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08-20 投稿


correlating 发音

英:[?k?r?le?t??]  美:[?k??r?le?t??]

英:  美:

correlating 中文意思翻译





correlating 词性/词形变化,correlating变形

动词第三人称单数: correlates |动词现在分词: correlating |动词过去式: correlated |动词过去分词: correlated |

correlating 短语词组

1、correlating currency pairs ─── 关联货币对

correlating 常用词组

correlate with ─── 找出一一对应的关系;使…与…发生关系

correlating 相似词语短语

1、correlative ─── adj.相关的;有相互关系的;n.关联词;相关物

2、corelating ─── vt.使…相互关联(等于correlate)

3、correlational ─── 相关的

4、correlatives ─── adj.相关的;有相互关系的;n.关联词;相关物

5、correlations ─── n.统计,[数]相关(correlation复数形式);相互关系

6、corrugating ─── v.起皱;使起波纹(corrugate的现在分词)

7、correcting ─── n.校正;[印刷]改版;adj.修正的;v.改正(correct的ing形式)

8、chelating ─── 螯合

9、correlation ─── n.[数]相关,关联;相互关系

correlating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The relationship between plasma endothelin and its correlating factors in primary hypertension patients complicated with impaired glucose tolerance ─── 原发性高血压合并糖耐量减低患者血浆内皮素与其相关因素的研究

2、therefore living thing is a result of particular variable amount of atoms & correlating force or forces to it. ─── 因此,生命是由特殊的原子变量产生的,与力量相互关联或给与力量。

3、Abstract: Objective:To evaluate the value of three-dimensional(3D)power Doppler sonography demonstrating tumor vascularity correlating with angiography. ─── 摘 要: 目的:与血管造影对比,评价三维能量多普勒超声在观察肿瘤血管上的可靠性和对肿瘤定性诊断的准确性。

4、It is composed of many agricultural subsystems correlating each other to form a multiple arrangements complex macrocosm, i.e. a Human machine environment system (HMES). ─── 为此,试图运用人-机-环境系统工程的原理,应用复杂大系统的方法,从宏观、中观、微观等不同的层次和角度,对农业机械化工程的规划与优化进行新的理论研究。

5、In data security, the deduction of confidential data about a particular person by correlating released statistics about groups of individuals. ─── 在数据安全学中,用相关的已公开发表的个别小组的统计数字推断出特定人员的机密数据的推导过程。

6、To extract edge and restrain noise of infrared image efficiently, morphology operators were constructed on the basis of the concept and the properties correlating to percentile morphology filtering. ─── 根据百分位形态滤波相关概念及性质构造的边缘检测算子,进一步滤除红外图像中的噪声,提取图像边缘。

7、All content correlating with websites are finished by a person . ─── 所有与网站相关的内容均由一人完成。

8、We can identify DQA1 and DQB1 epitopes by DQ single antigen beads assay of the antibodies, correlating the beads' reaction patterns with either DQA1 or DQB1 alleles. ─── 我们能够通过抗体的DQ单抗原磁珠检测法来判断DQA1和DQB1表位,包括DQA1和DQB1等位基因的磁珠反应模式。

9、This study may provide the suitable references for collecting money in two counties and offer the correlating data to develop CMS. ─── 本研究结果可为制定适合当地集资医疗方案提供参考及为开展合作医疗后提供对比数据。

10、Correl Have you been able to observe how some persons just do not appear right in a suit and tie? ─── 尽量保持乐观的态度,想着如何成功而不是失败。小心消极的态度和引起消极反应的环境。将梦想变为目标。

11、Your state of unemployment (and the correlating diminished income) would render you a less-than-desirable potential boyfriend. ─── 如果你失业了(而且收入随之减少),你就不是理想的男朋友人选了。

12、Correlating reports with server activities and logs. ─── 将报告与服务器活动和日志联系起来。

13、Your state of unemployment (and the correlating diminished income) would render you a less-than-desirable potential boyfriend. ─── 如果你失业了(而且收入随之减少),你就不是理想的男朋友人选了。

