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08-19 投稿


equivocal 发音

英:[??kw?v?k(?)l]  美:[??kw?v?k(?)l]

英:  美:

equivocal 中文意思翻译



equivocal 短语词组

1、equivocal outcome ─── 未定结局

2、equivocal data ─── 模棱两可的数据

3、equivocal surface ─── 模糊曲面

4、equivocal words ─── 含糊词

5、equivocal symptom ─── [医] 非特征性症状, 不明确症状(几种病都能产生的非特征性的症状)

6、equivocal death ─── 错误的死亡

7、equivocal definition ─── 模棱两可的定义

8、equivocal case ─── [医]可疑病例,不明病例

9、equivocal ua ─── 模棱两可的ua

10、equivocal reply ─── [法] 模棱两可的回答

11、equivocal in ─── 模棱两可的

12、equivocal term ─── 模棱两可术语

13、equivocal language ─── 模棱两可的语言

equivocal 反义词


equivocal 词性/词形变化,equivocal变形

名词: equivocality |副词: equivocally |

equivocal 同义词

ambivalent | undecided | shifty | misleading | hazy | vague | obscure | oblique | indistinct | indeterminate | duplicitous | uncertain | amphibolic | twoedged | unclear | weasel-worded | indefinite | evasive | problematic | enigmatic | incomprehensible |ambiguous | confusing

equivocal 相似词语短语

1、equinoctial ─── adj.昼夜平分的;春分或秋分时的;赤道的;n.赤道;春分或秋分时的暴风雨

2、unequivocal ─── adj.明确的;不含糊的

3、equirotal ─── adj.大小一样的

4、equivocally ─── adv.可疑地;含糊地

5、equivocality ─── n.多义性;模棱两可

6、equimolal ─── adj.摩尔数相等的;重量浓度相等的

7、equivocated ─── vi.说模棱两可的话;支吾,躲闪;推诿;含糊其词

8、equivocacy ─── 模棱两可

9、equivocate ─── vi.说模棱两可的话;支吾,躲闪;推诿;含糊其词

equivocal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It showed the Attorney General was equivocal at the depth over the legality of the war. ─── 显然司法部长在对战争合法性认识的深度上模棱两可。

2、Equivocal, as in classification or nature. ─── 不明确的,模棱两可的在类别或性质上不明确的

3、equivocal phenomenon ─── 含糊现象

4、a woman of equivocal reputation ─── 不正派的女人

5、However, previous trials on lumbar spine surgery showed equivocal efficacy of cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitors for postoperative pain relief. ─── 然而,腰椎手术预实验显示它在缓减术后痛疼的效果不明显。

6、His words to the press were deliberately equivocal - he didn't deny the reports but neither did he confirm them. ─── 他在报上的言词故意含糊其辞,有关报告,不能否认,但也不能确认。

7、to use equivocal language intentionally ─── 故意使用模棱两可的语言

8、an equivocal reply ─── 模棱两可的回答

9、SPECT CT may be able to accomplish this by adding certain vital information that will reduce the number of equivocal studies in difficult cases. ─── SPECT-CT可以在这方面提供一些新的关键信息,从而减少不能定论的SPECT检查数目。

10、an equivocal statement or expression ─── 模棱两可模棱两可的陈述或表达

11、The ancient oracles were often vague and equivocal. ─── 古代的神谕常是意义模糊和模棱两可的。

12、an equivocal statement; ─── 模棱两可的声明;

13、equivocal case ─── 可疑病例, 不明病例

14、the officer's equivocal behavior increased the victim's uneasiness; ─── 政府官员暧昧的行为增加了受害人的不安;

15、A blare of sound, a roar of life, a vast array of human hives, appeal to the astonished senses in equivocal terms ─── 市声的喧闹,生活的吆喝,鳞次栉比的楼房,用暖昧的言词叩动那受惊的心弦。

16、equivocal for pulmonary embolism ─── 可疑肺栓塞

17、Having a grammatical structure that allows of two interpretations; equivocal. ─── 歧义的,模棱两可的一种语法结构可以有两种解释的; 模棱两可的

