单位大致上似乎隔岸观火,将战斗交给未受训练的年轻人。

7、A well-trained dog is more confident and can more safely be allowed a greater amount of freedom than an untrained one. ─── 一只训练有素的狗更自信,给它更多的自由时间会比未经训练的狗更安全。

8、Some celebrities are seen out with a significantly bigger number of bodyguards than Abramovich, but they are often untrained. ─── 有些名人据说有着比阿布更多的保镖,但是他们往往是缺乏训练的。

9、To the untrained palate red wines all taste very similar. ─── 对行外品酒人而言,所有的红酒都是一个味道。

10、The women were randomly diided into a 3-month structured exercise training program or no exercise program (untrained). ─── 她们被随机分为3个月组织运动训练组或无练习组。

11、To the untrained eye, the charcoal sketch looks worthless. ─── 对外行人来说,这炭笔素描看来毫无价值。

12、CPR guard lines(guidelines) from 2005 said only untrained people should use this method. ─── 2005年CPR指导内容说:仅仅未经训练的人需要使用这个方法。

13、Indeed I have heard Ephraim lamenting, You have chastised me, and I was chastised, Like an untrained calf; ─── 18我听见以法莲悲叹,说,你惩治我,我便受惩治,像未驯的牛犊一样;

14、untrained driver ─── 无经验的驾驶员

15、Indeed I have heard Ephraim lamenting, You have chastised me, and I was chastised, Like an untrained calf; Bring me back that I may be restored, For You are Jehovah my God. ─── 18我听见以法莲悲叹,说,你惩治我,我便受惩治,像未驯的牛犊一样;求你使我回转,我便回转,因为你是耶和华我的神。

16、More accustomed to working on foot, Scouts are untrained horsemen and as such not great fighters on horseback. ─── 斥候兵们更善于步行活动,而不是马上作战,因此斥候骑兵战力欠佳。

17、The monitoring on the performance of the sub-contractors was also inadequate, resulting in the employment of untrained and inexperienced riggers and signaller in rigging and lifting operations. ─── 在无充分监察分判商表现之情况下,引致在索具装配及起重操作过程中雇用了未受训练及缺乏经验的操作员及讯号员。

18、The most consistent use of the term "folk art"is for untrained ("non-academic") representational artists, primarily painters, who worked with traditional subjects in traditional styles. ─── 实际上“民间艺术”一词的贴切用法是:用于指涉那些未经训练的(“非学究式的”)运用传统手法完成传统主题的民间写实艺术家,主要是画家。

19、We do not expect untrained people to take risks ─── 我们不主张未受过培训的人员去冒险。

20、was standard practice for untrained clerks to advise in serious cases such as murder. ─── 未经训练的职员们在诸如谋杀等重案中提出建议是常规的做法。

21、An untrained person who pretends to be a physician and dispenses medical advice and treatment. ─── 冒牌医生未经训练而装作医生并提供药方和治疗的人

22、To the untrained eye, it might have looked like a very complex pier. ─── 对于非专业人士来讲,那个模型可能看上去像是一个非常复杂的桥墩。

23、So, in order avoid to users misplace or untrained of stethoscope using and makes these two sounds will effect each other during with computer analysis; ─── 因此,为了避免这两个声音在分析计算时受到影响;

24、When commencing the course with a class of untrained students, the instructor should make a short introduction as the following ─── 当对未受训的学生开始授课时,教练应作如下简短介绍

25、To the untrained eye the landscape is rugged desert.Blasted by sun and relieved only by a few stunted trees ─── 在外行人眼里,这片阳光曝晒的沙崎岖不平,只有稀稀拉拉、发育不良的几棵树木。

26、He's quite untrained but he can build a greenhouse by a rule of thumb. ─── 他没有受过什么训练,但能凭实际经验建造温室。


28、I work with practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine, and they inform me that it's only the untrained 'backwoods' practitioners who use animal parts in Chinese medicine. ─── 我是和中药医师一起工作的,他们告诉我说只有没经过正规训练的中药医师才会滥用动物作为药材。

