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08-19 投稿


cadastral 发音

英:[k?'d?str(?)l]  美:[k?'d?str?l]

英:  美:

cadastral 中文意思翻译



cadastral 短语词组

1、cadastral income ─── [财]不动产收入

2、cadastral value ─── 地籍价值

3、cadastral software ─── 地籍软件

4、cadastral def ─── 地籍定义

5、cadastral map ─── 地籍图

6、cadastral definition ─── 地籍定义

7、cadastral mont ─── 地籍月

8、cadastral rent ─── [财]不动产租金

9、cadastral engineer ─── 地籍工程师

10、cadastral surveying ─── [法] 地籍测量

11、cadastral data ─── 地籍数据

cadastral 相似词语短语

1、cadastre ─── n.地籍簿

2、campestral ─── adj.田野的;农村的

3、cadastrally ─── 地籍

4、astral ─── adj.星的;星际的;精神世界的

5、austral ─── adj.南的,南国的;南方的,南部的;n.(Austral)(英、葡)奥斯特拉尔(人名)

6、castral ─── 阉割的

7、Monastral ─── n.单星;蒙纳斯(商标名,英国酞花青颜料)

8、palaestral ─── 宫殿式

9、cadastres ─── n.地籍簿

cadastral 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、graphic cadastral information: including cadastral maps, were to sketch, were maps. ─── 图形地籍资料:包括地籍图、宗地草图、宗地图等。

2、Cadastral surveying: concerns with the physical determination of boundaries and areas of land properties ─── 地籍测量:实际确定涉及土地业权的地界及面积

3、Trained and experienced engineers are necessary for cadastral surveying adjustment due to its tedious process and time consuming. ─── 地籍测量平差工作耗时复杂并需要经验,平差人员训练为日积月累之工作,并非一蹴可几。

4、Cadastral Map Measuration ─── 地籍图测量

5、cadastral plane control network ─── 地籍平面控制网

6、Application of AutoCAD in Office Work of Cadastral Survey ─── AutoCAD技术在地籍测量中的应用

7、The Design of Auto- bordering Software for Cadastral Map ─── 地籍图自动套界软件的设计

8、Variance Component Estimation of Cadastral Parcel Area Processing in GIS ─── GIS中地籍宗地面积的方差分量估计

9、Two Arithmetic Checking Vector Data of Scanning Cadastral Map ─── 地籍图扫描矢量化成果检核的两种算法

10、cadastral object ─── 地籍对象

11、The analysis on time successions of cadastral entities ─── 地籍实体的时间变化过程分析

12、The results of this research provide operational reference on cadastral map digitalization for companies and offices of government. ─── 研究成果可供各机关公司上保有纸图数值化作业之参考。

13、cadastral survey information system ─── 地测

14、Cadastral Management is targeted at dual functions as a resource and asset of the land, its core is the management of land ownership. ─── 地籍管理的对象是作为资源和资产双重职能的土地,它的核心是土地的权属管理。

15、The Realization of the Mutual Inquiry Between Images and Data in Cadastral Administration Information System ─── 图数互查在地籍管理信息系统中的实现

16、The paper discusses the developing procedure of cadastral block map program and provides some examples. ─── 对宗地图绘制程序的开发过程进行了阐述,并介绍了其应用实例。

17、cadastral survey and real estate survey ─── 地籍和房地产测量

18、This problem can’t be solved until urban and rual integrative cadastral management information system is established to accord with new land classify system both for city and county. ─── 利用面向对象方法来分析、建立地籍要素模型,对地籍对象进行提取,分析了地籍空间对象和非空间对象之间的关系;

19、Local and regional cadastral review commissions provide information for valuation activities and must ultimately approve valuation results. ─── 地方和区域地籍检查委员会为评估活动提供信息,并必须审批评估结果。

20、cadastral data management ─── 地籍数据管理

21、cadastral control ─── 地籍控制

22、cadastral list ─── 地籍册


24、As an important part of land management, cadastral parcel alternation plays an important part in the city or town programming and building, furthermore in the economic development. ─── 地籍变更管理是土地管理的重要组成部分,对于城镇规划建设乃至经济发展都有着重要意义。

