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08-20 投稿


scriptural 发音

[ 'skr?pt??r?l]

英:  美:

scriptural 中文意思翻译



scriptural 网络释义

adj. 圣经的;手稿的;依据圣经的

scriptural 词性/词形变化,scriptural变形

副词: scripturally |

scriptural 反义词

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scriptural 短语词组

1、scriptural rosary ─── 玫瑰经

2、scriptural rosary meditations ─── 念珠冥想

3、scriptural sorrowful mysteries youtube ─── 圣经悲伤的秘密youtube

4、scriptural poem ─── 圣经诗

5、scriptural rosary sorrowful mysteries ─── 圣经中的玫瑰经悲伤的奥秘

6、scriptural joyful mysteries youtube ─── 圣经欢乐之谜youtube

scriptural 同义词

lettering | playscript | calligraphy | words | speech | alphabet | libretto | play | character | handwriting | composition | book | cursive | letter |writing | hand | penmanship | text | screenplay

scriptural 相似词语短语

1、scripture ─── n.(大写)圣经;手稿;(大写)圣经的一句;n.(Scripture)人名;(英)斯克里普丘

2、unscriptural ─── 基督教《圣经》中没有的

3、scriptures ─── n.经文,经典著作

4、scriptorial ─── adj.和书写有关的

5、scripturalism ─── 圣经主义

6、sculptural ─── adj.雕刻的;雕刻般的

7、scripturally ─── adv.根据圣经地

8、scripturalist ─── 圣经家

9、scripturism ─── 圣经主义

scriptural 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、While she closed with a happy Scriptural flourish, he hooked a doughnut. ─── 当她以一句《圣经》里的妙语格言作为结束语时,他顺手牵羊偷了一块油炸面圈。

2、 In Tibetan Buddhism there are a large number of scriptural texts that have come down through various spiritual beings who have left them for us to study and supplicate. ─── 藏传佛教中,也有着大量的经文、仪轨,经由诸多崇高的大师一直传承下来,他们为我们留下了经典和仪轨,让我们去学习和祈祷。

3、2.A Prakit language that is a scriptural and liturgical language of Hinayana Buddhism. ─── 直到现在,小乘佛教仍然流行于傣族地区。

4、He would always exhort Mahima to meditate on the meaning of the scriptural texts and to practise spiritual discipline. ─── 他总是劝诫玛希玛冥想经文的意义,然后实践灵性戒律。

5、But the Snake, proud of his ancient eminence in Scriptural history, was strictly orthodox, and did not accept the scientific view. ─── 但是,蛇,他在圣经历史的古隆起骄傲,是严格正统的,不接受科学的观点。

6、I have to be careful, testing what is written according to scriptural counsel. ─── 我不得不很警惕,依照圣经的劝勉测验所写的是什么。

7、Breakfast over, Aunt Polly had family worship: it began with a prayer built from the ground up of solid courses of Scriptural quotations, welded together with a thin mortar of originality; ─── 早饭过后,波莉姨妈做了祷告。 开始的一篇祷告词完全是从《圣经》中引用来的,其中还掺杂着星星点点的新意。

8、Contemplation is a prolonged period of conscious thought about some specific topic, usually a religious ideal or scriptural passage. ─── 沉思是一种在特定主题上的延长的清醒思考,通常是某个宗教想法和经文。

9、Thus, we may say that modern Americans--or any literate people with an unvarying scriptural basis for their religion--have no myths. ─── 因此,从民俗学的角度来讲,我们可以说,现代美国人(或者其他不以恒久不变的圣经作为宗教信仰的有文化的民族)没有属于他们的神话。

10、Scriptural Interpretation of Conrad's Ocean Novels ─── 康拉德海洋小说的圣经阐释

11、My call is to the young in heart, regardless of age--to the stout in spirit, regardless of party--to all who respond to the scriptural call ─── 我号召心灵上的年轻人,无论年纪多大--号召精神上的强者,无论属何党派--号召大家响应《圣经》的呼唤

12、System of beliefs and practices including belief in Scriptural authority,plain dress,adult baptism,foot washing,restriction of marriage to members of the group. ─── 包括相信圣经权威,主张成人洗礼,洗脚习惯,和禁止外婚的一种信仰与实践的教会体系。

13、The heart of "reproof" we hear all over the place today is not based in scriptural doctrine! ─── 今天所宣扬的所谓“责备”其实根本没有圣经依据!