29、2 Tim. 2:23 But foolish questionings and those arising from an untrained mind refuse, knowing that they beget contentions. ─── 提后二23至于愚拙无学问的辩论,总要弃绝,知道这些事是产生争竞的。

30、India's high-tech hub of Bangalore called off a drive to slaughter strays last year following allegations that untrained workers were stoning, strangling and beating the dogs to death. ─── 去年在接到未经培训的员工用石头砸、绳勒、棒打流浪狗的指控后,印度班加罗的高新技术园区号召屠杀到处流浪的狗。

31、If software testers were used, they were frequently untrained and brought into the project late to do some "ad-hoc banging on the code to see what they might find. ─── 假如有软件测试人员在里面工作,通常也是没经过训练的,使得项目没有更多的时间去做“针对代码的随机测试,以期望有所发现。”

32、A well-trained dog is more confident and can more safely be allowed a greater amount of freedom than an untrained animal. ─── 一条训练有素的狗可以让你更放心、更安全,你可以给予他比一个未训练过的动物更多的自由。

33、Most were untrained in rescue work, prompting criticism from some Western analysts of the People’s Liberation Army. ─── 但是因为大部分的士兵没有经历过救援训练,因此也遭到了一些西方评论家的批评。

34、Bolstering armies for battles and prolonged campaigns these untrained and rowdy troops fight with halberds, and whatever weapons they have acquired in battle. ─── 无论在短暂战斗或长期战争中,这些未经训练的农民都可以支援主力部队,以长戟或任何战场上夺取的武器奋勇厮杀。

35、Bathroom Singer," a new singing contest on the Filmy entertainment channel, will zero in on an untrained performer who's good at singing in the shower and can enthral viewers. ─── 印度电影娱乐频道新推出的“厕所歌手”歌唱比赛将把目光瞄准那些未经过训练的、洗手间唱歌很好听并能征服观众的人。

36、His voice was untrained, but could carry the melodic line and was charged with feeling ─── 他的声调并不纯熟,但大体上能够使曲调的旋律不走样,而且充满感情。

37、Their armed forces were an ill-equipped, untrained and sometimes disreputable lot. ─── 他们的武装力量装备差,未经训练,有时甚至声名狼藉。

38、To the untrained ear monkeys of a certain species may all sound the same, but Japanese researchers have found that, like human beings, they actually have an accent depending on where they live. ─── 普通人听来,某种猴子的叫声都是一样的。但日本研究人员发现,其实跟人一样,它们栖息在不同的地区,其口音也不相同。

39、an inexperienced and untrained recruit. ─── 一个没有经验和未经训练的新入伍。

40、The conservatism of the trained scientist was nullified by the action of the untrained oil-finder, unhampered by “a little learning. ─── 很有素养的科学家的保守主义,被没有受过专门训练的,不受“一点知识”束缚的找油者的实际行动所冲破了。

41、It is self-evident that it is wise to substitute well-trained sportsmen for untrained sportsmen. ─── 不言而喻,用训练有素的运动员代替没有受过训练的运动员是明智的。

42、To the untrained eye, the children were behaving ordinarily. ─── 在外行人眼里,这些孩子表现正常。

43、" She expressed concern about the safety of circumcisions conducted by untrained persons and also how this report could affect behavior. ─── 值得注意的是,未受过训练的人员及本研究报告所衍生的安全问题;

44、"This is the first study to show that brain re o es in young, musically trained and untrained children change differently over the course of a year," said Trainor who led the study. ─── 主研究员特莱诺尔说:“研究首次证明,经过一年的音乐培训,受训与未受训孩子的大脑反应有所区别。”

45、But the service we were using had untrained, unseasoned workers and we began losing customers as result. ─── 但是我们用的服务没有经过培训,没有经验的工人,结果我们开始失去顾客。

46、Apart from the period feel which seems to my untrained eye to be perfect, the main performance is utterly convincing. ─── 对我这个外行来说,除了其中一段给人完美无缺的感受外,主要表演也是绝对令人折服的。

47、Nevertheless, there was a more permanent military force composed of trained soldiers who provided a stiffening to the fighting morale of the untrained farmers. ─── 不过,县里还有一支由经过训练的战士组成的比较固定的武装,这支力量增强了那些缺乏训练的民兵的士气。

