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colorimeter 发音

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英:  美:

colorimeter 中文意思翻译



colorimeter 词性/词形变化,colorimeter变形

副词: colorimetrically |形容词: colorimetric |名词: colorimetry |

colorimeter 短语词组

1、Guild colorimeter ─── [化] 吉尔德比色计

2、differential colorimeter ─── 微分比色计

3、flow-through colorimeter ─── [化] 流通式比色计

4、astm colorimeter ─── 哮喘比色计

5、flow colorimeter ─── [化] 流动式比色计

6、photoelectric colorimeter ─── [化] 光电比色计

7、colorimeter system ─── [电] 色度系统

8、disk colorimeter ─── [机] 圆盘比色计

9、duboscqs colorimeter duboscqs ─── 色度计

10、Parr colorimeter ─── [医] 帕尔氏比色计

11、dubosq colorimeter dubosq ─── 色度计

12、colorimeter instrument ─── 比色计

13、dubboscq colorimeter dubboscq ─── 色度计

14、nepho-colorimeter ─── [医]比浊比色计

15、photoelectrical colorimeter ─── [医] 光电比色计

16、visual colorimeter ─── [化] 目视比色计

17、universal light electrical colorimeter ─── [医] 万能电比色计

18、Duboscq colorimeter ─── [化] 杜波斯克比色计 ─── [医] 杜博斯克氏比色计

19、flowing colorimeter ─── [化] 流动比色计

colorimeter 相似词语短语

1、colorimeters ─── n.色量计,色度计

2、chlorimeters ─── 氯离子计

3、calorimeters ─── n.[热]热量计

4、dolorimeter ─── n.测痛计

5、chlorimeter ─── n.氯量计

6、colorimetry ─── n.比色法

7、calorimeter ─── n.[热]热量计

8、polarimeter ─── n.旋光计;偏光计

9、chlorometer ─── n.氯量计

colorimeter 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Optimal design of working wavelength and its bandwidth of a dual-wavelength fiber-optic colorimeter ─── 双波长光纤测温仪的工作波长及线宽设计

2、Ostwald's colorimeter ─── 奥氏比色计

3、Klett-Summerson colorimeter ─── 克莱特-萨默森比色计

4、Duboscq's colorimeter ─── 杜博克(氏)比色计:通过和标准色比较, 测定待检物质浓度的一种仪器

5、Digest the soil sample by waterbath digestion method with colorimeter . Detect mercury in soil by atomic fluorescence spectrometry. ─── 采用比色管水浴消解法消解土壤样品,以原子荧光光度法测定土壤中的汞。

6、In the display area, Sony introduced an automated calibration of intelligent display " " , is equipped with a company's own colorimeter. ─── 在显示器领域,索尼公司推出一款自动校准的“智能显示器”,配备了公司自己的色度计。

7、hydrogen ion colorimeter ─── 氢离子比色计

8、monochromatic colorimeter ─── 单色色度计

9、Keywords Colorimeter;LED Light Source;Water Quality Test; ─── 比色计;LED光源;水质测试;

10、The feature of ELISA plates is that you can determinate large-amount samples and you can read out the results directly by the colorimeter. ─── ELISA板的特点是可以同时进行大量标本的检测,并可在特制的比色计上迅速读出结果。

11、disk colorimeter ─── 圆盘比色计

12、dynamic differential colorimeter ─── 动差比色计

13、Keywords porcelain-fused-to-titanium;color;sintering;colorimeter; ─── 关键词烧结钛-瓷;颜色;烧结;色度计;

14、BYK color wizard, colorimeter Where can I buy? ─── BYK色彩精灵,色差仪哪里能买到?