14、Later they referred to the apparently correlating property of increasing, or decreasing respectively, the structuring of water. ─── 后来他们所指的相关性明显增加,或减少,分别组建了水。

15、The cross correlating run should be started in next one or two years. ─── 今后一、两年将会同步运行。

16、Ultimately, the thesis discusses a few issues correlating system of burden of proof of the defendant to complete the designment of burden of proof of the defendant in China. ─── 最后对与刑事被告人负担证明责任相关的几个问题进行了探讨,完成对我国刑事被告人负担证明责任的制度构想。

17、Keywords Passive Optical Networks based on ATM (APON),Media Access,,,, Control (MAC),Access Model,Performance Analysis,Quality of Service (QoS),,,,, Multiple Access,Burst Synchronization,Correl ─── 媒质接入控制;接入模型;性能分析;服务质量;时分;多址;突发同步;相关;系统设计;

18、This bibliography provides references to studies correlating neural structures to the disorder of speech fluency that is marked by involuntary hesitancy, blocks, and sound repetitions or prolongation. ─── 提供对研究神经的结构对于发言流畅的紊乱(不知不觉的迟疑、语塞与听起来重复或延长部分)关联的一个参考。

19、Later they referred to the apparently correlating property of increasing, or decreasing respectively, the structuring of water. ─── 后来他们所指的相关性明显增加,或减少,分别组建了水。

20、If so have you accounted for serial correlation and the reduction in degrees of freedom brought about by correlating smoothed series? ─── 如果是的话,你对序列的相关性和由相关的平滑序列所导致的自由度降低作出解释了吗?

21、The manufacturing manner of gas engine parts has been changed from large quantities and little kinds into varying quantities and more kinds,which results in renovating the correlating technique. ─── 内燃机零部件产品的生产方式已由少品种、大批量演变为多品种、变批量的生产形式,其相关技术也得到革新。

22、The receiver employs a multiple differential detector (MDD) which exploits the correlating characteristics of the signals. ─── 为了有效地利用信号中相关特性的信息,接收机采用了一个多重差分检测器(MDD)。

23、Therefore, the most important criteria for correlating terraces are usually the height of terrace scarps and their trend along river valleys. ─── 因此,阶地的对比经常仅用阶地面与现河床的高差,及其沿著河谷的变化趋势。

24、A measure correlating stock price movement to the movement of an index. ─── 把股票价格的运动联系到指数运动的一种衡量方法。

25、Correlating information with relational nicknames. ─── 关系昵称关联信息。

26、After correlating with database deposited, the direction finding was realized. ─── 与预存数据库进行相关,完成通信测向。

27、A novel associated model based on statistic associating fluid theory (SAFT), which has less parameters, is proposed for correlating NMR chemical shift data for mixtures. ─── 作者从统计缔合流体理论(SAFT)出发,提出了一个能关联混合物核磁共振化学位移,但又不需要假设缔合平衡常数的模型。

28、Keywords flow still;vapor-liquid equilibrium data;correlating method; ─── 流动釜;汽液平衡数据;关联方法;

29、Often more information can be gleaned by correlating events that have specific time-based relationships. ─── 常常通过对具有特定基于时间的关系的事件进行相关,就能收集到更多的信息。

30、DNA content and SPF are independent prognostic factors of epithelial ovarian cancer,correlating with more aggressive biologic behavior. ─── DNA倍体、SPF值与卵巢上皮癌的恶性生物学行为有关 ,可作为卵巢上皮癌的一个重要的预后指标。

31、In this paper, the method of wavelet analysis was introduced into correlating process of VLBI, the applied feature of wavelet theory in VLBI was discussed. ─── 在VLBI观测信号相关处理过程中引入了小波分析方法 ,以探讨小波理论在VLBI技术中的应用特点。

32、Good progress has been made in the researches on correlating genes of breast cancer in recent years. ─── 对乳腺癌分子发病机理的研究已取得不少进展。