25、cadastral database ─── 地籍数据库

26、Rural cadastral ─── 农村地籍

27、cadastral variation ─── 地籍变更

28、Storage of Dynamic Parcels in Cadastral Information System ─── 地籍信息系统中动态地块存储的实现

29、full completion of the county's seven township resident 354 cadastral mapping on a 1:500 scale, controlling an area of nearly 80 square kilometers; ─── 全面完成该县7个乡镇政府驻地354幅1:500比例尺地籍图测绘,控制面积近80平方千米;

30、cadastral value ─── 不动产价值

31、This paper defines a kind of spatiotemporal data structure used to store cadastral information data, and it has soluted the problem of a lot of historical data in the management of cadastral. ─── 在采纳了其它地籍信息系统的一些成功经验并加以修改和应用的基础上,定义了一种存储地籍信息数据的时空数据结构,较好地解决了地籍管理中的大量的历史数据问题。

32、Lack of comprehensive cadastral data and the scattered nature of existing data in various locations. ─── 缺少完善的地籍数据,现存数据分散在不同地方。

33、The relevant management (right Ji Branch, cadastral and registry, trading centres, archives, library, etc.) for this work to fully understand, in a serious and responsible attitude in check. ─── 各有关管理部门(权籍科、地籍科、登记处、交易中心、档案室、资料室等)对此项工作要充分认识,以认真负责的态度做好查阅工作。

34、Local and regional cadastral review commissions provide information for valuation activities and must ultimately approve valuation results. ─── 地方和区域地籍检查委员会为评估活动提供信息,并必须审批评估结果。

35、Analysis and Improvement of Boundary Mark Serial in Cadastral Surveying and Mapping ─── 地籍测绘中界址点编号的分析与改进

36、discusses how to construct teaching system of cadastral surveying and mapping. ─── 构建和完善地籍测量教学体系进行初步探讨和研究。

37、cadastral photogrammetry ─── 地籍摄影测量

38、Cadastral cadastral ─── 地籍

39、Investigation for the Mode of Cadastral Surveying and Mapping in Rural Area ─── 农村地籍测绘模式的研究

40、It triumphantly designed the urban and rural integrative cadastral alteration mode, and realized it in the practice information system. ─── 4. 成功地设计出城乡一体地籍数据的变更模式,并在实际系统中得到实现。

41、Data Handling and Organization in Rural Cadastral Information system ─── 农村地籍信息系统中的数据处理与组织

42、Make a full use of investigation results on cadastral to speed up the construction of its integration management system for cities and villages ─── 充分利用地籍调查成果加快城乡一体化地籍管理体系建设

43、cadastral map ─── 地籍图

44、cadastral survey manual ─── 地籍测量细则

45、cadastral mapping ─── 地籍制图

46、cadastral revision surveying ─── 地籍更新测量

47、The Application of GPS to Cadastral Survey in Towns ─── GPS在城镇地籍测量中的应用

48、Using New Technology in Integrated Field Work of Cadastral Survey ─── 地籍测量综合实习中新技术应用研究

49、Design and Practice of GPS Network for Cadastral Control Survey ─── 地籍控制测量GPS网的设计与实践

50、cadastral map; ─── 地籍图;

51、Spatial Data Management Modes in Cadastral Management Information System ─── 地政管理信息系统的空间数据管理模式探讨

52、A Study of Data Base Loading Pattern in Cadastral Survey ─── 地籍测绘中数据入库方案的探讨

53、The Design of Medium-Type Cadastral Management Information System ─── 中小型地籍管理信息系统设计

54、It is a common problem to survey some boundary points in difficult area during the implementation of cadastral surveying. ─── 地籍测量中对某些可望而不可及的界址点的测量是经常遇到的问题。

55、Discussion on technology of cadastral map surveying and mapping ─── 地籍图测绘的技术探讨

56、Sorting the Data of Cadastral Investigation by Means of GTC ─── 利用GTC进行地籍调查资料整理

57、Coordinate Conversion for Updating Existing Coordinate System in Cadastral Survey ─── 地籍测量更新坐标系统时的坐标换算

