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08-20 投稿


centerpiece 发音


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centerpiece 中文意思翻译



centerpiece 网络释义

n. 中心装饰品;放在餐桌中央的摆饰

centerpiece 短语词组

1、centerpiece of ─── 中心

2、calla lily wedding centerpiece ─── 马蹄莲婚礼中心

3、centerpiece bug ─── 中心件错误

4、centerpiece ideas ─── 核心思想

5、centerpiece speech ─── 中心演讲

6、candle holder centerpiece for table ─── 餐桌烛台中心件

7、centerpiece candles ─── 中心装饰蜡烛

8、centerpiece box ─── 中心盒

9、centerpiece quibi ─── 中心装饰quibi

10、centerpiece bowls ─── 中心碗

11、centerpiece life ─── 核心生活

12、centrepiece or centerpiece ─── 中心或 ─── 中心件

centerpiece 相似词语短语

1、centrepieces ─── n.中心装饰品

2、afterpiece ─── n.剧终后的短笑剧

3、mantelpiece ─── n.壁炉架;壁炉台

4、centerfire ─── n.中发式子弹;中心点火

5、centerpieces ─── n.中心装饰品;放在餐桌中央的摆饰

6、centerline ─── n.中心线

7、cane piece ─── 藤条

8、centrepiece ─── n.中心装饰品

9、centerpunch ─── 中心穿孔机,

centerpiece 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The centerpiece of their crime and punishment platform is a national bedtime to promote a well-rested,less crabby country. ─── 她们政纲里有关犯罪和刑罚的中心点是,推广全国性的就寝惩罚方式以使美国成为一个更安逸、少抱怨的国家。

2、A typical scene from the conflict in Afghanistan,where for the first time space -- specifically,more than one hundred orbiting military satellites -- has been a centerpiece of the war machine: A soldier on the ground spots a Taliban target. ─── 在对阿富汗的战争中,太空(尤其是100多颗军事卫星)首次成了战争机器的中心部件。这场战争的一幕典型场景是:地面上一名士兵发现一个塔利班目标。

3、“Claypool is a strategic centerpiece for our company’s future,” said Robert Louis-Dreyfus, chairman of Louis Dreyfus Commodities. ─── “克莱普是我公司未来的战略中心,” 路易?达孚公司总裁罗伯特?路易-达孚说。

4、Into a beautiful parlor centerpiece ─── 中心装饰品

5、It has a prevention component, a treatment component, and a care component, but treatment is the centerpiece. ─── 它由预防部分,治疗部分和保健部分构成,其中治疗是最重要的部分。

6、In fact, Mr. Ayers has become the centerpiece of Senator McCain's campaign over the last two or three weeks. ─── 事实上,埃尔斯先生已经在过去两三周内成为麦凯恩参议员竞选的中心。

7、Since 1921,her birthday has been the centerpiece of National Hospital Week,observed in British and American hospitals with special exhibitions,workshops,and publicity drives. ─── 1921年以来,她的生日一直是英美全国医院周的中心内容,各医院都在这一周举办特别的展览、讨论会和宣传活动。

8、There was also a lot of good burn to back that up, but the artifact destruction was the centerpiece of the strategy. ─── 自然,红色有著大量优质的烧的支持,但神器去除永远是这类策略的核心。

9、We are the world's masters at this ferocious art, and it is destined to be the centerpiece of conflict as far into the future as anyone can see. ─── 我们是这种凶悍艺术的世界级大师,在任何一个人可以预见到的未来时间里,它都还是冲突的唯一的中心内容。

10、The team Spanel alludes to forms the centerpiece of ArmA II's main campaign, the development of which has proved to be something of a challenge. ─── 开发团的队长斯班奈尔还从中透露武袭2的战役开发工作将会是一大挑战,我们知道上作类似于线性的战役模式有点像使命召唤,因此若依旧沿袭上作的战役模式那就显得太随意了。

11、For a holiday centerpiece, use a block of well-soaked foam in a low bowl and insert the stems so that the greenery covers the foam. ─── 如果做假期的中心装饰品,在一个浅碗里放上一些浸好的肥皂泡,然后插入干茎,让叶子盖到泡沫上。

12、A large goose or turkey is an impressive centerpiece for a celebration meal, but you'll have to find a way of dealing with the leftovers. ─── 大鹅土耳其是一个远大的核心还是一个庆祝餐但你一定要找出一个对付剩菜。

13、Well, not so much as I don't like Christmas plays as I don't like being in one! Especially when you're the centerpiece, then things get complicated. ─── 不是不喜欢看,而是不喜欢演!没错。今年的圣诞剧要我演,而且是主角:耶稣!