18、equivocal surface ─── 模糊曲面

19、an equivocal outcome ─── 未定的结局

20、"The polling had a complex and equivocal message for potential female candidates at all levels" (David S. Broder). ─── “民意测验对各阶层潜在的女性候选人的态度复杂而又模糊” (大卫·S.布罗德)。

21、Unspoken words in a play left to the understanding of the audience or reader: Can drink with a cup, that relation nature is equivocal also rose. ─── 潜台词:能用一个杯子喝酒的,那关系自然也就暧昧起来了。

22、His conscience reproached him with the equivocal character of the union into which he had forced his son. ─── 他因强迫自己儿子参加性质可疑的联盟而遭受到良心的谴责。

23、Having a grammaticalstructure that allows of two interpretations; equivocal. ─── 歧义的,模棱两可的一种语法结构可以有两种解释的;模棱两可的。

24、Vague; obscure; equivocal claims them all as victories. ─── 引起歧义的,模棱两可的,含糊不清的。

25、Mr Levin's apology for the disastrous merger of Time Warner and America Online 10 years ago was the least equivocal. ─── 莱文为10年前时代华纳与美国在线损失惨重的合并而做的道歉是最不含糊的。

26、An equivocal word, phrase, or expression. ─── 含糊其词的短语意义模糊的、短语、表达

27、equivocal death ─── 可疑死亡

28、an equivocal response to an embarrassing question. ─── 对尴尬的问题做出的模糊反应。

29、Job creation, an equivocal phrase once found mostly in economic textbooks, has entered the nation's political vernacular with a vengeance this election year, and both Michael S. ─── 本来是一度出现在经济教科书里的一句意义含混的用语“创造就业机会”,在此选举年开始在美国政治辞汇里大行其道。

30、equivocal data ─── 不可靠数据

31、an equivocal qualification ─── 含糊的保留

32、Descriptions of sandstone bodies are commonly incomplete, and the interpretations placed on their origins may be equivocal ─── 对砂岩体的描述通常不是完全的,因此对它们成因的解释也可能是不明确的。

33、Equivocal appendicitis cases, on the other hand, would be processed through computer scanning. ─── 临床上模?两可之病人,则安排电脑断层检查。

34、Unfortunately, the clinical and medicolegal need for high sensitivity often result in an ASC interpretation and equivocal morphological diagnosis. ─── 不幸的是,临床以及法医学上对于高灵敏度的需要,经常导致非典型鳞状上皮的解释,以及模棱两可的形态学的检查结果。

35、I am still equivocal after listening to his explanation, I know he is not very jannock. ─── 我听了他的解释,将信将疑;我知道他这个人不大老实。

36、in an equivocal way; cut Both ways; shift and hedge; ambiguous (attitude) ─── 模棱两可

37、In the queer culture, especially in gay culture,[1] drag is always being in an equivocal way to express the queerness. ─── 日本开始注重快感的经济学(德里达语),这标志着日本偏离了传统的日本式的经济理性主义。

38、10.an equivocal qualification; a word used to avoid making an outright assertion. ─── 含糊的保留;避免完全断定的话。

39、aliens of equivocal loyalty; his conscience reproached him with the equivocal character of the union into which he had forced his son-Anna Jameson. ─── 忠心可疑的侨民;他遭受到良心的谴责,因为他强迫儿子加入性质可疑的联盟-安娜·詹姆士。

40、Contextualism holds that knowledge is indexical, relevant and equivocal, while contrastivism holds that knowledge is ternary, saturating and compatible. ─── 摘要语境主义主张,知识具有标识性、相关性和含糊性;与此不同,对比主义主张,知识具有三元性、填充性和兼容性。

41、A blare of sound, a roar of life, a vast array of human hives, appeal to the astonished senses in equivocal terms. ─── 城市里喧闹的人声和热闹的生活,加上鳞次栉比的楼房建筑,在令人惊愕的同时,又令人怦然心动,教给人们模棱两可的生活意义。

42、Conversely, when betacarotene was taken with vitamin C and E its influence was equivocal. ─── 反过来,当同维生素 C 和 E一起摄取贝塔胡罗卜素时,其影响是模棱两可的。

