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08-19 投稿


overshadows 发音

英:[???v????d??z]  美:[?o?v?r???do?z]

英:  美:

overshadows 中文意思翻译



overshadows 短语词组

1、overshadows crossword ─── 掩盖纵横字谜

2、overshadows means ─── 遮蔽意味着

3、overshadows crossword clue ─── 掩盖纵横字谜线索

4、overshadows def ─── 遮蔽def

5、overshadows synonym ─── 遮蔽同义词

6、overshadows syn ─── 遮蔽syn

overshadows 词性/词形变化,overshadows变形

动词过去分词: overshadowed |动词过去式: overshadowed |动词现在分词: overshadowing |动词第三人称单数: overshadows |

overshadows 相似词语短语

1、eyeshadows ─── n.眼影

2、beshadows ─── 左边

3、overshadowed ─── v.使失色;使蒙上阴影;遮阴;比……更显眼

4、foreshadows ─── vt.预示;成为…的前兆;n.预兆

5、overshades ─── v.遮蔽;使……失色

6、overshade ─── v.遮蔽;使……失色

7、eye shadows ─── 眼影;眼睑膏

8、overshadow ─── v.使失色;使蒙上阴影;遮阴;比……更显眼

9、overshadowing ─── v.(使)黯然失色;(使)扫兴;掩盖;给……投下阴影;给……蒙上阴影(overshadow的现在分词)

overshadows 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Painful memories of the dotcom bust in 2000 still overshadow the opportunities in the tech/comms space; ─── 2000年互联网泡沫破灭带给人们的痛苦记忆,仍掩盖了科技/通讯板的机遇;

2、Tensions between India and Pakistan, as well as the deteriorating relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan have threatened to overshadow the summit. ─── 印度和巴基斯坦之间关系紧张,以及巴基斯坦和阿富汗之间的关系不断恶化,可能给这次首脑会议蒙上阴影。

3、You should not let ther eway you look overshadow you as a musician but it certainly should work in tandem with your music. ─── 你不应该让它们太突兀,以至于忽略了你是一个音乐人,但是形象确实对你的音乐有连锁效应。

4、We must not let our differences and disagreements overshadow the importance of preserving this history which is still unknown to much of the world. ─── 我们不应该由于我们之间有不同见解和某些差别,就让保存史实的艰巨任务蒙上阴影,要知道,这个世界的大部分人还不知道这段惨绝人寰的历史。

5、His comments are Beijing's most direct response yet to speculation about how it will handle an issue that has threatened to overshadow its otherwise smooth Olympic preparations. ─── 奥运会期间的污染问题,有可能使其它方面进展顺利的准备工作蒙上阴影,外界一直在猜测中国将如何处理这一问题。刘淇的这番话是中国政府迄今为止最为直接的回应。

6、If our minds are distracted and our hearts distressed;if the darkness that overshadows us strikes terror to us; ─── 当你与人谈话,正要发言的时候,如果里面有禁止的话,就该立即闭口不言。

7、Whenot happen ago we are not loving ourselves abundance or be loved by otITs, repressed feelings tend to coming up and temporarily overshadow our loving aware notness. ─── 不管何时,咱们爱本人机被爱时,过去压抑的感觉会浮上心头,暂时遮蔽了咱们爱的意识。

8、The angel answered and said to her, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you;and for that reason the holy Child shall be called the Son of God. ─── 况且你的亲戚以利沙伯、在年老的时候、也怀了男胎.就是那素来称为不生育的、现在有孕六个月了。

9、Windows 7 has gotten favorable reviews, and the Bing search engine is creeping up in market share, though Google Inc. still overshadows it. ─── Windows7好评如潮,必应(Bing)搜索引擎的市场份额不断爬升,尽管在谷歌(GoogleInc.)面前仍相形见绌。

10、I have some criticisms of Adelman but I think the things he's accomplished with this team overshadows what he hasn't done. ─── 对于阿德尔曼,我有一些腹诽,但我认为,在球队处于这么一个艰难的大环境下,他做得还不错。