15、single-beam photoelectric colorimeter ─── 单光束光电比色计

16、photoelectric template colorimeter ─── 光电模板比色计

17、trichrometric colorimeter ─── 三原色比色计

18、three-channel colorimeter ─── 三道比色计

19、Nickerson colorimeter ─── 尼克逊色度计尼克森色度计

20、The instrument which is employed to directly measure the tri- stimulus coordinates of a color is known as a colorimeter . ─── 用来直接测定颜色三刺激值座标的仪器叫做色度计。

21、analog colorimeter ─── 模拟比色计

22、Determination of Nitrite Content with Colorimeter of Acceleration Oxidation in Meet food ─── 加速氧化比色测定肉制品中亚硝酸盐含量

23、photoelectric tristimulus colorimeter ─── 光电三色激励比色计

24、Optimal Design of a Practical Dual-wavelength High-precision Fiber-optic Colorimeter ─── 一种实用化双波长高精度光纤测温仪的优化设计

25、cie standard colorimeter system ─── cie 标准比色系

26、This colorimeter reading is green. ─── 该色度计的其中一项读数是绿色。

27、ammonia colorimeter ─── 氨比色计

28、cotton colorimeter ─── 棉花测色仪

29、Duboscq colorimeter ─── [化] 杜波斯克比色计[医] 杜博斯克氏比色计

30、Colorimeter can as a reflectance meter, or a logarithmic converter but comes with a set of specialized filters densitometer. ─── 色度计可以当息是一个不直射率计,或一个不带不差数变换器但带有一套附带滤色片的密度计。

31、double-beam colorimeter ─── 双光束比色计

32、photoelectrical colorimeter ─── [医] 光电比色计

33、Colorimeter, photometer, or spectrophotometer for clinical use ─── 临床用色度计、光度计或分光光度计

34、Cie standard colorimeter system cie ─── 标准比色系

35、Camp colorimeter ─── 坎普比色计

36、differential colorimeter ─── 差示比色计

37、Gardner chromaticity value and color grade of solid gum rosin was determined with a Lovibond automatic colorimeter . ─── 采用罗维邦自动比色仪可以直接测定固体脂松香的加纳色度值和颜色级别。

38、Methods The color of the front teeth of 129 cases with specially colored teeth and Vita classical shade guide was measured with ShadeEye-NCC, a computer-aided colorimeter by Shofu. ─── 方法 应用ShadeEye-NCC电脑比色仪测定129例特殊色牙患者前牙及Vita比色板的色彩。

39、Parr colorimeter ─── [医] 帕尔氏比色计

40、Keywords red bayberry juice;colorimeter and color difference meter;color difference value; ─── 关键词杨梅汁;色差计;色差值;

41、colorimeter tube ─── 比色管

42、gas chromatographs, atomic absorption spectrometer, high performance liquid chromatograph, autotitrators, total organic carbon analyzer, colorimeter, UV/VIS spectrophotometer, densitometer, ICP. ─── 对气相色谱仪,原子吸收光谱仪,高效液相色谱法,机碳分析仪,紫外/可见分光光度计,密度计,威达电有一定的了解;

43、This procedure is NOT a replacement for getting someone with a colorimeter to calibrate your white balance for you. ─── 下面的调试过程并不能代替请一专业人士带上色度计来帮你调整白平衡。

44、tristimulus colorimeter ─── 三色源色度计三刺激色度计

45、Nickerson-Hunter cotton colorimeter ─── 尼克森亨特棉花色泽仪

46、colormaster differential colorimeter ─── 主色微差比色计

47、kotoelectric colorimeter cel ─── 光电闭塞皿

48、chromascan fiber-optic colorimeter ─── 带光纤头的饱和度扫描测色仪

49、A High-Precision Optic Fiber Colorimeter Using Pyroelectric Detector[J]. ─── 引用该论文 施德恒,刘玉芳,陈玉科,朱遵略,孙金锋.

50、Guild colorimeter ─── 吉尔德比色计

51、trichromatic colorimeter ─── 三色色彩计三原色色度计

52、Keywords colorimetric determination;accuracy;sensitivity;light-guide colorimeter; ─── 比色测定法;准确度;灵敏度;光导比色计;

53、Autenrieth colorimeter ─── 奥滕里特比色计

54、A colorimeter is similar to a densitometerin that it measures reflected color, but colorimetric measurementsare based on the spectral response s of a standardobserver. ─── 比色计与浓度计是相似 因为它测量反射了颜色, 但比色法测量 根据标准的鬼响应函数 观察员。

55、A Practical Dual-wavelength High-precision Fiber-optic Colorimeter Using Pyroelectric Detector ─── 一种采用热电器件的实用化双波长高精度光纤测温仪