14、a large table centerpiece with branching holders for fruit or sweets or flowers. ─── 一大桌子由分别装饰的水果或者甜食或者花组成的中心装饰品。

15、It was also known as the first song,as singing (sometimes accompanied by dancing) was the centerpiece of this part. ─── 又因为它以歌唱为主(有时有舞),故又称为"歌头"。

16、China is gearing up to turn its northeastern rust belt, once the centerpiece of Chairman Mao's planned economy, into the country's next engine of growth. ─── 东北曾经是**时期计划经济的龙头。而如今,中国正准备将这块“铁锈地带”转型成为下一个国家经济增长引擎。

17、Centerpiece: the central or most important feature ─── 主要特征

18、On Tuesday, he is to be the centerpiece of a parade that will wind through streets of this city, the capital of a country that is often described as the top of the world. ─── 周二的时候,希拉里爵士将会成为一个贯穿尼泊尔首都城市加德满都所有街道的游行的主角,这个城市经常被人们描述成是世界之巅。

19、The centerpiece of the house was the main suitcase, the one I was forbidden to walk on. ─── 房子的中心装饰品是主要的手提箱, 那一个我对走路是被禁止的在之上。

20、The reconstructed boat, as a symbol of the maritime connections that bound together the communities either side of the Channel, was the centerpiece. ─── 的船只作为航海联络的象征,把海峡两岸的群体联结到一起,这便是它的核心意义所在。

21、A large table centerpiece consisting of a frame with extended arms or branches supporting holders, as for flowers, fruit, or sweetmeats. ─── 分隔饰盘餐桌中央用以放鲜花、水果、糕点的有许多分隔的饰盘

22、2.The centerpiece of their crime and punishment platform is a national bedtime to promote a well-rested, less crabby country. ─── 她们政纲里有关犯罪和刑罚的中心点是推广全国性的就寝惩罚方式以使美国成为一个更安逸、少抱怨的国家。

23、The Taj Mahal itself forms the centerpiece of a 42-acre complex. ─── 泰姬陵的中心墓室错综复杂,占地42英亩。

24、If successful, the centerpiece of their efforts would be a global deal on how to reduce harmful greenhouse gases, by how much, and when. ─── 如果会议如期举行,他们将通过制订减排量和减排时限,达成有关减少有害温室气体排放的全球性协议。

25、A glistening, golden-brown turkey is the meal?s traditional centerpiece. ─── 烤得金黄色的火鸡摆放在餐桌中央,显得闪闪发亮。

26、The tree itself is still there and would later become the university's symbol and centerpiece of its official seal. ─── 树本身仍然存在,并将后来成为大学的象征和核心的官方印章。

27、Often called the eighth wonder of the world, Petra was carved directly from rusty red-and-yellow sandstone and boasts intricate houses, tombs, and a centerpiece treasury. ─── 经常被成为世界第八大奇迹的Petra是直接在红黄相间的锈色砂岩上雕刻出来的,并一直以复杂精细的房屋、墓葬和中心装饰品的宝库自夸。

28、Although Virginia, a warm, nurturing woman, made her son the adored centerpiece of the family, President Clinton said later that he often pined for his birth father. ─── 尽管在弗吉尼亚温和慈爱的照顾下,克林顿成为了家中受人羡慕的中心,但他后来也说过,他常常会想念他的生父。

29、Five years later selective spraying within houses became the centerpiece of global malaria eradication. ─── 五年后,全球灭绝疟疾的工作重心,就是选择性喷洒住屋室内。

30、a large table centerpiece consisting of a frame with extended arms or branches supporting holders,as for flowers,fruit,or sweetmeats ─── 分隔饰盘,餐桌中央用以放鲜花、水果、糕点的有许多分隔的饰盘