11、Acts 5:15 So that they even carried the sick out into the streets and placed them on cots and mats, in order that when Peter came, at least his shadow might overshadow some of them. ─── 徒五15甚至有人将病人抬到街上,放在小榻或褥子上,指望彼得过来的时候,或者他的影子可以荫庇他们一些人。

12、With 800 movies per year, India's film industry overshadows Hollywood. ─── 印刷年产电影800,超越河里活。

13、But I don't think by any means the ballets overshadow the 10)symphonies. ─── 从任何意义上说,我都认为芭蕾舞掩盖不了交响乐的光辉。

14、Such passion even overshadows her figure.The vagueness with profound depth in her paintings can also be found in Gulistan.She possesses a mysterious air. ─── 所有艺术都是情感的外化,绘画就是为了抓住和延长那瞬时的灵感与激情吧!

15、The hills overshadow the lake, and the lake reflects the hills. They are in perfect harmony and more beautiful than a picture. ─── 浮水印山容,使山容益添秀媚,山青水秀,使山更显柔情。有诗云:岸上湖中各自奇,山斛水酌两相宜。只言游舫浑如画,身在画中原不知。

16、However, being with a doctor and a trunk of medicine overshadows this marriage. Is she so sick to get married to a hospital? ─── 但有一位医生和一箱子药作伴,又使这婚姻不免黯然,她果真是如此地多病,要嫁给一所医院么?

17、It goes without saying that Shakespeare overshadows all the other playwrights throughout the ages. ─── 毫无疑问,莎士比亚使各个时代的剧作家相形见绌。

18、The trick is to not feel subpar when a travel snob overshadows your story with one of their own. ─── 当你遇到高傲的旅客用他们的经历来贬低你的时候,窍门就是别觉得自己低人一等。

19、Windows 7 has gotten favorable reviews, and the Bing search engine is creeping up in market share, though Google Inc. still overshadows it. ─── Windows7好评如潮,必应(Bing)搜索引擎的市场份额不断爬升,尽管在谷歌(GoogleInc.)面前仍相形见绌。

20、What overshadows everything else is the castle. ─── 一切都相形见绌。

21、Scene-stealer n. An actor who draws attention from or overshadows other actors in the same production, as by charm or quality of performance. ─── 抢戏演员,在同样的演出中以其魅力或表演质量吸引或盖过了人们对其它演员注意力的演员。

22、Falling oil prices also helped overshadow a disappointingly high inflation reading. ─── 油价的回落也部分掩盖了令人失望的高通胀数据。

23、There remained just one major uncertainty. It was the state of the domestic economy and the extent to which its difficulties might overshadow the jamtomorrow prospect of the Common Market. ─── 只剩下一个主要的未知因素,那就是国内的经济状况以及它可能对欧洲共同市场的美好前景的影响程度。

24、They do not outweigh or overshadow the importhnce of older types of IW or io ─── 它们并没有使信息战或信息作战的旧有方式的重要性降低

25、3. a pervasive anxiety overshadows the triumphs of individuals. ─── 弥漫着的忧虑使个人的成功失去了颜色。

26、60 percent of its GNP, and 75 percent of its energy resources.Collectively, Eurasia's potential power overshadows even America's. ─── 欧亚大陆上权力的分配将对美国的全球优势而言由为重要。”

27、Do not let this, then, overshadow the abilities or the activities of the mate in ANY way or manner. [See 480-20, Par. ─── 但不要让这个因素以任何方式阻碍对方的能力的表现。

28、We know that the greatest handicap for the girl with RS is the enormity of her physical impairments.This often overshadows her ability to prove her knowledge and understanding. ─── 我们知道,患有雷特氏症女孩最大的障碍就是她的生理上受到大量的损伤,这经常让她难以证明自己的知识和所了解的。

29、3. Ben overshadows all his colleagues. ─── 本使他的同事们都相形见绌.