48、Guidelines from two thousand five said only untrained people should use hands-only CPR.Those with training were told to use traditional CPR. ─── 二零零五年版指南称,只有未经训练的人宜用仅手掌CPR,要求接受过训练的人仍使用传统CPR。

49、Untrained human nature was not frank and innocent; it was full of the twists and defences of an instinctive guile. ─── 未经驯化的人性是不坦率、不天真的,而是出自本能的狡猾,充满了怪僻与防范。

50、CPR guidelines from 2005 said only untrained people should use this method.Those with training were told to use traditional CPR. ─── 2005年CPR指南写道只有未经过培训的人方可使用这种方法,而接受过培训的人应当使用传统CPR。

51、Apart from the period feel which seems to my untrained eye to be perfect, the main performance is utterly convincing. ─── 对我这个外行来说,除了其中一段给人完美无缺的感受外,主要表演也是绝对令人折服的。

52、So far as untrained eye could tell, the reproduction was identical to the designer's original. ─── 以未受过专门训练的人来看,那复制品和设计家的原作完全相同。

53、For the first time in American church history, untrained Christians were now encouraged to speak out and their words were taken seriously. ─── 在美国的教会历史上,未受过训练的基督徒现在头一次被鼓励畅所欲言,并被认真地看待其意见。

54、No untrained person should try to put out a fire larger than one in a waterbasket. ─── 一个训练有素的人有扑灭火的经验总比一个困在废纸篮子里的人强。

55、His voice was untrained, but his presentation and especially his songwriting set him apart as an inspired, soulful performer. ─── 他的声音是受过训练,但他的介绍,尤其是他的歌曲集,他除了作为一个启发,木琴演奏家.

56、"I have surely heard Ephraim grieving, 'You have chastised me, and I was chastised, Like an untrained calf; ─── 我听见以法莲为自己悲叹说,你责罚我,我便受责罚,像不惯负轭的牛犊一样。

57、It is not a natural and untrained behavior. ─── 它不是一种与生俱来,不需要培训的品行。

58、They are full of dancing, clapping, screaming and shouting that may seem jarring to the untrained ear. ─── 他们总是在跳舞、鼓掌、尖叫和大喊,似乎会吓到那些不曾见识过的人。

59、The young, untrained dog must have chased them up to the edge of the pit, where they fell to their death. ─── 一定是这只幼犬,训练无素的幼犬,把这些母羊赶至山崖,坠入深渊而亡。

60、So, now the conclusion: although big functional specification documents seem very good to the untrained eye ─── 所以现在的结论是:尽管用非专业的眼光看,长篇幅的功能说明文档非常好,但是

61、CPR guidelines form 2005, said only untrained people use this methods. ─── 2005年CPR指南中写道只有没受过培训的人使用这种方法。

62、Trained soldiers are of more value than untrained ones ─── 兵贵乎精

63、An untrained typist makes a lot of mistakes if he or she tries to maintain a good speed. ─── 一个未经训练的打字员如果想保持很快的打字速度,就会出许多差错。

64、CPR guidelines from two thousand five said only untrained people should use this method. ─── 二零零五年的CPR指导说只有没有接受训练的人应该使用这项措施。

65、They must also keep untrained people from poking around in the rubble and debris. ─── 同时,不要让未经训练的人在坍塌的残骸和碎石周围逗留。

66、CPR guide lines from 2005 said only untrained people should use this method. ─── 2005年的CPR指导条例只说未受过培训的人应该使用这种仅用手的CPR。

67、Weld a bunch of untrained recruits into an efficient fighting force ─── 把未经训练的一群新兵组织成有战斗力的部队.

68、Jack of All Trades - basic familiarity with everything, granting minor ability in all skills; even untrained ones. ─── 对任何事物都有基本认识,所有技能都能使用其中的小部份.