31、The "bombs" are the centerpiece of the temple festival. ─── 庙会的压轴节目就是抢炮。

32、The centerpiece of Oracle's mobile platform is Oracle9iAS Wireless, an integrated set of features of the Oracle9i Application Server, which provides the most flexible, scalable and reliable mobile infrastructure on the market. ─── Oracle 无线平台的核心部件为Oracle9iAS Wireless,它是一组集成的Oracle9i Application server 特性,可以提供市场上最灵活、可伸缩性和可靠性最强的移动基础架构。

33、Analyses on Centerpiece of Philosophy from Kant's"Natural"Category ─── 从康德的"自然"范畴解析其哲学的主体性

34、Unlike in some countries in Europe and the Americas, the centerpiece of the financial systems in most Asian countries is credit financing while securities financing is underdeveloped. ─── 与欧美国家不同,亚洲多数国家金融体系以信贷融资为主,证券融资不够发达。

35、Floral centerpiece on each dining table ─── 全场席上鲜花摆设

36、Since then it has been exhibited across Europe and was a centerpiece of the acclaimed 1997 Rauschenberg retrospective at the Guggenheim Museum in New York City. ─── 从那时以来,它一直呈现整个欧洲是一个核心著名钢琴家1997年回顾在古根海姆博物馆,在纽约市举行。

37、The centerpiece of this was dancing (sometimes accompanied by singing), and it was also called wubian. ─── 以舞蹈为主(有时有歌唱),又称"舞遍"

38、Its centerpiece was a communications console on a dais two steps above floor level ─── 它的中心部件是位于地面两级台阶之上的调度台上的通讯控制板。

39、For three years, the school-running system has formed the new pattern of public schools being centerpiece and all sorts of schools developing altogether. ─── 三年来,全市教育办学体制形成了以公有制为主体,多种所有制学校共同发展的新格局。

40、They sat at a table covered by a cloth, with a centerpiece, and ate turkey and trimmings off real chinaware with silver knives and forks. ─── 他们围坐在铺有桌布的餐桌边,桌子中央配以装饰,真正的中国瓷餐具整齐摆放,以银质刀叉大吃火鸡。

41、The centerpiece of her system is an implanted device that regulates her heartbeat, delivers lifesaving shocks when necessary, and wirelessly communicates with her doctors via the Internet. ─── 她的这套系统的中心装饰品能够调节心跳,当病人昏厥的时候,还可以通过因特网同她的医生无线交流。

42、While on the back, the medal is inlaid with jade with the Beijing Games emblem engraved in the metal centerpiece. ─── 奖牌背面镶嵌着取自中国古代龙纹玉璧造型的玉璧,背面正中的金属图形上镌刻着北京会会徽。

43、Since the day of cattle ranchers in the Wild West, beef has been a centerpiece in American cuisine. ─── 从早期西部的牧牛场主时期,牛肉就已经成为了美国人餐桌上的主角。

44、CVN 21 will be the centerpiece of tomorrow’s Carrier Strike Groups and a contribution to every capability pillar envisioned in Sea Power 21. ─── CVN-21航母将会是未来美海军打击群的核心组成部分,将会是美海军在21世纪争夺海上霸权的“顶梁柱”。

45、In this layout, a large centerpiece is the main design called "Medallion".And this layout is the most popular one in handmade carpet. ─── 此种图样由一个突出的大的中心作为主图案,此中心叫奖章或者奎龙,此图案最为常见。

46、This cost-containment commission now appears to be a centerpiece of the administration’s health care goals. ─── 委员会以“控制开支”为宗旨,现在看来,该委员会竟然成为了奥巴马实现医改的关键之一。

47、On their reverse side, the medals are inlaid with jade with the Beijing Games emblem engraved in the metal centerpiece. ─── 奖牌背面内嵌中华玉,正中央镌刻着北京奥运会会徽。

48、And please have a centerpiece for every table. ─── 此外请在每张餐桌的中央放一件装饰品。

49、Agriculture is the centerpiece of the Doha Round negotiations. ─── 农业是多哈谈判的核心。

50、It would also have threatened Ma's hallmark policy of reducing tensions with Beijing , the centerpiece of his six-month old presidency . ─── 其来访亦将威胁马的首要政策-舒缓与北京之间的紧张关系,即其上任六个月以来的施政主轴。