30、Her new book will overshadow all her earlier ones. ─── 她的这部新作将会使她的早期作品黯然失色。

31、Meanwhile, the prospect of environmental annihilation caused by rising sea levels overshadows island life. ─── 与此同时,因海平面上升而造成环境毁灭的前景则给岛上生活投下了阴影。

32、Still, these nagging problems should not overshadow the dramatic progress that women have made in recent decades. ─── 尽管如此,这些冗繁的问题不应该掩盖女性在近十年里取得的戏剧性的进步。

33、35 The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. ─── 1:35 天使回答说、圣灵要临到你身上、至高者的能力要荫庇你.因此所要生的圣者、必称为 神的儿子。

34、We have let our particular personality overshadow who we are in Jesus Christ. ─── 很多时候我们纵容自己的坏性格,让耶稣基督的主权相形见绌。

35、To visit the school house of your childhood days, portends that discontent and discouraging incidents overshadow the present. ─── 如果梦见回到以前的学校,代表对现况不满。

36、Persistence overshadows even talent as the most valuable resource in shaping the quality of life. ─── 在人生品格的组成中,坚持不懈甚至是比能力更有价值的因素。

37、They said that they would not say more about their time in captivity, adding: "We do not want our story to overshadow the critical plight of these desperate defectors." ─── 她们不愿深谈被扣押期间的细节,补充说:“我们不愿过于渲染自己的经历,那些绝望的逃北者更应该被关注。”

38、"Despite her professional success, she is always overshadow by her husband." ─── 尽管她事业有成,但和丈夫相比总觉逊色。

39、It goes without saying that Shakespeare overshadows all the other playwrights throughout the ages. ─── 毫无疑问,莎士比亚使各个时代的剧作家相形见绌.

40、Follow-up appointments, such as six-month or annual checkups, might also be times when fear and anxiety overshadow hope and joy. ─── 治疗结束以后的随访,即半年或一年一次的例行检查到来时,患者可能感觉到的是,恐惧和焦虑多于希望和欢乐。

41、Collectively, Eurasia's potential power overshadows even America's. ─── 总的来说,欧亚的力量让美国相形见绌。

42、Fletcher said that Mitcham, 20, was concerned that his sexuality would overshadow his diving achievements. ─── 他男朋友说马修担心过他的性取向可能会遮盖住他的跳水成就。

43、But Maxwell's work in the theory of electricity and magnetism far overshadows his other work. ─── 然而,麦克斯韦在电磁理论方面的成就,使他的其他成就相形见绌。

44、The problem with both events, in my mind, is that the girly bits overshadow the athletic parts. ─── 在我看来,这两项运动中少女的气息遮盖了运动的部分。

45、Yet,eben amongst their ranks there is a man whose nobility overshadows all others.His triumphs are without number and his deeds the stuff of legend. ─── 但是在这些英雄之中有一个人的高贵无人能出其右,他取得的胜利数不胜数,他的英雄事迹已经成为了传奇。

46、Really don’t know when would i have this chance to bounce some ideas off my chest like this, as one says and many agree upon, as true as fantasy may be, reality overshadows all that come before it. ─── 我知道他们在黎明前十年前的夜晚感觉到的是什麽,而这部续集里的体验我还没有机会尝到。总之是部好电影,都等了十年了还有大把人记得。

47、But, the import surge by China is not due to any strong rise in market use, so domestic soybean stocks are accumulating.This glut of government reserve stocks will overshadow the domestic market. ─── 但是,进口激增的中国不是因为任何市场的强劲增长在使用,政府的收储掩盖住了国内库存的增长。

48、Like a small root that grows into a great tree, bitterness could spring up in their hearts and overshadow their deepest Christian relationships (12:15). ─── 就如小树苗能长成参天大树一样,苦毒若在心里潜滋暗长,就会让基督徒之间的关系蒙上阴影(12章15节)。

49、The intimate pleasure in wearing the Celestial Clothes overshadows that of all other clothes . ─── 穿过天衣的贴身享受之后,其它衣服都已失色了。

50、If he is surrounded by mountainous circumstances, an Achillean shore,(6) whose peaks overshadow and are reflected in his bosom, they suggest a corresponding depth in him. ─── 如果他的周围是多山的环境,湖岸险巇,山峰高高耸起,反映在胸际,他一定是一个有着同样的深度的人。

51、e.g. Her new book will overshadow all her earlier ones. ─── 她的新书将会使她以前写的书都黯然失色。