56、In order to improve the precision of colorimeters, photoelectricity integral colorimeter principle error emendation is studied. ─── 摘要为了提高色差计的精度,对光电积分式测色色差计的原理误差进行了研究。

57、three filter colorimeter ─── 三色滤光式比色计

58、The standard of color measurement was utified by CIE.The spectrometer replaced traditional color measurement instruments such as colorimeter, becoming the mainstream. ─── 摘要: CIE统一了颜色测量的标准,光谱仪取代了色度计等传统测色仪器成为主流。

59、photoelectric colorimeter ─── 光电比色计

60、Bloch colorimeter ─── 布洛赫色度计

61、The color of ceramic was measured by a Minolta CR-221 portable colorimeter using CIE L*a*b* system. ─── 在烤瓷炉中分别在30hPa、50hPa、96hPa真空度下进行烧烤后,应用Minolta CR-221 色度计采用CIE L*a*b* 色度系统,进行颜色测定。

62、Effect and Control on Temperature Measurement Accuracy of the Fiber-optic Colorimeter by Reflection and Radiance ─── 反射及发射率对光纤测温仪精度的影响及抑制

63、spectrophotometric trichromatic colorimeter ─── 分光光度三色色度仪

64、The main contents are summarized as follows. 1. The general design of colorimeter system. ─── 论文主要研究工作包括以下内容:1、系统总体方案的设计。

65、Double Beam Photoelectricity Colorimeter ─── 双光路光电比色计

66、portable photoelectric colorimeter ─── 便携式光电比色计

67、A method for designing correcting color filter of an OE colorimeter ─── 光电色度计校正滤色器的一种设计方法

68、single-beam colorimeter ─── 单光束色度计

69、colorimeter instrument ─── 比色计

70、Submit them to test on a photoelectric colorimeter or spectrophotometer ─── 把他们放在光电比色计或分光光度计上进行测定。

71、polarization colorimeter ─── 偏光比色计

72、step colorimeter ─── 分步比色计

73、This essay focuses on not only the system design, but also the research and completion of the key technology, which are used by embedded CRT colorimeter. ─── 本课题围绕嵌入式crt色度计进行系统设计和关键技术的研究与实现。

74、Analog optical colorimeter is used to calibrate correcting filter so as to make it meet luther condition.However, the calibration precision of the filter is influenced by many factors. ─── 光学模拟测色仪采用校正滤色器使仪器满足卢瑟条件,校正滤色器的精度受多种因素的影响。

75、This colorimeter reading is red. ─── 该色度计的其中一项读数是红色。

76、This colorimeter reading is blue. ─── 该色度计的其中一项读数是蓝色。

77、new spectrophotomete couid speetrophometri measurement data direct transition to the other table of parameters, the transform method and colorimeter is the same. ─── 新式不合平平度计还可以把不合平平度丈量数据直递变换不败其它外色系统的参数,变换办法与色度计是差别的。

78、digital colorimeter ─── 数字色度仪

79、colorimeter; an instrument that measures the concentration of a known constituent of a solution by comparison with colors of standard solutions of that constituent ─── 比色计;比照某种溶质标准溶液的色彩,来测量一种溶液已知溶质浓度的仪器

80、Error of Reflectivity Modification for Dynamic Light Decomposition Colorimeter ─── 动态分光测色仪中的反射率误差修正

81、However, due to its cheap, it is still widely used colorimeter. ─── 但由于其代价昂贵,仍是答用普及的测色仪器。

82、colorimeter system ─── [电] 色度系统

83、581-S colorimeter ─── 581-S型比色计

84、flowing colorimeter ─── [化] 流动比色计

85、tristimulus mask colorimeter ─── 三色刺激掩模色度计

86、Keywords Porcelain fused to metal crown;Color;Sintering;Colorimeter; ─── 关键词金属烤瓷全冠;颜色;烧结;色度计;

87、Keywords instrumental color measurement;natural teeth;colorimeter; ─── 仪器测色;天然牙;色差仪;

88、Keywords natural teeth;colorimeter;colorimetry; ─── 关键词天然牙;色差仪;色度学;

89、wedge colorimeter ─── 楔形比计楔管比色计

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