33、Her age is calculated based on the molecular clock technique of correlating elapsed time with observed genetic drift. ─── 她的年龄计算是基于与随着时间流逝而观测到的基因演变相关的分子钟技术。

34、C.By correlating markings made in various parts of the world, historians have been able to read this difficult code. ─── 历史学家通过把世界各地留下的这种痕迹放在一起研究,终于弄懂了这种费解的代码。

35、Only by correlating the predicament in modernization with culture change, could we understand the meaning of this proposition and the character of Sinicization of Scientific Socialism. ─── 只有把现代化追求中的困境与文化变革联系起来,才能正确认识这一命题的深刻内涵,把握科学社会主义中国化发展的特点。

36、Correl S E.Application of a dynamic compression system model to a low-aspect ratio fan:casing treatment and distortion[R].AIAA 93-1871. ─── 刘大响主编.发动机稳定性评定-航空发动机进口流场畸变评定技术译文集[C].北京:中国航空工业总公司第624研究所出版,1997.

37、For detailed information about correlating the FID and MID numbers to actual messages or if this error is occurring repeatedly, contact Microsoft Product Support Services. ─── 有关将FID和MID数值与实际邮件关联的详细信息,或者如果此错误反复发生,请与Microsoft产品支持服务联系。

38、Three-dimensional Power Doppler Sonography Demonstrating Tumor Vascularity Correlating with Angiography ─── 三维能量多普勒超声与血管造影对比观察肿瘤血管

39、Correlating message exchanges between parties. ─── 关联各方之间的消息交换。

40、This article presents an analytical formulation or correlating signal subspaces of two closed-spaced vibration modes. ─── 摘要本文旨在以向量空间关联性的方法来分析两个相近频率模组的关系。

41、By correlating markings made in various parts of the world, historians have been able to read this difficult code. ─── 历史学家通过把世界各地留下的这种痕迹放在一起研究,终于弄懂了这种费解的代码。

42、Correlating image low-level feature with high-level semantic is one of the key questions of image semantic retrieval,SVM is an effective way. ─── 摘要 建立图像低层特征到高层语义的映射是图像语义检索的关键问题之一,SVM是其中行之有效的方法。

43、The objective of this thesis is to develop a marketing strategy appropriate for E-DUFE making use of related theory of marketing and correlating with the characteristics of E-DUFE. ─── 本文意在运用市场营销的相关理论,结合东财网院网络教育产品的特点,为学院制定适宜的产品市场营销策略。

44、It provides an output table, a correlation matrix, that shows the value of CORREL (or PEARSON) applied to each possible pair of measurement variables. ─── 它提供一张输出表(相关矩阵),其中显示了应用于每个可能的测量值变量对的CORREL(或PEARSON)值。

45、Leeds J M,Waterton M:Correlating Coating and Metal Loss Data Can Save O&M Money,Pipe Line &Gas Industry,March 1999. ─── 方华灿,油气长输管道的安全可靠性分析,石油工业出版社(北京),2002.

46、A modified equation for correlating experimental data--nonintegral power polynomial equation ─── 拟合实验数据的新方程--非整数幂多项式方程

47、A new decorrelating multiuser detecting algorithm from beamforming gain and correlating matrix is proposed based on the characteristic of beamforming and muiltiuser detection. ─── 本文结合波束赋形和多用户检测的特性,提出一种应用波束赋形增益和多用户相关矩阵的解相关算法。

48、The penetration of antibiotics in the respiratory organ and pharmacokinectic/pharmacodynamic parameters correlating with antibacterial efficiency are descrided. ─── 主要叙述了抗菌药物在呼吸系统的穿透力和同疗效相关的药效学参数。

49、correlating validation ─── 关联验证

50、Correlating coal seams by use of total sulphur content and apparent resistivity is two effective ways in coal geological exploration. ─── 利用煤质指标中原煤全硫含量和视电阻率进行煤层对比,在煤田地质勘探中是两种行之有效的方法。

51、ALCAM/CD166 expression correlating with prognosis,survival rate and clinical pathological parameter of tumor patients has been reported for... ─── 在人类肿瘤,ALCAM/CD166与乳腺癌、前列腺癌、食道癌、结肠癌及恶性黑色素瘤等肿瘤患者的生存率及预后密切相关。

