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08-20 投稿


wickerwork 发音

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wickerwork 中文意思翻译



wickerwork 反义词


wickerwork 短语词组

1、wickerwork wood ─── 柳条木

2、wickerwork container crossword ─── 柳条容器纵横填字游戏

3、wickerwork cane ─── 柳条藤

4、wickerwork items ─── 柳条制品

5、wickerwork palm ─── 柳编棕榈

wickerwork 同义词

repellant | worthless | base | unholy | unpleasant | accursed | criminal | disgusting | impish | awful | low | loathsome | great | perverse | abandoned | terrific | distressing | naughty | evil | dreadful | arch | revolting | distasteful | difficult | wrong | disgustful | inexpiable | contemptible | vicious | terrible | mean | black | ill | immoral | flagrant | prankish | hateful | corrupt | infamous | good | sinful | repelling | puckish | vile | repellent | poor | yucky | severe | acerbic | foul | cheeky | implike | mischievous | tough | rugged | rough | atrocious |bad | loathly | rotten | pixilated | skanky | cursed | hard | cutting

wickerwork 词性/词形变化,wickerwork变形

名词: wickedness |形容词最高级: wickedest |副词: wickedly |形容词比较级: wickeder |

wickerwork 相似词语短语

1、silverwork ─── 银制工艺品

2、waterwork ─── n.水厂;水道设备

3、interwork ─── v.互工作,交互运作;互通;交织;互相作用

4、timberwork ─── n.木结构

5、checkerwork ─── n.方格花样

6、wonderwork ─── n.奇迹;奇妙的事物

7、pokerwork ─── 烙画

8、wirework ─── n.金属丝网,金属丝制品

9、lacquerwork ─── n.漆器;漆器制作

wickerwork 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、large; short narrow neck; often has small handles at neck and is enclosed in wickerwork. ─── 大;短瓶颈;在瓶颈处有小手柄并且经常被附加枝编工艺。

2、a Basque or Spanish game played in a court with a ball and a wickerwork racket. ─── 一种巴斯克人或西班牙人的一种游戏用一个球和一个树枝编的拍子在一个场地进行。

3、A large, narrow - necked bottle made of glass or earthenware, usually encased in wickerwork. ─── 细颈大坛用玻璃或泥土制成的一种大的细颈瓶子,经常用柳条包装

4、,Ltd. is a company of manufactory and exporter in the area of handcraft.We specialize in houseware and wickerwork. ─── 经过十几年的发展,公司在手工家具和编制领域形成一定的规模,产品在质量和价格上具有很强的竞争力。

5、He takes out his self-made wickerwork and sells it. ─── 他将自制的柳编成品拿来出售。

6、In the forth chapter, I narrated the transition and vicissitude of the Baimao wickerwork convention. ─── 第四章文章就白旄柳编习俗的传承与变迁进行研究。

7、He takes out his self - made wickerwork and sells it. ─── 一种巴斯克人或西班牙人的一种游戏用一个球和一个树枝编的拍子在一个场地进行。

8、baskets,basketware,wickerwork,basketry,box,tray,bucket,pot,bamboo baskets,rattan baskets,wooden bask ─── 篮子,草编,竹编,柳编,木盒(2008-11-13)广西南宁宾加入询盘车

9、a large,narrow-necked bottle made of glass or earthenware,usually encased in wickerwork ─── 用玻璃或泥土制成的一种大的细颈瓶子,经常用柳条包装

10、Other Natural Plant Wickerwork Articles ─── 其他天然植物编织品

11、He takes out his self-made wickerwork and sells it. ─── 他将自制的柳编成品拿来出售。

12、In the third chapter, I narrated the coming into being of the Baimao wickerwork convention. ─── 第三章就白旄柳编习俗的产生进行论述。

13、Their artistic skills in both silversmith's work, wickerwork and with textiles ─── 银器、编织才能

14、slender flexible branches or twigs (especially of willow or some canes); used for wickerwork. ─── 细长柔韧的枝或嫩条(尤指柳或一些藤茎植物),用于枝编工艺。

15、Our company mainly deals in wickerwork with thousands of varieties,which are made by wicker,wood,mixed grass and wood,and mixed wicker and brains-spell. ─── 我公司主要生产经营柳编、木编、草木、柳木混编等数千个品种编织产品和专门针对于儿童智力开发的新产品---智力拼板。

16、Daur villages are neat, usually built on mountain slopes and facing streams, and the houses have courtyards surrounded by wickerwork fences. ─── 达斡尔村落都很干净整洁,通常建在山坡上面向河流,房子都有由树条编成的篱笆围成的院子。

17、Timmy Willie crept in through a hole in the wickerwork , and after eating some peas, Timmy Willie fell fast asleep. ─── 提米威利从一个洞爬进那个枝编制品里,而在吃了些豌豆之后,提米威利很快就睡着了。

18、Art Shop Romania - Offers traditional romanian handicraft, orthodox icons, pottery, wood carving, wickerwork and other items. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

19、Timmy Willie crept in through a hole in the wickerwork, and after eating some peas, Timmy Willie fell fast asleep. ─── 提米威利从一个洞爬进那个枝编制品里,而在吃了些豌豆之后,提米威利很快就睡着了。

20、a basket made of wickerwork. ─── 技编工艺制成的篮子。

21、often has small handles at neck and is enclosed in wickerwork. ─── 在瓶颈处有小手柄并且经常被附加枝编工艺。

22、3. slender flexible branches or twigs (especially of willow or some canes); used for wickerwork. ─── 细长柔韧的枝或嫩条(尤指柳或一些藤茎植物),用于枝编工艺。收藏指正

23、Daur villages are neat, usually built on mountain slopes and facing streams, and the houses have courtyards surrounded by wickerwork fences. ─── 达斡尔村落都很干净整洁,通常建在山坡上面向河流,房子都有由树条编成的篱笆围成的院子。

24、The stems of any of these palms, used to make wickerwork, canes, and furniture. ─── 白藤茎这种爬行植物的茎,用来制作柳条制品,拐棍和家俱。

25、Such stems or strips of such stems used for wickerwork or baskets. ─── 这种茎或其枝条用作编柳条制品或篮子。

26、The stems of any of these palms, used to make wickerwork, canes, and furniture. ─── 白藤茎这种爬行植物的茎,用来制作柳条制品,拐棍和家俱

27、large; short narrow neck; often has small handles at neck and is enclosed in wickerwork ─── 大;短瓶颈;在瓶颈处有小手柄并且经常被附加枝编工艺

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