51、Project Phoenix, the centerpiece of the SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) Institute in Mountain View, California, is performing a more focused search. ─── 位于加利福尼亚的芒庭维尤搜寻外星人研究所的重点项目"凤凰计划"的搜索目标更加集中。"

52、The front grille is now lower to the ground, and is the centerpiece of a very Mazda-esque front fascia. ─── 的前格栅现在降低到地面,是一个非常核心的马自达风格前筋膜。

53、The glistening, golden-brown turkey is without exception the traditional centerpiece of the annual thanksgiving feast that abounds with fragrances and flavors. ─── 一年一度的感恩节盛宴当然少不了喷香、多汁的烤火鸡了。色泽诱人的鸡肉鲜嫩无比,只需一小口就可让你满口生香。

54、The centerpiece of the Antonia Graza was its opulent grand ballroom, where couples would dance the night away to the romantic strains of a live orchestra. ─── 安东尼娅-格雷扎号最突出的装修就是有许多豪华的舞厅,在哪儿情侣们可以在管弦乐队现场伴奏的浪漫氛围中整夜地翩翩起舞。

55、" The Blue Room is the centerpiece of the White House decorations. ─── 此外,他们还为布什私宅和总统办公室分别挑选一棵圣诞树。

56、The centerpiece is a luxuriant arrangement of assorted garden flowers. ─── 中间部分是由不同的园林花卉构成的华丽组合

57、But did fondue always have to be the centerpiece of what inevitably comes off as an I Love the ’70s theme party? What if I wanted to make fondue for two? Would we have to wear bell-bottoms? ─── 但是火锅是不是必须总是“我爱七十年代主题派对”中不可避免的中心装饰品?如果我想为两个人做奶酪又会怎么样?我们是不是必须得穿上喇叭裤?

58、Some China experts have suggested that climate change could become the centerpiece of U.S.-China relations under the Obama administration. ─── 中国专家认为气候变化将成为奥巴马政府处理美中关系的重点。

59、Center Dwight Howard is the centerpiece of the franchise, the front-court terror who can dominate games at both ends. ─── 中锋霍华德是球队的核心,他是个及其可怕的内线球员,能在攻防两端统治比赛。

60、The purpose of this article is to explain why the most effective vision for the future Army will be one that refocuses on the close fight as the centerpiece of land warfare. ─── 本文的目的在于解释这样一个看法,即为何对于未来陆军最具眼光的观点就是近距离作战将做为陆战的核心内容重新成为焦点。

61、The future shapes up with figure-skimming princess seams and darts on the jacket, chemise, top and vest. The check hip-length jacket serves as the wardrobe's centerpiece, coordinating with all of the trans-seasonal separates. ─── 未来女装发展趋势是在短外套、女衬衫、高腰衫以及公主线和省道背心。长至臀部的格子上衣可用为女装主要选择,它可以与所有跨季节的单件服装相配。

62、Peking Opera stars, and Liu Qing Liao Where is the centerpiece of theater, they have a happy family and a lovely son. ─── 主要内容:京剧名伶廖凡和柳青是剧团的台柱,他们有一个美满的家庭和一个可爱的儿子。

63、a large table centerpiece with branching holders for fruit or sweets or flowers ─── 一大桌子由分别装饰的水果或者甜食或者花组成的中心装饰品

64、This two-state solution is the centerpiece of the president's strategy, and he wants the boundaries of a Palestinian state defined before he leaves office in January. ─── 布什说:“如今,巴勒斯坦和以色列都明白,只有帮助对方实现目标才能达到自己的目标。

65、The ORB is the centerpiece of the CORBA infrastructure. ─── ORB是CORBA基础设施的关键一环。

66、tailpipe centerpiece ─── 尾管中心件

67、The centerpiece is usually one of many commercially available automation tools. ─── 中心通常是一个许多商业上可用的自动化工具。

68、The lake was expanded and turned into the centerpiece of this magnificient and classical example of a chinese garden. ─── 太液池被扩大了并且改成了中国传统园林的装饰风格。

69、As the centerpiece of his new plan, Welch declared that every GE business must be No. 1 or No. 2 in its industry. ─── 作 为 新 计 划 的 中 心 , 韦 尔 奇 宣 布 通 用 电 气 公 司 的 每 一 项 业 务 都 必 须 成 为 本 行 业 的 第 一 或 第 二 。

