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08-19 投稿


brownness 发音

英:[[bra?nn?z]]  美:[[bra?nn?z]]

英:  美:

brownness 中文意思翻译



brownness 相似词语短语

1、brownnosers ─── n.拍马屁者;阿谀奉承者;趋炎附势者

2、ironness ─── 讽刺

3、brownies ─── n.棕斑;布朗尼,巧克力糕饼(brownie的复数);(Brownies)女童子军(Brownie的复数)

4、browless ─── adj.无眉的;无耻的,脸皮厚的

5、brown-noses ─── 棕色鼻子

6、brown noses ─── 棕色鼻子

7、brokenness ─── 破碎(broken的名词形式)

8、brownest ─── 棕色

9、broadness ─── n.宽阔;广大;粗野;露骨;宽宏大量

brownness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The large, shiny brown seed of such a fruit. ─── 七叶树果种子七叶树的坚果中巨大,亮褐色的种子

2、Hello. This is Jim Brown of the export department. May I speak to Mr. Wang? ─── 喂,我是出口部的吉姆布朗,请找一下王先生好吗?

3、If you have two pounds to spare, lay it on Brown Willie for the nest race. ─── 你要是匀得了两英镑,下次赛马时城押在棕色威利那匹马上。

4、A moderate brown to reddish brown. ─── 可可色褐色到微褐红色

5、A moderate or strong reddish brown to strong brown. ─── 中度的或强烈的棕红色到酱红色

6、A person with dark brown hair. ─── 具深褐色头发的人

7、The coffee stained his shirt brown. ─── 咖啡把他的衬衫染上了棕色。

8、A syrup, sauce, candy, or flavoring made by melting butter, brown sugar, and sometimes artificial flavorings. ─── 奶油膏,奶油沙司,奶油硬糖由融化的奶油、黄糖,有时还有香精混合熬制的糖浆、沙司、糖块或调味品

9、Mr. Brown painted his living room blue. ─── 布朗先生把房子漆成蓝色。

10、Jones took up with Brown last winter and they went to classes together. ─── 去年冬天琼斯和布朗经常来往,他们一起去上课。

11、He has brown hair, and speaks small like a woman. ─── 他长着棕色头发,说话轻声细语像个女人。

12、The city singing group is under the direction of Pro. Brown. ─── 市合唱团是由布朗教授指挥的。

13、She has stained the floorboards dark brown . ─── 她把地板漆成了深褐色。

14、They came upon a brown paper parcel lying beside the pathway. ─── 他们发现小路旁边有一个牛皮纸包的包裹。

15、The Little brown bat can emit such an intense sound. ─── 小褐蝙蝠就能发出如此强的声音。

16、Her face was a little touched with the sun, brown on the forehead but red on the nose. ─── 她的脸受到太阳照射,眉头呈棕色而鼻子呈红色。

17、She has dyed her hair brown. ─── 她把头发染成了褐色。

18、He was tall, with brown hair. ─── 他身材高大,头发是棕色的。

19、Mr. Brown bought some turfs to repair the lawn in his front yard. ─── 布朗先生买了一些草皮块来修补他家前院的草坪。

20、He recognized the voice as that of Dr. Brown. ─── 他认出那是布朗博士的声音。

21、Some of them are red and others are brown. ─── 它们中间有些是红色的,其余是棕色的。

22、They were burnt brown with the summer sun. ─── 夏天的太阳把他们晒得黝黑。

23、Mr Brown is a good coach because he can get across the play. ─── 布朗先生是一位好教练,因为他能够把比赛的方法和技巧讲得一清二楚。

24、A dark yellow to light olive brown. ─── 一种介于深黄和橄榄棕色的颜色

25、Her brown eyes widen and she sniffs loudly. ─── 她棕色的眼睛张大,用鼻子发出不不的声音.

26、Mr brown sat on the jury at the trial. ─── 审判该案件时,布朗先生担任陪审员。

27、Her sister have a deep brown eyes. ─── 他妹妹有一双深棕色的眼睛。

28、Mr Brown condescends to all his neighbours. ─── 布朗先生总是以高人一等的态度对待他所有的邻居。

29、A light olive brown to moderate or light yellowish brown. ─── 卡其黄一种介于浅黄褐色和中浅黄褐色之间的一种颜色

30、She was carrying a parcel of books done up in brown paper. ─── 她提 一个棕色的纸包,里面是书。

31、Do you know why Mr Brown has a heavy heart? ─── 你知道为什么布朗先生心情不愉快吗?

32、They have ceded their business to Brown Brothers. ─── 他们已将他们的商行转让给布朗兄弟公司。

33、My. Brown has had to stump up for his son's debts. ─── 布朗先生不得不为他的儿子还债。

34、Have you seen my dark brown breeches? ─── 你看见了我的深棕色裤子吗?

35、Mr. Brown instructs our class in Latin. ─── 布朗先生教我们这班拉丁文。

36、Mr Brown is at the door; shall I ask him in? ─── 布朗先生在门口,我可以请他进来吗?