69、A useful crack, rendered by the hand of time, invisible to the untrained eye. ─── 墙上的裂纹大有用处,可以利用它们进行攀爬,但是未经训练的人通常对它们视而不见。

70、They had welded a bunch of untrained recruits into an efficient fighting force. ─── 他们把一群未经训练的新兵组织成了一支有战斗力的部队。

71、Laryngoscopy via Macintosh Blade versus GlideScope: Success Rate and Time for Endotracheal Intubation in Untrained Medical Personnel. ─── 人工线性稳定会增加直接喉镜检查和经口腔气管插管使用喉镜窥视片时导致的压力。

72、Playfulness, because they are from untrained hands and mind? ─── 好玩的,是因为未经训练?

73、As soon as setbacks occurred he suffered shipwreck, like most untrained people ─── 一旦遭到挫折,他就象大多数没有受过专门训练的人那样一败涂地了。

74、We may have to resort to using untrained staff. ─── 我们也许只能使用未受过训练的员工了。

75、Klapcinska B.Iskra J.Poprzecki S The effects of sprint (300 m) running on plasma lactate,uric acid,creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase in competitive hurdlers and untrained men 2001(3 ─── 严金慧.李之俊.苟波.马国强.张勇.刘茂优秀自行车运动员不同训练手段后血乳酸的评定[期刊论文]-解放军预防医学杂志2006(2

76、Many signs of canine health conditions are not visible to the untrained eye, so routine vet appointments are recommended. ─── 很多狗狗的疾病的症状对于一般饲养者是看不出来的,因此推荐大家做定期的兽医检查。

77、In media commentaries, people questioned how music teachers, themselves untrained in Peking Opera, would educate students in the complex gestures and trilling vocals that characterise the art. ─── 媒体评论说:人们质疑,音乐教师本身没有接受过京剧教育,如何能够教授学生复杂的身段和抑扬顿挫的唱腔呢?而这些都是京剧的特色。

78、Their troops were untrained militia. ─── 他们的军队是未受过训练的民兵。

79、an untrained person who pretends to be a physician and who dispenses medical advice. ─── 假装医生提供医学建议却没有经过训练的人。

80、"Bathroom Singer," a new singing contest on the Filmy entertainment channel, will zero in on an untrained performer who's good at singing in the clarifyer and can enthral viewers. ─── 印度MOVIEOntertaimentlife新推出的“厕所歌手”歌唱比赛将把目光瞄准那些未经过特别训练锻炼的、在洗手间唱歌很好听并能征服观众的人。

81、Also, she says not all states require P.E. teachers to be specially trained. Untrained teachers could be less likely to recognize unsafe conditions. ─── 同时,她也说,并不是所有的州都要求体育教师接受过特殊训练。但是未经训练的教师不太可能会意识到不安全的情况。

82、an inexperienced and untrained recruit ─── 一个没有经验和未经训练的新兵

83、"Bathroom Singer," a new singing contest on the Filmy entertainment channel, will zero in on an untrained performer who's good at singing in the showercan enthral viewers. ─── 印度电影娱乐频道新推出的“卫生间歌手”歌唱比赛将把目光瞄准那些未经过训练的、在洗手间唱歌很好听并能征服观众的人。

84、"Bathroom Singer," a new singing contest on the Filmy entertainment channel, will zero in on an untrained performer who's good at singing in the shower and can enthral viewers. ─── 印度电影娱乐频道新推出的“厕所歌手”歌唱比赛将把目光瞄准那些未经过训练的、在洗手间唱歌很好听并能征服观众的人。

85、Pellaeon's bridge was a shameful assembly of untrained novices bristling under his stern command. ─── 一群没有受过训练的新手站在佩莱昂的舰桥上,听从他严格的指挥,显得很不体面。

86、To the untrained eye, most Diamonds look white. ─── 在非专业人士眼里,大多数钻石都看上去为白色。

87、His ragtag collection of untrained farmers and woodsmen was about to go up against the most powerful military force the world had ever seen. ─── 他的下人征收从未受训的农民和牧人去对付史上最强大的军队。

88、All untrained pilots are barred from taking off. Those guys are still kids! ─── 所有未经训练的飞行员不允许起飞。他们还不成熟!

89、Untrained and unskilled soldiers whose strength lies in their numbers and stamina. ─── 战斧民兵训练欠佳战力低下,但数量庞大,作战强悍。

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