14、A Study of Buddhist Scriptural Literature ─── 佛经文学研究

15、There is much good merit to be gained from listening to or reciting even once this abridgement of Atisa's summary of the main points of all the scriptural texts. ─── 即使只一次听闻或诵读阿提沙此一总摄一切经典要义之略说亦有无数功德。

16、Liberals call this scriptural fundamentalism and note that being gay is not a matter of choice. ─── 自由派称这种反对代表了圣经原教旨主义,并指出同性恋不是一种个人选择。

17、114. They are belligerent in their denouncing of Scriptural authority. ─── 他们存心挑衅,藐视圣经的权威。

18、A monk who does not boast even slightly of his family, handsomeness, caste, learning, penance, scriptural knowledge and character observes the religion of humility. (88 ─── 僧侣应当谦虚,不应当夸耀其家庭,容貌,出身,知识,修行,对佛学典籍的认识以及性格。

19、the doctrine or belief that the Gospel frees Christians from required obedience to any law,whether scriptural,civil,or moral,and that salvation is attained solely through faith and the gift of divine grace ─── 唯信仰论,一种基督教教条或信条,认为福音书使基督徒们免于遵守任何律法,不论经文、民法还是道德准则,只有通过信仰和上帝的恩惠才能得到拯救

20、The Controversy took its name from the fact that true scriptural theology, the Protestant Faith as shaped by and embedded in Scripture, was on the ‘downgrade. ─── 这场争论的名字来自这个事实,就是那真正的圣经神学,由圣经塑造,蕴藏在圣经中的抗罗宗信仰,正处在“降格”之中。

21、"scriptural" saying forthrightly is Marx the result of the critically research to plutonomy and history. ─── 《手稿》直接地说是马克思对政治经济学和历史的批判研究的结果。

22、Aside from scriptural study, since no major principles of their religion contradict it, most Buddhists tacitly accept the theory of evolution. ─── 除了文字研究,由于佛教没有什么主要信条与进化论冲突,大部分佛教徒默认接受进化论。

23、A mystical interpretation of a word, passage, or text, especially scriptural exegesis that detects allusions to heaven or the afterlife. ─── 神秘解释对可查出的关于天堂或死后典故的基督教经文的词、段落或文章的神秘解释

24、a mystical interpretation of a word,passage,or text,especially scriptural exegesis that detects allusions to heaven or the afterlife ─── 对可查出的关于天堂或死后典故的基督教经文的词、段落或文章的神秘解释

25、A theory or doctrine of types, as in scriptural studies. ─── 如在圣经研究中铅字的神学或教义

26、Thus what men say is taken on board as the truth of God without any Scriptural ground. ─── 因此为何人们讲出来的东西会当作从神而来的真理而没有任何圣经基础。

27、A short Scriptural passage read after the psalms in certain church services. ─── 圣经章节在一些教堂仪式中唱完赞美诗后所读的《圣经》片断

28、Doubtless there is an example here for us to follow should we become engaged in some scriptural disputation. ─── 毫无疑问,这里对我们来说是一个例子,让我们自问是否应该紧紧地纠缠在一些经节的辩论上。

29、These, then, are the scriptural reasons for examining the Alpha Course. ─── 这些就是出于圣经的原因去试验启发课程。

30、Now, many years later, Louie has not forgotten the lesson of that scriptural principle. ─── 多年后的今天,路易牧师仍牢记这项属灵原则。

31、A Prakit language that is a scriptural and liturgical language of Hinayana Buddhism. ─── 巴利语记录小乘佛教典籍所用的一种印度语言

32、The Jivamukti Yoga method emphasizes asana, vinyasa, scriptural study, devotion, prayer, music, chanting and meditation as well as animal rights, veganism, environmentalism and political activism. ─── 吉瓦目克提瑜伽法着重体位、流式、圣经学习、虔诚、祈祷、音乐、唱诵、冥想及动物权利、素食主义者、环境保护和政治活动。

33、”The deep root of all Scriptural theology is this: Absolute dependence on God. ─── 圣经所有的话语最深切的就是这一句:“完全依靠神。”

34、He encouraged his brother disciples to intensify their meditation, scriptural studies, and other spiritual disciplines. ─── 他鼓励他的兄弟门徒加强冥想和灵性学习,还有其他的灵性训练。

35、Casting off the influence of medieval Scholasticism, he promoted scriptural studies on the eve of the Reformation. ─── 他摒弃中世纪学院派的影响,在宗教改革的前夕提倡圣经研究。

