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08-20 投稿


creamery 发音

英:['kri?m(?)r?]  美:['krim?ri]

英:  美:

creamery 中文意思翻译



creamery 网络释义

n. 奶油公司(复数creameries);奶油厂;乳品发售店;牛奶

creamery 短语词组

1、creamery ice cream ─── 奶油冰淇淋

2、creamery mokena ─── 湿奶油

3、cold stone creamery ─── 酷圣石

4、creamery waste ─── 奶油废物

5、creamery coop ─── 奶油鸡舍

6、Hershey Creamery Company ─── 好时奶油公司

7、creamery psu ─── 奶油色psu

8、hoards creamery ─── 相机游戏

9、cannery creamery ─── 罐头厂奶油厂

10、creamery pa ─── 奶精厂pa

11、trickling springs creamery ─── 滴泉乳品厂

12、creamery pickups ─── 奶油皮卡

13、cockeye creamery warren ohio ─── 俄亥 ─── 俄州沃伦乳酪厂

creamery 词性/词形变化,creamery变形

名词复数: creameries |

creamery 相似词语短语

1、creamier ─── adj.奶油色的;乳脂状的;含乳脂的(creamy的变形)

2、dreamery ─── 德里梅利

3、creamy ─── adj.奶油色的;乳脂状的;含乳脂的

4、creamily ─── adv.奶油似地;温柔地

5、creamed ─── v.搅成糊状;加奶油于;在(皮肤上)搽乳霜;彻底击败(某人);(人)被激起了性欲(cream的过去式和过去分词)

6、creaser ─── n.摺皱者;各种压摺之器具

7、creamers ─── n.奶油分离器;盛奶油的器皿;制作奶油的人;n.(Creamer)人名;(英)克里默

8、creamer ─── n.奶油分离器;盛奶油的器皿;制作奶油的人;n.(Creamer)人名;(英)克里默

9、screamers ─── n.异形终结(电影名);尖叫者(乐队名)

creamery 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The creamery is in the opposite of our building. ─── 奶油公司在我们大楼的对面。

2、Redeemable only at appointed Cold Stone Creamery locations with seal. No cash value. Not valid with other offers or if copied. ─── 此券盖章有效,仅限指定门市使用。不可折换现金,复印无效。

3、he and his wife Laura launched Maple Hill Creamery, an organic, all grass-fed yogurt company in northern New York. ─── 他和妻子劳拉在纽约北部创办了 Maple Hill Creamery,这是一家使用全草饲奶牛的有机酸奶公司。

4、COORDINATOR: Guangzhou Zui Hong Chen Wine Club Guangzhou Rocky Mtn. Creamery Ltd. ─── 办:广州醉红尘葡萄酒俱乐部、广州诺矶饮食有限公司。

5、2.The antibacterial experiments show that the product has strong inhibition effect on some bacteriums in rancid creamery. ─── 最后研究产品对混合菌群的抗菌活性,结果表明,该产品具有较强的抗菌活性。

6、creamery is in the opposite of our building. ─── 奶油公司在我们大楼的对面。

7、pure creamery butter ─── 纯净奶油

8、Shortly after the traffic lights you will pass the Royal Hotel on your right, followed by the Creamery. ─── 所有的年龄较大的儿童或者成人加床不需付费。在一间客房最多可加1张床。

9、Building a cheese dairy or a creamery, for example, allows you to process your products on the spot and make even more cash! ─── 整体来说算是款很不错的游戏,虽然目前只玩了前几关,希望玩到后面的乐趣依然很丰富。

10、Redeemable only at appointed Cold Stone Creamery locations with seal. No cash value. Not valid with other offers or if copied. ─── 此券盖章有效,仅限指定门市使用。不可折换现金,复印无效。

11、In addition, he's loaned money to and taken an equity stake in a local artisan cheese maker, the Port Townsend Creamery. ─── 他还贷款给当地一个工艺奶酪制造商,并从中收取股权报酬。

12、Students often do their field study in a working dairy farm with its own creamery. ─── 学生往往在拥有自己的奶油生产线的牧场上进行实习的。

13、The antibacterial experiment shows that the product has strong inhibition effect on some bacteriums in rancid creamery. ─── 对混合菌群的抗菌实验表明,该产品具有较强的抗菌活性。

14、creamery butter ─── 酪农奶油

15、Cow’s milk has long-term health benefits and is the safest raw material for ice cream, according to a spokesman for the creamery that supplies milk to Ben &Jerry’s. ─── 乳制品厂向本杰里提供牛奶,它的代言人认为牛奶对人体的长期健康有好处,是制造冰激淋最安全的原材料。

16、creamery waste ─── 奶酪废水

17、creamery cream ─── 粗制稀奶油

18、The monastery possesses also an important creamery for the manufacture of butter. ─── 寺院拥有也是一个重要的酪农业生产的黄油。

19、And Cowgirl Creamery, a cheese shop with an extensive array of foreign and American dairy products, recently opened. ─── 附属设施包括屋顶泳池、健身房、洗衣服务及门卫,这些都是华盛顿老建筑所不具备的东西。

20、You can find McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Cold Stone Creamery, Krispy Kreme, and a few others. ─── 你可以找到麦当劳、必胜客、冷石冰淇淋、脆奶油甜甜圈,以及一些其它快餐店。

21、The outputs of creamery are increasing. ─── 的产量正在增长。

22、2. The outputs of creamery are increasing. ─── 奶油厂的产量正在增长。

23、Crickets actually have 1)nutritional value and are high in 2)protein, says Jordan Levine, a member of the 3)marketing team at Cold Stone Creamery. ─── 冷石乳品厂行销组成员乔丹列文表示,蟋蟀确实具有营养价值,而且富含蛋白质。

24、1. The creamery is in the opposite of our building. ─── 奶油公司在我们大楼的对面。

25、This award-winning creamery uses milk produced by the finest dairy farms in Dumfries and Galloway. ─── 这个获奖的乳品发售店用的牛奶都是由Dumfries和Galloway最好的牛奶场生产的。

26、creamery hose ─── 酪业用胶管

27、minnesota v. Clover Leaf Creamery Co., 449 U.S. 456 (1981) ─── 参见“明尼苏达州诉克劳弗·利夫乳品公司”[1981年《美国最高法院判例汇编》第449卷第456页]一案。

28、Creamery, Flowers, Newspaper and Journal harvest and bespoke Service ─── 牛奶、鲜花、报纸杂志代收代购代订服务

29、Release Vigor Cicadas sound by sound Trees and flowers'shadow Coffee susurrates with creamery Ice pieces collide suddenly The exit to vigor is opened ─── 活力释放蝉鸣声声树阴花影咖啡与牛奶呢喃低语冰块突然碰撞打开活力的出口

30、Butterine and oleomargarine, which must be labelled as such, if of good quality, are nutritious, inexpensive fats to be used in place of creamery butter. ─── 人造奶油和人造黄油质量好的话,营养成份高价格低的脂,可代替乳炼黄油。

31、And Cowgirl Creamery, a cheese shop with an extensive array of foreign and American dairy products, recently opened. ─── 奶酪店CowgirlCreamery最近刚刚开张,销售外国和美国的各种奶制品。

32、Enjoying some cold stone creamery! ─── 心情: Yum!!2 小时前发布。

33、The creamery turns out two hundred tons of butter a week. ─── (turns it out)这家奶制品厂每周生产200吨黄油。

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