43、He had always felt the absolute impossibility of addressing that enigmatical man, who was, in his eyes, both equivocal and imposing. ─── 他一向觉得绝对不可能和这个既暧昧威严,又莫测高深的人交谈。

44、The polling had a complex and equivocal message for potential female candidates at all levels(David S.Broder. ─── 民意测验对各阶层潜在的女性候选人的态度复杂而又模糊(大卫·S.布罗德)。

45、an equivocal expression ─── 含糊的说法

46、Most Christians hold that the Gospels also attribute divinity to Jesus; however, others hold that the Gospels are equivocal on the subject. ─── 大多数基督徒都坚持福音书也是归因于耶稣的神性;然而,其他人则坚持福音书在这个问题上是意义不明确的。

47、The clinical data comparing the efficacy of MCT-based fat emulsions to their LCT counterparts have yielded equivocal results. ─── 但是,临床上有关中链脂肪乳剂与传统的长链脂肪乳剂在各领域中应用的比较研究却较少,而且结果相差很大。

48、His equivocal response has done nothing to dampen the speculation. ─── 他模棱两可的回应丝毫没有减弱人们的猜测。

49、2.People have always been equivocal about advertising, worrying that it hoodwinks them into buying things they do not need. ─── 人们对广告总是将信将疑,害怕广告会欺骗他们,让他们买些根本不需要的东西。

50、Many were equivocal about the idea. ─── 很多人对此观点都含糊其辞。

51、If the biomarkers are clearly indicative of mild or advanced disease, no further evaluation is necessary, and where they are equivocal, a biopsy can subsequently be performed. ─── 如果生化指标提示处于疾病的早期或者晚期阶段,就不需进行进一步的评估。当结果是含糊的时候,则需要进行肝活检。

52、Moreover, when women with major congenital anomalies were excluded, the rates of death were almost equivocal. ─── 再者,排除妇女的先天重大异常之后,死亡率几乎无关。

53、People have always been equivocal about advertising, worrying that it hoodwinks them into buying things they do not need. ─── 人们对广告总是将信将疑,害怕广告会欺骗他们,让他们买些根本不需要的东西。

54、8.When asked whether a more aggressive approach meant more emphasis on serve-volleying, Roddick was equivocal, but admitted that he had been tinkering with that part of his game. ─── 当被问到更具进攻性是否意味着更多的发球上网时,罗迪克显得模棱两可,但是承认他在这方面开了小灶。

55、She gave an equivocal answer, typical of a politician. ─── 她的回答模棱两可,是典型的政客做法。

56、Equivocal communication ─── 含糊交际

57、When asked whether a more aggressive approach meant more emphasis on serve-volleying, Roddick was equivocal, but admitted that he had been tinkering with that part of his game. ─── 当被问到更具进攻性是否意味着更多的发球上网时,罗迪克显得模棱两可,但是承认他在这方面开了小灶。

58、Results from previous studies have been equivocal regarding the association between antibiotic use early in life and the development of asthma during childhood. ─── 之前的研究结果显示了抗生素的早期应用和儿童哮喘的发展可能存在某些关联。

59、game with an equivocal surface ─── 有一个含糊曲面的对策

60、Job creation,an equivocal phrase once found mostly in economic textbooks,has entered the nation's political vernacular with a vengeance this election year,and both Michael S.Dukakis and George Bush are responsible. ─── 本来是一度出现在经济教科书里的一句意义含混的用语“创造就业机会”,在此选举年开始在美国政治辞汇里大行其道。其所以如此,杜卡基斯与布什都有责任。

61、people of equivocal face, of suspicious monologues, who present the air of having evil minds, and who generally sleep in the daytime, which suggests the supposition that they work by night. ─── 他一心景仰着,不是那姑娘,而是那一团有缎斗篷和丝绒帽的光辉。天狼星进了这屋子,也不会那么使他感到耀眼。

62、The clinical data comparing the efficacy of MCTbased fat emulsions to their LCT counterparts have yielded equivocal results. ─── 但是,临床上有关中链脂肪乳剂与传统的长链脂肪乳剂在各领域中应用的比较研究却较少,而且结果相差很大。

63、Mr Samaras has taken an equivocal position, arguing against the means of austerity rather than the end of budget targets. ─── 萨马拉斯采取一种模棱两可的态度,他反对的是紧缩措施而不是预算目标的达成。