36、of solid courses of Scriptural quotations, ─── 从《圣经》中引用来的,

37、The following is a list of scriptural proofs that indicate the rapture will be Pre-Tribulation. ─── 底下是这些支持灾前提的经文清单。

38、And while she closed with a happy Scriptural flourish, ─── 在她背了《圣经》中的一句妙语格言作结束语时,

39、They may say, for example, that a certain scriptural account of creation is a metaphor. ─── 例如他们可能说某些圣经创造的说明就是一个隐喻。

40、Indeed, adherents of scriptural authority show distressingly little curiosity about the (normally highly dubious) historical origins of their holy books. ─── 确实,圣经权威的追随者们表现出让人忧伤的对他们的圣书历史来源(一般是非常可疑的)的毫无好奇心。

41、Thus he realized the significance of the scriptural statement that anyone dying in Benares attains salvation through the grace of Siva. ─── 因此他意识到经文陈述的意义,那就是每一个死在贝拿勒斯的人都会通过湿婆的优雅而获得拯救。

42、Self-complacent, impudent, deluded by vanity and haughtiness due to wealth, the demoniac perform sacrifices out of pride, in name only, such sacrifices are performed without any regard for scriptural injunctions. ─── 洋洋自得,放肆无礼,由于富有而被空虚和傲慢所迷惑,着了魔的人是出于自尊才供奉祭祀,仅仅是名义上的,这样的供奉祭祀与经中规定的指令毫不相干。

43、Presbytery and not Prelacy, the Scriptural and Primitive Polity ─── 长老而非主教,圣经与初期教会治理

44、Finally, Scriptural reference is often given for the source of the genealogical placement. ─── 最后,圣经常常提到给予安置源系谱。

45、their relations are indicated by the patterns of scriptural language; ─── 他们的关系是由圣经使用的语言的方式所描述的;

46、a short Scriptural passage read after the psalms in certain church services ─── 在一些教堂仪式中唱完赞美诗后所读的《圣经》片断

47、When we read the scriptural promises of God's willingness to work through His committed people there seems to be no doubt that the fault lies with us and not with Him. ─── 当我们读经时毫无疑问的发现,上帝应许愿意通过他忠心的子民工作,问题往往由于我们不配合,而不是由于上帝。

48、Two late 4th-century movements were also very important: (1) the Shang-ch'ing (Supreme Purity) Mao Shan sect, and (2) the Ling Pao (Sacred Jewel) scriptural tradition. ─── 四世纪后期的两个运动也是十分重要:(1)商朝的茅山派(极度的纯净);(2)依照经文传统的铃定(神圣的宝石)。

49、Tsi Ku Chai began its business in 1958 on Wyndham Street, Central District, as a dealer of traditionally bound books, used books, rubbings of stone inscriptions, and Buddhist scriptural books. ─── 集古斋开业于一九五八年,当时店址位于中环云咸街,主要经营古籍、旧书、碑帖、佛经等业务。

50、But it was he who brought the issue forward, pointing out that it was not his own idea but had been suggested to him by a scriptural prophecy. ─── 不是伯多禄推荐了他们,而是所有在场的人。至于他本人,他提出了一个建议,并指出这建议不是从他而来的,要上溯到一项预言。

51、And while she closed with a happy Scriptural flourish, he "hooked" a doughnut. ─── 在她背了《圣经》中的一句妙语格言作结束语时,汤姆顺手牵羊偷了一块油炸面圈。

52、Thus, we may say that modern Americans--or any literate people with an unvarying scriptural basis for their religion--have no myths. ─── 因此,从民俗学的角度来讲,我们可以说,现代美国人(或者其他不以恒久不变的圣经作为宗教信仰的有文化的民族)没有属于他们的神话。

53、Despite no scriptural references for January the 6th, it was selected as the day the wise men supposedly arrived to offer gifts to the newborn Christ. ─── 尽管一月六日没有任何经文上的依据,仍选择其为假设智者来给新生基督赠与礼物的日子。

54、In Tibetan Buddhism there are a large number of scriptural texts that have come down through various spiritual beings who have left them for us to study and supplicate. ─── 藏传佛教中,也有着大量的经文、仪轨,经由诸多伟大的精神导师一直传承下来,他们为我们留下了经典和仪轨,让我们去学习和祈祷。