52、But China's stand-off with America over Taiwan will still overshadow its relationship with Japan. ─── 但是中国拉美国来疏远台湾也使美日关系蒙上阴影。

53、But dressing immodestly hinders the possibilities for true love to develop, for it draws attention to her sexual values to such an extent that it overshadows her value as a person. ─── 但不得体的衣着会阻碍这种真爱的产生,因为它将男性的眼光都吸引到她的“性价值”那里,而她作为一个人的价值却被遮蔽。

54、So that they even carried the sick out into the streets and placed them on cots and mats, in order that when Peter came, at least his shadow might overshadow some of them. ─── 15甚至有人将病人抬到街上,放在小榻或褥子上,指望彼得过来的时候,或者他的影子可以荫庇他们一些人。

55、Overshadow and Heat Insulation Design on West Wall in Residential Buildings in Hot in Summer and Cold in Winter Zone ─── 夏热冬冷地区居住建筑山墙遮阳隔热设计

56、It will be content with only three branches, and yet it will overshadow the whole length and breadth of the island with the spread of its leaves. ─── 它会只包括三个分枝,仍然会遮蔽整个树杆,岛屿的宽幅都延伸着它的叶子。

57、When the dominant function of Introverted Feeling overshadows everything else, the ISFP can't use Extraverted Sensing to take in information in a truly objective fashion. ─── 当内倾情感作为主导功能使其他一切被压抑,ISFP会无法运用他的外倾感觉来真实客观地搜集信息。

58、These days, of course, the specter of global warming overshadows any discussion of the environment. ─── 当然这些日子里全球变暖的阴影使得任何环境的讨论都黯然失色。

59、Wireless networks are easy to install, which makes them inexpensive since installation costs usually far overshadow equipment costs. Nevertheless, they also have some disadvantages. Name two of them. ─── 无线网络很容易安装,这使得它们并不非常昂贵。因为安装费用通常会占去整个设备费用的很大比例。然而,它们也有一些缺点。请说出两个缺点。

60、The financial system, for example, provides opportunities for employment and the making of profits, but the importance of such secondary purposes should not overshadow that of the two primary purposes. ─── 我相信上述两项已完全概括了金融系统的主要目的,但在两者之下当然还有第二重的目的,例如提供就业及营商获利的机会。

61、They do not outweigh or overshadow the importhnce of older types of IW or IO; ─── 它们并没有使信息战或信息作战的旧有方式的重要性降低;

62、We’re sorry for Paolo, but the result must not overshadow his career, because around Maldini there was an entire stadium full of affection. ─── “这场的比赛气氛很奇怪,米兰开局不好,然后想要找回状态就没那么容易了,球队也缺少最后时刻的清醒,来将平局保持到终场。”

63、10. The contribution of the guide surface roughness overshadows that of the fiber surface roughness . ─── 导纱杆表面粗糙度的作用超过纤维表面的粗糙度。

64、However, being with a doctor and a trunk of medicine overshadows this marriage.Is she so sick to get married to a hospital? ─── 但有一位医生和一箱子药作伴,又使这婚姻不免黯然,她果真是如此地多病,要嫁给一所医院么?

65、Flagships are meant to overshadow its sister stores in its area. ─── 旗舰店的光芒会遮住其他在同一地区的姐妹店。

66、Individual-versus-individual competition can be a highly motivating device as long as the contenders are fairly matched and the conflict does not overshadow the educational objective. ─── 只要这些竞争者公平竞争同时双方的冲突不影响教学目标那么这对个体之间的竞争将是一个极大的促进方案。

67、The row threatens to overshadow President George W Bush's visit to Vienna this week for an annual EU-American summit. ─── 此次签证战将使总统布什本周赴维也纳参加美欧年会之行蒙上阴影。

68、What overshadows everything else is the castle. ─── 城堡使其他一切都相形见绌。

69、{0>The contribution of the guide surface roughness overshadows that of the fiber surface roughness. ─── 导纱杆表面粗糙度的作用超过纤维表面的粗糙度。