37、Her dog is brown with white splashes. ─── 她的狗是带白花的黄狗。

38、His brown velvet jacket had become perennial. ─── 他那件咖啡色丝绒上装仿佛已经跟他结了不解之缘。

39、He no longer agreed with Brown completely. ─── 他不再对布朗的话一味附和了。

40、She sifted the brown sugar on the top of the cake . ─── 她在糕饼上撒上了一点褐色的糖。

41、Mr Brown lined his pockets by robbing a rich merchant. ─── 布朗先生抢了一位富商,得了不义之财。

42、He's very brown after his summer holiday. ─── 他一暑假皮肤晒得黝黑。

43、He said that Mr. Brown turfed us all out. ─── 他说,布朗先行把我们全都赶出来了。

44、Mr. Brown nominated Bob for membership in the club. ─── 布朗先生任命鲍勃为俱乐部的会员。

45、Mr Brown has a proud stomach, he acknowledges no one in the office lower than the Chief Cashier. ─── 布朗先生很高傲,办公室里主任出纳以下的人他都不放在眼里。

46、Mr. Brown was elected by the greatest majority. ─── 布朗先生以超过其他候选人得票总和的最高票数当选。

47、He is called Peter Brown. Brown is his surname. ─── 他叫彼得·布朗,布朗是他的姓。

48、He wants some brown shoes with lace, size nine. ─── 他想要棕色的第带鞋,9号的。

49、Mr Brown and Mr White are old friends because they both hail from the same town. ─── 布朗先生和怀特先生是老朋友,因为他们来自同一个城镇。

50、Mr. Brown has changed his yard into a garden. ─── 布朗先生将庭院改成了花园。

51、She is carrying a parcel of book done up in brown paper. ─── 她提一个棕色的纸包,里面是书。

52、You can rely on old Brown; he's a heart of oak. ─── 你可以依赖布朗,他是一个坚强的人。

53、Colonel Brown saw service in the Gulf War. ─── 布朗上校参加过海湾战争。

54、He toned down clashing colours with brown tints. ─── 他加了些棕色使不调和的各种颜色柔和了一些。

56、How quickly suntan disappears! You wouldn't think they were brown as berries only a month ago. ─── 他们晒黑的皮肤这么快就变白了。你真难想像一个月前他们晒得又红又黑,像熟浆果一样。

57、For years Mr Brown studied many forms of religion, reaching after the truth. ─── 多年来布朗先生研读了多种形式的宗教,来探求真理。

58、Mr Brown did not return home until eleven o'clock. ─── 布朗先生十一点才回到家

59、The foot of the wall should be stained brown. ─── 墙脚根应该漆成褐色。

60、Of a moderate to deep reddish brown. ─── 中至深红棕色的

61、 双语使用场景

62、A little old woman with a wrinkled face as brown as a berry told us fortunes for ten pence. ─── 一位身材矮小、满脸皱纹、皮肤黑黑的老妇人给我们算命,收了10便士。

63、She stood there in a brown study. ─── 她站在那里沉思默想。

64、Brown is out of the England team. ─── 布朗与英格兰球队无关。

65、The book was wrapped up in brown paper. ─── 书用棕色的纸包了起来。

66、Brown the meat on one side, then turn it (over) and brown the other side. ─── 先把肉的一面烤好,然後翻过来烤另一面。

67、She was carrying an infant in a tiny blanket, and the woman's long brown hair kept getting in her eyes. ─── 她正抱着一个用小毛毯裹着的婴儿。她的长长的褐色头发一直遮到她的眼睛。

68、Have not you get any brown colour in stock? ─── 你们没有咖啡色备货吗?

69、He stained the wood dark brown. ─── 他把木头染成深褐色了。

70、Mr. Brown cleared a huge profit. ─── 布朗先生净赚了一大笔利润。

71、She likes to wear brown. ─── 她喜欢穿褐色的衣服。

72、He pored on the girl's lovely and large brown eyes. ─── 他注视着这位姑娘那妩媚的棕色大眼睛。

73、Jim did the evening up brown by taking Mary to dinner and a night-club. ─── 吉姆带玛丽吃晚饭,还带她上夜总会,带个晚上招待得十分周全。

74、Mr Brown contracted friendship with his neighbour. ─── 布朗先生与他的邻居交了朋友。

75、He wrapped brown paper around the package. ─── 他用棕色的纸把包裹包起来。

76、A marriage has been arranged between Mr Brown and Miss White. ─── 布朗先生与怀特小姐的婚礼已筹备妥当。

77、A Mr. Brown wishes to see you. ─── 一位叫布朗的先生想见你。

78、Only very, very rarely does someone so far out of the political swim as Jerry Brown, who last held political office almost a decade ago, manage to win the presidential nomination of a major party. ─── 像布朗这样远离政海——他最后一次从政几乎是十年以前的事——而能设法赢得主要政党提名竞选总统,实在是一件绝无仅有之事。

79、She stained the table brown. ─── 她将桌子涂成了棕色。

80、Stanley had more on the ball than Brown. ─── 史坦利的脑筋要比布朗灵得多了。

81、It's a small ovemight bag. It's light brown. ─── 它是一个茶色小旅行袋。

82、She was in a brown study. ─── 她正想得出神。

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