55、This religion cannot be traced to a specific founder nor does it have a "holy book" as a basic scriptural guide. ─── 这种宗教无法追溯到一个特定的创始人,也没有一本“圣书”作为基础指引。

56、A Divine and Supernatural Light, Immediately Imparted to the Soul by the Spirit of God, Shown to be Both a Scriptural and Rational Doctrine ─── 二是本卷所载第五篇,圣灵以神超自然之光直接照彻人心,乃合乎圣经和理智的道理

57、scriptural references ─── 《圣经》引文

58、Therefore, one should not abandon humility at any cost. Even a person with less scriptural knowledge can annihilate his Karmas, if he has humility. (472 ─── 因此,人们无论如何也不能丢弃谦卑。只要一个人谦卑,即使他只有很少的知识,他也能破除因果报应。

59、A person who reads aloud certain of the scriptural passages used in a church service. ─── 下级教士在教堂礼拜中大声朗读《圣经》段落的人

60、A reading desk with a slanted top holding the books from which scriptural passages are read during a church service. ─── 诵经台一张顶部倾斜的书桌,上面放有经书,在教学礼拜时可以从中读取经文段落

61、a reading desk with a slanted top holding the books from which scriptural passages are read during a church service ─── 一张顶部倾斜的书桌,上面放有经书,在教学礼拜时可以从中读取经文段落

62、it was simply preposterous that this boy had warehoused two thousand sheaves of Scriptural wisdom on his premises -- a dozen would strain his capacity, without a doubt. ─── 汤姆内心可能从来没有真正渴望过获得这种奖品,不过,毫无疑问,许多天以来他的全部身心都在渴望得到随着这种奖励而来的光彩和荣誉。

63、That those who love this work, and bear it upon their hearts, will follow the Scriptural injunction to pray unceasingly for its triumph, we take for granted. ─── 凡是爱护且经常关心祷告的人才能遵守圣经的吩咐,不住的祷告直到得着答应,我们都承认这是必然的。

64、The religious element, boosted by the great revival that has swept Muslim societies across the globe, adds a scriptural drumbeat to the call. ─── 大规模信仰复兴横扫全球穆斯林世界,其煽起的宗教因素给这样的号召加上了来自伊斯兰经典的鼓声。

65、In sixteenth-century England, veneration of Mary was a central issue in public controversy about the sense of Scriptural text, religious images, and religious practices in Christian life. ─── 十六世纪的英国,玛丽亚的崇拜是公众争论的一个中心主题,那是关于经文的理解,宗教肖像和基督徒生活的宗教实践。

66、Before examining the Scriptural evidence for this, however, some clarifications need to be emphasized to avoid misunderstanding. ─── 不过,在查验圣经的证据之前,有些澄清需要加以强调,以避免误解。

67、names had crept incongruously among the scriptural and classical references. ─── 有些印第安名称很不协调地掺杂在经文和典故中。

68、“That those who love this work, and bear it upon their hearts, will follow the Scriptural injunction to pray unceasingly for its triumph, we take for granted. ─── “凡是爱护且经常关心祷告的人才能遵守圣经的吩咐,不住的祷告直到得着答应,我们都承认这是必然的。

69、During worship in the temple, following the scriptural injunctions, he would imagine the presence of the "sinner" in himself and the destruction of this "sinner". ─── 在庙宇崇拜期间,他跟随着经文的指引,内心会设想出“罪人”,还有“罪人”的毁灭。

70、a Prakit language that is a scriptural and liturgical language of Hinayana Buddhism ─── 巴利语,记录小乘佛教典籍所用的一种印度语言

71、The first is known as vaidhi-bhakti, or love of God qualified by scriptural injunctions. ─── 第一个被认为是规范性奉献服务,或者说是根据经文规定来爱神。

72、The right kinds of knowledge are: direct perception, inference and scriptural testimony. ─── 知觉,推论和经典是正知。

73、It's as if in some way, we're being invited to measure the lady's speech against the scriptural text that supplies its rhetorical foundation. ─── 就好像在某种程度上,我们被邀请去比较这位女士的演讲和圣经中提供的修辞基础。

74、(2) you will be made aware that all the scriptural texts are to be taken as sound advice, as there is no contradiction between the texts, and the practice; ─── 是故印藏诸大德,咸共依此胜教授,由此三士道次第,宁有智人不欢喜。


真的 我一拿塔羅牌他就來看 好像跟看得懂似的



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