52、Other correlating factors included ethnic group and smoking or nonsmoking status. ─── 其它相关因素包括民族,吸烟与否。

53、By correlating markings made in various parts of the world, historians have been able to read this difficult code. ─── 历史学家通过把世界各地留下的这种痕迹放在一起研究,终于弄懂了这种费解的代码。

54、A common means of correlating requests is to make this an explicit part of the application design. ─── 关联请求的一种普通的方法是使它成为应用程序设计中的一个显式的部分。

55、By correlating markings made in By correlating markings made in various parts of the world,historians have been able to read this difficult code. ─── 把世界各地的刻记互相联系起来,史学家已能读懂这种困难的代码了。

56、Methods The factors correlating with hepatoma relapse after operation were analyzed through clinical investigation of 68 patients with hepatoma relapse after operation. ─── 方法通过68例肝癌术后复发的临床观察,分析肝癌复发的相关因素。

57、The manufacturing manner of gas engine parts has been changed from large quantities and little kinds into varying quantities and more kinds, which results in renovating the correlating technique. ─── 摘要内燃机零部件产品的生产方式已由少品种、大批量演变为多品种、变批量的生产形式,其相关技术也得到革新。

58、They take a wide-area sampling and attempt to discover any correlating attacks. ─── 他们通过大范围的取样,然后努力的找出相关性的攻击。

59、Study on development strategy of medical and biological techniques correlating with medical protection against New Concept Weapons ─── 新概念武器医学防护的相关医药生物技术选择性发展研究

60、Often more information can be gleaned by correlating events that have specific time-based relationships. ─── 常常通过对具有特定基于时间的关系的事件进行相关,就能收集到更多的信息。

61、The pattern of numbness of her left hand and jerking of her left arm, correlating with the location of her bat bite, suggested rabies rather than the more common infections that cause encephalitis. ─── 此外,她的左臂会间歇地抽搐,左手麻木、左臂抽搐的模式,与蝙蝠创口的位置相关,因此造成脑炎的应该是狂犬病毒,而不是一般的感染。

62、An ECSEmitter that can be used within the Application Server environment for creating, correlating and sending events. ─── ECSEmitter,能在Application Server环境中使用,以创建、关联和发送事件。

63、Only by correlating the predicament in modernization with culture change,could we understand the meaning of this proposition and the. ─── 只有把现代化追求中的困境与文化变革联系起来,才能正确认识这一命题的深刻内涵,把握科学社会主义中国化发展的特点。

64、In the study, Buckingham Pi theorem was adopted to derive the important dimensionless parameters for correlating conditions of accretion formation in the similar systems. ─── 实验可观察到水模及蜡模之固凝物皆为圆锥状,内部皆有一与管径相同之中空圆柱供气体流通。

65、Based on experimental results,a new heat transfer correlating expression was derived. ─── 在实验的基础上,提出了一个新的、可以较方便使用的传热计算关联式。

66、Discussion on Correlating Laborers'Compensation Insurance with Prevention of Industrial Accidents from the View of Adjusting the Premium Rate in Advance ─── 从提前调整费率论日本劳灾保险与劳灾预防相结合

67、By correlating markings made in various parts of the world, ─── 历史学家比较了散布在世界各地的同类标记,

68、In the final concluding remarks, put forward the initial suggestion about Applying of electronics letter of credit and making of correlating laws to our country. ─── 在最后的结束语中,对我国的电子信用证的应用及相关立法提出了初步的建议。

69、in data security,the deduction of confidential data about a particular person by correlating released statistics about groups of individuals ─── 在数据安全学中,用相关的已公开发表的个别小组的统计数字推断出特定人员的机密数据的推导过程


71、ECG-Cornell Criteria Correlating with UCG-LVMI and Its Value in Detection of Hypertensive Left Ventricular Hypertrophy ─── UCG-LVMI相关的ECG-Cornell标准及其在高血压左室肥厚中的临床价值