58、cadastral map digitization ─── 地籍图数字化

59、cadastral income ─── 地籍收益

60、cadastral map series ─── 地籍图册

61、cadastral SM ─── 地籍测绘

62、The functions of realization of the urban land subdivision and temporal cadastral query are stutied and experimented in Urban Cadastral Information System. ─── 4.对城镇地籍变更和时态查询进行了实验研究,比较成功的实现了城镇地籍信息系统中地籍变更管理。

63、Integration of Urban and Rural Cadastre is important content of modern cadastral management, but in current most teaching materials, it is more few to be concerned with. ─── 作为现代地籍管理重要内容的城乡地籍一体化管理,在现行的大多数教材中涉及较少。

64、Cadastral survey plan index system ─── 地籍测量图索引系统

65、cadastral sunvey ─── 地籍测量

66、integration of cadastral surveying and data processing ─── 内外业一体化

67、" Main items: marine mapping, engineering survey, cadastral mapping, etc. ─── 主营项目:海洋测绘、工程测量、地籍测绘等;

68、Cadastral table ─── 地籍报表

69、Ad Hoc Group of Experts on Cadastral Surveying and Mapping; ─── 地籍测量和绘图特设专家组;

70、Cadastral spatial information ─── 地籍空间信息

71、spatial information update is an important work in cadastral management information system. ─── 空间信息的更新是地籍管理信息系统中一项重要内容。

72、Cadastral Division of the responsible person noted that the supply of land, including two pieces, a piece is incremental, is a piece of stock. ─── 地籍司有关负责人指出,土地供应包括两块,一块是增量,一块是存量。

73、Thus, RTK has been widely used in Figure Root Control measurements, cadastral, property mapping, digital mapping and construction layout, and other work. ─── 因此,RTK被广泛应用于图根控制测量,地籍、房地产测绘、数字化测图及施工放样等各种工作中。

74、cadastral data ─── 地籍数据

75、Finally,one reference modal of project of urban and rual integrative cadastral management information system is suggested in the last part of paper. ─── 在本文的最后一部分给出了一个城乡一体化地籍管理信息系统软件工程建设的一个实例化的参考模型。

76、6, In terms of system engineering ,we have designed and constructed the Urban and Rural Integrative "Modern Cadastral" Management Information System . ─── 6、研究城乡一体化“现代地籍”系统建设过程中所必然要处理的诸如:数据接边处理、精度控制、面积计算等问题。

77、, local taxation, the financial sector should make full use of cadastral information and related premium information, strengthening the management of land revenue. ─── 三、各级地方税务、财政部门要充分利用地籍资料和相关地价资料,加强土地税收的管理。

78、Main issues of and solutions to cadastral work ─── 地籍工作中的主要问题及解决途径

79、cadastral information system ─── 地籍信息系统

80、cadastral data model ─── 地籍数据模型

81、cadastral surveying ─── [法] 地籍测量

82、initial cadastral survey ─── 初始地籍调查

83、Keywords Cadastral survey;Land plane area;Land sphere area; ─── 地籍测绘;土地平面面积;土地球面积;

84、A land surveyor is somebody who is involved with land by measuring the field, reading old cadastral records and making data analysis. ─── 土地测量师是谁是有人参与土地测量领域,读旧地籍记录和数据分析。

85、The land registration, which is processed by computer, is deemed to be completed after the entry, proof reading and alteration of the main cadastral file according to the Rules governing the system. ─── 土地登记以电脑处理者,经依系统规范登录、校对,并异动地籍主档完竣后,为登记完毕。

86、cadastral rent ─── 不动产租金

87、3 study on the Cadastral Objects which managed in the Urban an Rural Integrative "Modern Cadastral" Management Information System,and draw and analyst these objects; ─── 3、研究城乡一体化“现代地籍”管理信息系统中所管理的地籍对象,并对其进行模型抽取和对象间关系分析;

88、Analysis of precision of cadastral map drawn on the basis of topographic map of mining area ─── 利用矿区地形图编绘地籍图的精度分析

89、Cadastral information ─── 地籍信息

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