70、The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. ─── 35天使回答说,圣灵要临到你身上,至高者的能力要荫庇你。

71、But Brian's gift, an original and very valuable comic book, overshadows David's gift, a beautiful engraved watch. ─── 但是布赖恩的礼物,一本价值非凡的首期的漫画书,让大卫的礼物,一块雕刻精美的手表,暗淡无光。

72、It undermines China and overshadows the influence of the European Union. ─── 它破坏了中国和掩盖了欧洲联盟的影响力。

73、The brief summarization of these problems will probably lead to the overshadow of true problems, which will be very harmful to the futrue. ─── 对乡村教育问题的简单归纳,可能导致真正的问题被遮蔽,隐而不现,这对于乡村教育的健康发展贻害无穷。

74、Loving what you do and being able to earn a profit from it is certainly a blessing, but try not to let your passion for your career overshadow other interests you may have. ─── 其他人必须努力工作仅仅为了支付账单。任何一种情况,平衡工作时间和休息时间都非常重要。

75、Still, the recent gains won't overshadow Beijing's chronic water shortage. ─── 不过,近期水位回升也掩盖不了北京长期缺水的事实。

76、Our need to be right can overshadow our need to receive, and give, love. ─── 我们成为正确的需要会遮没我们去接受和给予爱的需要。

77、The white of the moon overshadows the orange of the fisherman’s lamp, and becomes something a subject of the eternal bright. ─── 月亮的白光遮蔽了渔夫橙黄色的灯光,成为一种永恒的光辉。

78、media focus on the Province's death tally has tended to overshadow other statistics of Northern Ireland ─── 新闻媒介把焦点集中于该省的死亡记录,这就使得北爱尔兰的其它统计数字不那么引人注目了。

79、Whenever we are loving ourselves more or being loved by others, repressed feelings tend to come up and temporarily overshadow our loving awareness. ─── 不管何时,我们爱自己机被爱时,过去压抑的感觉会浮上心头,暂时遮蔽了我们爱的意识。

80、Sing aspired to become one of the sophisticated and ruthless Axe Gang whose underworld civilities overshadow the city. ─── 例:阿星一心渴望加入手段冷酷无情、恶名昭彰的斧头帮。

81、Most importantly, industry oracles believe no single look will overshadow the rest. ─── 时装界专家们认为没有一种固定的服装样式能够主导人们的着装。

82、Liverpool's transfer activity is threatening to overshadow their FA Cup third-round trip to Reading today. ─── 今晚利物浦转会市场不顺冲谈了今天他们足总杯第三轮面对雷丁的比赛。

83、The incident threatened to overshadow talks between Iran and global powers in Vienna on Monday intended to tackle a standoff about Iran's nuclear ambitions. ─── 此次事件威胁到伊朗和全球大国在维也纳的会谈,使旨在处理陷入僵局的伊朗核武器会谈前途暗淡。

84、The happiness that is generated by the expectation of having pleasant and memorable festive celebrations is helping overshadow some of your concerns. ─── 期待着庆祝那令人愉悦和难忘的喜庆之刻,由此产生的幸福快乐感帮助你们超越了心中的不安。

85、But the solution touched off a storm of controversy and drama that threatened to overshadow the brilliant work. ─── 但解决由此引发的一场风波的争议和戏剧扬言要盖过辉煌的工作。

86、Gradually IT will becoming free from the gripping influence of IT past.IT will yet HAs IT ups and downs, but them will not be so extreme those them overshadow IT loving nature. ─── 她会逐渐从过去的阻碍中解脱出来,虽然仍会有起伏,但却不至于过度掩盖她爱的天性。

87、15 Insomuch that they brought forth the sick into the streets, and laid them on beds and couches, that at the least the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow some of them. ─── 15甚至有人将病人抬到街上,放在床上,或褥子上,指望彼得过来的时候,或者得他的影儿照在什么人身上。

88、She overshadows her life and realizes a constract at last.finish a perfect journey from death to live. ─── 在这种言说中她实现了对生命的超越以及反观,完成了一次向死而生的完美旅程。

89、to overshadow someone entirely ─── 使某人大丢面子

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