64、On matters of principle we should be clear-cut in attitude, and by no means be equivocal. ─── 在原则问题上, 我们必须态度鲜明, 决不能模棱两可。

65、Xiaozhang's equivocal answer aroused everybody's suspicion. ─── 小张隐约其词的回答引起所有人的怀疑。

66、Macbeth now began to faint in resolution , and to doubt the equivocal speeches of the spirits . ─── 这时候,麦克白的决心开始动摇了,他怀疑起鬼魂说的暖昧的话了。

67、In the ERC group there were 36 successful and 12 failed initial ERCs, 13 repeat procedures (EUS or ERC) performed after failed or equivocal initial ERC, and two procedures during follow-up. ─── 初级终点是与任意一个内镜程序(并发症)或结石的假阴性诊断相关的阴性结果患者的比率。

68、be open to different interpretations; be equivocal ─── 有歧义

69、Intentionally vague or ambiguous; equivocal ─── "有意含糊其词的,模棱两可的."

70、On matters of principle we should be clear-cut in attitude, and by no means be equivocal ─── 在原则问题上,我们必须态度鲜明,决不能模棱两可。

71、He gave an equivocal reply. ─── 她的回答模棱两可。

72、The court took the view that the defendant's plea was equivocal. ─── 法院持有这样的观点,即被告的答辩是模棱两可的.

73、equivocal attitude ─── 模棱两可的态度

74、Not surprisingly, then, the data are equivocal (a doubtful and uncertain nature) about which sort of face women prefer. ─── 毫不奇怪,研究数据并没有明确说明女性究竟喜欢那种脸型。

75、painting snowy bamboo and snowy plum blossoms with “Transience” technique, the paintings are of equivocal and serene artistic conception. ─── 用“虚幻法”画出的雪竹,雪梅,虚中见实,意境幽怆。

76、She gave an equivocal answer, typical of a politician. ─── 她的回答模棱两可,是典型的政客做法。

77、Nothing but a flash of the eyes and a single equivocal remark: beyond that, only his own secret imaginings, founded on a dream ─── 只不过是眼光一闪,一句模棱两可的话,除此之外,只有他自已秘密幻想,那是完全建筑在睡梦上的。

78、You must state your position on matters of principle. Don't be equivocal. ─── 在原则问题上要表明你的态度, 不要依违两可。

79、Tumorigenic - equivocal tumorigenic agent by RTECS criteria 2. ─── 毒性类型:Tumorigenic 毒性作用: 1.

80、In cases that are equivocal, MRA/MRV can typically confirm the diagnosis. ─── 对于不明确的病变,可以采用MRA和MRV来确诊。

81、4.Most Christians hold that the Gospels also attribute divinity to Jesus; however, others hold that the Gospels are equivocal on the subject. ─── 大多数基督徒都坚持福音书也是归因于耶稣的神性;然而,其他人则坚持福音书在这个问题上是意义不明确的。

82、equivocal conducts ─── 可疑的行为

83、To use equivocal language intentionally. ─── 含糊其词故意使用模棱两可的语言

84、Having a grammatical structure that allows of two interpretations;equivocal. ─── 歧义的,模棱两可的一种语法结构可以有两种解释的;模棱两可的

85、23.The court took the view that the defendant's plea was equivocal. ─── 法院持有这样的观点,即被告的答辩是模棱两可的。

86、Kenyon also declared his insouciance at the threat of an inquiry but, if they were meant as a denial that Thursday's alleged discussions had taken place, the words he chose were equivocal. ─── 然而切尔西主教练穆利尼奥目前对这一报道的反应只是不疼不痒,否认自己曾经卷入过报道中所称的会晤。对此温格表示了强烈不满。

87、equivocal term ─── 多义名言

88、Yet they were thwarted when Colombia declined to join because of its neighbours' equivocal attitude to its FARC guerrillas. ─── 但是当哥伦比亚因其邻国与哥革命武装力量游击队的暧昧关系而拒绝加入时,领导人们遇到了障碍。

89、Application of equivocal control technology in heating and drying installation ─── 模糊控制技术应用于加热烘干装置

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