72、To explore clinical effects and correlating factors of laparoscopy applied in the patients of female infertility. ─── 摘要目的探讨腹腔镜手术在女性不孕症诊治方面的临床应用及相关影响因素。

73、Communication Direction Finding Technique for Single-Channel Phase Correlating Interferometer ─── 单信道相位相关干涉仪的通信测向技术

74、one is "wage-risk" approach which calculates VSL by correlating a person s wages with the degree of risk she or he encounters at work; ─── 工资-风险法通过分析一个人的工资与其工作风险之间的关系来估算生命价值;

75、This article first clears up the correlating theories and results, and introduces a new organizational learning model-a model based on knowledge map. ─── 本文在对前人相关理论研究成果进行梳理的基础上,首先从理论研究的角度出发,提出了基于知识地图的组织学习过程模型。

76、This article has reviewed MRI of vertebral hemangioma and diagnostic value of MIII in evaluating the aggressive hemangioma by correlating MR appearance and histological findings. ─── 本文通过脊柱血管瘤MR和组织学相关性对照分析,综述脊柱血管瘤的MRI及其在评价侵袭性血管瘤中的作用。

77、Correlating variations of b values and crustal deformations during the 1990s may have pinpointed the rupture initiation of the Mw 7.4 Izmit earthquake of 1999 August 17 ─── 1990年代期间b值和地壳形变的相关变化能够确定1999年8月17日伊兹米特M_W=7.4级地震的破裂起始

78、Correlating a Trace with Windows Performance Log Data ─── 将跟踪与Windows性能日志数据关联

79、This article has reviewed MRI of vertebral hemangioma and diagnostic value of MRI in evaluating the aggressive hemangioma by correlating MR appearance and histologica... ─── 本文通过脊柱血管瘤MR和组织学相关性对照分析,综述脊柱血管瘤的MRI及其在评价侵袭性血管瘤中的作用。

80、The correlating analyzing between the clutch size and egg weight or egg length suggest that it is notability negative correlation. ─── 对窝卵数与卵重和卵大小之间的相关性分析表明,窝卵数与卵重和卵大小之间呈显著的负相关。

81、Under the condition of the chosen local reference signal, we may obtain the amplitudes and the appearing time of all peaks in the correlating process. ─── 对于选定的本地参考信号格式, 分析得出在相关过程中所有可能出现的相关峰的幅度及对应的出现时 刻。

82、In order to study the fluctuation characteristics of the wind loads acting on the cantilevered grandstand roofs, the wind-velocity time series of the single point and some correlating points are numerically determined by the AR method. ─── 为获得作用于体育场主看台悬挑屋盖结构的脉动风速特性,采用AR法模拟得到了单点水平风及多点相关脉动风的风速时程。

83、Correlating the effective properties of composite materials with their microstructures is a basis for optimization design of composite materials. ─── 摘要 建立复合材料的有效性质与微结构参数的关联,是复合材料优 化设计的基础。

84、New Equation for Correlating Data of Substance's Saturated Pressure ─── 拟合液体饱和蒸气压的新方程

85、Based on these experimental data, the correlating formula of ammonia equi-pressure to SO42- concentration is developed. ─── 所得数据经过回归处理得到杂质(SO42-)对磷铵料浆氨分压影响的经验式。

86、Problems That May Arise in Application of the Correlating Principle to Reality ─── 关联方准则在实务应用中可能存在的问题

87、On correlating dynamic ET endoscopy findings in 60 of 63 ears in the case group with middle ear manometry, we noticed that 38 ears showed complete agreement and 22 ears showed disagreement. ─── 在进行中耳测压的病例组的63例耳中,我们对其中60例耳进行了相关的鼻内镜下咽鼓管运动动态检查,我们注意到有38例耳表现完全一致,而有22例耳表现不一致。

88、hydrologic correlating ─── 水文相关

89、The research self-harmonious and its correlating with anxiety of university students ─── 大学生自我和谐状况及其与焦虑的相关研究

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