70、The globalization of the Russian economy was to serve as a centerpiece of his reform program. ─── 俄罗斯经济的全球化也成了他的改革主题。

71、Hughes, Kennedy and Joba Chamberlain are the centerpiece of the Yankees' future. ─── 休斯,小甘和小张是洋基未来的核心。

72、It is a centerpiece of corporate governance study how to improve producing and management efficiency and reduce agency cost in competitive markets, only to maximize profit or shareholder wealth. ─── 如何在竞争性市场中不断提高企业的生产和管理效率,降低代理成本,使企业利润最大化或者所有者财富最大化,一直是公司治理结构中的一个核心议题。

73、Accordingly a proposal is made that during the"11th FYP"period,the centerpiece of the development strategy of do... ─── 建议“十一五”期间,中国钢管行业应该实施以调整产业及产品结构为中心,开发研究高档次专用管材为重点的发展战略。

74、The centerpiece was a gold sarcophagus with the symbol of the Macedonian king. ─── 墓葬的中心是一座金棺,金棺上可以找到马其顿国王王权的象征.

75、Information Security and the Moral Construction of Network Centerpiece ─── 信息安全与网络主体的道德建设

76、Gardens are the centerpiece of the pavilion. ─── 展馆的核心展品是法国的花园。

77、A complete textbook-in-progress by the instructor, presented in PDF format, is the centerpiece of the course. ─── 由本课程讲师正在编写的教材(以PDF文档的形式在这里给出)是本课程的核心。

78、centerpiece address ─── 最重要的一站

79、The Howard Bros. circus, touted as the world's largest such miniature display, is the centerpiece of the Tibbals Learning Center. ─── 号称世界最大的霍华兄弟马戏团微型展示品是提波兹学习中心主要的陈列物。

80、The wonderful vase you sent should make a wonderful centerpiece on our tea table. ─── 你送的花瓶真棒,正好成为我们茶几中央最好的装饰品。

81、Over a dozen activities, including a centerpiece conference, a trade fair, a cultural week, and a tourism forum will share the spotlight in the days to come. ─── 在接下来的几天里将会有十几项活动,包括主会场大会、贸易集会、文化周、旅游论坛等等将会轮番登场。

82、” As the myth unfolds, the director's visually poetic style pulls the audience into realms both real and imagined in this, the centerpiece to his Orphic Trilogy. ─── 司机怀疑是公主觊觎奥菲斯才杀害他妻子,于是他跟奥菲斯一起穿越镜子,到另一个世界寻找公主和他妻子。法国导演谷克多的杰作,一次将神秘、现实及时间完美糅合的呈现。

83、The centerpiece of their efforts is a state-of-the-art tramway providing service to much of the town, and a network of free, multistory parking lots to encourage commuters to "park and ride. ─── 他们行动的核心是修建一套最先进的、可以到达城市大部分地方的公共电车运输系统,并建设免费的多层停车场网络,以鼓励在城郊间往返上下班的人们“停车转乘”。

84、The centerpiece is a time line that illustrates Microsoft's history with a collection of artifacts and kitschy pop-culture materials from the 1970s to the present. ─── 中心的展示重点是一段年表,以一系列人工制品与七0年代至今庸俗的大众文化物件来说明微软的历史。

85、"For me, " she said, "the centerpiece was the name change. " ─── “对于我,”她说,“核心问题就是改名字。”

86、As the centerpiece of his new plan, Welch declared that every GE business must be No. 1 or No. 2 in its industry ─── 作为新计划的中心,韦尔奇宣布通用电气公司的每一项业务都必须成为本行业的第一或第二。

87、The centerpiece of their solution was a homemade computer with its electromagnetic switches constructed out of nails and copper wire. ─── 他们解决的中心就是在于一台自制的电脑,带有一个以钉子和铜线组成的电磁开关。

88、The centerpiece of the Eden Project is two large domes, the world’s biggest green houses. ─── 伊甸园计划的核心是两座大型圆顶建筑,那是世上最大的两间温室。

89、He said that manufacturers of crisps and candies could play a central role in the Change4life campaign, the centerpiece of government efforts to boost healthy eating and fitness. ─── 他说,薯片和糖果制造商可以在“改变生命”运动中发挥核心作用,这是政府努力促进健康饮食和健身的核心。

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